
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-21-21

Good morning me lovelies happy Saturday , please excuse the tardiness of this blog I had a busy day yesterday. 

On the  Friday May 21 st episode  of GH it felt like Sean Donnelly's and John Reilly 's spirit were there with his daughter and his fellow castmates for his  memorial episode. 

So the episode started off with everyone gathered to remember Sean Donnelly and  John Reilly.  Felicia was not speaking to Anna and Mac removed himself from the situation so they could talk. 

It was stressful and hard to watch the 2 best friend's arguing and what's more it was filled with mystery too.

Laura went missing and Sean's daughter kept  lol accusing our amazing legends of trying to make her pass over her father's files. 

I loved seeing Robin and how she talked to her mom about Felicia. It was amazing that Felicia stepped up and apologized to Anna saying that Sean would expect her to do the right thing and make up with her .

And yes they did , I love them so freaking much.

The flashbacks they showed of John Reilly made me smile and I'm glad they did the show this way .

In the meantime Maxie had a visit from Peter and Bobbie managed to see him off and she agreed to help Maxie deliver her baby. 

Oh my dear sweet lord , something seemed off I swear to god . First Laura went missing   then Monica appeared to be drugged. 

Then Robert got hit over the head , Annie became paranoid and accused them all of trying to steal her dad's files. 

We eventually discovered that it was all a test that was set up by the WSB and Annie passed the test  and was presented with her WSB security card. 

What a lovely episode ❤   , I enjoyed it immensely. 

That's it for now,  until Monday me lovelies this is Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone .

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