
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-27-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies  the question on my mind ahead  of  today's recap  is  will Anna and  Finn get caught in the hospital  lab in the basement. 

Today's show starts off with   Anna and Finn in the basement. Anna  wants to know if Peter hid in the lab before escaping! Finn says Peter was put in the freezer.

Joss is talking to her mom when  Spencer  shows up  announces his arrival on.

Joss and Spencer banter about him being pushed in the pool again if he doesn't shut up lmfao off.

Trina comes home and the door isn't fixed yet.  Portia thinks about Curtis again but tells Trina that  the door will be fixed soon.

Curtis and Shawn have a really good conversation about him being a free man .

Stella yet again shows up at Jordan's office . Stella  yammers on about   how  Jordan is gonna lose Curtis.

Jason talks to someone on the phone and he asks if the job was done.

Finn admits to Anna he killed Peter oh boy.

Carly  asks Spencer when he got back to town. He says a little while ago and he saw his dad. 

He gives his condolences about his Uncle Sonny and congratulates her on   her engagement to Jason.

He calls Ava that woman lol when he speaks about his dad and his split up with Ava.

Scotty knows Liz is in trouble when she asks him about justifiable homicide. 

Oh boy Trina just found  out her mom met up with Curtis at the Savoy.

Scott advises Elizabeth she's an accessory to murder if she was present at the place the person died. 

Finn tells Anna about his confrontation with Peter. We see the flashback of the rooftop confrontation. .

He says he threw him face first down a flight of stairs we see the flashback of that as well.

Lmfao Spencer is being a total suck up with Carly. Spencer  outs Joss seeing Cam . Which winds up with Spencer being pushed In the pool again.

Portia tells Trina that Terry encouraged her to  pursue Curtis abd they went to the Savoy to have drinks.

Trina isn't  too shocked about it and that  Curtis saved them from Cyrus.

I love Shawn and Curtis  he thankful that Curtis was there for  TJ and him.

And that he's always been a good friend even after what happened with Tommy.

Scott gives Elizabeth the info about what would happen with her friend who committed murder.

He says I  need to know what happened before it's too late.

Jason calls Spin. Finn says there was no pulse and  that Chase was sick.

Anna asked why he didn't come to her for help .He couldn't  risk leaving Violet like Hayden did.

Lol spencer  says well this is getting annoying upon  resurfacing from the pool.

Lmfao serves him right seriously. 

Carly is shocked at Joss's behavior lol. Although she agrees that Spencer is annoying!

She tells Joss  it's against  health and safety regulations with what Joss did  to Spencer! Not to mention Nikolas could sue the hotel for negligence if he got hurt.

Trina and Portia are so cute!Trina asks if Jordan knows their seeing each other because her mom is  friends with Jordan.

Stella yet again won't  stop interfering Jordan tells her that  Curtis and Portia were kissing.

Shawn tells Curtis that  he's sorry to hear about him and Jordan splitting up.

He says he's thankful for Molly and TJ helping him and stopping Judge Carson from  messing with his freedom. 

Curtis wants to hire Shawn at the Savoy.

Scott says he'd give the keys to the city to the person who killed Peter. 

Finn apologizes to Anna for being so hard on her for keeping things from him now that he's exposed his own secret.

Anna starts Asking Finn who helped him cause he couldn't have done it alone.

Joss tells Carly about how she and Cam just started seeing each other.

Carly is shocked by the news , and Joss says  that they were both surprised  themselves.

Carly asks Joss if  she's told her dad  Joss says no  and asks her mom not to tell her dad.

Portia  says she doesn't want to hurt Jordan and wants to remain friends with her.

Trina is going to grab her tablet and go meet Joss. As Trina leaves the house she looks disappointed by the news.

Curtis asks Shawn to manage the Savoy. He tells Shawn it's not a hand out.

Shawn tells Curtis  that he doesn't know what  kind of life he wants to lead  now he's released from prison.

Shawn accepts the job from Curtis.

Elizabeth tells Scott she's not going to turn on her friend. Scott says if the  police  come knocking on your door dummy up and call me.

Jason watches Elizabeth  hug Scott.

Finn says that   he did it alone and not protecting anyone .He says  you'll see the body in the freezer.

Lol Carly and Joss are so cute enjoying each other's company.  Carly sees Shawn and hugs him.

He tells Carly about how he feels to be out of prison And he talks to Joss. 

Joss excuses herself and goes  to talk to  Trina and Spencer. 

Jordan signs the divorce papers, She tells Stella that she and Curtis is free I'm  free there's  no looking back now.

She tells Stella their marriage didn't work and they can move on with their lives.

Scott sees Elizabeth talking to Jason and starts  thinking Jason was the one who killed Peter.

He threatens Jason, so much for him being civil to people.  Scott has no decorum or class and acts like a jackals most of the time. He  leaves in a huff.

Elizabeth asks if Jason remove the body judging by his expression I think not.

Anna moves to open the freezer.

Spencer is an idiot, he makes a fool of himself with Trina and Joss what else is new.

Trina says its awkward when her mom opened up to her.  Joss watches as Spencer leaves and she says Ciao loser.

I love Portia says she feels good that she can confide in her daughter like Trina does with her.

Jordan asks Stella to mind her own business.Stella says don't worry  I will as soon as Jordan left the room Stella  steals the papers

The freezer is opened by Anna and Finn.  There is no body there. 

Oh crap Jason says the body wasn't in the freezer.

And there it is lol  😆 has Peter risen like Michael Myers ?

That's it for now guys until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

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