Meanwhile Sonny kicked Elijah into touch for man handling Nina . Buddy boy needs to watch who he puts his hands on in future .
And poor Maxie has been kidnapped by that crazy psycho nurse on Peter's behalf.
So whatever next is going to happen in the Port Charles neck of the woods on today's May 27th 2021 episode i wonder.
Today's show starts off with Someone finding Peter dead. Then it says 4 hours earlier .
Peter calls Chloe and we see Maxie escaping after having clobbered Chloe over the head .
Jason and Britt kissing again and we see Dante and Sam arguing over soft bsll
Carly on the phone with Cyrus he wants to exchange Spin who he kidnapped for Gladys.
Lmfao Dante and Sam drive me nuts , but I love Brittson more . Jason feels guilty about getting Britt involved in the whole Cyrus mess.
Britt says she wanted to help him, she walked through the door. Britt says she should go back to Port Charles.
Love Jason telling her to stay safe .
Cyrus is demanding that Carly not keep him waiting . Ava says that they have 2 interests in common keeping Avery safe and getting Cyrus.
Ava offers to be a hostage.
Maxie is in the middle of the woods and in labor Holy Hell .
Jason and Britt talking he says he doesn't rescue people all of the time. He tells her about his past with Sonny.
I love how easy it is to confide in her. She asks if he's proud of the skill of being an enforcer he says no but I'm grateful for it.
Nikolas says " I'm not going to let you offer yourself up as a hostage Ava !"
Carly says " i'll set it up and keep you safe !" Nikolas says Carly is out of control. Carly tells Ava you don't have to do this.
Ava says I know , but I want to . Carly calls Brick and tells him to assemble the team.
Oh my goodness gracious me .... Maxie is in labor. Chloe is on her trail . Valentin tells Peter to stop harassing pregnant women.
Maxie says " What us with my children and the great outdoors, first James now you !"
Lol then she says " At least we're away from Peter!"
Carly says " Good you understand my instructions!"
Sam and Dante are annoying the hell out of me . She acts way too cocky for my taste.
I love Britt and how she and Jason are opening up to each other. I love it .
They really are amazing together and totally get each other. Jason gets a call on his burner phone from Carly he asks her what's going on.
Oooh Valentin threatening Peter i love it. Peter iss such an asshole I can not stand this prick.
Maxie lays down in the dirt and species to give birth there Maxie screams oh no.
Carly and Jason are talking and she asks to talk to Britt and asks how Jason is doing .
She tells him Cyrus grabbed Spinelli and wants only to meet with him.
Holy hell .... Cyrus is playing hard ball Jason tells her not to get too close to the situation.
She tells him she has a decoy, Jason kisses Britt and leaves .
Yawn , I do not like Dante and Sam together they are boring me , they're like two annoying teenagers who won't admit they like each other.
Roger Howarth is back and he finds Maxie in the woods .
Shirtless and he says he can deliver her baby for her . He's so sweet and polite.
Peter needs to shut his freaking pie hole. He is such a creep I hate him so much .
Valentin asks for another dose of the antidote for Chase.
Carly meets with Cyrus she demands to see Spinelli and says Gladys wasn't feeling very co-operative.
We see Ava in the car, Carly says there is another way we can deal with this oh man.
Peter says he admires Valentin as a father and tells him not to get in his way.
Roger's new character is helping Maxie give birth. She is rambling lol and he is super freaking creepy.
Carly says " look around the wheels are coming off your bus !"
She tells him he needs to cut his losses and disappear.
Cyrus is taunting her saying she's no leader at all . He says you come at me again I will show now mercy .
Carly says get Gladys... Ava is told its show time.
Carly sees the gun on Spinelli and says " "Don't !"
Omfg Peter us a lunatic, he's fantasizing about Maxie and the baby .
Valentin calls Anna to tell her that Peter is up to no good .
Maxie's baby isn't breathing... Dante gets a call from Jordan.
Nikolas gives himself as a hostage.
Oh my good God!
Swing batter batter swing great show lol lots of drama I freaking love it !
Until next time, this is mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone.
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