
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06-29-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  it seems certain Port Charles residents think their actions are justified .

Nina is a crazy mentally deranged woman,  as I said before 2 wrongs don't make a right  she needs to be found out about keeping Sonny away from Carly Pronto. 

As for Gladys she is a vile nasty woman. 

Today's show starts with Finn in his  office. Elizabeth brings him the lab results for Chase .I hope it's good news at last so he can stop blaming himself and for Chase. 

Elizabeth says  stop thinking about Peter.Anna  and Valentin got caught in the rain they say the baby is  gone. 

Brooklynn talks to Michael about Chase being paralysed.They talk about Willow and how close they are  when Joss over hears them. 

Joss is so nosey questioning Michael about him and Willow and if they're back together or not oh brother. 

Scott is about to find out about Britt as he talks to Liesl about what's bothering her oh geez poor Liesl.

Carly suspects Ava or Nikolas are behind the hit on their warehouse.

Maxie is happy about Sasha being Pregnant, but Nina looks upset. 

Brooklynn needs to stop hovering over Maxie She should be able to work.

Anna feels that Peter has the baby and that his slimy paws are 100 % responsible for the  death of the nurse and disappearance of Maxie's baby.

Finn finds out that Anna is trying to piece everything together to find Peter.

Elizabeth apologies to Finn for talking to Anna and her discovering things. 

Finn tells Elizabeth he doesn't want Jason involved in this at all this is driving me totally insane just tell the truth already for God sake .

Scott offers to take Britt and Liesl our for steak but Liesl  and Britt decline.

Jason and Carly talk about showing the five families they have no power struggle between them as friends.

Maxie is upset that brooklynn left the baby with a nanny at the Q mansion. 

Scott approaches Michael about being a share holder at ELQ wtaf seriously .

Anna and Valentin reminise about the old days  .Britt and Liesl talk about her diagnosis  and about their men . Awe.

 Finn says he's going to confess.

Carly and Jason talk about making a business move .Scott is annoying  me and questioning Michael about ELQ.

It's none of his damn business. 

Joss talking about posting college volleyball practice Michael senses something is up with her. 

She seems preoccupied with something and not telling him whats bothering her and what 's going on.

Maxie and Brooklyn talking about her working with her and that Brooklyn letting her see her baby every day away from the Quartermaine's.

Carly and Jason talk about making a  big move . And Elizabeth and Finn are worried about their confessing to their crime of killing Peter at the hospital. 

Britt says she's not worried about being sick and that she may not have the chief of staff position.  Britt tells her mom to tell Scott about Britt's diagnosis.  Gosh I love this  they are being so real with each other. 

Carly and Jason are upset about what's to come with the rival mob families.  Joss tells Michael that she can't  forgive Cam for shooting Jason. 

She asks how he  could let Nina see Wiley.  My God Nina and Sasha want to do a campaign to find Maxie's baby.  This will screw up Maxie and Brooklyn's plan to keep the baby safe.

Finn tells Elizabeth   he's called Scott and that he's on his way .She asks if he's sure he's doing the right thing.

Violet and her nanny show up at the office the nanny says that Violet can't sleep.  Poor little peanut gets picked up by her daddy for a hug.

Carly is freaking out and she is worried that people will judge her. 

Liesl tells Britt to stop avoiding her feelings for Jason She knows she has feelings for him and is falling for him.

Joss tells  Michael their mom won't  like Nina seeing Wiley. Michael says mom will deal with it in her own way.

Joss says that  she needs to go home.  Maxie and Brooklyn find out that the girls want to do a candle light vigil for Maxie's baby. 

Brooklyn says that's a terrible  idea.

Finn tells violet it's past her bed time . He says good night to her  and  she tells him it's past his too lol .

Lucy , Nina and Sasha ask why Brooklynn thinks the candle light vigil is a terrible idea .

She tells them that they have to think of how Maxie may feel , but they keep on insisting that they do it for Maxie.

Unfortunately Maxie says yes its a good idea oh my good lord. What the bloody hell is she playing at omg.

Anna and Valentin are getting closer,  Finn kisses Violet good night  and Scott shows up to speak to Finn.

Joss walks in to talk to her mom and Carly seems distracted as does Britt who is thinking about Jason. 

Jason looks upset and Whispers Britt

Another great episode  today , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone 

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