
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 18 October 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap October 18 - 22nd 2021

Good Monday  evening Me darling  loves , this  week's GH promises  to  be  one  hell of  a ride  .


The  race  was  on to  find  Drew on the  Monday October 18th 2021 episode  and  all the  parties involved in the  rescue of  Liesl and  Drew  are  some  of  my  fave  characters  on screen. 

We  had  Robert  and  Anna  talking  to  Sam and Dante.Valentin talking to the  same guard that  Drew had .

In the  meantime  Curtis  and  Portia  talked  about  Stella  and  his  family  history  which I  loved.  One question who  was  that  older gentleman watching Curtis  and  Portia  ?

Ontop of that Scott , Britt and   Jason were  talking  about  finding our  mutter and  our  Drew . Luckily  Spin was called  in  to   help ๐Ÿ˜‰ , but first   he  had  to  let Spin search his   search  history on his laptop. 

Scott wasn't  too thrilled about  that  idea . Lmfao meanwhile  ๐Ÿคฃ Sam and Dante were  treated  like disobedient children  and  had  a WSB agent  assigned to babysit them  like they're  five year Olds.

Is Anna  for real,  treating them like  this  Sam is  a Cassadine I think  she  knows how  to  deal with  her  own  great  uncle  . Some times the  best  rescues  are  lead  by  emotions  because  you're  all the  more hell bent to  rescue  those  you  love. 

Lmfao  when  Scott was  chastised by Spin for  answering  spam ads  I  laughed  my  fool head  off. 

Also  I couldn't believe  that  Victor of all people were  taken hostage  in his  own compound  and  Peter had his  people turn  on him.

Valentin was shocked  by  this  as well, but I have to  say Liesl telling  Drew to focus on Scout  to stay strong  I  loved that  so much .

Also  lol .....we saw  Drew rescuing  Valentin, Sam and  Dante on the trail after talking their  handler  around . 

Victor  has done  a disappearing act  while  Drew  had Peter at gun point and  poor Valentin was monkey  in the  middle  when  Robert  and  Anna came  across them.

But then  it  happened  , Peter  shot  both Drew and  Valentin  which pissed me the hell off.

Oh  what  a  start to  a nail biter of  a week I'm telling  you .

0CTOber 19th 2021

Goodness gracious  me  , yesterday's  GH  was amazing. Apart  from  the  shootout  in  Greece ,Valentin getting  shot  and  everyone  trying   to  figure out where  Drew  was we  had  some  interesting  things  going  on back home  in Port Charles too.

First  of all  Portia  and   Curtis were  getting  to  really  know  each  other  , but  some strange  man  was  watching   them from  a  table  he  was  sitting  at  Maya  chatted  away  with  him as well .

Britt and Jason  Showed  up at  the  Savoy  wanting info out of  Nikolas so Britt had  her  questions  ready   ..... 3-2-1 and go  Britt 

Lol I love  how  she  handled  Nikolas , and I love  that  Jason  left her to  do  her thing  and  he even  had  a conversation with Curtis  which was an added bonus 

Ava  spoke  to  Portia  letting  Nikolas discuss stuff with  Britt . She  and  Portia  discussed  their kids Portia  made  it  clear  she  wants  Trina  to  stay  clear  of Spencer.

Meanwhile  back  in Greece Sam and  Dante talked to  her  great  uncle  Victor  ..

Dante threatened  to shoot him which  was  kinda ridiculous lol cause  they arguing  gave  Sam enough  time  to  sneak away on her own

Victor  very worridely  told Dante  Sam was  not  safe  and  that  Peter's mem  would  shoot  her upon his orders. 

I'll tell ya what  I  think shall I  , I think uncle  Victor  cares  about   his  family  more  so  than  Helena and Mikkos ever did .

Dante and  Sam took  Victor  to Anna  and  Robert lol oh sweet,  smart  ass Robert  said   what  we  fans  say  online  I  think  I threw up in my  mouth a  little  bit  upon hearing  about  Victor  and  Helena bumping  uglies and   procreating Valentin. 

Back  in Port  Charles Nikolas got  a call from the  same Bartender that  Sam, Dante , Robert , Valentin  and  Anna spoke to .

