
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 11 October 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap Week of October 11-21/October 15-21

Good Evening me lovelies so what does  this  week's GH have  in store  for  us , God Only knows  but  I  am so   stoked for  it .


The episode  for  October  11th  2021 was  centered around Carly  talking  to  Britt about  Jason , Spencer getting   it  with  both  barrels  from Trina  and  Ava . Brando and  Sonny  had a  nice  reunion,  and  I was praying that Gladys would  not  show up  to ruin
 it .

Joss and  Cam talking  to  Esme about  Spencer  and Nikolas the  giant  man  child   whining  to  his Auntie Alexis  about  Spencer.Among that we got  to see  Shawn talking to Jax about  Hayden and  Naomi and  what  part  Nikolas  played  in  the  shooting of Hayden  and  her  disappearance out of town.

And  my  blood  started  to  boil  when  Nina  was  sucking around  a very  pregnant Sasha. She  really  makes  me  🤮🤮🤮🤮.  Joss pretty  much  told Esme that  she  worries  about  her  friend   and  doesn't  care  about  her .

Britt told  Carly  that  she  and Jason  would  not  be getting back  together. She  said  that  Jason is  under  Carly's control and  she doesn't  like taking  second  place not even  to Carly. Sonny  arrived  to  see Carlh  , but I had  to  laugh when   Britt didn't even  stop to greet  Sonny  she  was  that  pissed  about  Carly. Sonny  very  quietly  said  goodbye Dr Westbourne. 

He seemed  a little shocked  lol ,but then  again he  knows  his  lady love  love  has a way of annoying  people sometimes. 

Joss wanted  to  talk  to   Cam about   Nina , Esme excused  herself  and   then  we  saw  Ava  asking  Trina  if  she wanted  her to stay to support  her talking  to Spencer she said no  I  think  I can  handle  him lol.

Back at Crimson  Nina and Sasha talk about  her relationship with  Nina and   Carly  and how  both  of them. Supported  her  when  she  had  the  drug overdose . Personally It's  not  a healthy situation to  begin with  her  being  around  young  mums and acting  all sorrowful and in  a dream like  state  about  Sonny  as  she  sees  Brando  . 

Home girl is  too old  to  be   mooning over  a man that  isn't  even  hers or  to  be  skulking  around  in the  first place 

I had  to  laugh at  Alexis  giving  Nikolas short  shrift for  his  behavior towards Spencer , but  she's absolutely  appalled  learning  that  Spencer is  the  stalker. Nikolas  says  Spencer is turning  into  a true Cassadine.

 Shawn tells  Jax  that  he  will not  ruin his  friendship with  Alexis  by attacking  her nephew .

Trina let's Spencer have it  about everything  he's  done  from the lies he  told  to  what  he  did  to his  dad  and step mother  and totally shows how angry  she  is  with  him.

Later on  she  shows  up  at  Kelly's when she over hears Joss and  Cam talking to Esme and  asks what's  going  on. Meanwhile  at  Wyndemere Ava confronted Spencer on everything that  she  felt  about  what he  did  to  his  father  , her  and   what  he did  to  scare  little  Avery.

Ava  says  the  best  thing  anyone  can  do  is  look their enemy in the  eye and face them . I thought  holy  crap .... this  is  it the  old  Ava is  about  to  Emerge like the  Phoenix from the  ashes and  raise holy hell and  make me stare  down the  barrel of  her  freaking  gun.

The next  thing  we  knew  lol  Shawn had  gone  to see Alexis and  comes  face to Face with  Nikolas. Ava  realized that  Spencer wasn't sorry at all for what  he  did  and  did  something  Ava  Jerome would  normally  not  do  lol she  called  the  police  on  the  little  bastard 🤣😆😂.

Esme  got  a 📱 call  from Springridge  her  internship there  has  been  accepted  wtaf does this  girl  have  up her sleeves. 

And Finally  Sonny  meets  up with  Jax  and  asks  to  speak  to  him .Oh  my  goodness  how  the  tides have turned  will  Sonny  and  Jax ban together  to  deal with  Nina  .

OCTOBER  12th 2021

This  episode  was  pretty  straight   forward  from  start  to finish  .   Brando and  Sasha  had  their  scan  appointment and  prepared  to tour  the  delivery  room .

Carly  and  Jason discussed  Nina  and Ava  told  Nikolas that  she  delivered  tough  love  towards  Spencer , Sonny  and  Jax  had  a conversation about  Nina  .

