
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 30 August 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 8-30-21

Good Afternoon me darlings  so now that Liesl is gonna go after  Peter I'm expecting so  high bad ass drama coming our way .

As for Esme .... I want  her to  be  put in her place. 

Today's  show  left  me aggravated and more than a  little  angry  .

I'm  sure you'll understand  once this  Recap  gets  knee deep in like quick sand that I wish would swallow certain characters up and we never claps eyes on them ever again.

Today's  show starts off  with Brooklynn and Valentin at the  pool, they  were all happy  and  smiling  .

Maxie shows up  to see Brooklynn and Bailey for a lunch date .

Omfg Austin asks Valentin why he should  keep him on as Ceo.

Shawn has come  to  see Alexa  and    plays checkers  with her .  Sam shows up  and  she tells her mum that  she got a call  from Drew.

Sasha and Brando  talking with Gladys about work  and  about Carly's upcoming wedding  to  Jason.

Jason meets up with Jordan, to talk to her about Cyrus and  Peter and the upcoming nupuals. 

Carly is having flashbacks and Anna startles her. They talk about the wedding and  Vincent Novak approaches her.

Sonny gets a visit  from  Peter meanwhile  lol Nina is on the phone  with  Liesl lol and says are we all set.

Sonny asks Peter if he knows who he is Peter says as a matter of fact yes I do.

Anna  and Dante  get  Liesl looking to help them.Lucy is not impressed with  Gladys lol.She's biting her tongue 👅.

Gladys is getting on my nerves lol.

Valentin is talking to  Austin  and Scott about Elq shares. Maxie says don't worry Valentin will think we're just having lunch.

Scott thinks Austin has a strong case.

Maxie asking about Austin's  involvement in ELQ.Valentin says replacing him as Ceo at this time is not a good idea.

Austin doesn't trust  Valentin.

Shawn gets up to leave  to  leave Sam to talk to her mom.

Liesl wants to talk to Anna privately.

Vincent  Novak apologies to Carly about Joey's behavior.

Gladys needs to shut her  pie hole.She is totally irritating.

Sasha tells Brando that  Maxie told  her that  Jason and Carly set a date for the wedding.

Sonny and  Peter in a shouting  match. Sonny tells  Peter  to leave  Nina alone. Nina runs in and freaks out.

Sonny demands to know  how he knows him he says  that he is in a long list  of Nina's men.

 She tells Sonny he won't see Peter again I promise.Nina asks what he did  to provoke Sonny.

She tells  Peter that the  says the baby is in St Lucia.

Liesl asks if Anna could  keep her updated on Peter's  whereabouts.

Liesl tells Anna  that She's going  to St Lucia with Scott Baldwin.Anna's like with Scott lol  really!

Maxie likes Austin she was babbling lol.Lucy is angry with Scott lol And interupts his  meeting.

Lmfao Austin he thinks  he and Maxie are friends lol.

Sam had to cut her visit with her mom short. 

Jordan tells  Jason that the threats have been neutralized.

Carly  tells Gladys off for  trying to force her way into her  wedding.

Brando tells sasha he's not going to the wedding.

Alexis  is worried  that Sam is putting herself  in danger trying to find Drew.

Dante calls Sam and tells her he has the file.Sam and Dante  meet with Anna about Drew's plane.

Shawn tells Alexis that  Someone killed  Hayden's mom.Sasha says you can  be apart  of the family without  being  part of the family.

Lucy tells Sasha  that  she  got upset with someone. Brooklynn stop lol  you're acting  suspicious.

Brooklynn thinks Austin  lol  is hot for Maxie.

Sonny TELLS  Phyllis over the phone that  Peter is leaving soon.Nina tells Peter everything she knows he  threatens  to hurt her if she's  lying

I love Jordan  believing  in   Jarly and their future together since  Sonny has been gone. 

Alexis  tells  Shawn they could work together.Love  Anna and  Sante talking about Drew and  his plane and the other passenger.

Lucy  thinks  Gladys is irritating  lol And won't help Gladys anymore.Says she's had enough of her for  a lifetime.

Brooklynn likes the way Maxie handled Austin lol.

Valentin says to Austin you don't have to become the very thing you hate. 

Scott got a  private  jet for  him  and Liesl.Sam found  the business she was looking for it's Nina's  company.

Sonny calls  Peter creepy lol, He thinks alot more than that I know that much.

Crichton Clark was  mentioned oh geez by  Anna that was the facility  Nina, Drew , Robin,   Lante and  Naxie 
Were held hostage .

Shawn tells Jordan  he needs her help.

Gladys  is  schmoozing with  The Novak dude and as per talking smack about my girl Carly. 

Carly and  Jason talking about Cyrus Sonny asks Nina out on a date.

The private jet that Liesl and Scott are going to St Lucia in  is crashing  holy shyte.

Nooo I don't  like this  son of a bitch .

That's  it for now  until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone. 

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