So according to the plot in the TV guide ...
Britt anticipates a fight . Carly confides in Diane.
Sonny makes a connection , Olivia is annoyed with a houseguest lol .
Anna receives devastating news.
Today's show starts off with ... Nina and Sonny on a stake out .
Carly talking to Diane and Britt and Jason making plans .
Maxie tells Peter the baby is fine , but she has to leave town.
Anna eavesdropping on Finn and Chase. Willow is looking up how she can help Chase.
Brooklynn and Ned talking happily until they hear Olivia scream. Valentin walking around half naked.
Willow doesn't like lying to Chase she tells Michael or anyone else . But she also says she doesn't feel right taking advantage of Finn and Chase .
Finn says that Chase is not leaving the hospital.
Anna tells Robert that Sean died .
Olivia flips out about Valentin walking into her bedroom half naked .
Britt wants to call Maxie and check in on her.
Carly tells Diane that
Gladys backed the wrong people( mainly Cyrus ) instead of her own family.
Carly says she wants to appeal to Gladys' better nature Diane says not possible and Carly tells her that she knows something that Gladys doesn't.
Sonny and Nina see that Elijah has gotten rid of all of the mom and pop stores .
Oh brother he's a shark and a skeezy one at that.
Maxie is beginning to be annoyed with Peter.
Jason says that Britt is taking a risk using the burner phone.
Robert says Sean was suffering from dementia they are so devastated.
Anna says she's not going to the memorial.
Willow says she hopes Finn isn't withholding information from Chase like Chase suspects.
Lmfao the Q's are killing me Oliva is so annoyed about Valentin and Ned wants to know why she's sleeping in the guest wing.
Sonny and Nina questioning a woman named Barb who works at one of the local businesses.
Carly tells Diane that if she tells Gladys the info she knows about Sasha to get Gladys to recant her story about Jason killing Franco.
She tells Diane Sasha is pregnant and Brando is the father.
Olivia and Ned lol are getting back together.
Lmfao Olivia is freaking out about Valentin living at the Q's lol.
Michael and Willow hear the shouting and walk into the front hallway.
Olivia rants about Valentin walking in on her half naked while he was in a towel .
Lmfao Brooklynn says she likes the towel look on Valentin he tells her like wise.
Diane says that they could get Cyrus with Gladys' help lol and exonerate Jason.
Carly says she sees no other way to help Jason than exposing Sasha's secret.
Anna is told by Finn she should go to the funeral for Sean and not worry about Chase
She says she could get Valentin to deal with Peter .
Maxie says she doesn't need the day nurse at the spa with her. Britt calls Maxie asking her if she and the baby are OK and if she managed to keep Peter away from her.
Britt is asking Maxie if she's there , Britt has clocked it that Peter is with Maxie hovering over her.
Maxie asks if she and Jason are ok.
Britt says she's hoping she keeps him at arms length.
Nina needs to stop butting in on stuff that's not her business. If I were the residents of Nixon Falls or Corinth I'd tell the bitch to mind her own business.
Britt says I was hoping you'd be sleeping Jason says no .
Jason says they'll be at the safe house a couple of days and he wants a doctor to check Britt's hand.
Anna and Robert are at the Q's to tell Monica that Sean Donnelly had passed away. They ask what Valentin is doing there .
They tell him Sean Donnelly has died and Valentin looks upset.
Chase is getting angry with his dad Finn for keeping things from him about his health. Its Chase 's health at stake not Finn's.
Nina needs to stop poking in all the right corners she could get her stupid and killed.
Carly has decided to not betray Sasha . Diane says sentiment is a luxury she can't not afford now that she's in charge.
Jason is questioning Britt why she's dodging her diagnosis so hard and not going to see a doctor .
She says she doesn't want to use a fake passport to get medical treatment.
Anna is hoping there is some thing that could help her find something to help Finn.
Maxie says she'll do everything in her power to keep her baby safe .Peter is so Dumb he has no clue Maxie is one step ahead of him and doesn't trust nurse Chloe.
Robert gets up to leave and Ned and Olivia talk about how they are not okay with Valentin staying at their home.
Ned says he's grateful that Olivia is there for Brooklynn. I want them back together Pronto.
Sonny has a flashback of the guy who robbed the pub he's the same guy whose working for Elijah.
Carly is on the phone she is talking to Gladys she says she's sending a car to pick her up to come see her she wants to discuss something with her.
Brooklynn calls a friend to ask her to lie for her .
Maxie makes plans for the spa and says after hanging up that she'll be long gone before the day nurse realizes.
Jason tells Britt he will be there for her while a Canadian doctor checks her Out and diagnosis her tremors .
Finn yells at Chase who says be wants to leave the hospital against his doctors orders.
That's it for now, this is mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone.
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