
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 24 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-24-21

Good afternoon me lovelies  it's that time again to head to the  exciting fictional world of Port Charles New York.

From what I saw  of the preview things are about to blow up in epic proportions Cyrus has no freaking idea about what is about to come his way.

Whatever it is and whomever puts the final nail in his , Peter's and Elijah's coffin's I will be damn proud of them.

Todays show starts off with Someone thrown down stairs.

It says 7 hours earlier .

Carly is helping Gladys settle at the hotel .

Cyrus talks to Brando about Britt

Brando goes to see Sasha and she says what are you doing here .

Maxie thanks Spinelli for watching James for her.  He says Georgie likes spending time with her little Brother.

Britt shush Jason and says she's becoming one with nature .

Sonny and Nina find a note from Phyllis and Lenny saying they're getting a new part for the jukebox and will be back by 5.

Sonny says the sooner Elijah is behind bars the better.

Omfg Britt says she's becoming one with nature .

I love Spin worrying about Maxie.

Maxie is upset about Sean dying and she says time is passing and you lose time with people. 

Sasha says they shouldn't be caught talking to each other. Peter watches them.

Gladys made me laugh,  she says well don't make everyone curtsey to you like you're the queen of England .

Diane and Carly ask Gladys to recant her statement and say she saw Peter get rid of the gun.

Britt and Jason are so cute lol. Cyrus summons Peter to come see him. They start to talk .

Nina makes a date with Elijah despite Sonny's warnings about his nasty ass.

Sonny says what the hell was that after she hangs up .

Love Sasha and  Brando 

Peter asks what Cyrus wants from him.

Peter says  he likes Jason being far away , Cyrus wants him dead.

He tells Cyrus that he saw Brando and Sasha getting chummy.

Cyrus says Carly and Laura  think they're not true to their public persona's and think they're above the law.

Gladys says she'll tell the cops everything. 

Lol Britt and Jason talking about camping and the forest and how its so peaceful

Nina says she's going to Elijah's BBQ and how Sonny can search the place. 

Sonny doesn't like her making herself a decoy.

Poor Maxie  is so worried about her baby. 

Nina is taking unnecessary risks , she's crazy. Even Sonny agrees with me about the whole thing. 

Love Brando and Sasha talking about their baby. She says she doesn't want to pressure him.

Peter says he's gonna work the mob lady angle .

Lmfao even Cyrus calls Gladys a greedy narcissis. Lol .

He found out  through a phone call she's about to flip on him.

Britt and Jason are adorable   , he tells her to close her eyes and tell him what she hears and feels around her. 

Jason is so good for her.

Maxie says she keeps thinking she won't hold her baby in her arms . Spin says your working through your fears.

Sonny walks back into the pub Nina left without him . OH BROTHER!!!

Britt's results are in they're going to go find out .

Carly gives Gladys what for what she tried to do to them. 

She says Gladys is only worried about saving her own skin. Gladys says yeah  I'm looking out for myself and my son too. 

Carly tells her guard to watch Gladys and goes to take care of a guest downstairs .

Maxie is petrified about the baby she let's it slip that she doesn't want to  let her go.

Spin hasn't clued in to what she actually meant. 

I love Brando and Sasha so much . Peter tells Cyrus that Sasha and Brando looked a little too close and he's worried that Gladys will change her statement now .

Sonny is worried about Nina he can't get a hold of her.

Sasha tells Brando they should have takeout in .

Maxie is about to expose her plan to Spinelli. I love these 2 together  .

Britt gets her test results  , she tells the doctor to stop.

Peter had gone after Gladys oh shit.

Sonny gets a visit from a police officer,  Nina is in trouble. 

Maxie is about to tell Spin about her plan.

Britt finds out she has Huntington's disease .

Carly finds Gladys missing 

Brando meets with  Cyrus and sees his mother gagged and tied up.

6 hours later  it says it looks like Peter was pushed down the stairs .

Wow what a great episode guys until tomorrow this is Mama  Ashley signing off  have a great  evening everyone. 

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