
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 29 November 2021

GH Recap November 29 th - December 3rd 2021

Good Monday evening me precious  darlings ! It's  Monday  once  again , welcome to our weekly  GH Recap for  November 29th to December 3rd  2021.

The episode for  November 29th 2021 was at  best a tumultuous journey to  the Chuckles to  say  the  very  least  .

First  of  all it  was  a Thanksgiving  fraught with alot of  grief , anger  , spitefulness , but also  a  reunion  of Drew  and  Scout  and   Drew   with  Monica  .

First  of  all  ,  we  got   a birds  eye  view   of   Drew  showing  up to  see  Sam and   wahting   to  tell her  about  Jason.

Everyone  was  getting  ready  to  go  to  Portia's , however  Curtis  was  in  no mood  to  do  so.

The  Quartermaine's were  looking  forward to  having  a  normal Thanksgiving, but as  we  all know nothing  goes  to  plan  for   our  fave Port Charles  dysfunctional family .

Portia  talks  to  Curtis  on  the  phone  and  she's  nervous  about   the  whole  Marshall situation. 

I am  proud  of  TJ who  wasn't   Buying  Marshall's  bull crap.

We  saw  Carly delivering  food  to Gh staff, talking  to Elizabeth. She was  happy   that   Carly  was  dropping  off metrocourt  food .

They  discussed their   kids  as  well which  was  really ,  really  sweet. 

Elizabeth  says  she  has  to  go  back  to  work  , but  Carly  claps  eyes on  Britt  who   tries  to  avoid  her  .

Sonny  cooking  the  Thanksgiving  meal and  Anna  comes  to   see him.

I  had  to  laugh  when Portia was  talking Violet  and   Portia   asked   if  she  was  allergic  to   Pumkin pie  !

To  which,   Violet  says   "  No  , but  my  daddy   says   I'm allergic to  bed  time  !"

Nina  shows up  at  the  hospital to  see  Portia  and  runs  into   Phyllis who  was  volunteering at  the  hospital. She  asks   Portia  if   Phyllis can  join them for dinner  .

Then  we   saw  the  Q's Ned  and  Olivia they were  annoying   me   with  their  constant   bitching  at  Brooklynn and  not  being  very  nice  to   Chase. 

Valentin  being  a  complete  and  utter   dickhead to  the Quartermaine's in their  own  home   .

Nothing  in  the  world  would  make  me like  someone less than  them ruining  someone else's Thanksgiving. 

Valentin  is  on  my  list  of   people  who  need  to  get  coal  from jolly  ole St Nicholas  this  year.

By  hurling insults at people calling  them runts of  the litter , which  angered  Chase who  punched  him.

To top it  all off he  made  sure  the  Q's  lose  out  on their Thanksgiving  dinner. 

Drew  sees  Scout  whose  shy  around  her  daddy  at  first  ,  but things  soon warmed up  when   he  gave  her  a  new  crystal unicorn. 

When  Scout  went  upstairs  Drew  told  Sam  and Dante  that  Jason is  missing  

Carly  started  asking  Britt  how  everyone  is , it was  really  stressful to  watch .  You  could   clearly  see  Britt was struggling not   to  break down  and   cry .

Meanwhile lol 😆  TJ was  talking  to  Marshall when Curtis  came  across them and  asks  what  the  hell was  going on.

Valentin  informed  the shoçked Quartermaine's because   Brooklynn lied  to  him  about  the  baby   he  still a  share  holder  in ELQ.

Carly  finds  out  from Britt  that  Jason  is  presumed  dead  and  that  they  could  not  save  him.

At  Sonny's   he  finds  out  that  Jason is  missing  and presumed dead.

It's  clear   he  and  Anna   are   visibly  upset about  Jason.

As for  Curtis he  tells  TJ he's  in  no  mood  to  celebrate   and  when   they  get  to  the  Savoy  all of  his   friends  are  waiting  for  him.

Valentin calls  Anna  ,  and  he's   upset  and angry  over  what  happened  with   Brooklynn. 

Back  at  Sonny's   Carly  arrives  home   and   is   absolutely   distraught over  Jason.

Sonny sees her  through  the  window  and   he's  visibly  upset  as well. 

And finally Monica  say  she  called Luigi's for Pizza and  when   it  arrived  lol and she   saw   Drew  on  the   other   side  of  the  door.

November 30 th 2021 

The  episode  for  November  30th 2021 left me   all  teary eyed for  the   most  part  ,  but  I  have   to   give   major  kudos  to  Kin Shriner, Kathleen  and  Roger  Howarth  they   are  comedy  gold. 

Ok  ,  so to  back  it  all up we  saw  Drew  at  the  top  of  the  episode  bearing  pizza  for   his   family  .

He was  a  surprise  for  his  momma   and  when  the rest  of the shocked Quartermaine's  laid  eyes   on  him  they  were   shocked  to  see  him .

Carly  and  Sonny  dealt  with  their  loss of  their  beloved  Jason .

And  poor  Britt  was  shown talking  to  her  mother  checking  on her  .

Later  on  at  her  desk writing  an  email.  She  wasn't  supposed  to  be at  work  , but  lol like  her mama she  puts business before  pleasure  lol ...  add  sarcasm here  ! 

While  she  was  writing  her email  Austin shows  up  to  talk  to  Britt and  offers  to   share  his Thanksgiving  dinner with  her  !

Speaking  of  Liesl  lol  she   got   a  visit  from  Scott  lol  😆  in her  hospital  room .

Sam  was  extremely angry  😠  about Jason being  dead  and  threw a  glass at  the  penthouse door. 

Drew  told  his  family   about  what  happened  in Greece,  and  tells  them  he  feels guilty  because  Jason did  not  come  home  .

Monica  told  him not  to  think  that  way  that   she   considers Drew   her son too.

Austin  told  Britt that  Jason  would  have  always  met  this end  because  he's  a hitman.  Britt said  alleged.

Carly   was  clearly   struggling  to  cope with  the  news  about  Jason and  it  was  even  harder  when   Joss came  home   and  she  said  what's going  on  did  someone  die  yikes. 

In a light  hearted  moment   Gh showed Austin  walking in on Scott  and  Liesl  getting  down  and  dirty  in  her  hospital bed .

Sam went  to  clean  up  the   glass  she broke  , but  Dante  did  it for  her. 

She  said  she   wanted   Scout   to  have  her  dad  back   , but  not  at  the  cost  that  Danny  would  lose  his.  She  also  says  she always  knew  Jason would  meet  this  end like  this. 

She and  Dante kissed and  it  looked  like  they'd be  bumping  uglies soon.

I'm sorry  guys  as  soon  as  a new  couple  move  to  that  stage  of  their  relationship .

Back  at   the  Corinthos  compound  Joss  found  out  that  Jason has  passed  away.  Poor  Michael doesn't  know  yet  as  he   is  in   New York with  Willow  and  Wiley.

Of  course   Carly  and  Monica  separately decided  that   they  would  not  ruin his  Thanksgiving and   would wait  till he  got  home .

Monica  told   her  family   she  would  let  Carly  deliver  the   news  about  Jason to  Michael  .

We  then  saw   a   look  back  at  Carly  and  Jason's  friendship in  a  beautiful  montage. And  we  saw  Carly and  Britt  meeting on the  bridge. 

DECEMBER 1st  2021  

Good  Afternoon everyone  so   like  a  race  horse  straight out  of  the   gate  mama Ashley  is   in  a  hurry   to reveal  all.

Today's  GH   starts  off  with   Dante  and  Sam about  to  bang  each  other's  brains  out.

Alexis and Shawn with Spencer and Esme.The kids go to wash the dishes and it's clear  to Shawn  that   Alexis  still doesn't  like  Esme  at  all.

Valentin talks to Mac on the phone and   he's upset  and  angry  over  what   Brooklynn and  Chase  did to him.

