
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06-23-21

Good Afternoon me darlings it appears that Maxie is starting to lose her damn mind .

And Anna and  Valentin will figure out that baby Bailey is actually Baby Lou.

I wonder what the episode for June 23rd 2021 will bring?

Today's show starts up with Carly visiting Sonny's grave and she's talking to him about the business.

Elizabeth shows up and  she says I don't mean to intrude but there is some business we need to settle .

I love Brando and Sasha and them having their official first date.

Love Molly and TJ talking about how her mom is 90 days sober and helping a friend.

Alexis is helping Shawn with his  case.

Brooklynn talks to Michael and Willow about Valentin looking for Maxie's baby and  how they can get back to normal.

Jackie is  at Chase's hospital room he can finally hold a cup and has improved.

Britt is punching a punching bag lol , Jason shows up she asks if she's hitting it wrong.

Brooklynn tells Willow and Michael should tell CHASE the truth.

Jackie apologizes to Finn and Chase for not telling the truth sooner about the affair.

Brando tells Sasha Gladys is sticking around and going to live with him .

TJ is grateful that  Alexis could help Shawn .  They wonder if he's Alexis' secret friend.

It's their anniversary awe it's been five months since they has a  domestic partnership ceremony .

Britt and Jason talking about her learning how to box and among other things.

Elizabeth apologizes to Carly for being wrong about Jason. She says she lost faith in the father of her child.

They both are being  quite nice  to each other I remember the days lol Carly hauled off and slapped princess purity in her smug face.

Britt and Jason going to box lol.  They are so cute .

Alexis looking for a loophole to help get Shawn out of prison. 

Oh my word Molly and TJ talking to Sasha and Brando.  They find our Sasha is pregnant. 

Elizabeth says that she's grateful to Carly for being so loyal to Jason that she never understood it before that she thought she had a hold on him ,but now she knows Carly is a loyal friend to Jason and trusts him. 

Shawn and Alexis talking about their cases and they discovered that Shawn did not get a lighter sentence than Alexis.

TJ and Molly are feeling awkward about Brando TJ still wants to punch him in the face.

Sasha says that things seemed tense between Brando and TJ so she had to separate them .

Britt says when Cyrus's men drugged her up she had wished she had known how to box. They get closer .

Carly and Elizabeth talking about going on with their lives after their husband's have been gone.

Elizabeth says it's like walking a tightrope and not knowing what to do.

Alexis and Shawn find out that Judge Carson is biased against people of colour than white people. 

Ooh  Finn and Chase  and Jackie making me smile. United at last. 

I feel horrible for Michael and Willow they should do what Brooklynn says .

Carly talks about missing Sonny's coffee in the morning  and Elizabeth says with me it's not coffee it's baked goods. 

She tells Carly that Aidan is being so sweet leaving baked goods for her when she gets home like Franco used to do.

Carly and Elizabeth are really breaking my heart  , but I'm glad they're friends now.

Lmfao Britt and Jason are so cute I love how they can talk to each other with no drama.

He laughs and smiles around her a lot as she does with him .

Sasha asking questions about how Brando knows Molly and TJ.

He says he slept with Molly she  jokes that she's shocked.

Shawn and Alexis are thinking about contacting a reporter.

Alexis says we could get  Diane to put the squeeze on Judge Carson.

I'm glad that Chase is doing better he talks about a group hug , he and Finn talk about his prognosis and he still can't walk.

Britt jokes about getting a Porsche Jason says that's not going to happen after she says she wants to  ski on the Andes.

Molly is approached by Judge Carson and Alexis talks to Shawn about the case.

Willow finds out that  Chase can't walk and Elizabeth talks to Franco as she visits his grave. 

She says it hurts do much not to have  him there with her.

Britt is told by Jason she's an aggressive driver and drives to fast .

She laughs at him and  she says she just wants to have a good time . Top down wind in her hair  and her in the driver seat .

Carly Interupts them and says she needs to talk to him about the Novak situation. 

That's it for now  what a great show   until next time guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone 😀. 

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