Today's show starts with .... Jason getting news about a lost shipment and Carly runs in hugging Brick.
Brick says the shipment has been located and someone in the organization has sold them out
Maxie calls Brooklyn and says she wants to see her baby.
Oh brother I don't like Willow marrying Chase
it's a terrible idea.
Finn tells Elizabeth he knows why the cure didn't work its because of Cyrus Renault.
Dante Questions Austin about the video footage he wants to help Dante find Maxie's baby.
Elizabeth thinks its Crazy that Cyrus would switch the DNA results then says she thinks he's petty enough to get back at Jackie.
Gregory finds out that Elizabeth knows about the whole mess
Brooklyn speaks the truth about keeping the baby safe and Maxie not coming to see the baby.
Sam shows up to see Maxie saying she wants to talk to her about the baby.
Carly talks to Brick about the shipment and how the organization is not weak.
Sasha let's Willow borrow a broach and Finn helps Chase get ready for the wedding.
Brooklynn sees that Michael is ready for the wedding. Brooklynn asks the super spies if there are leads on Peter.
Carly asks Brick why things are not working with the business . Brick says they are waiting for Jason to make his move abd that Carly is an outsider.
Chase looks like death warmed over And he and Michael talk about Willow.
Sam badgers Maxie about the baby and hidden camera.
Austin tells Dante the map is wrong and that they had a storm that took out trees.
Willow prays about marrying Chase despite the fact her heart belongs to Michael.
Awe Violet she's so darn cute Anna brought her for the wedding Chase breaks down in tears.
Michael is so sweet checking on Willow he loves her so much
Sasha comforts Willow as Jackie thanks Michael for being there for him.
Brooklynn is so upset about Chase dying that he's been so good to her and helped her .
Sam is continuing to badger Maxie who us getting very upset about talking about the nurse and Peter.
Austin talks to Dante about the cottage and he pushes Dante down for what reason we don't know yet.
Sam keeps Pushing Maxie and Austin tells Dante that there was a unboarded mine shaft and he pushed him out of the way.
They find the spot where the nurse fell in Austin has a rope.
God this wedding is painful to watch its clear Willow doesn't want to do it, but said I do anyways.
Ugh poor Michael and Chase is in a bad way.
Sam is continually questioning Maxie Maxie realizes that Sam doesn't believe her.
Dante going down the mine shafy
Brooklynn is questioning Valentin about Peter .
Chase's family wait outside his hospital room Finn's excited he has the test results.
Brick says that he will keep them updated of future developments.
Carly says that they have to prove they stand together as one.
Valentin and Brooklyn are having a nice civil conversation.
Sam tells Maxie she believes her.
Dante has found Chloe
Finn says that Gregory is Chase's father as he begins to crash .
That's it for now , until Monday this is mama Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone.
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