Meanwhile Olivia is staying our of ELQ business.

Chase listens as  Brooklynn  talks  about Valentin and  Maxie  and Bailey.

Brooklynn says  she's  sad for  Charlotte and  Valentin but they  have  to  protect  Maxie  and   Bailey  . That  Valentin  will understand   in  time  .

Brooklynn is sad about Jason being gone and Carly and Britt talk on the bridge.

The  old Sonny  is  back  lol... he  is  trying  to  talk to  Cyrus who  hangs  up  on him.

Sonny says  " You  want a  war  Cyrus ? You'll get one you  son of  a  bitch !"

Awe Drew and Monica are making me smile. The  reunion  was  bitter sweet  she  gets one  son back only  to  hear  the  other   is  missing  and  presumed dead  !

Sam and Dante are kissing and about to make love.

Wow this scene lol, Sam and  Dante  are  kinda hot  together  .

Monica  asks  Drew  if  he's  nervous  about   getting  his  life  back. I love Drew he says he can't just charge back into his life.

Valentin showed up at Alexis' he decided to join the orphan dinner.

Spencer ain't too thrilled to see Valentin says what the hell is he doing here.

Family drama lol, it's  stressful  ,  it's  embarrassing  in  front  of  guests and  nobody  enjoys  it  except   for  in our  soaps .

Sonny has a visit from Spinelli to help him to trace a call for him.Spin says that's distressing lol when he hears that Cyrus called Sonny.

I guess that's  the   theme  of  this  recap  lol .

Poor Carly and Britt, both grieving the loss of their precious bad ass. I love these two women so much I  want  them to be  friends  .

Brooklynn is concerned about how this lie is hurting everyone.Brooklynn says Maxie made the right decision after what Peter did to Drew and Jason.

Lmfao  Alexis says  " What   fresh  hell is  this  lol!" as she   looks  out  the  window  when   her  doorbell rings  .

 It's Nikolas and  Ava. Spencer   is    less than  impressed  to  see  his  father  and  Ava  .

Omfg  Nikolas  and  Ava  say  they  didn't  want  her  to  be  alone  on  Thanksgiving 

Alexis reveals  that   she's far  from  alone as  you  can see  she  says  .

Olivia talks about how they should deal with Valentin.

Esme says " Come on Spence,  this will give you a chance to prove you're the bigger man!"

I  love  Drew  and   Monica  so  much.

Drew  tells   Monica he noticed  she  took  the  Q's  pics off the  mantle   she   tells  him she  took  them  down cause  it  just  made  her  feel  so  sad. 

Awe Monica says she got a sense of family when Willow asked if they could put Wileys drawings on the fridge

This after glow sex ,  they  are  interrupted  by a  call and  Dante  just  ignored  it .

Dante says maybe I should take off, all  I could  think  was   "  Wham bam thank you  Sam !"

It's  the anniversary of  Julian's death , if  you're  new  to  the  show  it is  exactly a  year  ago today  Julian  Jerome  Fell to  his  death off  the  bridge  that  collapsed.

Awe  Alexis  is  being  so  sweet   to  Ava and   that's  the  way  family's should  be  sticking  together  in times  of  grief.

The  doorbell rings   lol and  Alexis  say  Oh  no  whose   that   now  Satan! Close  enough!"

Lmfao  I  love our   GH  writers   so  much .

She  opens  the  door  and  we  see Victor  who  says  "Hello  Natasha !"

Spencer  and  Nikolas  argue   about  whose  going  to  leave   lol . Turns  out  neither  are  going  too. 

I love Sonny and Spinelli he gives him a hug, so  so  sweet . 

Awe Britt asks Carly if it's OK if she joins her.Britt  feels  guilty   about  what   happened  to  Jason.She says  she  hates herself.

A complaint was lodged against Chase for him punching Valentin Mac says.

Valentin  is so combative   NOT like  a  sniveling  wretch  he   calls   the  cops  on  him .

Lmfao Spencer is happy to see Victor. Nikolas , Valentin  and  Alexis   on the  other  hand  not  so  much .

Victor asks after Alexis' girls she said they had other plans lol.He says I thought we'd have a proper family reunion.

I didn't know you two were close to Alexis and Valentin lol.They say we're not.

Alexis asks if Valentin and Victor are close he says no but he's my father lol.

Lmfao Spencer  is  pissed he  says  that  can't   be   true  !

Awe Ned  and  Olivia  are  finally  back  on track  , well starting to  be  at  least.

Back to  Sam and   Dante  lol  Sam  asks  Dante  to  stay  and   tells   him. That  she  can  set  the  alarm so  that   he  can  sneak  out  early .

Oh   my   God   Alexis   freaking   kills  me  " I  knew  Helena  had  an affair  with  an  unknown  man  but Eww!"

The  Cassadine's are arguing   and  frankly  Victor  is   clearly fed  up  of  the  drama and is taking control of the family.

While they're arguing  he whistles and   says"  I know this family is known for its blood feuds and  drama , but I'm the patriarch of this family and things are going to change!"

Holy shit it's  about time  someone   said   it ! Let's  be  honest   they   like  the  Q's  act  like over  grown  toddlers  throwing  their toys out  of  their prams when they can't get  their  own way !

This  usually  happens  when  members  of  their  clans  rebel against   the   family ideals  and rules.

Cause  God forbid  any of them have  a brain of their  own. 

Brooklynn is looking worried and Drew thanks Monica for letting him stay.

Drew and Ned talk about getting back at Valentin.

I love Victor saying there has been too much infighting and backstabbing in this family ! Lmfao Spencer says and Stabbing in the front . Victor says exactly we have to be a united front and stop the Squabbling.

Sam standing at the window and Dante walks over to her. He  hugs  her and  they   kiss.

I don't  think  Sante  will last  especially if  Lulu comes  out  of  her  coma. 

Sonny offers to let Spin stay with him and Carly.He says no he has to be in the right headspace for Georgie in the morning.

Carly is absolutely heartbroken and  so  is  Britt.Two of the best chick's in daytime.

Britt  reaches  out  and  puts  her  arm around   Carly. 


Today's GH  was  brought   to   you  by  the  phrase   oh  my  freaking  goodness.

First   of  all  everyone   was    discussing Jason  and   his  presumed  death . 

I know  in  soap time   it's  only   been a  week ,  but  if  truth  be  told   I'm  so over  it  right   now  .

Sam was shown  talking  to  her  momma about  Drew   and   Jason  and  how Drew  told  her  that  Jason  was  lost  in  the  rubble  in  a  cave  .

Maxie   was   fighting  fit  when   she  found  out  that  her   plan  has  gone  south  ! Thanks  to   her   over  zealous friends  who  took  matters  into   their  own   hands .

 As  for  Sasha   and Brando  they   got  a  visit Nina   , who  hatched  a  plan  to  distract nurse Amy  Driscoll be  so that  Sasha   could   see   her  baby  boy.

Ontop  of  that  we   saw   Valentin Confiding  in  Anna that   he  wasn't  
Bailey's  father  .

At  Carly  and  Sonny's they   sat  I  the   kitchen  looking  after  Donna  talking  about things  .

The  talk  was  mostly   about  how  much they   both   miss  Jason and  they   got   a  visit   from  Drew  .

I  had  to   laugh  when   Nina   lol ,  got  into  an empty patient room   and  buzzed  the  buzzer  so  that   Amy   was  left  lol unaware that   Brando  and  Sasha  made  a  break  for  it .

Amy  was shocked  to  see Nina in the  room  all in the  pretense of   doing  an  article   on  nurse   response   time   for  patients  .

Amy   was  gullible   lol and  fell for   it  hook  line  and   sinker . 

Brando and  Sasha  got  stopped   by   a  fan   of  Sasha wanting a selfie.  