Alexis  and  Shawn discussed  what  happened  with  the  investigation and   he's  wondering  who else could  have  been responsible for  Ava's stalking other  than  Spencer and Esme.

I still think Esme  could  be   secret Cassadine. I know  it's  a stretch  lol, but the  Cassadines are  notorious  lol for  tormenting their  own family  .

Nina  got  a  visit  from Phyllis  who  gave  her short shrift for  the  things  she's  done  .

Nina  has  guilt written  all over  her face  but  honestly  I don't  buy it . 

Gladys  showed  up  to Brasha's appointment giving them the  big  Iam playing  victim and you  could  see   that  Brando  was  annoyed  . 

Jax  told  Sonny how  Nina  lied  to  all of them and  how  he  was  told  he  was hallucinating when  he  said  he  saw Sonny. He  also  told  him how  Trina got  the  sauce  from Phyllis and  how  Joss said  it was  Sonny's  sauce and  how  he  decided to  follow  that  lead  himself.  He  tells  Sonny to walk away   from Nina  and leave  it  behind  him.

Carly  said  she wanted  to  hurt  Nina ,but   after  getting  the call from  Jax  she   changed her mind , she   says  that   she   wants  to  walk away  from. It and  leave  her alone  for  now . 

At Wyndemere Ava  talks  about  having  Spencer arrested  to teach  him a lesson . I have to  hand  it  to Ava  lol .... she's  a  good  step mum to that  kid  he  just  doesn't  realize  it  yet.

Through   teary  eyes Carly  tells  Jason  if  Nina  even  goes near her family  again  it will start  a war.

Over at Crimson Phyllis tells  Nina  she  has Sonny's  watch  and as they're  talking  Sonny shows up to  see Nina .

OCT0BER 13 th 2021 

Good morning  me  darlings  forgive  me  for  the  tardiness of  this recap  my  old body is tired and in pain.

Yesterday's GH for  me  was  the  day  for  stressful confrontations.  First with  Austin  and Jason , then  later  on with Sonny and Nina and   Brooklynn and Olivia.

Scott told  Ava she  still has  the divorce  papers if  she  changes  her mind  . She tells  him that  Nikolas  put  them in the  fire  lol.

But  the   sweet  scene  I loved  was Leo and   Carly  ,  Leo organizing  Carly's desk and  telling  her  that  her creamers were  out of  date. 

Sonny  told  Nina  to  stay  away  from him and  from Carly  and  as for  Wiley Michael would  make  that  decision  about Wiley.

Scott tried  to  convince Britt to  ask  Jason for  help  to  find her mum. In  my  opinion  she  should  just  allow Jason  to help  I mean  he  has the  resources  and   the   muscle  to  rescue Liesl.  He  also offered her  a  peppermint  she  declined  , but  if  I had  been there  lol I woulda taken it .

Over  at  GH  Olivia  heard  Brooklynn talking  to  Britt about  Leo and  at  first  I  thought  🤔Olivia  would  hear  Brooklynn out  and  be  kind  , but our  Olivia is  a ball buster and  she  doesn't  take  anyone's   bull crap.

Nina tells  Sonny  that  Jarly  are  closer than  he  thinks they  are  making him have doubts  in his head  about Carly and  Jason.  She  gave  Sonny  his  watch  back  as well.

Ava  spoke  to Carly  about  Avery  and  Sonny  and  when  Carly  mentions Sonny  in Nixon  Falls and  what  Nina  actually  knew  😳 Ava  started  to have  flashbacks  of her conversation with  Nina  and  went  to  see her .

Sonny  shows up at the  office  and  he  doesn't  look happy  he  says that  they  have  some  explaining  to  do .

Oh snap 


LORD  HAVE Mercy on me  today's   GH was  a surely  bloody  insane  .

First  of  all .... Brooklynn and  Maxie  taking  kick boxing  at  Volino's Gym their  conversation was   making   me  laugh.

Then we  had   Trina  and  Cam at  the  Corinthos discussing  Esme  and  Spencer. Carly walks  in and  over hears   Joss mention  Nina  and  asks  what's  going  on. Cam walks  in wearing  Sonny's 🤠.  Lmfao.

Meanwhile  Sonny  and  Jason  discussed Carly  and  Nina. Oh boy .

