I loved last week's episodes, I can not wait to find out if Michael over heard Nina and what she said about Sonny.
Todays show starts off with Michael telling Jax all out himself and he hangs up on him saying your out of my life.
Nina is annoyed that Carly showed up to see Michael and Wiley at the gatehouse.
Stella runs into TJ and Molly and she wants to know all about their domestic partnership.
Shawn talks to Alexis about his case and he asks if she wants to stir things up. She said of course I do.
Bobbie comes to see Maxie and tells her Felicia told her about everything that happened.
Finn and Elizabeth and Brooklynn find out Chase proposed to Willow and she said yes.
They look completely shocked about his news .
Finn and Elizabeth and Brooklynn find out Chase proposed to Willow and she said yes.
Nina is annoyed that Carly showed up oh dear .
Lmfao Carly she was so annoyed seeing Nina and ruins her visit with Wiley.
Carly said Michael had no choice to allow Nina to see Wiley. She says that Michael was pressured into letting Nina see Wiley.
Oh my God Stella butt out lol of Curtis' business.
I'm glad Jordan told her to back off and that TJ is visiting his dad in prison. Stella objects but Jordan says he's his biological dad he is allowed to see him .
Alexis tells Shawn awe isn't it sweet our kids are having a date night visiting their parents.
I can't believe Willow is allowing this farce to continue ugh.
Molly is cracking me up seeing her mum in prison she's rambling.
Stella finds out that the divorce is an amicable thing abd Maxie talks to Bobbie about how the baby held her finger.
Nina tells Carly Michael is a good man and he called her to make arrangements to let her see Wiley.
Carly can't argue that point and says that she is annoyed with Jax and tells Nina she will find out what Jax is hiding Michael's head to blackmail him.
Awe Nina offers to set a date to take Wiley out with Michael and Willow of course .
Carly demands to know what Jax is holding over Michael .
Love Alexis asking Molly to help her with another prisoners case.
Shawn is pleased to see TJ and says he won't be getting out of prison.
I don't like this wedding crap with Willow and Chase . She needs to tell the truth Ugh.
Brooklynn asks Willow if she's okay .
She says I know you love Chase but you're in love with Michael.
Carly asks Michael if he would have let Nina see Wiley if Jax had not intervened.
I love our logical Carly omigosh .
Awe Finn and Chase breaking my heart they both are as stubborn as each other holy hell.
I love Brooklynn 💘 being there for her friends. Brooklynn is saying she won't judge her for what she's doing !
Willow says sge dreads telling Michael abd that he will need a friend to support him.
I love Bobbie being so good to Maxue like a good aunt does.
Maxie pours her heart out about her baby not being with her my goodness
Shawn hears TJ say your my father if course I want to support you.
Jordan tells Stella you have to let Curtis and I work things out on our own.
Oh wow Nina has confronted Jax about him forcing Michael to let her see Wiley.
Michael asks his mom if she will let Jason take over the business now that he's back from prison.
Michael is annoyed with his mother, for not allowing Michael to help her with business.
Carly tells Michael that everything that happened was fine that she was there on the waterfront with Jason during the shoot out.
Alexis tells Molly not to worry about her and to concentrate on getting the studying done for her bar exam.
Jax and Nina are pissing me off two selfish people not recognizing that their hidden agendas are hurting other people in the long run.
Brooklynn and Chase are such good people and friends. She pours her heart ❤ out to him about making serious decisions and face the truth.
Poor Finn says he has to face the truth he can't find the cure and that Chase us dying.
Carly tells Michael Cyrus is gone and Michael says that Jason should be running the business.
He tells his mom that she has to consider the younger kids.
Also Shawn tells Alexis that he told TJ not to come see him anymore since his parole was denied.
Oh man Nina gas decided to go back to Pennsylvania.
Bobbie comforts an inconsolable Maxie while Finn is also struggling to cope with what happened with Chase.
Finn touches Elizabeth's face and its clear there us a spark between them she leaves.
Chase is in tears saying he doesn't want to die he is hugged by Brooklyn.
Willow tells Michael that Chase proposed to her and that she said yes he looks shocked and she looks so nervous and scared .
Another fantastic episode , until next time guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone!
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