How awkward  ? I would  not  want   yo be  famous  I  like  my  privacy  way  too much. 

Sam made  her  mom and  offer  to work   with  her  doing  legal  work   for  her  PI business. I  love  that   idea.

Anna   asked   Valentin " what   do  you  mean   Bailey  isn't your  daughter  ?:

He  filled  her  in  on what  happened  with  Chase and  how he  goaded Chase  into  decking  him by  hurling  insults  at him .

It's  so  juvenile that   he would   do  that   I  don't   care  how  angry  you  are  you  don't provoke people  because  they   upset  you  .

Grow  up  , get  a  brain  and stop   being  an idiot  ,  that   applies  to   Brooklynn  and   Chase   as  well.

Meanwhile   Drew  filled  Carson  in  on  what   happened  in Crete .

 If  truth  be told he  was  worried  that   they  might   not  want   him around  after  what   happened  to  Jason.

Maxie  hit  the   roof   when   she  heard how Brooklynn and  Chase  just  acted  without   thinking  and  without  considering how  she   would   feel about  it .

Her  safety  and  that  of  her  baby  are  at  risk she  says  and  they  need to  tell Valentin the  truth. 

Back at  the  hospital Sasha  and  Brando visited  their   son  and    it  was  so  sweet   .

They decided  to   call  him  Liam and  the   meaning   behind  that   name  is
Strong  willed  warrior  I  love  that. 

Drew   and  Carson  talk  about  their  kids  and  they  were  looking  to  the  future  .

Drew   left   to  go  home  and   Carson  had somewhere  they  needed to  be  too.

Maxie   was  looking  to get  a  drink  from  the  kitchen  when she ran  into  Drew  and  Carson  ran  into  Nina  at  the   hospital. 

Ahem  Friday's  show  should be  one   hell of  a  corker lol.   My  girls   will  bring  in their   A Game   as  only  they  can .


Good  Sunday  morning Me  darlings ,  Friday's  GH  was  funny  and  heartbreaking  all at  once.

First    of  all  we   had  Nina  being   in  Carly's  fave  yet   again  . I'm getting  a  little  tired of  her  ingratiating herself  into  Sonny's  orbit  once  again  .

Love Sasha and Brando  talking  about   their   future and   their   baby son.

Lmfao Maxie and Drew, what   a twosome lol. Maxie   is   such  a  chatter box lol . In turbo  mode to  be  precise. 

Someone please end Peter, I  do  not  like  the  way  he talks  to   people  like he's  so  much  better  than  they   are 

If  truth   be  told  the   man is   a  creep de jour. His   father    and  Helena  had  more   time  to  hone  their  crazy  .  Peter  is  just  a  wanna  be villain with  no  class and  even  less bravado

Valentin is like a spoiled child, in all honesty  I  get  that   he's upset  about Bailey  not  being   his  kid  ,  but his energy  is   not  that  of  that   man  we   grew  to  love. 

The  kind  Valentin would  ask  is  there  something   you're   not   telling   me  and  dig  deeper .

Loving Maxie and Drew talking, they   truly   a  good   friend   to  each other. 

Facing   off  with   Nina   Carly   says  " At  the   risk   of    sounding    volatile !"  I  truly   love  this  woman   . 

Carly   wants   to   know   why   Nina   is   still at  the   hospital.Nina   was   warned  to   stay   away.

She  knows  when   her  anger   is    going   to  blow  and  excuses   herself to  go find  Monica.

Awe Sasha is so upset,  she   wants  to  know  what's   going  on with the  baby.

Oh God Anna it's none of your damn business.  She   interferes  where   she   should  not   .  Jesus   this   is   upsetting  Brooklynn further seeing  Valentin upset.

Maxie tell Drew the truth,  they  are talking  about Louise  and  Maxie   hears Drew  say   he  will  do whatever   it  takes  to  find  her  daughter  .

Lmfao Austin lol, he   just  stuck  a  needle   into   Peter   and  drew  blood from him.

Awe Carly calls Monica when   she  can't   find   her   and   leaves   a  long  drawn out   Voice message. 

Britt  brings  the  neonatal doctor to   discuss Liam Mike's prognosis   . He   has  hypothermia so  they   have to keep  him warm. 

Maxie  and   Drew  are  talking  about  Peter and  how  Peter   has  power  over   her  .

Drew says that when   Scout   and  Danny   were   having   nightmares   and   said   someone   was   watching   them .

"They'd  look under  the  bed  and   in  the   closet  and  they'd  see that he  wasn't  there  anymore!   You know what I used to tell Scout and Danny the boogie man has no power over you anymore!"

I  am loving  these  Carly   and   Britt scenes. The  way they  are  comforting  each   other   is   so  awesome  .

I hope Maxie does go  see Peter  like Drew  suggested  and tells him he  has  no  power  over  her  anymore. 

Awe Valentin loves that kid, he  tells  her  he  loves  her  in  French  and  he's  crying, which   makes  Brooklynn cry.

I  think   she's   realized  how  much  pain  she's  caused him  .

Awe Brando and Sasha get a  visit  from Carly and  Sonny . So  sweet  they   are  such  supportive cousins  to them.

Austin lol 😆 said Dr Westbourne lol I just met your brotherLet me guess you want off the case  Britt says  .

Austin  says   no  lol  on the   contrary.

Nina is freaked she sees Peter,.He says "Nina Reeves alive and well I guess we're both hard to kill"

Lol peter take a pass on that CT scan since a had tunnel fall on me lol .

Britt and Austin talking about Maxie giving birth in the woods .

Nina sees Peter and asks what Peter is doing out of jail. Peter says Jason shot him . He asks how Mike is .

Nina says there's a special place in hell for people like you! Peter  says    I hope you beat me there!"

Awe Carly and Sasha are so sweet, they   really   are  good   friends   .Carly kisses her ontop of the head.

Brando and Sonny bond over fatherhood.Awe Austin is worried for Maxie because of Peter.

Peter   calls  Carly   the   feisty and  beautiful  Carly Corinthos.He  says  he's  surprised Carly  hadn't  tarred at  feathered  Nina   by now. Lmfao.

Carly  over hears   some   of  the  conversation or  has she   ?

Great   show  ,  until tomorrow guys  , have  a great  Sunday  this  is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great  day everyone. 

Monday, 22 November 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap November 22nd - November 26 th 2021

Good  Evening me   precious  darlings  I  have  to  admit  that today's GH for November 22nd 2021 was  an  absolute  nailbiter  .

First  of  all  I was  left  worried  about  the  medical status  of  our  Sasha and  her  darling  baby  boy.

I  was  worried  along  side   Brando  ,  but thank God  for Miss Maxie  she  was  the  angel  😇  comforting  Brando  and  telling  him  to  keep faith. 

Beside that we had Chase fully aware that Maxie and Peter  are  little  Bailey's  true  parents. 

I  really  think  the  full  truth   should  be  told  to  avoid  a  hell of  alot  of  drama  .

In  Greece  Peter  stood  up  unscathed  by  the  dirt  and  the  rubble  and  pulled  a  rock on  Drew.

While  Drew  was  faking  him out  and  they  got  into  a  fight . Poor   Britt was hurt  and  witnesses what's  going  on between  the   two  men.

Anna gets  a  call from Valentin and  tells  him that  Peter  has been  arrested  . 

Valentin tells her  to  careful and  to  stay  safe .

Britt was  injured and Liesl and  Drew  looked  after  her  .

Carly ran  into  Jax who  told  her  he's  going  back  to Australia  .

Sonny  showed  up  at   Charlie's   and  talked   to  Nina  about Sasha  whose  having an emergency  C-section. 

Back  in Greece  Anna  and  Robert  descended  on  Peter who  told  them that the  tunnel collapsed  and  that  there  were  no  survivors. 

