I am so ready for some truths to come out already.
Today's show starts off with Anna telling Jordan that Chase has survived.
Jordan tells Anna that Dante found Peter's accomplice.
Maxie holds her baby and Curtis gets the graduation party plans under way for Trina.
Taggert is jealous lol of Curtis saving Portia and Trina, but thanks him for doing so.
Ava is inconsolable about giving Avery to Carly to protect she says its not going to work.
Finn says the DNA worked with the cure.
Elizabeth says Jason won't find Peter lol she's gonna tell him he's dead uh oh.
Jordan asks Portia if there's an update on Chase and Anna asks how Finn is.
She says he's improving and that Finn is acting strange.
Finn tells Chase to rest and that he broke every rule to save him.
Elizabeth tells Jason Peter won't be an issue he says what did you do.
Valentin and Brooklyn are shocked to see Maxie with the baby oh boy.
Anna Portia and Jordan lol are scaring me putting their heads together women people should not mess with .
I love Curtis and Taggert being friendly with each other and talking about Trina.
Nikolas says that he's going to protect her and Avery.
Finn tells Chase to ask Gregory what happened to cure him.
Elizabeth tells Jason to trust her and not to ask questions. Finn over hears the conversation and asks ask questions about what.
Elizabeth is trying to convince Jason not to look for Peter.
Brooklyn takes the baby from Maxie and puts the baby down.
She makes Maxie go out on the terrace to talk oh boy.
After the girls leave Valentin asks why are you so perfect to the baby.
Anna over hears him talking about Peter and Faison.
I love Jordan and Portia talking about Trina acting like nothing ever happened.
Nikolas is trying to convince Ava to fight together ❤ against the enemies.
She is so distraught Nikolas says they're exploiting your pain of losing Kiki.
She says nothing is worth risking Averys life.
She says that he needs to go back to spoon island.
Finn tells Jason that they saved Chase with Elizabeth's help.
Chase demands answers from Gregory.
Jordan talks to Portia about doing something for herself now that Trina is leaving for college.
Gregory tells him the DNA test was wrong
Oh God Poor Ava is going through hell and Nikolas won't see sense .
Oh my I love Our Jordan and Portia talking about their men.
Jason thanks Curtis for helping put Cyrus away.
Maxie says that she can't do this anymore she wants her daughter. Brooklynn says that she has to stop coming to see her that Valentin will figure it out.
Valentin and Anna talk about the nurse being dead and finding Peter.
Valentin says that he owes it to Maxie to help her find her daughter.
Oh my God Brooklyn tells Maxie that she has to stick with the plan that Peter took the baby.
Maxie says she has to stay stronger so she can protect her daughter.
Awe I like Finn with Elizabeth they are so sweet.
Finn says he kinda liked the idea of being Chase's dad lol and we heard Chase say he was getting used to the idea of Finn being his dad.
Jordan and Portia are killing me with them bonding over their men .
I love Jason asking Curtis if he needs any help with the club.
Ava says she's got to do what she must to protect her daughter. Nikolas says he won't give up on his family .
Omfg Jordan lol she teases Taggert about being uncomfortable with her and Portia being friendly with each other. Lmfao.
Anna and Valentin tell Maxie and Brooklyn they're heading to Pawtuck to find more evidence to help her find her baby and Peter.
Oh boy why do I hear a bell tolling while Maxie and Brooklyn look absolutely scared stupid about their lies coming back to bite them.
That's it for now me lovelies, until tomorrow this is mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone.
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