
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 21 June 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 06-21-21

Good Afternoon   me lovelies so  we are about to find out who  Austin is and I'm kinda pissed about  Willow sacrificing herself and her relationship with Michael for Chase .

For me that should never of happened in the first place and another question I have is will Anna and Valentin find  Peter's corpse.

Todays  show starts off with .... Maxie asking Sam for tea.  She calls Brooklynn  who leaves the livingrooma  Maxie wants to see her daughter. 

Oh my God seriously Maxie needs to listen to  Brooklynn she needs to stop calling her. 

Love Avery with Nikolas and Ava

Carly actually baked cookies lol, Joss is excited about going to PCU.  Carly  says that Joss should go live her life and stay at the dorms ,  but Joss says she thinks she should stay with her mom and Donna.

Jason gets a visit from Cameron and  apologizes to Jason.

Brooklynn says she's really upset about Chase.

Chase's alarms go off   he's not breathing they need to crash cart ASAP. 

Maxie is upset she tells Sam that nothing is alright.  There's a knock at the door  its Dante.

Dante and Sam talk about  Peter, Austin and pawtuck and how Dante found the nurse dead in a mine shaft.

Chase is not recovering,  Brooklyn arrives and is in shock when she finds out he's in a bad way.

Finn manages to bring him back and they go to tell the others .

I love Jason and Cameron they are finally talking things out Cam feels guilty about blaming Jason and about his mom doing it too.

Omfg  Maxie is freaking out she hears  that there was no sign of the baby and we know why.

Avery and Ava hear Ryan's voice inside the teddy bear.

Joss and Carly are cracking me up with their talk about Jax and the business and Jason. 

Maxie has a flashback about handing the baby to Brooklyn. 

Ava and Nikolas call the police. 

Brooklyn,  Anna and Michael hear that they found the antidote  to save Chase and we will be okay now. 

Jackie finds out that Gregory is Chase's dad after all.

Chase is finally  improving   , antidote is working    but now what for Millow?

Finn talks to an unconscious Chase and begs him to wake up .

Dante shows up and  he starts investigating the case.

Nikolas acts like an idiot and blames Carly Ava tells him to stop it .

Cam goes to see Joss and he tells her apologized to Jason and will she forgive him.

Sam says your baby  could  be closer than you think , Maxie  decides to go see Brooklyn and  the baby. 

Gregory goes to see Chase , Chase says what's the verdict .

Elizabeth tells  Willow that Chase is going to be ok.

I love Anna and Brooklyn as friends Elizabeth tells them that  Chase is going to be ok

Elizabeth finds out from Jason he has info about Peter. 

Maxie goes to see the baby after Brooklyn told her not to come see her.

She gives Olivia an outfit for the baby and asks her to send her pics of the baby in it.

Elizabeth apologizes to Jason after he tells her that Cameron came to see him to apologize.

Willow finds out that  Chase heard her voice begging him to come back .

Jackie tells  Finn and Gregory that they should tell him that Gregory is his dad not Finn.

I love Anna and  Finn I hope they get back together. 

Brooklynn and Chase talk about a redo of the wedding oh lord have mercy.

Willow does not look happy. 

Dante and Nikolas argue about whether its really Ryan whose stalking them or a copycat. 

Ava  asks Carly to take Avery back to the Corinthos compound to protect her .

Cam and Joss talk and Joss apologizes to him , but she says she was angry and shocked that he ignored the limits that he tested and pushed. 

Carly tells Ava she will protect Avery and take care of her.  Ava says yes I know. 

Dante asks Avery if he can borrow Avery's bear to solve a case.

Poor Ava  is so upset having to hand her over to Carly , but she needs to do it.

Ava says she can't do this anymore Nikolas   Sam tells Spinelli she knows how they can find Maxie's baby.

Maxie breaks down in tears and we see Valentin and Anna talking about Pter 

Jason says that he's sorry for her abd her son's loss of Franco and that  will protect Elizabeth and her sons and will find Peter. 

Elizabeth apologizes for accusing Jason for blaming him for Franco's death.

Willow leaves and Brooklynn says that  Michael is in love with Chase's wife. 

Chase finds out that Violet wants him abd Gregory to teach her how to play poker. 

He asks how he was cured

That's it for now   until tomorrow my lovelies have a great evening everyone. 

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