Also  We  got  a birds eye view  of  Austin talking  to  Britt and  let  me  tell  ya  it  didn't  work  to  his advantage.  

Britt let's  Austin have  it  about  him interfering  with   the  Q's and Leo.

Esme is at  the police station  , she  wants  to  see Spencer .

Ava  shows up to  see Nina  and  she's not  too thrilled  at first  with  Nina about  what  she  did  with  Sonny.

Carly  says  that  she is  not  used  to the  idea  of   Sonny wearing  a  cowboy hat.

Joss tells  her  friends  to  go ahead  without her  after they  find  out  about  Spencer being arrested  .

Joss tells  her  mom about what  happened  between  her and  Nina Carly tells  her  to  leave  it  alone  .

They   talk about  the  hat  lol Joss thinks  it's funny. 

Ava  cracks a joke  about  Nixon Falls  being  Shangri-la lol and   it  being whoville.

She  says  that  Nina  should  fight  for  Sonny  and that  she shouldn't  worry  about  Carly. Lmfao  is  she  for real?

Esme is  questioned by  Chase  and  then so  is  Cam. 

Austin shows  up at Volino's and  he  gets  into  it  with  Brooklynn. She  tells  him  that  she's pissed  at  him for interfering with  her family.  He's  pissed at her for  reporting  him.

He  tells  Maxie  to  choose better  friends  lol.  Esme tells  Trina to  make  Ava take  back her statement. 

Jason shows up to  see Britt , and  Sonny  comes  home  to  see Carly  she says  " Howdy Stranger!"

Ava arrives at  the  PCPD to make  sure Spencer stays put.


Well ... today's  show  was  filled  with  a lot  of  hell yeah's and you  have  gotta  be  kidding  me  .

Carson spoke  about  what  happened  between her  and Jason  and  how  Carly  really missed Sonny.

Nikolas and  Kevin , spoke  about  Spencer and  the  whole  situation  with  Ava . Speaking  of  Ava  she tried to  reason  with   Spencer  but  to  no avail. He  acts  like  such  a  spoiled self centered little brat  he's a  chip off the  ole  Cassadine block.

Britt asks  Jason  to  help  her  find  her  mother  and  we  see Drew  in  his cell  he  has  a  wound  in his arm and  Liesl helps  him with it.

Sam , Dante , Anna and  Robert are  at  the  pub trying  to  figure  out  some  things  , like where  did Valentin go , and  where  the  hell Drew could  be .Robert  says  that   he thinks that  Peter is working  with  Victor Cassadine.

In the meantime  Esme bursts  into  Wyndemere unannounced and  she started reading Nikolas the  riot  act  about what Ava  did to Spencer. 

After  she  storms  out  lol 😆 Kevin alerts Nikolas to the  fact  he  warned  him about  Esme , and  how  she  manipulates Spencer and  anyone  else  she  comes  across. 

Ava  says   she  can  give Spencer a way  out with  conditions  , but  he  refuses  to  hear  her  out  .

Carly  explains  to   Sonny  that  she  missed him so  much  and   the  thing with  Jason  almost  happened  but  he  came  home  and  it  changed  everything. 

Victor  is  all pissy when  he  finds out  Sam and Dante are  on the  trail with Anna  and  Robert. 

Nikolas says  what  am I supposed to do  , I had  to cut him off to teach  him a lesson. Kevin says , you either  support  him  and  get  him released or  make  him  take  responsibility for  his  actions.

Ava  says  Spencer's  not  even close  to  taking  responsibility for  anything.Nik asks how  he  is Ava  says  he's unrepentant.

Carly  asks  Sonny about  Nina.   Sonny says  Nina won't be  a problem. 

JaBritt piecing  things  together, about   where  her mother  could  be .

Anna  and  Robert  piecing  things   together with  Sante.

Esme  knock  it  off you  little  sneak, she's  trying  to  worm her way into  dealing  with  Ava.Spencer  being led to  holding cell,  she   freaks  out but  no one  is  listening  to  her.Nikolas is  really  worried  about  Spencer

Lol Peter double crossed victor, and he  goes  to  see Liesl  and  Drew in the cell.

Carly pours  her  heart  ❤out to  Sonny he  just  stands  there  and  listens  .She  says  I love  you  and choose  you always, he  says  I choose you too!💙

Awe great end  to  a  Friday show!!!

That's  it  for  now  , until Monday  this  is  Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great   weekend everyone. 

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