Judging from the on the next General Hospital it looks like another intense episode on the way
Today's show starts off with Nina at Nelle's grave she tells her she doesn't know what she's doing anymore. Michael approaches her.
Willow walks into Chase's hospital room and she finds out Chase as atrophy and can't move his legs.
Alexis says she's worried about retaliation against Judge Carson.
Molly talks to Judge Carson and it turns out she's working for Robert.
I love Terry and Elizabeth's friendship they are so fun to watch they talk about their jobs and how they don't like Britt.
Portia and Laura joining the conversation and get ready for department meeting .
Britt and Jason are so adorable.Carly Interupts them abd she says never mind I'll take care of it when she sees them together.
Jason asks if it's time sensitive Britt says Message received.
Oh gosh ... poor Chase and Willow worried.
Finn is having flashbacks about the fight with Peter. Poor guy is racked with guilt.
Britt says she has a meeting to get to and she's gonna let him know when the car comes in.
Terry thinks that lol Liz and Finn have something going.
Laura says that Leslie knows lol who got picked as CEO.
Oh my God Molly needs to stop talking to Judge Carson. It could be detrimental to their parents cases.
Alexis talks about alerting Molly and TJ about that's going on.Shawn thinks they should drop it oh God!!!
Shawn wants to back down completely to protect TJ. Judge Carson offers to take Molly under her wing .
Terry can see Elizabeth is way too close with Finn.
Chase and Willow talk about them getting better.
Michael says how Nina chooses to deal with her feelings about Nelle is her business so don't let it affect Wiley.
Nina says she is asking him to do the same. Wtaf who does she think she is.
Carly is being territorial over Jason and she seems worried about losing him.
I think she's losing it again and obsessing over Jason cause Sonny's gone.
Carly is being territorial over Jason and she seems worried about losing him.
I love Molly and TJ talking about Judge Carson and her mom and how its a conflict of interests
Shawn is thinking that Alexis just feeding her savior complex to help him.
Oh my God Nina stafu you can't tell Michael how to deal with his own child.
You never were a mother and have no right to force your opinion on anyone.
Stupid assed woman
Chase talks about marrying Willow when he can walk again .
Monica thanks them all for the warm reception
Carly questions Jasom about how important Britt is to him. He tells her he cares about Britt.
The new hospital CEO is announced....the staff excluding Britt is pleased to find out Monica is the new ceo.
Monica thanks the staff for the warm reception and says she will prove how worthy she us about taking Gh into the future and honoring its past.
Carly needs to stfu about Britt its none of her business.
Tj talking about how he got arrested for shoplifting
Shawn is not allowed to see Alexis anymore according to a guard.
Monica says Bobbie abd Epiphany have been rehired thank goodness.
Finn says he missed Monica sge says she missed him too. The girls all talk to her.
Britt is asking if he job is safe lol or I she's being replaced as Chief of staff.
God Nina Stafu She is unhinged and needs to be back in ferncliff.
She needs to tell the truth already.
Jason says he can't speak up for her anymore just himself . Carly is shocked.
Molly and TJ talk are so cute and sweet with the loyalty towards their parents and each other.
Oh my God Chase is upsetting Willow and she runs crying into Michael's arms.
Pentonville is racist as hell separating Alexis and Shawn. Alexis thrown to the ground by a female guard.
Oh God Nina does my head in, she keeps justifying why she's not letting Michael and Carly know about Sonny.
Two wrongs don't make a right , she is totally selfish and disgusting thinking she's well within her rights to not to tell the truth .
Alexis is put in solitary confinement for trying to help Shawn .
Terry wants to throw her hat In the wrong for the chief of staff job since Monica hasn't decided yet.
Willow is scared about what they do now cause of Chase's condition.
Oh my freaking God there's an explosion at the Corinthos warehouse.
Jason says we are still together abd will work things out.
Jason gets a phone call their docks and warehouse have been hit .
Holy hell , this shit us about to get really real. Until next time, this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone.
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