
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Stirring The Pot with GHCANADA 10-11-21 - 10-15-21

Helloooo me lovelies and  welcome to  stirring  the  pot  with GhCanada  if you  want to  learn  the  latest goings  on in Port  Charles  well park  your asses down  cause Mama Ashley has  some truth telling  for  your  little  peepers .πŸ™ˆ

First  of  all you  lot  ... those  who  despise my Carly are always  stirring the  pot  I think  you all need a reality  check  she  ain't  no   bully  not  with Britt and  certainly  not  with  her  looney cousins  Nina and   Nelle.

Carly  tried  to  patch  things   up with Jason  and  Britt  lol. Emphasis on  tried  .  But  quickly she  learned  once  She's  pushed  πŸ˜†,  Britt  pushes  back and  said  nope not  gonna  happen  !

She  told  Carly in  no uncertain terms  lol that  Carly  is  a control freak and  Jason is  her  lap dog that  obeys  her.

So here I  am stirring  the  pot furiously  lol . Don't get  out  the pitch forks at dawn to  come  at me. For  the  most  part I  love  Nina  she  has a certain charm to her. 

However  she went on the  rickety yellow brick road  stumbled across Sonny and  lied to Jax and  kept  the  fact  Sonny  was  alive  from his  wife  and  kids.

Since  finding out  Nelle  was  her daughter I feel  Nina  has gone off the  deep end blaming  Carly  for  Nelle's untimely death.

She wasn't there  , she has no business commenting on what  actually  happened  and  judge whether  it was intentional or not .

So for me  Nina's keeping  Sonny  away  from his wife and  family  was  almost like a  kid  on the  playground  saying " You stole my fave  doll , !" Then  a  few  years  later  going " so I'll steal your husband !" 

My main thought when  Nina  stood  in the cemetery lol and   tried  to  talk  to Sonny like  he was  still Smike was  " Hold up  Nina you ain't  in Nixon Falls  anymore  you're in Carly's territory  now bitch and I hope  she annihilates you .

If  Nina  was in front  of me  right  now  I'd  say "   Nina , sit your ass down  and  shut up you've got  tough love  coming  your  way lady !" I'm fed  up of  Maxie and Phyllis feeling  sorry for  her and  making  excuses  for  her  behavior . 

These  women  enable  her  into  a false sense of security 🀨 condoning her behaving irrationally towards  people  who  did nothing  to her.

Maybe  Nina  should  seek therapy  because once she  found  out  Sonny  was  alive  , and  Carly  was  still fuming  from Nina upsetting  Willow and confusing Wiley and  hung up on her Nina could  have told  Michael that his dad  was still alive   but  she  chose  not. And  why  is that  ?  It's because   she's  living  πŸ€” in Nina's world  and  woe be  tied if her  new obsession  gets  taken  from her .

Now that  she's felt Joss' wrath  will she do the  decent  thing  and  back  the  hell off . What  she  did  was  not only spiteful and  cruel, but  she's professing  to  love Wiley  , but when  you  love  someone  you don't  hurt the people who love them.

Then has the  audacity  to  blame the victim ie Carly for her effed up grief for  her psycho dead  daughter.  They  say don't  light  the  match or  you  might  get  burned Nina hasn't learned  that  lesson yet .

As for  Esme there  is chatter as  to  the parentage  of  the  crafty little   girl whose  shaking  things  up with  the  teen set in the  Chuckles.

This  is  pure speculation  , but  I'm  beginning  to  wonder  if  Sam's  baby with Sonny  actually didn't  die at all . Lila would  be  around  the  same  age as  Cam, Spencer and  Trina  and  Joss. And  Helena has  a track record of  faking  babies deaths  what's  to  say  that  didn't  happen there?

Other  possible  parents  , are   Nikolas and  whomever  , Olivia  Jerome  and Ryan Chamberlain , Duke Lavery and Anna  Devane and  even  Ava Jerome being  her  real mother  .

It  seems a  certain little  prince is  not  searching  in  his  heart  to forgive   step mother Ava . Most  people   grow and  forgive  , it  seems Spencer  isn't  capable  of  showing any ounce of compassion and  understanding about  what  he did.

Tough  love  , cutting  him off and   everything  hasn't  thwarted Spencer's vile  behavior AND having  him arrested  he's  lucky he's  come  out of it unscathed. 🀣  Let me  tell you that  was tame compared  to  what  Ava's done  in the  past.

He's lucky  she  didn't  shoot his ass or set him alight  like  she  tried  to  do  to  Carson lol. And  we know  how that backfired on her .

We  interupt this  Ava  Cassadine news to announce there's  a storm before  the  calm brewing 😌 if  think  πŸ€”Nina thought  she's getting off scot free lol for  the  Sonny situation Tsunami Carly ain't  done  yet brace yourselves  for  maximum impact. 

Stirring  the  pot  is  fun  , as long  as  you  don't  hurt anyone or  make  them lose their  jobs.

And  then  we  had  Brooklynn reporting  Austin  for diagnosing  Leo umm hello  ... girl you  baited  him  into  the  conversation πŸ™„ ! Yes he   suggested  that   Ned and  Liv take  Leo  to  a  specialist  but  it  was   not  a  professional diagnosis  . 

If  you  ask me  I  think Ava  may  be  encouraging  Nina  to  go  after  Sonny  but  behind  those   blue eyes is  a vindictive bitch .I don't  think  Ava's intentions towards  Nina  are  friendly  she's  setting her up  for  a  false  sense  of  security to  send  the  cuckoo back to her nest .

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