
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 28 June 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH 06-28-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  I am super stoked to see today's GH .

It looks like it's going to be an earthquake shaking week .

Today's show  starts off with poor Nikolas he's using a punching bag  having memories of Ava dumping him.

Lucy  says trouble with Ava Jerome i see and tosses him a towel.

Nina calls Sonny and gets the answering machine and leaves a message. 

Ava and  Nina talking they have catching up to do.

Brando runs into Sasha at the hospital

Valentin asks Anna if she wants to walk the area again.

Carly asks Brick how much trouble they're in.  Jason says the  warehouse is a complete loss.

Nina apologizes Ava for not keeping in touch sge tells Ava about  Michael asking her to come see Wiley.

Nina says she doesn't  know where home is anymore.

I love Brando and Sasha and their respect for each other.

Sasha has baby brain and forgot to invite Brando to the appointment.

Awe Maxie and  Laura talking at the metrocourt about Peter and her kids.

Anna is putting the pieces together she is finding holes in Maxie's story .

As my cousin says " Honest truth lol , when will she learn lol !"🤣😂 the truth always makes it back up to the surface. 

Sasha is worried about springing her pregnancy on Nina uh oh.

Oh no Gladys is  questioning Sasha lol and wants to know who she used to be .

Laura tells Maxie not to worry about Peter to focus on the kids and Maxie leaves to meet up 

Anna says she has a de ja vue vibe about Austin.

Lmao it's about time someone said it .

Jason and Carly have  to  decide whose in charge. 

Brick says because the mob hits will keep coming if they don't. 

Laura and Scott talk about Ava and Nikolas . Ava approaches them.

Ava says Laura doesn't need to know.
 what's going on omg . 

Ava apologizes to Laura for being rude, Laura wants to talk to Ava alone. 

Scott is so effing nosey  

Jason tells Carly peace is not an option they have to fight back.

Nina invites Maxie to go back to work.

Oh God Gladys is such a nosey assed bitch ugh. Sasha tries standing up to Gladys , but she says what kind of game are you playing Sasha Gilmore. 

Whatever next is going to happen .

Awe Ava tells Laura about her fears. 
Laura says she understands but you were both happy.

Ava says she has to protect Avery and Nikolas as well as herself.

Ava walks over to Scott and he says he has no interest if she has no interest in Nikolas' money.

He leaves to meet a new client. 

Ava runs into Nikolas 

Ava says to Nikolas that they're finished upon him approaching her .

Anna and Valentin continue to investigate

Lucy and   Nina talk about  Sasha .

Lucy tells  Maxie to leave upon seeing her. 

Sasha lol is so funny she faked her out and laughed at Gladys.

She leaves for her meeting and Gladys decides to mouth off about Sasha to Brando.

Laura tells Nikolas that Ava told her everything that has been going on with the knife and the note.

Austin meets with Scott.

Oh my god,  poor  Carly and Jason worried about the retaliation against them.

Austin tells Scott he wants info on Jason .

Nikolas tells Laura that he is not going to give up on  Ava .

Ava shows up at Carly's to see Avery .

Ava tells Carly abd Jason they have a Stalker and that she's left Nikolas. 

Scott is intrigued by  Austin and Brando tells his mom no one asked her for her opinion.

Gladys runs off at the mouth about Sasha.

Love Brando he puts his mom in her place she tells him he trusts the wrong people. 

Omfg Lucy shut up,  she us annoying me more than when Maxie goes turbo chipmunk.

Nina sees Sasha pregnant

Valentin refuses to leave Anna investigating the baby's disappearance.

Nikolas tells Laura he's laying a trap for the Stalker.

Carly feels bad for Ava, Ava is trying to justify her decision.

She asks if she can go see Avery .

Carly asks Jason are you thinking what I'm thinking. 

I know where Carly is going with this she thinks it's the Novak's

That's it for now  , this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

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