
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 6 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9-3-21

 Morning  Me darlings , happy  labor day Monday 

Lots of  Interesting stuff  happened  on  the episode for September 3rd  2021.

Friday's episode centered around 
Curtis setting up for Jason's bachelor party and there are only  3 participants  to  be at it  lol.

Sam shows up  and  says she wants  to  talk about Drew's plane crash.

It's  Jason's bachelor party  and Carly's Bachelorette party.

Brando talks to someone on the phone he doesn't  look happy.

Sasha and Willow meet up and they talk about Chase walking again.

Willow asks how she and  the baby are  they're  there for Carlys party.

Michael and Spin  show  up and  see Sam lol.

Spin asks why Sam is  there.That was awkward!!!

Phyllis and  Sonny  talking about  the outdoor dining.

Jax asks Ava about Nina's new man lol.Nobody knows Nina's new boyfriend is Sonny.

I wonder who Brando is working for?

Sam doesn't look happy,She asks to speak to the man of the hour meaning  Jason.

Sam wishes him and Carly the best ,
She says she's fine  , but is having difficulty processing  it.

Spin apologizes  because he didn't  know Sam would  be there.

Oh I love Carly's family  and closest friends.Joss is  so cute hanging out with everyone at the Bachelorette party.

Sonny tells  Phyllis what  Nina said to him yesterday about not progressing  the relationship until he finds out who he is and  that he won't  want to know her once he does.

Ava says  that Jax is jealous and  needs to stop asking questions.

Jax has a flashback and says no Ava I'm not leaving here until I have answers.

Dante and Olivia continue  to talk and he says I'll deal with things. He runs into  Brando and they talk about fatherhood and Rocco.

She says she has to go to  the party.

Sasha runs into Brando asks if Dante is one of Brando's side kicks.

Love Sasha  worrying about Brando.Brando says Dante I have a problem.

Sam is  telling Curtis about the clinic and  about the company that was  a passenger in Drew's plane.

Spinelli says its a welcome break from heartache socializing with friends. Spin says that  he and Ellie are definitely done.

Olivia is so damn nosey lol,She asks Willow about her  and  Michael being together.

Joss is killing  me  lol,She mentions her parents fighting. Bobbie is like  what the he  is going on.

Jax needs to go back to Nixon Falls,Jax  questions Ava about Nina Ava says Nina is evasive  about her new beau.

Sonny wants to  do what he can to honor Lenny's memory.Sonny asks  where Nina went  last night after she ran off.

Nina says she thought for once think, the thing is  this bitch doesn't think about  how  Carly and her kids are suffering. 

She's selfish  is our Nina  and wants  something she could have  had with Jax but chose to be a conniving  bitch instead. 

She's no better than Mary Bishop who kidnapped Nikolas back in the day.

Nina is crying, this better be truth time.Nobody knows anything Nina keeps her two lives separate.

I'm fed up,the build up is excruciating.

Lol Olivia and Carly are hilarious, talking about  how they're both  outspoken women  and that's why they get along so well as Friends.

Lmfao Judy Montgomery Cindy Clellan that  sounds like  us three .

I hope Sonny objects to the marriage of Jason and Carly I know I do.

Sasha tells  Willow she ran into Brando near the rest room.Brando asks  Dante for help he asks him to arrest him lol.

Spin and  Michael  and Jason are saying Carly is good for him.

Oh no Joey Novak just showed up for the bachelor party.He's not even invited or friends with Jason .

Brando is  stripping wtaf ,Sasha is like I like this lol.

Sam shows up to see Dante  and tells  him about what   Curtis told her about Crichton Clark.

Dante  says  he's distracted about the Bachelorette party in the pool area. Sasha Is all turned on watching  Brando strip.

Joey is told to leave,Jason , Michael and  Spin leaving.Joey calls Carly a tasty piece. 

Umm she's  not meat you creeper.Spin punched Joey.

Carly is all freaked out about Jason, and it's starting  to  show on her face.

Nina  better fess up  now she is bull face lying  to him.

Ava  says  that  Nina wants to  have a fresh start.And that she's evasive  about Mike.

Jax is like Mike ?I think Jax just figured it out about Sonny.

Well he thought he was imagining him in think but he starting to realize he was real.

Curtis calls Phyllis about Crichton Clark.Sam thinks it's funny that Brando is a stripper to make money for his baby mama Sasha.

Dante has to leave and go  to work.Ava says Nina did not take  her advice  when it comes  to Carly.

Nina is  psychotic, and needy and  she thinks she's entitled to take what's not hers ,just like her darling daughter Nelle. 

 I love  Brando and  Sasha so much lol,He apologizes to her for embarrassing her tonight.

Lmfao Willow and  Joss are hilarious, they liked Brando being  stripper.

Bobbie says Jason was always there for you abd saw the best in you when others didn't.That's the sweetest love you can get.

Thank you mom Carly says,Sasha is pleased with Brando

Curtis is gonna call Phyllis' friends at Crichton Clark.

Dante is arresting everyone  at the Savoy.

Carly says  she lied and schemed  to get Jason back in the day.She says  she doesn't  understand why he's always there for her when  she annoyed him.

Nina tell the truth already, that's it for now this is Mama Ashley  and Cindy signing off, until tomorrow guys  have a great labor day Monday.

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