In my opinion, if you can't stand the threats lol , brace yourself cause Peter is the least of your worries .
Let's face it once Tsunami Carly becomes aware of what your lying
conniving ass did with her husband lol , you're gonna wish Peter had killed your dumb ass oh and Let's not forget about Maxie lol.
Maxie won't forgive you for messing with her friends.
Friday 's show starts off with Jax apologizing to Carly for his bad behavior. It soon turns to another argument between them. I wish Jax would show some respect to Carly.
Jason approaches Carly with an associate named Mr Bashima. He tells Carly that he received his invite to the wedding. He seems like a nice man and very respectful.
Once Jason excuses themselves Jax says to Carly if that guy is the caliper of person on the guest list to the wedding Josslyn is not going to be attending the wedding at all.
In my opinion Jax needs to get the hell over himself , Joss is 18 she doesn't need his approval any more.
Spencer surprises Auntie Alexis at the prison and he brings Esme with him.
I for one don't understand why he is forcing this strange girl on his family.
There is definitely something not normal about her or her behavior.
Ava visits Kiki's grave shr says she has so many regrets.Nikolas shows up to show some love and support to his wife. I really do love these 2 together.
Maxie runs into Austin, and they exchange pleasantries he asks her how her vacation was so sweet.
Nina tells Liesl over the phone that Peter is alive. Sonny threatens Peter.
Sonny says to Peter you have a better chance at playing the lottery than playing me lol ! I love pissed off Sonny he's dark and dangerous and sexy as all get out lol .
Liesl is getting pissed off about Peter being in Nina's orbit.She tells her she has a plan that could definitely Peter into Liesl's direction.
Lol Sonny has the measure of Peter but Phyllis is shocked that Sonny is being rude. Umm why act all offended.
Sonny is protecting Nina from this scumbag who messes with his loved ones and is total pure evil to boot.
Scott is impressed that Austin is Making himself at home in Port Charles and getting to know people.
Jax won't shut the hell up about Joss being at the wedding amongst the mob family connections insufferable asshole ! He wants a slap that one.
Jason tells Bashima he won't tolerate people threatening his family. Bashima is on Jason's side about Joey Novak and his creepy behavior.
Ava shows her stubbornness Nikolas says he just wants to support her. She should just let him for Pete sake.
He says he feels bad about accusing Spencer. Ava says you really hurt him.
Lol Alexis you brought your girlfriend to prison how lovely. Lmfao love her.
Spencer spots Ryan there, He calls Ryan a monster and says he shouldn't be where his Aunt Alexis .
Jax is such an insufferable ass ,He won't shut his damn mouth.Oh my God he needs to be offed.Carly is furious and Jason takes her away from the hotel restaurant.
lol Scott this going on vacation with Liesel they really are sweet going to St Lucia for a little R & R I love this .
Ava asks Nikolas if he's spoken to Spencer he says no he's ignoring me even on social media. He says he doesn't blame him either .
She asks about Laura he says my mother is not happy with me either.
Lmfao Spencer says 🤣 I'm glad Ryan is a vegetable now.Alexis shouts Spencer. Lol I love the Cassadine Clan.
Alexis asks how things are with him and his dad.Maxie talking to Jax lol she sees Jax isn't happy about the impending wedding of Jarly.
Phyllis apologizes for Sonny's rude behavior. Lmfao seriously shut up Phyllis he's not a child stop!!!
Liesl offers to get rid of Peter if Nina can't, she says keep your head on straight lol and don't get caught.
Sonny real personality is definitely coming out Phyllis told him not to be rude, he can't help it lol its who he is.
Peter caught Nina getting off the phone with Liesl.He says Nina who was that you were speaking too.
Alexis tells Spencer to stop deflecting and own his mistakes. She tells him what it was like for his father growing up in the Cassadine family .
Nikolas says he feels more alienated than ever and apologizes to Ava.He says I lost my own son and my mother I can't lose you too.
Omfg Esme asks Harmony about Ryan and she wants to speak to him.
Scott called Liesl his waffle strudel lol.
Ryan knows Esme he has a creepy look in his eyes, and he ain't happy .
Phyllis asks why he's so suspicious of anyone in Nina's former life.Sonny knows there's something definitely off with Peter and he doesn't like it at all.
Jason takes Carly to the pool area for a talk and a drink. They start reminiscing about the old days and He says I'm starting to think that Jax knows nothing about you .
Jax tells Maxie that he isn't unhappy about Carly getting Married, that he's more concerned about how it will affect Joss and her safety.
Jax asks about Nina , Maxie says that Nina is happy in Nixon Falls and may make it her permanent home .
Peter is pissed off at Nina for playing games with Sonny. He mentions how Carly and Jax will feel when they learn the truth about what Nina has been doing with Sonny considering Jax and Sonny hate each other.
Liesl says the vacation is still on she needs to make a phone call.Ava is really upset she says it's my duty to keep us apart oceans apart.
Alexis says she feels bad for Nikolasand Spencer and what they're going through she tells Spencer she read his dad the riot act for what he did to his own flesh and blood.
Jax is finding out about Mike lol and he asks who Mike is.
Maxie tells him a guy she met
Esme is a crazy bitch,Ryan doesn't want Esme near him. He asks Harmony to tell her to Go Go Go.
Peter says he's reminding lol her of what she's doing. She says you're a sicko umm hello pot meet kettle.
Sonny says see what I mean.... Phyllis says there was some tension.Nina has 24 hours or lol 😆he tells Carly and Jax where Sonny is lol.
Liesl calls Nina and says she'll help.She tells her to tell Peter that Anna and Valentin are in St Lucia. That they can lure him there lol .
Oooh did you see the look Esme gave Ryan lol it was the look of pure evil she is bat shit nuts this kid.
Ava tells Nikolas to make peace with Spencer. Alexis says that Spencer is lucky , he says why am I lucky ?
Alexis tells him it's because he's loved by his father and everyone else around him . Yup I agree with her
Alexis tells Spencer to be smart and to patch things up with his dad .
Carly and Jason have evolved from Jake's they've grown up alot.
Liesl asks Nina Do I have your blessing to wipe Peter off the map.
Take a deep breath, have some champagne and relax she tells her. Nina says I will ! Good girl says her Aunt Liesl she is so good with her.
I do not trust Esme, she's so strange.
Harmony is talking to Alexis and says Esme is trouble and for Alexis should tell Spencer to stay clear of her. I don't blame her at all.
Ava says she has people to do business with in Europe.She doesn't want to leave Nikolas but she has to.
She promises to love him from a far.
Jarly are so sweet lolCarly is trying to get Jasin to dance with her. AWE
Jason almost kisses her she pulls away wait what. She wants Sonny not him. I know this much omfg .
Phyllis says whatever going on with Nina and Peter is not romantic.
Sonny says I have a feeling since I met him yesterday Mr Sinclair knows who I am.
That he does Sonny that he does, that's it for now guys , until Monday this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off enjoy your weekend everyone .
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