
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 23 September 2021

GHCanada GH Recap : Lord Forgive Me 9/23/21

Good Evening me darlings so today's  GH for September 23 rd 2021 had it's   high points and lord forgive me it had some  very low points  for  me  as well.

If you  haven't watched today's  show  buckle up guys it's about to  go off like  time bomb inside your head.

The continuation of the  Carson  reunion  was really  really sweet. 

But  I got the sense  that  Carly's  feeling  really  awkward  about 
Jason and  what  almost  happened  between them.

Speaking  of Jason lol , he was  punching a punching  bag . 

Lmfao Britt watches  from  the sidelines and  she  says  that's  not the  actions of  a happy  newlywed .

Then we saw Medusa lmfao ahem (sorry  I mean Esme) acting  like  she's  Meghan Markle and  has earned  the title  of  the  Duchess of Wyndemere manor . 

Nina showed up to see Maxie it was  a nice  reunion lol.... or so we thought. 

Jax talked to Anna and  Valentin about  Nina heading  back to  Port Charles and  how  he couldn't stop her from leaving  the hospital.

Trina  met up with Cam and  told  him about  what  she  suspects about  Spencer and Esme .

Carly  told  Sonny  she was happy to be drinking the coffee he made  and  she told him she  wants to see him wearing  his  own clothes. 

Esme sucked up to both Nikolas and Kevin  and  was  doing  my head in seriously this girl is  the female  version of Eddie Haskell from Leave it to beaver.

Sonny  got changed  into  one  of his  suits  and  Carly told  him that  she had all of his things  put in the attic .

Maxie  was  totally  disgusted  when   she  heard  what  Nina did  to  Sonny and  Carly . Seeing that  Carly is her step cousin  she  should have marked  Nina's cards and  told her to  get lost. 

Jason  told  Britt that  Sonny  turned  up very much alive and it was  an emotional reunion  for  everyone. 

Britt tells  Jason  what  happened to her mother  and  Scott . Jason  offers  to help her find  her mom.

Britt tells  him  I can handle  it , but thanks. 

Meanwhile  Anna and  Valentin  find  out  what  Peter had done  to Nina  and  Jax finds  out  that  Peter jumped  off a cliff. 

Maxie  finds out what happened  with  Peter  and  what  he  did  to  Nina  and Sonny.

She tells Nina you're my sister  and  I love  you and nothing  will change that. 

As soon as Nina left  Maxie made  a phone call to Britt .

Sonny tells Carly that  he's  proud of her for how she handled  the  five families. 

Oh my goodness gracious me , then  Ava showed up to see Carly and got  a shock when  she  saw  Sonny.

I sensed relief  in Ava's voice  when  she  saw him and  he was brought  up to speed on what's  been going on and let me tell you  guys he was pissed. 

And then  Our  girl  Britt showed you to see  Maxie and  Maxie tells  her what  she  had heard  about Peter and  her mom.

Cam actually  agreed  to help  Trina with Spencer and  Esme . 

Trina says  that Ava is giving  up everything and leaving Port Charles because  Spencer is a spoiled brat. 

Spencer is beginning  to feel guilty about how he's  treated his dad  after  hearing his dad say he  wants  to make it up to his  son.

Trina and  Cam are going to lay a  trap Spencer and Esme. 

Ava is appreciative  of what  Sonny and Carly are doing  for her with Avery 

She asks them for moral support in telling  Avery that she's  leaving fit  awhile  

Anna and  Valentin talk about what Peter did to Drew and  Valentin says  he wants  to kill him after  what  he put Maxie through. 

They become  aware that  the  nurse that  was supposed  to help Maxie was kidnapped and replaced  with the fake one. 

Sonny goes to the   graveyard  to visit  his grave.   Nina  shows up and  he  does not  look elated  to see her. 

And finally  Jason has come  to see Carly. She tells  him that Sonny's not  home and  Jason says  I'm not here to see him I'm here to see you .

That's  it for now  guys,  until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone 😀. 

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