
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 05-20-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  i am super stoked to see what's going to happen on today's episode for Thursday May 20th 2021

After yesterday's show I can not wait to head to Port Charles and see what our fave characters are gonna be up to today .

Secrets and home truths were delivered , yesterday so I'm so ready for certain people to be dealt with in an appropriate manner. 

So today's show starts off with Sam having a visit from Dante .

He rolls a tire into her  penthouse lol and says look familiar. 

Alexis' cell mate is being released from prison.

Sean gets a visit from TJ and he tells his son

Tj says he's never too busy to visit his dad and Sean tells him that he is working on getting Paroled.

Laura tells Nikolas and Ava she's glad they both came to see her and that Cyrus has become a problem. 

Sasha and  Brando prepare to speak to Cyrus as he arrives at deception. 

Carly tells Gladys that they need to stop Cyrus from finding out Sasha is pregnant. 

Gladys says its too late .

Lmfao Sam is being a total bitch to Dante and she's trying to deny that she did it.

Dante presents her with a bill for his tire repairs. Lmfao.

Alexis' cellmate praises her for helping her find her voice. 

Laura says that Nikolas has become a target  because he went behind Cyrus's back and is buying Pentonville. 

Oh my frigging god Cyrus us so obsessed with Sasha . Its so gross.  Sasha tells Brando to go so she can handle Cyrus Alone.

Carly tells  Gladys because she opened her big mouth she just painted a huge target on her own Son's back .

Oh my God Dante lol ... and Sam... he asks her to confess to wrecking his tires. 

She says she was home reading Scout a story .

I love Sean and  TJ   he says he ran into Alexis and  he says Alexis gave him a kick up the backside. 

Nikolas is having a flashback of talking to Sean and Alexis while Laura talks about Cyrus . She says Nikolas made the best  move to protect Alexis  by buying Pentonville with his Cassadine money .

Separately  Cyrus and Gladys are driving me freaking crazy .

Cyrus starts telling Sasha how taken he is with her Sasha tells him you're only interested now that Brando had had me .

Gladys starts bitching about Sasha's being a model and a coke head and that Brando would never touch her since Cyrus likes her.

Carly hears the door bell and sees Brando who starts to confront his mom whose pissed at him for getting Sasha pregnant and asks him if its true .

Lmfao Sam is making me laugh with Dante lol, she references old Macdonald had a farm about Dante finding something in the barn Britt and Jason were hiding out in.

Alexis thanks Maggie for letting her help her and that it helped her being in prison  to keep her focused and not drinking. 

Sean tells  TJ that he did not shoot Hayden Barnes.

He tells TJ and Molly to be careful because the real shooter is still out there.

Laura and Ava are so proud of Nikolas and how he's going to make sure prisoners like Alexis are protected. 

Sasha lol is laying it on thick with Cyrus she tells him that  its none of his business who her baby daddy is. 

Carly and Gladys are worried about Brando now that Cyrus could possibly find out he impregnated his latest obsession. 

Dante tells Sam that he doesn't believe Jason is guilty of killing Franco and that he's only guilty of escaping custody.

He says that he knows  his dad's  perpetually resentful cousin Gladys framed Jason. 

I love Dante he wants to bring Jason home.

Tj asks if his dad has any idea who actually shot Hayden he says no.

Sean says he wants TJ to save him a seat at his graduation.

I love Laura , Nikolas and Ava lol,  Ava says  she heard Cyrus was on the losing end at the 5 families meeting.  She says Carly really handed him his ass and she wishes she had been there to see it. 

Carly demands that Gladys recant her statement about Jason to protect Brando and put Cyrus in prison. 

Dante and Sam are talking  he says if she pulled the same crap with another cop she'd be arrested. 

Dante says , that everything is good and that he knows where to come to get the cash for his tire repairs. 

I love Sean he tells Alexis that TJ finally called him dad and he's gonna take her on her offer to get him out of prison. 

Laura and Nikolas and Ava start making their plans against Cyrus.  Laura says that Carly is  doing what she has to protect her family. 

Sasha tells Cyrus the man she slept with is nothing like him and he needs to leave. 

Carly   Brando and Gladys  talk about Cyrus she and Brando tell her they know Cyrus paid her to frame Jason.

Sam shows Dante outside the door  a few seconds later there's a knock at the door .

She finds the check she gave Dante all ripped up.

I love Sean wanting to be out of prison. 

Nikolas and Ava convince Laura that Cyrus will feel more isolated if Carly  and they protect things from both sides.

Laura says it makes him more dangerous. 

Gladys says " So how do we protect me and my boy? He works for Cyrus .

  Brando says To  Carly  " Sonny Trusts you so what we do now. Carly says get Gladys to recant her statement and we do everything we can to get Cyrus back in prison. 

Hot damn I love it .

That's it for now guys , this is mama Ashley signing off until next time have a great evening everyone. 

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