Lmfao  yeah  right  that  is  until Anna  and  Robert  had  heard  noises  lol down below  and  decided   to  investigate  .

Anna  comes  across  our  Port  Charles  three and  they  realize  Jason is  missing  .

It was like   2012 all over  again  and  cha ya know  what I  don't  like  it . I  don't  like  seeing  another   one  of  his  lady  loves  going  through  this  again. 

Back  in  Port  Charles Chase tells Brooklynn he  knows  the  full extent of  who Bailey's real  parents   are ! He wonders  why   Brooklynn did not  confide  in him.

Carly  is  super  annoyed with  Jax  and  tells  him  he  needs  to  stay  out  of her  business. Meanwhile Sonny  informs Nina  that   what  they  had   in  Nixon  Falls   was  not  real .

She tells him  that  she  was upset when  she  learned  Sasha  wasn't  her  daughter  and  that   they mended  fences. 

She  also  said  that  she  was  angry  with Valentin lying  to her  about  Sasha and  then eventually Carly and  Jax for  not  telling her about  Nelle sooner. 

In  my  opinion  ,  I  think  Nina   needs  to  stop  bringing  the  bad  blood  with her  mother  up  and also  Carly  and  Jax and  what  she  feels  they did  to  her .

In  life   , you  learn  and  grow   from  your   mistakes , as well as  the  bad  things that were  done  to   you  in the past instead  of  manipulating others  and striking  out  at innocent  people.

Nina doesn't  realize  using  other  people  to  indirectly punish them is  the  wrong  thing to  do  if  you  want  them to  properly  hear   what  you  have  to say .

The  same thing  could  be  said   for  Peter who  made contact   with  Maxie.

Jax  shows  up that  Charlie's and  tells Nina  not  to  tell Sonny  suck  her  in again  . It's  the  other  way  around actually  Jax.

Drew  starts  moving  things   to   try  and  find  Jason,  Britt is  freaking  out  and as  they  leave the  tunnel the  Chariot Tarot card  is  left  laying  amongst  the  rubble .

November  23rd  2021 

Today's episode  of  GH for  November 23rd  2021 left me feeling sad and  upset  about  Sasha  and  her  wee little  baby  who  is  in the  NicU.

I also  was  feeling  sad  for  Britt  because  she   felt  it  was  her fault  that  Jason  may  have  perished  in the  tunnel.

And  let  me  tell you, I felt  relieved  for Liesl telling  her  that   she  should  not  blame herself .

In Port  Charles Valentin on the other  hand was  bound  and  determined  to  take  his  ass home  and   discharge  himself  from the  hospital .

Epiphany  was  less than  thrilled  about  the  whole  mess and  was  seriously annoyed  cause   it was  against  doctors   orders  .

Brooklynn talked  to Chase about  Maxie  , Valentin, Peter  and   the  baby. 

Gladys  watched helplessly  as  Sasha and Brando  were told  their  baby  son  is  very  ill.

Sonny  arrived  at  the  hospital and  ran into Nina and  they seemed  very  standoffish with  one  another   .

Nina  tried  to  get  info on  Sasha but  she wasn't  getting   any  info  from Elizabeth.

Also  Anna  got  a  call from Maxie  telling  her  that  Peter  called  her  and   she  definitely   was  all freaked  out  about  it.

This lead her to  text  Brooklynn saying  she  needed  to  speak  to  her  urgently. 

Meanwhile  , Carly  arrived  to support her  family and  talked to Sonny  about  Nina  saying  she'll try to  let  things  go  for  his  sake  .

They saw  Gladys  who  came  over  to  them and she got  nothing , but  kindness and support  from her  family  .  

It was  nice  to  see  them showing support to Brando and  Carly  asking  Gladys to come  with  her to  the  cafeteria to get  Brando some  food.

Maxie  , found out that Chase  already figured out  that  Bailey  was  actually  her  daughter Louise and wants  to  help her  protect  her  daughter. 

I  really  like  the  fact  that   Nina  and  Valentin can  be  there  for  each  other  In times  of  crisis .

United in  grief  they  are  , but  honestly they both  need to  move  on  and  stop obsessing  over people  that  were  never  theirs   to  begin with .

People  are  not  things  you  can  possess , they  like Peter  August never  learned that  lesson  in  life !  Let's  face  it  they  never  had  shining examples  of  parents  growing up.

And  back   to  Epiphany  she   was  angry   with  Valentin and  forced  the  discharge  papers   in  his  hands   .

And finally  our  dear   sweet  Sasha  begged  our  dear  sweet  Brando to  go see  their  son  . 

That  poor  girl was  beside  herself   , because   she  can't  go  see  her  son  until  she's  well.

Brando did as  he  was  asked  and  Piffy was  absolutely  sweet  to  him.

November 24th  2021 

The  episode  for  November  24th  2021 was not  full  of  any sort  of  Thanksgiving  miracles .

Instead  we  were   privy  to  certain  awkward and stressful  situations  for  Brooklynn  ,  Chase  and   Olivia  .

We all know  that   Brooklynn   was  gearing  up  to   drop  the  bomb   to  her  daddy  that   Chase not   Valentin  was  Bailey's daddy.

Same  shit ,  same   lie all to  protect  Maxie  and  baby  Louise!

 As sweet and   admirable  as  it is,  this  lie is  collecting   broken  hearts  along  the  beaten  path .

Then  we  were  subjected  to  an awkward conversation between Chase  and Finn. 

Don't   get  me  wrong  I  love  them, but  how in  all good  consciousness can  Chase  lie  to  his   brother ?

Then  we   had TJ  and   Finn inviting  Austin  to  dinner  then Olivia  hounding Austin  and  apologizing  to  him for  what   she   said  to  him .

Austin made  it  clear he  wants  nothing  to  do  with   Brooklynn or  the  rest  of  the  Quartermaine's. 

Ontop of  that Sam and  Dante spent  time together  with   their   kids  who  were  enjoying  each  other's company.

The  kids  were  sent  upstairs  to  watch  a  movie  and  were  promised   snacks .

But  then  we  saw   Curtis  telling  Portia  about   his  dad   and  TJ having  another  run in with  Marshall.

I don't like  the  fact   Marshall just   thinks he  can  force   his  presence   on   other  people!  

 He  does it  without  thinking  he's  upsetting  them in the  process .

Ned  was  furious   about   Brooklynn now  switching  to  another  baby  daddy  .

You  can't   blame  him, I just  wish  she  would  tell  her  father  the  truth for  once  .

TJ was  left   suspicious of  Marshall, and  Scout  came  to  her  momma  about the  boys  having  changed  the  movie  on her

 Dante stepped  up  to  play  devil's  advocate  and   deal with   the  boys  .

And  as  it  was   just  when  you  think  Sam was  happy   and  content  there's a  knock at  the  door  and  Sam finds  Drew  is  on the  other side  of  the  door .

That's  it  for  this  week , this  is  Mama Ashley, Judy  and  Cindy signing off.

And  lastly  we  want  to  wish   a  happy  Thanksgiving  everyone  have to  our  friends  in the  States.

Have a  great  weekend   guys !!!!



Thursday, 18 November 2021

GHcanada Daily GH Recap November 15th - November 19th 2021

Good  morning   guys  , I'm  sorry   this  recap  is  late   ,  I  was  way  too  exhausted  yesterday   to   do  it  .

Let me first  tell you  that   the  following episode was filled  with 
Drama , sadness and  laughter !

The kind  of laughter   that   makes   your  belly  ache courtesy of   Kin  Shriner  , Tristan  Rogers Charles  Shaunnesy and  Bonnie  Burroughs.

This  episode surrounded around  Curtis  finding  out the  mystery  man  was  his  father and  Chase was  questioning  Brooklynn about  the  night  Bailey was  born.

Besides that we  had  Scott  questioning Victor  about  Liesl  and  asking  for  his  help  to find  her  .

