
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04 -21-21

Oh my goodness,  oh my goodness I've got a GH Fever pitch  ... keep reading my darlings I'll reveal all in this post for the episode of April 21 st 2021.

Todays show started  with the  Nixon falls nonsense of the dance forgive me for saying this as a Carly and Sonny fan I find it boring .

Especially since Nina is  preying on Sonny like a black widow spider.

Cameron  is back at Joss' harassing her again . I understand he's grieving but he doesn't stop and consider how Joss must feel.

Carly telling   Jason she couldn't risk a shoot out and Florence getting  hurt.

Finn is frustrated as he can't figure out how to help Chase and make him better. 

Willow can't find the words to tell Chase it's over between them. Michael watches from outside and looks very jealous.

Chase  is  telling Willow he dreamt about her. Awe he really is a sweet sweet man. 

Michael  shows up to speak to Chase he cracks a joke about how he ordered him a sponge bath. Lol  ... I love the writers cheeky humor. 

Finn needs to calm down, he's not thinking rationally and I'm glad that  Portia is telling him to let other doctors take care of Chase. 

Cam is still running off at the mouth upsetting Joss.

Peter shows up at the hospital to find out how Chase is .... NOT more like antagonize  Anna and try to get her to make a deal with him trading the antidote for Anna convincing Maxie to have an audience with him and take him back.

Peter follows Anna onto the stairwell at the hospital still shouting like a loon and trying to force Anna's hand. 

Willow is feeling awkward around Michael and Chase so she goes to speak to Portia. 

Portia goes off on Finn telling him to calm down and Elizabeth steps into the breach as his friend so  calm her friend down even after he had the nerve to snap at her.

Joss is talking to her dad after Cameron leaves.  She tells him about what  Cameron said to piss her off royally. 

Joss makes me laugh when they discuss Cyrus and Gladys Corbin and in true Carly Jr Fashion says " Gladys Corbin is a lying liar that lies!"


Carly says were doing it my way this time ! Jason is taken aback by  her intenseness and she tells him I'm putting a stop to it now !"

Scott shows up and talks to Cam he tells him that he has to see things from Joss' perspective and not to ruin their friendship based on his grief and anger.

Scott says  cam should go 10 rounds with  him not anyone else

He says I think it's time to call Cam's grandpa Jeff to help Elizabeth and the kids heal.
He calls  Liesl for a chat.

Cam gets in contact with Joss and  she tells him she didn't like how they left things .

Portia telling Willow to stay strong and support Chase .

Back in Nixon Falls Elijah the skeezy son of a bitch is sniffing around Nina.

Sonny does not like it at all and tells him as much.

Peter acting like a petulant child and smashes the antidote even after Anna says she'll help him what a jerk.

Jax shows up in Nixon falls looking for Nina after telling Joss he's going to fly his plane.

And finally  the moment I've been waiting for Jason is told that he's getting a cellmate. 

The camera pans as a black prisoner is put in the cell with Jason. Lmfao Jason gets the wtaf face as the camera reveals ....

Shawn freaking Butler who is one of the coolest dude's ever along side Jason  Sonny and Curtis .

Is it getting hot in here or is it just me .

Shawn asks Jason " I wonder who set this up?" We all know it was Carly  who did .

Until tomorrow  guys,  this is Ashley signing off have a great night everyone .

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