
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Sunday, 26 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9/24/21

Good  Sunday morning everyone,  so  the   episode  for  Friday  September 24th 2021 left me   rather angry .

First  of all, I'm getting  a little fed up of characters  who think they  have the  right to lie to and manipulate other people. 

The people of  Port  Charles need to rise up  and rid their  fair  city  of   the  likes of  Nina and  Esme.

Fridays  show  started  with Jason punching  a punching  bag . 

Britt questions him about  it  not being  the actions  of  a happy  newlywed

I really  love  them together ❀

Oh dear  Me  Anna and Valentin find out Nina went  back to Port Charles.

They also found  out Sonny is  alive and  says  she needs to call Robin and  tell her .

I swear Nina  must  be  lacking  some sort of logic when  Sonny tells  Nina  to leave him alone  πŸ˜’ she should  have  walked the other way  when seeing him at  the   cemetery. 

Instead  we got  alot  of  painful conversation that poor Sonny should not have had with Nina in the  first  place .

Oh boy Britt   Maxie  and Scotty in the same room discussing  Liesl  and  her whereabouts. 

Joss and  Trina  and  Cam  going to meet up.

I do not like Esme's 😐suck up  job with  Nikolas . She's  another Nelle I swear.

Oh  Sonny  lol are you stalking  me  lol, he says when   sees  Nina  .

liesl is like let me go when  Victor walks  into the room to talk to her.

Love Maxie's filling in Britt  and Scott about  Nina and Liesl.Victor is  psycho.

Victor says  that  he wants  Liesl to feel comfortable there.

Omfg Esme is  nuts  ,  and  Nikolas is  starting to  realize  it now. 

Go Sonny  rip her to shreds,  she  has no remorse for what  she  did to Carly .

When  someone lacks  empathy  for  others  it shows that  that  have mental instability. 

Jason asking Carly how it went  with Sonny.Carly asks  Jason  how  he is he says  I'm fine  , but  you don't Need Me anymore.

Why the hell would Esme want  to talk  to  Joss?Trina says  we should  access the  hospital video footage.

Cam says  no, that  he  got in trouble  last time  for using  his  mom's computer. 

Esme  is  so creepy, Joss tells  her that  Sonny is alive  and  Esme seems  shocked by the news .

I love Spencer and Nikolas, they're  finally  trying  to  make up and  get along finally. 

Nina stop trying  to justify  your actions  it's  so childish.Go Sonny you tell  her off she deserves that and  more.

Ugh someone πŸ˜‘ please shut her up.
Sonny says  she stole his  life from him.

Love Jarly  but I think they should  stay away from each other.

Trina tells Joss what  she  suspects about Spencer and Esme.

Esme arrives back at Wyndemere. Nikolas lol πŸ˜†is starting  to think Esme is a crazy Stalker.

Scott just found  out Sonny is alive.Lmfao  lol πŸ˜† Maxie telling  lol πŸ˜† Scott and Britt to  refocus.

Maxie is scatter brained  lol πŸ˜† she's the last one who should  say anything.

Victor is  insane, he  thinks  that  Liesl's family  won't  miss her yeah  okay  bro!!!

Go Sonny you handle  her  and  her  justifications for  not telling Carly the truth.

Mike doesn't exist there  is  only Sonny Corinthos.

Awe Carly is worried about Jason.Joss doesn't  want hurt Spencer.

Esme is  so selfish, when  she tells  him that Sonny is alive  he  smiles and  is  excited. 

Spencer is allowed  to  be happy about his Uncle  being  alive,but Esme is  pissed. 

Oh shut up  Victor  leave Liesl alone, he  keeps saying that Britt isn't sick yet , how the  hell would he know ?

Liesl is pissed because Victor  is holding  her hostage and  won't  leave her alone. 

Love Britt saying  she  knows her mom is alive  and  that she could  save  herself.

Scott wants  to rescue  Liesl.

See Nina played Mind games  with  Sonny and  he knows it  .

She says  I hope I didn't cause problems with you and  Carly.

But Nina he was happy  with  his family  and  you denied him that right to go home .

If you wanted him to be happy you should  have  told the  truth  from the off.

Esme is  an absolute   nutbar, and  needs to stop these games and grow up.

Nikolas asks  Trina for help , in getting  Ava  back.

Victor should  leave her alone Liesl is happy with her life.

Nina needs to mind  her own  business.She punished  Carly  over a girl she only knew was  her daughter for  5 minutes.

Nelle  was not a victim but Nina chose to  victimize Sonny's whole  family because  Carly told her leave her alone.

Trina says  she wishes  she could  help  Nikolas.Esme  is  annoyed that  Spencer is  happy  with  the news of his uncle  being alive. 

Britt and  Maxie say that  Liesl's strong  and has beaten  Peter before.

Go Liesl she   pulled a knife on Victor.

Nina  is  obsessed, she wants  locking up that woman .

Carly is worried about what they tell Sonny. πŸ˜• Jason  doesn't  look happy .

That's  it  for now guys  , enjoy your  Sunday.   Until tomorrow this  is  Mama Ashley  ,Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day .

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