Oh  boy and  we  also  had  a  front  row  seat  for   Valentin  threatening  to  inject  10 CC's of  air  into  the  blood stream  of  the  body  guard    from  Greece.

Trina's big  night  had  arrived as  curator of  Joel  Sartore's photo  exhibit  and  everyone  joined  her  to  see the  photos. That  included  Spencer  and  Cameron , Esme  and  her  mom.

And  then there  was  Gladys  , Oh  Gladys lol  thou are  a  pushy  ,  annoying  woman ,but  I  love  you  Bonnie Burroughs.

I  loved  how   she  griped about  getting  her  credit  card  privileges taken  away  at  Deception ,  but  I  also  loved how Sasha  made  up for  it  by  inviting  her  to  the  photo Ark exhibit. 

Curtis  was super pissed at  the  man  , who  claimed  to  be his  daddy   and  you  can't blame  him. 

Anna arrived  at  the  hospital  room lol, and  she  injected  the  air  into  the  injured  man  lol 😆  Valentin gave  her  high  praise  .

" It was a classic  , gutsy  and  diabolical  ! Anna she  says   you're  such  a  flirt !"

God  I  love  these  two . Robert  showed  up and talked  to them then  got a call that  someone   was  visiting  Victor  at  lock up. 

He  calls  Peter a guppie compared  to  Victor  Cassadine  lmfao.

At  the  Gallery   Portia  arrives  and  tells Trina  that  Curtis  is  on his  way  to  see the  exhibit  , but  once  she  meets  Esme  lol 😆 she  says  " Stay  clear  of  that  one!"

Trina  says " I'm trying  to !" After  finding  out  that   Spencer tool  a  job at  Kelly's  with   Cameron.

And some  magic happened  three of  the  best daytime  legends  came  together  in one  scene   lol .

I  am of  course  speaking   of   Scott Baldwin, Victor Cassadine and  Robert Scorpio. Aka ( Kin Shriner  , Charles Shaunnesy and  Tristian Rogers  ) to  discuss  working together  to   get  Peter August  .

Portia  spoke  to  Ava  and   Nikolas , but she  was  less than  amused with  Nik and  of  course  Spencer .

And  Gladys  ,  lol  she   busted  🤣  Kipp when she   found   out  he  was  an actor and not  Brooklynn's baby daddy.

And  finally  we  saw Marshall  give    Curtis  a  picture  of him with  Curtis, Tommy  and  their  mama.


Today's show is dubbed Wtaf is  going  on  in  Port  Charles  today ?

Yeah  so   ..... we   had  the  goings  on  in  Greece.

Britt was reunited with   her  momma Liesl,  while she  performed  doctorly  duties on her  pantomime villain  of  a  brother  Peter  .

Meanwhile Trina's exhibit  of  Joel Sartore's photo  Ark was  off  to a roaring  good  start  .

We  mentioned  yesterday how  proud  we were of Miss Trina ❤, and  it  was more  than  crystal  clear so  was  Spencer. Which  made   Esme  super  jealous  .

Ned  and  Olivia  came  for  the exhibit with  Leo  meanwhile Anna  , Robert  and  Valentin  talked  about  how  they   were  going  to  handle  Victor. 

Back  in  Greece  ,  Britt  and  her  momma  hugged  and  Britt  saw  to  her  mother's wound  .

Peter tried  to  be  so  cocky  , and  tried  to act  like  he  has  the  upper hand  as far  as  Drew and  Jason  as well as  Maxie is   concerned  .

Back in Port Charles  Sasha  and  Brando  looked  at the exhibit  and  Sasha admitted  she  knows  the  sex  of  their  baby .

Ava and Nikolas  praised  Trina for  the  job  that she  had  done  on  the  exhibit .  Trina  tells  them that  her  professor  has  told her  she's  passed  the  course .

Which  made Esme even  more  jealous, this  girl is so super desperate to get attention she does  it in an extremely negative  manner  .

Gladys  thought she  had   Brooklynn and Kip  by  the  short  and  curlies, but  it's  clear that  they   are  not  playing  into  her  hands  .

Back in  Greece  Peter  forces  Britt to  take  a mission statement  for  both  she  and  Jason to  read.  Meanwhile  Jason tells Drew  to  stay  strong  .

Back  in Port  Charles Cam tells    Esme  to  stay  out  of  his  love  life .

This is which  prompts  the  nasty  little  minx  to  try  and  take  another crack  at  trying  to split  up  Trina's friendship  with  Joss.

Meanwhile  back  in Greece  ,  Britt  sees  Drew  and  they  seem to  send  a  telepathic  message  to  one  another.

Upon  being led  back  to Jason  , they  are  filmed  reading  their  statements , which  is  seen  by  Anna, Robert  and  Valentin .

I swear  to God  this  show  is  getting  insane  . So  then  back  in Port Charles Leo goes  missing  and  Sasha  ends  up  having  contractions.

She tries  to say  they're  just  cramps  and  tells  Brando  that the  sex  of  the  baby  is  listed  in  her   email inbox if  he's  interested  .

Meanwhile Spencer tells  his  dad  this  is Trina's night  and  he's  not  going  to deal  with  family  drama .

Back  in  Greece ,  Liesl is  told  by    Peter  he  wants   Maxie  brought  to  him and  that  he  wants   her  to  be  conditioned  and under his  control.

Back  in Port  Charles  , Gladys  talks  to Trina  and  is  trying  to  get   a  phone signal .

Poor  Sasha runs  into  her  and  it's clear  that she's not  just  having  cramps  it's actual  labor  pains.

When they try to  leave   they  realize  they've been locked  in by Esme  who  thought  Trina  was  in  the  room.

Meanwhile  Brooklynn realizes  Leo  has  gone  missing and   tells  her   dad  and  Olivia  who  are  panicking. 

Back  in  Greece Drew  and  Liesl  both  say  that  Maxie despises Peter and  they  won't   do it. 

Peter threatens   to  kill Jason  if  they  don't do  it .

And  finally  Jason  is  shown  with the  Tarot  Card   .

November  17th 2021  

To  say  that   GH  had   my  nerves  on  edge  is  an understatement for  the  episode  of  November 17th  2021.

Between the  disappearance  of  Leo  and  poor Sasha being  locked  in the  storage  room with Gladys while  in  labor is enough to fray  anyone's nerves.

I honest loved everyone  at  the  gallery  jumping into  action  to  find  him was  heart warming   to  say  the  least .

Even  Esme  was  scared  about  whereabouts  of  poor  Leo.

Ava  was petrified  that  something  bad  might  have happened  to  her  nephew  and  truly was  frightened  for  his safety.

We  also saw   the   reunion of  Alexis  and  Sonny . They  truly  are  the  best  of  friends  and  respect   each  other  so  much .

Maxie  and Austin  talked  about  Brooklynn and  agreed  to   disagree  about  her .

Carly  went  to  Charlie's and  had  a  heart to  heart  talk  with Phyllis about  Nina  and  Sonny .

Willow and  Wiley ran into Nina  Wiley seemed  to   be  happy  to  see her , but Willow  made  it  clear  that  she  was  still very  angry   with  her  for what  she  did to  their  family .

Esme  on the  other  hand  deliberately kissed Spencer  in front  of  Trina  to  make  her jealous  .

Ned and  Olivia  found   Leo  laying  on  the   pier  looking  for octopi.

 Sasha  and  Gladys  were  rescued from the  locked  room thanks  to  Brando locating  them in time  . They  discovered  she's having  a boy.

Phyllis  told  Carly to  let  go  of her  anger  towards Nina. Yeah  okay  ! How  the  hell can  she  tell her to  do  that  when  Nina  was  definitely in the  wrong  for  what  she did .

