
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 29 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-29-21

Good Afternoon everyone it's that time again for our  recap for Thursday July 29th 2021.

Well,  the body is missing from the GH basement lab freezer.

The question is Peter alive and if not who stole the body?

Todays show starts with  Cam having a visit with Joss. Elizabeth is surprised to see Cam and Joss so close.

Trina asks Ava  wants to  know  why   the  gallery is closed. Ava tells her the clients can call her if they need her.

Spencer whose hanging around like a bad smell agrees with Ava.

Nikolas  talks to Sam about  how Ryan is at Springridge with Alexis. 

Omfg  time has flown by so fast It's Wileys birthday already. He's three today.

Valentin tells brooklynn not to let Wiley play with a toy that's for Bailey.

Olivia  has the decorations ready for Wiley's party.

Valentin tells Chase he doesn't have to give Wiley a present as he brooklynn and Olivia have it covered.  CHASE says he's my step son so I have to.

Valentin apologizes about what Peter did to him.

Dante wants to know what Anna is hiding from him.

Chase asks why Valentin needs to apologize.He says because I let  Faison raise Peter.

Anna asks Dante what he had found. Dante said we turned up nothing except the blood.

Dante said we turned up nothing except the blood.

Awkward lol Joss said she'd meet Cam at the metrocourt hotel pool.

Cam stutters and stammers about Joss and his being together.  Elizabeth approves of Joss and likes her and even says she's a really sweet girl.

Cam apologizes to his mum for not telling her. He says he usually talks to Franco about these kinds of things .

Awe Olivia is praising Brooklynn for how good she is with Bailey.

Oh God Spencer shut up, you arrogant little shit.  He's asking about Avery lol is she still living with Aunt Carly.

Oh my word I wish Lulu was awake she would have slapped the crap out of him for  being so frigging rude.

Sam is shocked Ryan is in prison with her mom  when Nikolas informs her of this fact.

Sam says she agrees with Ava Ryan is capable of anything.

Nikolas asks Sam what's new with her. She tells him that Shawn has asked her to track down the person who shot Hayden.

She asks him for his help tracking that person down so they can clear Shawn's name. 

Awe Brooklynn is so cute with Maxie's baby she really likes this kid! She says this is a business arrangement.

Awe Brooklynn is so cute with Maxie's baby she really likes this kid! She says this is a business arrangement.

She calls Peter a wall crawling Psycho and says you can save all your love for your real mother.   Chase over hears her say her real mom.

Awe  Elizabeth and Cam talking about  coming to each other for help  now Franco's gone.

Dante doesn't trust Valentin and asks  Anna why she does.

Sam says Hayden went to see Shawn before she left the first time. He tells Sam that he hired Hayden to get his fortune back and that Valentin had threatened her.

Nikolas says that Sam. And Shawn need to stop looking for the truth.

Oh my God Spencer wants to run up Ava's tab lol. Lmfao Little shit.

Trina says no, dont You Cassadines have your own money and your own tab.

Joss and Cam showed up, Trina says Spencer is offering to throw a party lol. Actually no he didn't  lol Trina is being a little witch.

Ava is approached by Nikolas he asks to put Ava's drink on  his tab.

Ava said I should not be seen talking to you.

He tells her Ryan is out of complete commission Ava asks him well whose doing it  some copycat?

Lmfao Trina and Cam are  razzing Spencer about having a  party .

According to  Olivia  Charlotte wanted to make a card for Wiley , but Rocco and  Leo threw glitter all over the backyard.  Apparently Charlotte was not amused .

Chase asks why Brooklynn is  saying she's not her real mother.

Anna tells  Valentin about Finn pushing Peter down the stairs .

Sam shows up at  Elizabeth's, she tells Elizabeth she wants to find Elizabeth's sister Hayden.

Anna Continues to tell Valentin what happened between Finn and Peter.

Anna says that Finn took her to the sub lab to the freezer but that the body wasn't there when they arrived.

Brooklynn says she feels like she's under a microscope when it comes to the baby.

Chase says he's grateful for the  Quartermaine's letting him stay there. She says yeah they are pretty generous. 

Brooklynn picks up the baby and says 
Lol thanks to Nelle Benson and her scissors ✂️of dooms can't  even sing Bailey a lullaby.

Awe Chase singing to the baby so so sweet.

Olivia is concerned about Dante going to see Lulu at the facility. She tells him work is not a life.

She thinks He likes  Sam and should give it a shot.

I love the fact that Sam and Elizabeth are talking about Hayden she's remembers what she said to Nikolas.

Love Trina and Spencer lol.  He  promises her to get drinks  on the Cassadines  tab and that she should get ready for  the biggest rager Port Charles has ever seen.

Ava and Nikolas are reuniting with no interference at Last.

Uh Oh  Valentin says  that Peter  is either dead and someone moved the body or he may still be alive.

Olivia says  that Lulu would want him to live his life  and he says maybe he should start thinking of letting go of Lulu.

Oh gosh I love Brooklynn and Chase.

Sam and Elizabeth talk about Hayden and that what if something happened and she can't come back.

Cam and Joss tell Trina that Spencer is an exceptional exaggerater and annoying.

Spencer sees His dad and Ava hugging.

Brooklynn says I tried not to get attached you're Maxie's baby not mine but  I can't help it .

Dante tells his mom to  butt out of his love life.

Sam says if I find out anything  I'll let you know.

Elizabeth calls Nikolas and says shr wants to know what he did to  Hayden.

Spencer shows his anger towards Ava  ... he says no-one's perfect.He says he wants to put the past behind them and declare a truce.

Anna asks Valentin  if he thinks  Peter is really dead

Valentin says  that Peter has had weeks to go under ground.

Anna says she wish she'd have killed him herself but didn't

He says he wants to find him and kill him himself.

Another great show, until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

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