
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 17 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-17-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  its that time again to hitch a ride back to Port Charles for our daily dose of General Hospital.

After last week's episodes I'm hoping certain creightons are dealt with once and for all.

To be honest with you all  I'm tiring of people like Peter and Cyrus Renault sucking the energy out of us long time fans and our faves with their egotistical control freak ways. 

Today's show starts off with....  Valentin telling Brooklyn  that he and Charlotte are moving into the Q mansion.

Peter finds out that Maxie is going to have the baby today and can go home tomorrow. 

Anna calls Tiffany  for help and  she watches  Finn with Elizabeth. 

Sasha and Brando talking about their night of passion. 

Gladys tells  Cyrus he's going to be a father . He looks so confused .

And we see Carly arrive with her men at metrocourt.

Sonny urges Nina to get out of Elijah's office and she gets caught skulking around . Honestly this bitch isn't as sneaky as our Carly babes that's for damn sure what an amateur she is  Lmfao.

Finn is talking to Elizabeth and  Anna interrupts.  He tells Anna that  he had to tell Elizabeth because she and Cam were frantic.

He also tells her that Peter is pilung up too many victims . Whoa. 

Maxie is asking what the rush is about inducing her labor .

Dr Navaro has some concerns  oh boy .

Peter thanks Dr Navaro and says they won't take her advice. 

Nina covers and pretends to be talking to Phyllis

Brooklynn is pissed that Valentin is trying to call the shots. She shouts for Michael abs he and Monica arrive .

Monica finds out that  Valentin wants to move in to the Q's Monica actually likes the idea wtaf.

Brando and Sasha get into a heated discussion  that alerts Carly who looks annoyed .

Peter is insisting that they stick to the birthing plan. Dr Navaro says if anything does happen the labor will have to be induced 

I love Finn talking about Violet and how they clap for chase like they do for Tinkerbell in Peter Pan.

Gladys is seriously getting on my nerves , she is  insinuating things that she shouldn't. 

Cyrus tells Gladys that Lucy Coe is a nasty  gossip.  Lmfao when Gladys tells him that Lucy told get that he made Sasha pregnant.

Carly is pissed at Brando for annoying Sasha.

Cyrus asks to speak to  Brando alone uh oh.

Nina sinks her claws even deeper into Sonny.

Sonny is furious with Nina and she says he's over reacting over nothing.   

Gladys approaches Carly  and tries to suck up to her.  I really can't stand this stupid woman.

Carly tells Gladys she backed the wrong horse.

Brando tells Cyrus that Carly was just annoyed about  him talking to Sasha .

Cyrus questions why Carly would  be angry with him .

Monica tells  Brooklynn off for not protecting herself from Peter and that Valentin was right. .

Peter keeps trying to control Maxie , I keep wishing she would stab him and kills him like she did the other skeezy Peter who had the nerve to kidnap her in 2014.

Anna shows up to see Maxie and Maxie says that Peter is stalking her . Anna says she wants to help Maxie hide and have the baby.

Ooh Peter needs to be put down like a dog now he's sent reporters to harrass Cameron.

Elizabeth tells Finn all of this  , plus  she says that Cameron needs to be protected because Peter killed Franco not Jason. 

Nina says Sonny doesn't need to use a gun to protect her or himself . You can't mold  people into the image you want them to be.

Sasha is told by  Carly to stay away from Brando and from Cyrus . Sasha tells  Carly that she's pregnant by Brando.

Cyrus is suggesting to Brando that Sasha could lose her modeling career since she's pregnant. 

Code speak for  tell her to abort the child. Brando is starting to panic omfg.

Nina says to Sonny if you're done lecturing me let's look at these records of payments that Elijah made. 

Nina says " This my friend is a slush fund !"  Meaning extra cash that  can't be accounted for. 

Carly is shocked that  Sasha is pregnant by Brando and  she asks Carly not to tell Michael. 

Carly tells Sasha to hide her pregnancy from Brando.

Cyrus is  annoyed with Brando because he hasn't helped him find his mother. 

Monica says Brooklynn gets the final decision of  whether Valentin and Charlotte are going to move in or not. 

Monica says they need to decorate the nursery and it's completely bare.

Valentin agrees.

Anna tells Maxie that she will help her and that Peter will start to fall apart once he realizes that he will not get his hands on Maxie's baby.

Maxie says she will protect her baby   just like Anna protected Robin from danger.

Anna gets a call from Tiffany and its bad news , I'm guessing it's because Sean has died. 

Brooklynn agrees to Valentin moving in and says she has conditions he has to follow.

Monica says while Valentin is watching Brooklynn she will be keeping an eye on Valentin. 

Valentin says we have to agree on everything they discussed.

Elizabeth threatens Peter for harassing her family. 

Peter is shown on the phone saying he's having  nurse Chloe  taking Maxie out of town to have the baby . Oh hell no

Maxie finds out her God Father Sean Donnelly had died oh no.

Cyrus wants Brando to bring the man who impregnated Sasha to him they need to have a man to man chat. 

Sasha is freaking out that Carly is telling  her to lie about who the father of her baby is.

Gladys tells  Cyrus Carly doesn't like him and he says that's too bad I admire her greatly. 

Nina and Sonny continue to investigate Elijah.

She watches as Sonny locks  up the gun.

Elijah is pissed that Nina may know something and tells someone over the phone that he'll take care of it .

Ooh Nina has become a target  stupid   brainless idiot .

That's it for now me darlings , this is mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

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