Back  at  the  pier  Olivia  has  realized  that  maybe Austin and Ned  are  right  and  that  Leo  needs  to  be  tested  for  autism.

And  finally lol  Carly   comes   across Willow talking to Nina and let  me  tell ya  guys  Carly  was   not  too happy  about  it.


Today's  Episode of GH is   brought  to  you  by  the  phrase  " Confront  this  bitch .... Go On I  dare  you !!!

I  dunno  what's worse .... Nina  being  caught out being  near Wiley  by  Carly ,  or Gladys being cut off at  the  pass by  Brooklynn lol.

This lead Valentin to  question  Miss Quartermaine's deception  lol.

 Or was  it   the  fact  that Maxie  telling  Austin  to  basically  to  eff himself  ?

Either  way  this   GH fan  was   one   happy  camper.

Ontop   of  that   we  had  Jason  springing into action to  save  Britt, Liesl  and   Drew  .

Britt  told  her  momma she had a plan to  finally  rid  them of  Peter once  and  for  all.

We  also   had a front   row  seat   for  Sasha  preparing  for  the  birth   of  her son with Brando.

My  goodness I loved  Sonny  checking in  on  Sasha  and he  and  Brando  making  nice.

I  honestly loved Willow   holding  Carly at  bay  to stop  her   from beating  the   living  crap  out   of  Nina  in front of  Wiley .

I  was  left  shaking  my  head  at  Brooklynn asking Gladys what  more  does she want Brooklyn to give  to  make  her  keep  quiet about  Bailey.

The  gall of   Gladys  telling   her   time  is  up  Brooklynn. 

Sonny  saw  Carly   and  Nina  fighting  and he told  Carly  after   seeing  Wiley to  stop  going  after   Nina   like  he   asked  her. 

Umm  I  think Sonny  needs   to  stop  defending Nina  period  . 

When   is  she going  to   pay  for  what   she  did? And  when  is  Sonny   going  to  see Nina  for  who  she   really  is ?

Meanwhile   back  in Greece  Drew  had  Jason  at  gun point .

This  prompted Jason managed  to  pull the Chariot tarot card  out  to  make Drew  snap  out  of  it 

With  this  going on  Peter managed  to grab Liesl and  Drew  and  Jason  managed  to  set  a  plan  in  motion  .

And  Finally Valentin  thought about  all of what Gladys had said   about  Brooklynn and  he  decided  to  ask   her  if he's  really   Bailey's father. 

November 19th 2021

The episode for November 19th 20211  was  in  a word  a full of epic action  and  some  drama.

And  if   you   want   to  know  the  full story   buckle  up  buttercup.

Firstly  we  had  Willow punching  a  punching bag lol.  She's  never  done  that   before  so  that  indicates  she   was  really  angry  about  the  whole  Carly vs Nina  Situation. 

Liesl and   Britt  being  lead   through  a  tunnel  by  Peter  who  had  them  at  gun point  .
Drew  and  Jason separated to  find  Liesl and   Britt and  Drew  found  them first. 

Then  we   had   Sasha's dramatic  C-section  and   Poor  Valentin finding   out  that  he  is not   Bailey's father. 

And  he  was  not   best   pleased   in fact  he was  extremely upset   about   the  whole  thing   . 

Who could   blame  him especially  when   he  thought  the  child  was  his  for  month's. 

He  bonded  with  her  and  so  did  Charlotte so  I   know   how  devastating it  must  have  been  
for  him.

Maxie was  beginning to fall apart  and told Chase about  Bobbie  and  he   figured  it all out  .

Michael finds  out  about  that  happened  between his  mother   
and   Nina  ! He   said  " Go mom!"

Willow was not  too impressed hearing this ,  but  told Michael 
that  Wiley  was  happy  to  see  Nina and  she  couldn't  keep them apart .

You can't  just say  no Wiley  you  need  to stay  away   from  grandma  Nina  it  only  confuses  the  poor  lad. 

Speaking  of  being   confused ! Carly  was  even  more  so  confused   about Sonny  not  being as  angry   at  Nina  as  she  was.

Liesl  made  me  laugh  trying  to  reason  with  Peter . She  knows  better than  anyone  you  can not  reason with  or  talk sense  into  a  mad  man .

Chase  spoke  to  Bobbie , who  blabbering way  too much  ! They  say  loose  lips  sink  ships .

Well  the Spencer women   do  not  know  when  to  shut  the  hell up  ! Which is why  I love  them normally.

Michael  asks  Willow  if  she'd  like  to  go to  the  Thanksgiving parade  in New York and  they'd   take  Wiley with  them. 

I think it's  a  brilliant idea so  that  they get  away  from all  the grandma drama.

Back at  GH , Sasha  had  to  have an  emergency C-section  ,  due  to  the  placenta rupturing  . The  baby  was  in  distress!  I'm hoping  he's  gonna be  ok.
And lord  have  Mercy ,Valentin  shouted  at  Brooklynn the  poor  lass was  beside  herself! 

Thank God for  Chase  he  showed  up to   rescue  Brooklynn and   he  said  he  was the  baby  daddy .

And  finally  lol  Jason  and  Drew  lol  got   into a  shoot out  with  Peter  after  Jason  showed  Drew the  cars  to  get  him to   stand  down.

I  don't   know  if  I'm  remembering incorrectly,  but   something  tells  me that  the  Tarot  Card was  destroyed  before  our  Q boys   sprang  into  action.

I  just  hope   they  catch up  to  Peter  before   he   makes  it  back  to  Port Charles. 

That's  it  for  now  , until next  time this  is  Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  wonderful Sunday  guys .

Monday, 15 November 2021

Tarot Card (Mind control )

Good  Morning me  darlings  , while  watching  GH we  became  aware   of  the  Tarot  Cards  that  have  been used as  mind control on Drew Cain.

The  first  one  we  learned  of  is  the  Tower card  .

To  learn  about   the   tower  card   go  to   ....

The  Second  one  is the chariot tarot  Card  

To  learn  more  about  the  chariot  card go to....

The third one  is  the   Hangman 

To  learn more  about  the Hangman  card  go  to...


Monday, 8 November 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap November 8th - November 12 th 2021

Good  Monday Evening  everyone   .... Today's  episode for   November  8th 2021 was  not  lacking  in  drama.

Carly and  Sonny  are  all loved  up  and   he  tells  her  that   he  has  meeting with Madam Wu Brad Cooper's Auntie. 

Esme  needs  to  shut  up  about  going  away.She  expects  other  people  to  fund  it !Why  doesn't  she  get  a  job  the  gold  digging  little  tart.

Poor  Spencer, thinking  about  what  he  said  to  his  father.He  showed up  on time for  work  Cam is  impressed.

Alexis  is  going  home,  and Sam  and  Diane arrive  to  pick her up.

Peter is such a  snake, Britt  demands  to  know  where   her  mother  is  .

Drew is passed out, Jason  starts  yelling at  him to  snap  outta it  like  he's  his  commanding  officer  .

They're  both handcuffed  .

Alexis is scared, She's  so  freaked  I'm glad  Harmony supported  her. 

Nikolas  showed  up  and   said  he  was the  one   who  got  Alexis  released.

Esme  needs  to  butt out  of  Cassadine family  affairs. She  irritates  me   to  no end  ugh.

She  drills  him about  what   happened   with  his  dad .

Miss Wu meeting  with   Sonny  love  it.

Peter  won't  let Britt see  her mama  says she  has  to  earn it  since  they're estranged siblings.Peter  wants   Britt to  join  forces  with  him. 

Love Jason telling  Drew  what   all happened  while  he  was under conditioning.

Drew  wonders  why  Peter  would  give  him a  bullet  proof vest  and  wonders  what  Peter wants  from him.

Join me  Peter says  who  the  hell does  he  think he  is  Darth Vader ? Seriously  lmfao.

