
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

GHCANADA Red Flag episode Recap 9-1-21

Good Afternoon me darlings ...  I'm not gonna  lie I'm about  to send out red flags  and red flares after  seeing  today's episode  of General Hospital. 

Normally  I cut and paste our live chat  for the recap Nuh huh not today  .

I instead am going to rely on my  memory because  I have alot  to say
Today .

So Today's  episode  showed alot  of  things that pissed me the hell off .

First of all ... how cute are Elizabeth and Finn. I like how close they are  . Sharing a blanket was totally adorable. 

Love Brasha too Sasha showed up  to see Brando . They are just the  cutest couple.

Jax shows up at home and he finds out that  Joss has cooked dinner. 

I was left irate and wanted  to reach through the TV and punch a few bitches and an asshole or two for their  shady assed behavior. 

Nina making moves and flirting  with Sonny just makes me want  to Upchuck.

Speaking of projectile vomit  lol Cyrus is back  meeting with Mr Bashima. 

Oh and Let's not forget  about  Gladys  she has no loyalty to her own family  .

I don't give a shyte  whether Sonny is dead  or presumed missing you show his wife the utmost respect as well as  his children by not getting in bed with the enemy. 

Carly tells Jason she's going to see Brando and talk to him about Cyrus in the meantime she sees Gladys with mobster Vincent Novak.

Jason tells Carly that he won't  let anyone  hurt her and walks her to the elevator where they  run  into Britt coming  off of it .

I felt so bad for her  I really did  I love her with Jason . Carly needs Sonny back PRONTO. 

Gladys introduces herself to Vincent Novak and tells him she's  Sonny's cousin. 

Boy oh boy does she  lie 🙄about how close she and Sonny were. Cough cough I call bull shit on that. 

I was  really   annoyed hearing  Cyrus trying to  make a deal with Bashima.

Elizabeth and Finn see something  fall from the sky into their bear trap and are shocked to discover that it's Scott.

Scott asks are we there yet lol.Finn made me laugh with the smirk on his face. I love light humor  on gh.

Joss lol pulling rank over daddy, telling him that  she wants to cook for him when  she comes home. 

Lmfao Britt is cracking me  up  about Maxie and the Jarly wedding. She teases Jason about the guest list .

Cyrus is  crazy, he won't  give  up on  his hatred for Carly and Jason. All because  Carly won't  let him sit at the grown-ups table  . Spoiled brat i swear to God he's emotionally stunted. 

Nina trying to act  like   Susie homemaker and using a home remedy  to take a sauce stain off of Sonny's shirt. 

Elizabeth fills Jordan in on what happened to Scott. Lmfao Britt She's rambling lol about the wedding. 

Novak is asking  Gladys questions and calls Carly  a gold digger. Yeah ok sweetheart Carly is anything,  but and  you are calling her that because  she won't let you use her in Sonny's absence. 

Joss is really worried about her dad, But turns out  he's worried about her. Awe great scene I love these father and daughter moments. 

Cyrus  needs to stop plotting and making plans to destroy Carly and Jason . He truly is an unhindered bastard.

I love  Carly warning Brando about  Cyrus.Novak just asked Gladys to  the wedding. 

Gladys is a user and will do anything to  use and abuse her own family's trust and to Sonny hurting his wife is a betrayl in the highest degree.

Jason asks Britt if she  has somewhere to be.She says she  has a meeting to go to.

The  smoke alarm  goes off and Jax and Joss go to  check on it. Once  they sit down and try it Joss says I didn't make the sauce  she gets all freaked out.

Sonny and   Nina all hot and heavy, ugh please make it stop its making  me  wanna hurl. 

Scott is OK thank god, He tells them about the  plane ride and  how the plane  was crashing and the oxygen masks fell and how  he and Liesl both passed out .

He asks about  Liesl, and they don't  have any answers for them  at all.

Britt is  not impressed with the  guy she met  up with lol and  scarpers.

Jordan calls  Britt about Her mother  and  probably tell her about  Cyrus.
Jordan says this wasn't an accident who ever did  this did it deliberately.

Yeah no kidding man  , I could  have  told Jordan this lol , 😆I'm a smart cookie and hone  into this crazy Port Charles world business .

Bashima doesn't trust Cyrus, he tells him as much and frankly I do not blame him one bit .

I  love how  Brando and Carly can  work  together.Sasha over heard half a conversation and asks what's going on.

Joss is about to tell Jax about the sauce.Joss is trying  to figure things out in her head  . I swear dad If he wasn't  dead I'd say Sonny  made it himself.

She says Sonny  puts something  in his sauce  for an extra kick . Ooooh Britt questions Scott about what happened on the plane.

Wyatt finds liesls locket.Oh God  Gladys is  drunk off her ass and is more annoying drunk than she is actually sober. 

Gladys says i want  you to  know I'm coming  to the wedding lol. Carly does not look impressed at all can't say I blame her. 

Novak wants to  shake Jason's  hand, and says he's got his back and he'll see him at the wedding. 

Nina gets her top caught on Sonny's watch and starts feeling pangs of guit about what she's doing. 

She's i telling Sonny people may  love and  miss him and  he  should  let her go ! He says he can't  do that  .

She tells him  that she has to until he locates his family. 

Jax asks Joss where she got the sauce, she says Trina got it from a bar in Nixon Falls and that  the lady was really sweet to them .

Alarm bells go off in Jax's head,  all the stuff Joss is telling  him has jarred his memory. 

He remembers seeing Sonny in Nixon Falls at the  barn dance. 

Oooooh  hot damn let's goòoooo go get Sonny and bring him back to his beloved wife,  kids and friends who love him. 

That's it for now guys until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone. 

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