
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-26-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  welcome to our GH Recap for Wednesday May 26th 2021.

Things are heating 🔥 up in Port Charles and Nixon Falls and I couldn't be happier .

I know you must be living under a rock or not paying attention,  if you have to ask why  I'm so jazzed up and ready to reach into my inner Carly .

News  flashback guys on yesterday's  show Cyrus tried to Brando to kill his own mother.

  Also  Carly and Spin are on the move to find Gladys . its  also because  Peter's  demise is on the horizon  , Jason and Britt kissing, and Sonny reaching into his inner bad ass to expose Elijah for the rat he is  enough for me to grab my 🍿 and watch it all go down.

And let me tell you today's show promises to kick some serious ass. Its time to pay the piper Cyrus and Peter.

Todays show starts off with Peter on the stairs and  he's got the passports.

Maxie passed out in the nurses car and the nurse shouts at Peter over the phone oy vey. 

Brooklynn calling Maxie and  Valentin talking to her about it.

Willow and Michael bring  Chase home.

Brooklynn and  Valentin are like what???

Elijah is attacking Nina He grabbed her wrist and shouting in her face.

Brando turns the gun on Cyrus there are no bullets in the gun.

Ava arrives to see Cyrus at Gh oh boy Nina's asks her what she's doing there .

Carly says they have to find and rescue Gladys now. 

Cyrus knows Brando has been on Carly's side the whole time. 

Britt and Jason kiss continued and about to make love. 

In the second segment Britt and Jason taking each others clothes off wow wow wow. 

Willow asks Chase if he wants to go straight to his room   but he's in pain and goes to get his meds .

I love Michael and Chase as friends. 

Omfg Elijah is  being an asshole and he  threatens Nina , he knows that Nina knows who Sonny really is .

He's grabbing her tighter. 

Nikolas is told by Ava that she knows he's there to see Cyrus too.  Nikolas says he offered him an olive branch . Nava are going to work together to take Cyrus out .

Spin has audio in the room that  Gladys is being held . He tells Carly that he can hear Brando's voice. 

They're at Cyrus's warehouse. 

Go Brando sooth your mama  tiil  help comes. 

Carlys guys come to rescue Gladys and Brando.

In the third segment brittson are making love,  I love them together so much .

Chase tells Michael he feels guilty about Willow being at the hospital with him and not Wiley and Michael.

Holy shyte Nina is getting attacked and Sonny knocks the mother effer out .

Spinelli tells Carly he's found the location. 

Carly's men tell Brando that Carly sent them to get him and his mother out of there .

Omg Lmfao Brooklynn is worried about Chase being there .

Maxie wakes up and realizes she's been kidnapped  is this chick for real she doesn't know Maxie.


In the fourth segment Spinelli tells Carly Gladys was shot and Brando's taking her to the hospital.

Nina is lying to the trooper about what actually happened and that Elijah is ripping people off.

Michael tells Brooklynn that he and Willow are just co-parenting and are friends .

Brooklynn is getting ready to meet Maxie.  She makes an excuse to keep Uri busy with a crib missing screws . LMFAO.

Maxie do something  stop this bitch.

This nurse is psycho

Britt is acting all shy now lol , Jason asks if somethings wrong. She says its not what she expected and she's emotional. 

Brando carrying his mom into GH Portia is going to look after her.  Ava and Nikolas watch in horror. 

He tells them his mom was shot and  he doesn't know by who .

In Segment 5 Sonny starts to tell the trooper off, but Nina stops him from doing so.

Sonny's telling the trooper that's probable cause to look into Elijah's finances. 

Brando thanks Carly for looking after Sasha to protect her.

Carly tells Ava and Nikolas that Cyrus shot Gladys because  she can prove that Jason did not kill Franco. 

I love Brittson they are so sweet .

This nurse is so ridiculous,  and idiotic and has no idea who Peter really is.

I love Chillow lol , but I love Willow with Michael.

Brooklyn tricks Uri,slipping out the door and is about to leave,  but Valentin stops her oh no lol.

So in segment 6 Britt is accusing Jason of giving her pity sex. Lol.

She wants to know why he's leaving her. 

Ava and Nikolas are dismissed by Carly,  who leaves . 

Ava tells Nikolas she's not leaving .Valentin won't let Brooklynn leave. 

Maxie insists she's not going into labor .

Maxie throws hot tea in the nurses face  go Maxie run .

Sonny tells Nina he asked around as to where Elijah might have taken her and put herself in harms way.

Oh my God Sonny kissed Nina wtaf

In the last segment  Valentin won't leave  Brooklyn alone. 

Who knew she spoke Russian. 

She managed to sneak out to meet Maxie. 

Jason tells Britt he's not leaving her.

Willow tells Michael that Chase is asleep   and Uri asks where Brooklynn is.

The nurse has the needle and goes after Maxie who has a weapon from the fire place.

Nina is shocked by Sonny's kiss

Portia tells Brando that she is required by law to report a gun shot wound .

Carly gets a call unknown caller Its Cyrus he has Spinelli and he wants to trade him for something. 

Oh my freaking god .....  this is why I love my GH, its full of drama , angst, intrigue , romance and kick ass Action. 

Until tomorrow me beauties , this is mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

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