I love Miss Wu, she  fills  Sonny  in  on what happened with  the   Novaks and  Bashema.

Spencer  is soooo obsessed with  Joss asking  about  whether  Cam and  Joss have  done  it .

Omfg  Drew  and  Jason  love  it!Hopefully  they  start  acting  like brothers.

Miss Wu  tells  Sonny  that   she  is  Brad Cooper's  Auntie  and  that  Brad's   parole  hearing  is  soon.

Sam and  Alexis  are  not  amused with  Nikolas, with  the  way  he  goes  about  things  to  suit  his  own  agenda.

Esme  Is a nosey  bitch, upon  hearing  why  Spencer  stood  up  to  his  dad  thanks  to  what  Trina   had  said  to  him about  being  his  own  man.

Poor  Drew,he's scared of  what  Peter  might  do  to him or  those  they  love .

Carly  confiding  in Diane  about  Sonny, and  what   Nina  had  done  to  them.

Diane says she was  surprised  Carly  hadn't  pulverized Nina  .

Miss Wu apologizes to  Sonny  for  what Brad  did and how  he  deeply  regrets  his  actions.

Miss Wu  asks  Sonny  for   forgiveness.

Alexis is  not  impressed with  Nikolas,and  tells  him all about  himself  and  what  she said  to  Spencer. 

Nikolas  is  shocked  that   Alexis  convinced  Spencer to  cut out  bad  influences.

Sam agreed  with  her  mom about  Spencer trying  to  make  it  on his  own .

Spencer telling  his  friends  what  happened  with  his  dad and  how  he  declared  that  he's  no  longer  his  son or  a Cassadine .

Sonny  doesn't   want to  help  Brad  and  intercede on his  behalf.Miss Wu is  pissed.

Love  Diane sticking  with  Carly,she  says  Carly is  a  very  strong  woman. 

Jason says  Drew is  no longer alone he  has  him there to  help  him  through everything against Peter .

He  also  tells  Drew that he has  Danny, Scout  and  Monica  back  home  and  to  think  about  them to  keep him focused.

Esme  is  a  jealous gold digging  tart, she  is  miffed  when  she  hears  that  Spencer  would  rather  listen  Trina than  her .

She  pretends  to  have  a   change  of  heart  and  says  she  wants   to  thank  Trina  for   her input.  Yeah  right!!!

Cam thinks Spencer is  stupid lol , and  thinks  that  lol 😆 he  should  beg his  dad  for  forgiveness and  get  his  inherentence back.

Nikolas  is  pissed, at  Alexis and  Sam for  encouraging  Spencer  to  strike  out  on his  own  .

Peter  wants  Britt to go with  him, but  she  refuses to  bend  to  his  will.

Diane  tells  Carly  to  go to  a  dive  bar lol and  get  drunk when  Jason  comes  back lol. And  tell him all her  concerns  so  he can  fix them for  her.

Love  Sonny  promising  not  to  retaliate against Brad.Miss Wu wants  to ensure  that  no one  attacks  Brad especially not  Michael oy vey .

She asks Sonny if  he's  speaking  as an individual or as the  head of the Corinthos family  . Sonny  says  I'm speaking  as the  head  of  the  Corinthos family. 

Lmfao  Nikolas shut up, he's  acting  like  an angry little  man.Sam is  taken  aback  , but thanks  him for  helping  her momma.

Omfg Peter  wants  Drew  to  shoot  Brit or  Jason.

The episode for GH  for  November 9th 2021 was pretty  straight forward.

There were reveals  and funny  moments and most of  all  one  character finally  got  put  in her  place for  her  blackmailing. 

Today's  GH starts   off  with  Michael, Willow and  Wiley visiting  Carly at  the Metrocourt.

Lmfao  Gladys  lol,She   calls   JOEY Novak  a louse and  that she  and  Carly  were  threatened  by  him.

Maxie  and  Brooklynn talking  about  Kipp. Who  comes to  talk  to  them about  being   intimidating towards  Valentin and to get  at  Gladys.

Peter   is  insane, Drew is  asked  to  choose  who  to kill.

Drew  says  I outta  kill you,  you  smug  bastard. 

Peter turns  to  Jason and  starts  babbling about  too bad you  married Carly you  could  have  been  my  brother  inlaw.

Lol Austin, I  honestly  love  the  way  he  reacts  to  Gladys  something tells  me  he  thinks  Gladys  is  barking  mad and  not  in  a  good way.

Carly  and  Sonny  want  to  discuss  things  with  Michael.

Lmfao Austin lol he  calls  Brooklynn entitled  lol and spoiled  lol.  Really  nope  that  would  be  her  grandma.

Kipp is  a  fool, He's  been hired  lol  😆to  pretend  to  be  Brooklynn's pretend  boyfriend and  baby daddy. 

He  tries  to  kiss Brooklynn, she  says  what  the  hell are  you  doing  ?

Peter  wants  Jason gagged  wtaf,he  threatens  to  shoot  Britt.Does  he  really  think  that's   gonna  stop  Jason  or Drew.

Michael  arrives to  speak  to  his  parents  . Sonny  closes the  office  door for  privacy  in Carly's office.

They  talk about  the  wedding  and  he  says  Miss Wu wants   him to  do them a favour .

Harmony  runs  into  Willow and  Wiley.Willow  asks  her  mum  to  sit  down.

Gladys  please  shut  up, she  gossips  way too much not  to  mention  Valentin abhors her  crazy ass.

Kipp is crazy   lol, he  tells  Maxie  he  worked  with  a  woman  before  who  was  a total diva  and  mouths that's  what   Brooklynn is  .

Wtf Peter, fight  him Drew don't  let  him win. 

Sonny  says  our  family   owes Miss Wu.Harmony   talks  about  Alexis  and  Says she  feels  lonely.

Maxie runs  into  Austin at the hospital  and  she tells   Austin  she's donating  mothers milk. 

Austin  wants  to  get  to  know  Maxie.

Gladys  and Brooklynn are  making  me  laugh.  Brooklynn and  the   back  and  forth  with Gladys  is  hilarious. 

Kipp took the  credit  card, from Gladys.

He  also says  he's the  baby  daddy  and  not Valentin I  actually  like  Kipp.

Peter is  a psychotic  freak, he  wants  Jason's throat  slashed by Drew this  is  sick. But  His  goons  hold  him at  knife  point  instead. 

Peter  needs  to  be  put  in psyche ward, Drew  was  handed  the  knife  and  he  cuts  himself  .

They need that tower card so it can be destroyed. 

Sonny  telling  Carly and Michael that  Brad  Is Miss Wu's Nephew.

Awe Harmony  is so cute with  Wiley.Oh no he  said, I'm not  supposed to  take  candy from strangers when  it's  offered  to him.

Maxie wants  to  keep  Austin at  arms  length.

Lmfao lol, Kipp acting like he's Brooklynn's heavy  lol talking  about  how  Gladys is  taking  advantage and  mentions  Sonny  lol and  how Sonny  wouldn't appreciate her  messing  with  his  niece  .

Oh  my  god  Jason, that's  another  tarot Card . The  Chariot  ( new  blog  on the  Tarot Cards  on the way). 

Talking  tough  aren't  ya  Peter, throwing  threats  around  scaring  your  sister and  her  friend. 

Michael  is  letting  his  position be  known.Sonny  is  saying  Miss Wu  promises  Brad  won't    go  near  Wiley.

Michael  says  if  Brad  comes   into  contact  with  Wiley there  will be hell to  pay. 

Maxie  is  being  so positive and  Austin doesn't  get  it. How she  looks  at the  brighter side of  things .

Lmfao  Brooklynn,  she  forced  her  hand  and  made  Gladys  delete  the  recording and  she  does.

Peter   is  saying   that  Britt and   He  are  like  their  dad  we  have to take  what  we  want.

