Good Afternoon me lovelies, happy Friday whose ready to head to Port Charles.
I so can't wait to see what Sonny is up to.
Sonny has broken into Elijah's business while Nina stalls Elijah.
Over at the Corinthos mansion Carly has Diane over she asks her if she wants a drink. Diane politely declines an is totally annoyed with Carly for not informing her of her and Jason's plans.
Carly tells her she wants her to help her revise her Will to be prepared just in case something happens to her .
At the Quartermaine's Michael and Willow talking about Wiley.
Brooklyn watches a birthing video and is freaked out by whole thing.
She talks to Maxie about the organizing of the plan and about how they're going to execute it . They discuss the new nurse looking after her Maxie. She says she made arrangements for the rental in Beaches Corners. I hope this plan comes to fruition.
Meanwhile Brooklyn gets a visit from Valentin as she's leaving to meet Maxie.
Poor Maxie sees Peter and asks how long he's been eavesdropping on her oh brother.
Maxie and Brooklynn are both uneasy about Peter and Valentin sticking their noses into their business. I can't say I blame them.
Lucy is thanking Brando for being so good to Sasha and Gladys decides to stick her nose in where she definitely does not belong.
Carly tells Diane she just wants to update her Will and she finds out Avery wants to sleep over .Awe so sweet Carly is happy at last.
Elijah gets a call from his security company saying there's been a break in . Is Sonny about to get his ass arrested for breaking and entering oh my God seriously geez.
Michael and Willow talking about Chase and how she thinks Finn is keeping something from them. The doorbell rings and Michael answers it . He says Ned still lives there so don't ring the doorbell.
Valentin questions Brooklynn as to why she's playing hard ball. Ned says that its in her genes when she won't back down from Valentin tries to pressure her about the baby.
Peter won't stop harassing Maxie about the baby. She tells Peter she needs to go see Dr Navaro. He needs to back the hell off what an absolute asshole and Control freak he is.
Omfg Avery is so cute wheh she saw Diane. she called Diane Aunt Diane and asks her to go with her to see Donna upstairs. Ava said that Avery melts Diane's hardened heart.
Diane shouts i heard that . Lol Ava wants to know what Carly is up to lol. As if she has to ask. Lmfao I love these women so much.
Phyllis asks Sonny what he's up to that she saw him put money in the cash register.
She says he's too generous for his own good.
Elijah's wondering why anyone would break into his office. The police show up and he leaves to go to the police station to make an official statement about the break in.
Ava is questioning Carly about what Carly has been up to while Ava had the dinner party with Nikolas' uncle Cyrus uh oh. Lmfao.
Cyrus is skulking around Sasha she tells him off for prying into her business and her life.
Lucy tells Gladys that Sasha had a heart attack and that Brando was there for her.
While Valentin is talking to Michael and Ned Brooklyn gives Valentin and her bodyguard Uri the slip lol. God I love her so much .
Willow says that Valentin is a devoted father and will be the same way with the new one.
Valentin over hears this.
Brooklyn and Maxie meet up and Maxie gives her the key for the rental at Beaches Corners. Brooklynn promises things will work out
Maxie promises the baby she will keep her safe . Let's hope the plan works for her .
Ava says she has a new appreciation for Carly and any help she wants she will definitely will be willing to give it to her.
Sonny and Phyllis talk about Nina and he says he definitely cares about her .
Meanwhile Nina goes into Elijah's office and breaks into his computer I hope she doesn't get her ass caught doing what she's doing.
At the Q's Valentin is worried about Brooklynn. Brooklynn walks in hearing her dad say they should check the local jail.
Peter doesn't want anyone knowing he hired the nurse and not Maxie . He's so crazy .
Dr Navaro asks Maxie if everything is alright with her. Peter skulls around her, he totally unnerves me with his antics I can't stand it.
Lucy is worried about Sasha when she's talking to Gladys. She asks Sasha if Cyrus is her baby daddy. Lmfao hell no . Geez man.
Diane makes me laugh she says , well the meeting went well there's no blood on the floor. When Ava leaves Diane tells her to be careful. Oh brother Carly says she'll be fine .
Ned asks Michael to tell Olivia how much he enjoyed seeing her today. Michael walks Willow to the door i love them both.
Sasha is about to tell Brando that she's pregnant. Holy crap and Gladys thinks Cyrus is the baby daddy oh lord and congratulates him. I really really hate Gladys Corbin.
Also Maxie is told they have to induce her her labor and have the baby now wtaf seriously.
Back in beaches corners Nina is told by Sonny to get out of Elijah's office now. But its too late Elijah's caught her snooping around .
That's it for now, this is mama Ashley signing off until next time have a wonderful weekend me lovelies and ill see you back here same time same channel on Monday .
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