Nikolas is waist deep in this   , I knew  I smelled  a rat  lol .. here he is saying  that   the  Cassadine compound  was  sold  and  yet  lol he's  still up to  his  neck  in it  .

Maya  was  going  to  introduce  the  stranger  to  Curtis , but  he disappeared  and  back  in  Greece we  saw Drew  with  no shirt  on in  a vehicle with Peter  .... I hope  he's  still following  what  Liesl told  him and  he's  faking  it.

Man another  jaw dropping  episode. 

OCTOBER 20th 2021

Today's  episode for  October 20th 2021 was filled  with  a lot  of  drama, but  not the  kind  that  I love  .

We  had Maya  And  Curtis  talking  about the  old  dude and  how  Maya thinks  Curtis  would like  him.

Nina  has gone  to  see Curtis

The  old  man has come  to see TJ

Michael  and Willow  are so  cute,

Maxie  going  out with Austin,I feel  bad for  Ned I don't like  the  way  Olivia  is  treating  him at all.

Elizabeth  is  looking  at   a  trivia  night  poster,Poor  Finn lol he's  so  smitten with Elizabeth but them missing  Hayden and  Franco  is  holding  them  back  I  feel.

Sonny  needs  to tell Carly   the   truth, she  is  such an open book  full disclosure and  everything  which  is  why  I  love  her .Jason  just  showed  up they  have  business  to  discuss.

Fin and  Elizabeth need to  admit  they have  feelings  there  lol.I  love  Curtis friendship with  Nina.

Nina's guilt is  coming  out,Sonny  is  feeling  weird around  Jason  lol hello guilty party  table  of 1.Carly says  let's  not  lose each other  over Nina's lie.

Jason says  hes  leaving  town, over  at  GH Britt tells  Terry  she's  leaving  town. Terry  is  clearly  not  the  least  bit happy  about  it  either  she  thought  it was  a vacation she's  going  on .

Lmfao  Elizabeth and  Finn too cute lol Finn sounds like fun can't believe those words came out of my mouth.

Michael  Willow has  a point, about  being  nice  to   Nina  , being  diplomatic is  the  way  to  go  instead of  being  a  total asshole  about  it.

Jason  fills  Carly  and  Sonny in on  what Peter has  done  to  Liesl.

Jason tells  Sonny  about  Liesl and  Scott Sonny's  reaction  about  Scott  and Liesl was hilarious.  Carly  goes you missed  a lot. 

Britt  telling   Terry  about her mum's disappearance.Lmfao Finn my  lips  almost  touched yours  he  says. Olivia  is upset  about what  Dr Diamond  said   about  Leo.

My mother  was watching today  and  said  Olivia  is  a lousy  mom and  won't listen  to  the doctors  cause she's stubborn. 

I love  Maxie and Austin,he's  onto her  about  her  endless questions. Maxie  doesn't  know how  to  broach  a  subject  without  annoying people  in the  process.

Jason  filling in  Sonny  about  Peter  threatening Nina.Michael agrees with Willow says  it's  a  complicated situation.

Nina  needs  to  see a  therapist  she clearly  needs  help.

That  mystery  man  hanging  around  TJ like  some  weirdo,gets  examined  by  him and  disappeared again.

Olivia  needs  to  stop , she's  being  a total bitch to  Austin he's  trying  to  apologize to her for  over stepping. 

Nina  and Curtis are  such  good friends and  so  good  for  each  other to confide in.He  thinks  she'll be  redeemed.

Michael  wants to take  Nina to court, Willow  asks  him to  reconsider. 

Jason telling  Carly and  Sonny  that Victor is alive  and Peter is working  with him

Elizabeth's  dad  called  Terry,Oh  wow  Is he  coming  ok  canvas.

Willow  says  we  let  things  lie  right  now.Don't let  your  emotions  work against  us.

Olivia  needs  to  stop  and accept that her kid has  issues and  deal  with it.

Lmfao Elizabeth wants to  deal with  Trivia  night , Terry  watche's  Elizabeth  get  in the  elevator   and  tells  Finn to  ask  the  questions to Elizabeth not her.

Sonny  tells  Jason  to  be careful  and   come  back  to them.Carly  is   glad they  talked  things  through  and  it's out in the  open.

