We learned that opening your mouth and speaking out of turn gets your ass thrown into a pool twice.
She doesn't look happy. Laura shows up and starts babbling about pot holes and wants to celebrate with Carly .
Gladys shows up and wants to share in the toast Carly does not look happy.
I really like Brando and Sasha talking about the labor pains and she asks where we go from here
Joss and Trina drinking sparkling green Tea. They talk about Spencer and her mom and Curtis .
Portia and Curtis are shown kissing Portia tells Curtis she told Trina about herself and Curtis.
Dante and Jordan talk about the helicopter pilot and what Anna knows.
Anna and Finn talk about where the body might have gone and Elizabeth thinks Finn told Anna about what he did to Peter .
Trina says she doesn't understand why she's so weirded out by her mom dating.
Curtis and Portia are so cute she told him that Trina was weirded out by them dating .
Jordan says that Monica was on the phone and told her that the cameras at GH were messed with again
They're gonna check it out . Elizabeth, Jason , Finn and Anna are freaking out about the missing body.
Sasha and Brando talking about baby proofing their places.
Gladys lol , is trying to swing an invite to the wedding trying to use her position as Sonny's cousin to get what she wants. Carly says Gladys is not invited.
She said that Carly is dancing in Sonny's grave ! Yeah right you whacko.
Thank God Brando pulled his mom away when he heard her talking to Carly .
Carly says Brando is a sweetheart , but that Gladys is petty and nasty.
Joss and Trina talking about Portia and Curtis getting together.
Jordan and Dante talking to the security guard. They're about to check on the video cameras.
Curtis asks if Trina knows they had an affair when she was married to Taggert.
Omfg Gladys is so annoying I'm glad Brando asks her to move out
Carly tells Laura that Gladys makes anyone a target. Laura asks about whether she has her doubts, she says its not you and it's not Gladys it's Mr.
Jason tells Elizabeth that Spinelli disabled the cameras. Jason gets a message from Spinelli.
He knows who was downstairs in the basement. Omfg Jordan and Dante arrive in the basement and see Anna and Finn.
They ask them what they're doing in the hospital basement are you kidding me
They have more of a right to be there than Jordan and Dante. Lord give me strength.
Joss and Trina continue talking about Taggert and Jordan.
Trina says that the reason why Jordan and Curtis splitting up is not her mom's fault .
Trina wonders if her mom and Curtis were already having an affair. Curtis says what if our past relationship comes to the surface. Their secret could blow up in their face.
Oh dear lol Gladys wonders why she has to move out. She asks lol how will I afford to get my own place Brando says get a job.
Carly tells Laura , that she always thinks about Sonny. She says sometimes she forgets that he's
Jason says Spinelli saw no footage of who took Peter's body .
Jordan talks to Finn and Anna about Peter. Anna tells Jordan about what she knows .
Finn says he offered to help Anna with finding Peter once she told him what she suspects.
Dante notices something and alerts Jordan.
Gladys says a job what kind of job. Lmfao she complains about slinging hash and cleaning houses.
She asks him where am I supposed to live and who will hire me. Sasha says she'll hire her.
Carly asks what it's like marrying your best friend . Laura tells Carly she gives thanks every day for Kevin.
Joss says that as she grew up she thought her parents were perfect , but she knows they make mistakes. Joss says whatever your mom does is not your business.
Trina says Wrong . Curtis is surprised that Portia isn't scared about the truth coming out cause he is.
Oh brother , Dante and Jordan are looking for clues.
Jordan says this is officially a crime scene so don't touch anything. Anna says we already did you have to dust for prints .
Jason says the cameras were off for weeks no one would have seen anything.
He asks Elizabeth what she remembers what happened to Peter .
She says that Peter was dead and about how they moved the body to the Lab and into the freezer.
Finn thanks Anna for covering for him.
Elizabeth says she mopped up the blood and that he was definitely dead. She calls Finn.
Anna and Finn are panicking about whether someone moved Peter's body.
Gladys is asking what she would be doing at deception. Sasha says that she would be answering phones and office work.
Carly talks about the past about how she wanted to marry Jason , but now she's not so sure about it, that it could be much too soon.
Anna and Finn trying to figure out how the body had disappeared. Finn thanks Anna again after she says go talk to Elizabeth she clearly wanted to talk to you.
Elizabeth tells Finn that Jason knows what happened and he says so does Anna.
They are curious about who may have seen them put Peter in the freezer.
Jordan has called in the K-9 unit to look for Clues.
Gladys says she must prepare for her new life and says see you at home. Lmfao Brando is impressed Sasha knows how to handle his mom.
Lmfao Joss and Trina talking about Curtis. Trina says he better not hurt my mom or I'll hurt him.
Awe Portia and Curtis are getting romantic.
Dante tells Jordan he found more blood in the corridor and they say they need to talk to the person who was on the roof with him. Uh Oh.
Carly says she thinks Sonny would approve of their marriage .
Finn says he thinks Anna suspects someone helped him move the body .
Jason thinks their safe for now.
HOT 🔥 Damn I'm so waiting to see tomorrow's show already. 😩
That's it for now until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone.
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