
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06- 15-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies   its almost time to head back to Port Charles .

I really am sick of  Jax he's getting on my damn nerves.

Its time for things to come to an end I want Sonny home NOW. 

Todays show  starts  with Jason lol putting a gun under his Jacket.

Sonny talking with Phyllis about business and she thanks  him for convincing Lenny to see sense .

Phyllis says she is starting to think of Sonny as family I love it.

Nina comes to see Maxie about the baby and offers to help her to find the baby.

Maxie gets a call from Sam  and she says she found the house that the nurse took Maxie too.

I love Ned and Olivia Ned thinks that Edward and Lila are the reason the baby is healthy and happy.

Brooklyn and Willow tell Valentin and Michael that Chase is dying.

Dante followed Sam to the  country house oh boy.

Ava and Nikolas at the metro court lol she says she likes the way they do the martinis. 

Carly and Jason talk about the business and he sees Britt who approaches them and tells them that Cyrus is going to maximum security today .

Ava and Nikols  talk about how  Dante wants them to stay put.Barman eyes up Ava's bag.

Dante and  Sam talking about the evidence. 

Brooklyn talks about Peter and Maxie abd how she's really worried about Maxie 

She is worried about the baby and thanks Valentin for his help. 

Maxie abd Nina chat about the baby and Peter and the nurse . They talk about the  pictures of James Nina took.

She asks Nina about  what the attraction to Nixon Falls is oh lord  . More lies and unhinged thinking on the forefront .

Love Britt and Jason together Britt says she's fine and great and says she has to stay in the moment.

Nikolas doesn't think his exes are stalking him, Ava has different ideas and thinks Britt is the Stalker that's a stretch. 

Ned and Ava worried about Brooklyn

Phyllis is acting like a pushy mom

Nina is lying through her teeth  and  gets a call from Sonny.

Lmfao Dante and Sam meet Austin they don't trust him.

Austin says do you think I had something to do with Maxie's kidnapping.

Jason is annoyed that Nikolas interrupted them . Nikolas is told off for ruining their plan.

Michael is concerned about  Willow and chase she asks if he regrets falling in love with her.

Nina takes the call from Sonny 

Michael says you can't say no to Chase

Lmfao Ned and Valentin need to stop chest thumping.  

I'm glad Olivia told Valentin to knock it off. 

Dante and  Sam find the  video monitor to find out what happened to Maxie .

Nikolas asks to speak to Britt alone he is being a total asshole to Jason and to Britt.

He thinks she's his Stalker like Ava suggests lord give me strength  .

Nina  is aggravating me with her syrupy sweet demeanor with Sonny.

Maxie recognizes that Nina likes Sonny without knowing its Dante's dad Sonny. 

Good show with lots of drama today  Nikolas wants to get a slap i wish I could zap myself in and do it myself .

Lmfao Ava lol is  so funny and she asks if Carly is going to slip Jason the keys to the kingdom now that he's back.

Britt tells Nikolas that she has nothing to do with him being Stalked and he should leave her alone .

Nina and Maxie talking about Sonny and Jax and Nina is denying what she's falling for Mike No name. 

Maxie asks about Brooklyn's baby  I think Nina will figure out that Brooklyn has Maxie's baby.

Olivia is annoyed with Valentin for messing with things between Ned and Michael as family. 

I love Willow,  but she should not marry Chase. She asks Michael not to be around when she spends time with Wiley.

She says nothing about this situation us easy and they kiss. They say I love you and he leaves.

Poor Willow, I  love her , but she's done this to herself. 

Phyllis asks Sonny is Nina was happy he called . He says yes and tells her that  Maxie is going through trouble .

Austin tells Samabd Dante that  Maxie is a strong woman. As soon as Austin leaves Dante tells Sam that Maxie lied to them. 

Nina us concerned about Maxie  and tells her that she needs to  talk to someone can I call Mac or Felicia. 

Maxie says no  and we see Austin looking at  an article on  Michael. 

Oh gosh  , I don't believe this something bad is about to happen to Willow.

The bartender says  he has Nokolas' room key .

Carly sees Jason and Britt in an intimate moment. 

That's it for now,  until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

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