Sonny  still hasn't told  her anything.

Oh  Michael  lol  you  are  Sonny's  son  after  all.Getting  a  governor  to  put  Nina  in  prison.

The  creepy  guy's back to  see Curtis. 

OCTOBER 21 st 2021 

Today's  GH   was  full  of a lot   of  truth  telling  and  some reality  check for   our  Spencer boy.

I  honestly  believe  , some  GH characters  are out  to  cause  drama and  air  their dirty  laundry  in public  wherever they  go in Port  Charles ,  but when  it's  the Corinthos  or  Quartermaine's they   sometimes  leave  it  behind  their  own   closed  doors ๐Ÿšช. 

And  that's  the  way  it  should  be   don't  let  your private  business spill out to  the rest  of Port Charles  or  it  might  end up lol in the  Invader.

Carly and Willow discussed
Michael and  Nina  and  how  Willow was worried  about  what  Michael may do where Nina  is  concerned.

Monica  talked to  Austin about  the  Q's while  they  Quartermaine's  discussed their  next  move  where  Austin is concerned  .

It  was Spencer's  day in court  lol and  it did  not  start  well with  the  lawyer pulling  out  the  wrong  file  calling  Spencer Sparky Caraway .

I  have  one  question  lol who  the  hell calls  their  kid Sparky.  Lol so  strange  .

Sonny  arrived  to  see  Spencer and  he  gave  him some food  for  thought  about  his  dad  . Esme  seemed  a  little  shaken  and  said  maybe they  need to  rethink  things  and make  up with Ava .

In the  meantime Michael met with  the  politician from Pennsylvania and  offered  to give him moneu  for  his  campaign .

Austin showed up to  see the  Quartermaine's and  signed  the  papers  saying  he won't fight  them for the  shares. 

Ava  met  up with Nina  and  Phyllis who  were out  for  lunch  and  made  her introduced herself  and  even  said  she  may  sell Charlie's pub.

Olivia was  angry  with  Ned amid the  whole  Quartermaine drama  and  said  she wanted  a divorce. 

Nikolas  showed  up to  see  Spencer at the  court  house  and  see him through  this  .

Sonny meets  up with  Ava  to talk  about  Avery  . He tells her  that  everything stays  the  same Ava  doesn't  like  it . I think Sonny  has something up his  sleeve. 


Sooo Friday's Episode surrounded Sam and  Dante  , and  Jason  and  Britt being  on  the  trail of  Drew and  Liesl.

Anna  was  visiting  Valentin  and  Robert said he was  pleased to see that  Valentin  ๐Ÿ˜€ doesn't   trust   Victor anymore than he  does. 

It was Spencer's plea court date  Cam and Joss showed  up  hoping that he  would  take  Ava's deal , but that  cock sure of  himself   little  bastard decided to be  disrespectful instead  .

And  then what  did we see  Michael  having  a meeting  with the  politician from Pennsylvania.  Willow  was  worried  about  that  whole  mess.

Sonny and Nina  both  wanted  to  buy the pub from Ava  for  Phyllis  it  was  a really  sweet  gesture  on both  of  their  parts 

As Anna  spoke  with  Valentin  his doctor  said  he would   have to  go  back  home  to  get  an  operation. 

Robert  was being  a  right douchebag to  Valentin and even  had the nerve  to  mock  the  guy.

Robert  called  her  to  come  talk  to  Victor  . When  she  got  there  Victor said  that  Peter is very  dangerous and  should  not  be  trusted  that  they need to  end  him .

Meanwhile  Sam  and  Jason  traded  info about  Drew  and   Liesl .

I  remember  being  shocked  as  everyone  else  that  ๐Ÿ™„Spencer  pleaded not guilty .

Esme tried  to  make  nice  with  Joss , but she  just wasn't having it ! Kevin and  Laura  will be  paying  his   bail,  but he  had  to  get  a job. 

 In the meanwhile  Michael asked that Nina be  charged  with  fraud  and  identity theft . Willow was  not  best  pleased about  it .

And  Finally  the  police  came  to  arrest  Nina .

That's  it  for  this  week ,  this  is  Mama  Ashley,  Judy and Cindy signing off have a great weekend everyone. 



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