Lmfao  Brooklynn threatens  to  sic Sonny  on  Gladys.

Michael sees Harmony talking  to Willow and  Wiley.He  says  Wiley  needs  us  more  than  ever.

Carly  is  so  proud  of  Michael wanting  to  protect  his  family.Carly  says   you  being  gone  changed  everyone.

Peter  is  delusional, if  he  thinks If  Maxie will fall for  his  devilish charms Again.

Poor drew, snaps  out  of  it and  Jason  tells  him about  the  Tarot Cards. He  says  that  Britt saw  the  other  one and  they  know how  to  stop it.

November 10th 2021

The  episode  for  November 10th starts with Elizabeth's  birthday.

Curtis  at   the  Savoy yhe  band  they  hired canceled

Maxie  spots   Sam and  finds  out  Alexis  has  been  released  from prison.

Nina  meets Shawn and  calls  herself  the pirrah in town.

Alexis ran right into Dante lol, Sonny  talking to Phyllis he took her  to  Charlie's.

JOSS tells   Trina  she's staying  at  Cam's, and planning  to  lose her  virginity.

Nicholas came to liz party, such an awkward  situation. 

Sonny says I bought it for you Phyllis.

Nina  is   making  all these   male  friends  that  are  friends  with  Carly  lol. Is  she insane I  mean seriously. 

Alexis  tells Dante  she was  pardoned.

Maxie  is  so  cute  lol excited  for  Alexis  and  also I feel  bad for  Curtis.

Alexis needs to be a lawyer its her life.

Trina being way too nosey, Oh  my  goodness Trina  shut up.

Sonny  asks   Phyllis If Charlie's has  potential.

He  tells  her  she's a  miracle  worker with  a  bar  and  that  this  bar needs  a   miracle worker.

Portia  has  scored  Curtis   a  band  to  play  at  the  Savoy.

Nikolas  is  so  weird and  Fin is so  awkward  lol. They  would  make  good friends. 

Scott showed up for  the  party.He  says  to  Finn I want your girlfriend  to  update  him  lol on Liesl.

Maxie  giving  Sam the  third  degree  about   Dante.Sam tells   Maxie  they  went  looking  for  Peter  but  couldn't  find  him and  that  Dante went  with  her for  moral support.

Alexis  tells   Dante  that  Nikolas  arranged her  pardon. Dante forgives Alexis  .Dante  just  said   stop  carrying your guilt  around.

Joss doesn't  need to  justify her decision to  Trina.

Maxie is  in shock  about   Dante and  Sam.Oh  no  that's  Linc he's  back.

Oh  no  the  band  canceled, it's due  to  the  mob  presence  in the  Savovy.

Sonny  talking  to  Phyllis about  Charlie's he  says  its  a  magical 

Awe  Sonny  and  Shawn  love  their  reunion.Nina  finds  out  that Sonny  offered the  job as bar manager.

Nina  says   her  faith  is  a  bit shaky.

Maxie  is  so damn nosey  lol.

Scott lol he  talks  to  Cam about  his  wanting  to  be  alone  with  Joss. Scott says" At  the  dorm you  can  put  a  sock on the  door"

Elizabeth  is  upset  listening to  Cam talking to Scott. Cam says   he  wishes  he  was  having  this  conversation with  Franco.

I  love  Trina  and  Joss's friendship.

Fin  and   Elizabeth are  going  to  the  Savoy.Linc  is  being  awesome for  now .

Trina  is asked by  Nikolas   if  she  told Spencer to  stand  up  to  him.

She  said  yes  I  did and  not  to  be a phony.Love  Sonny  offering  Phyllis the  job  Nina  needs  to  stop  mooning  around Sonny it's so  sickening. Nina  apologizes to  Sonny for  saying  things  wrong.

Sonny  says  Charlie's is magical in it's own way.I don't think   🤔Sonny's meds are  strong enough.

Oh  dear Nikolas admits  Spencer learned  bad  habits  from him. Trina  says  Spencer is  responsible  for  his  own  actions  not  Nikolas. 

Maxie  is  acting  strange  around  Sam about  Dante.

Cam tries  to  usher  everyone out the door. Elizabeth  leaves  with  Finn and  Viloet.Scott tells  Cam to  be  patient and  safe.

Curtis and  Portia and  Maya watching  the  artist.Savoy is  on the   way up.

The old dude is  back, Linc is  working with him and  says to the  old  guy crisis diverted old man.


Hey  me  beauties  ,  Today's   GH centered  around   some  of the residents of  Port  Charles attending  the  gig  at  the  Savoy.

Some  teenage  angst lol and  some  crazy  twisted  pretend  drunk  trying  to   get   info on  the  whereabouts of  Britt and  Liesl.

So  Today's   show  starts  off  with  a good crowd for Curtis, queuing  around  the  Block   at  the  Savoy.

Lmfao  Cam lol looking  at   a condom while  he's  getting  snacks  ready  for his  Night in with  Joss.

Joss talking   to  Trina  on the  phone , she  says  she  can't  find  the  lip gloss.

Carly  and  Michael are at  the  Savoy,and   Willow joins  them. Sonny is  at  Charlie's  before  meeting  up  with  his  family .

Love   Nina   lol,  she  actually  on the  rare  occasion  makes  me  laugh because   she  tells  it   like   how  everyone  sees her 

Nina  isn't stupid  she  knows that  certain  folks  in the  Chuckles thinks  she's nasty  and  evil  .

Lmfao  Brooklynn arrives  at the  Savoy  she  sees  Chase  " What are  you  wearing the  Jason Morgan line !"

Ava  talking  to  the  artist  on the phone, Scott  shows  up  to  see Ava  apparently  he's  drunk  off  his  ass or  appears  to  be  lmfao. 

MORE on that  later.Austin  visiting  Valentin  lol and  chatting  his  head  off.

Austin  is so  nosey, and won't let  Valentin rest  . All he  keeps  doing  is   talking  shyte  about Brooklynn.

Chase  questioning   Brooklynn about  Maxie seriously  dude  he  told  her  to stop  acting   like   Maxie's guard  dog.

Cam a burned  popcorn lol , the  poor  kid  is  so  nervous  about  what  is  about  to  happen between him and  Joss. 

Carly  and  Curtis  talking  about  Sonny  and  Joey  Novak, she  thanks  him for  what  she  did   to  protect  her. 

Sonny says to  Nina "  You  have  no idea what  I can  do  with  my  power !" when  Nina  mentions her  trial.

Nina says  what  if's  is  what   she's  all about. She thinks what  if  things  had been different  and   she  had  found  her  daughter  before  it  was  too late  .

Sonny needs stronger meds, he  is  on  a high  right now  and  thinks   he  can help and  fix  things  for  people  .

Shut  up  Austin,  talking  shit  about  Brooklynn non stop  lord  give  me  strength .

Portia  tells Elizabeth   maybe   she's  not  ready to  move  on from Franco,but  Elizabeth says   she's  ready to  move  on.

Lmfao Cam gets  a text from  Spencer,  apparently he can't  
work  the cash register .

Lmfao Joss shut  up   lol, she's  yapping non stop  and  starts 🤣talking  about  Spencer and  Esme.

My mum kills  me   , "That's  going  to  kill the  mood  to get  laid " my  mum says  lol.

Ava  gives  Scott Coffee to  sober  up,Lmfao  Scott  is  worried   about  Britt  and  Liesl  now.

Starts  talking  about  Jason and  how  he's  worried  he  won't  find Britt now.

Oh  God  now  my  mum is   taking  a stab at  taking  pot shots  at  Scott  and  Millow.

You  know  I  love   Scott , even  if  he  does  my  head  in some times  .

Michael and  Willow  are  so freaking cute, Nina  says  she  needs  to  find  a  new  bar  to go  to   cause  Sonny owns   Charlie's.

Linc says  Chase needs  protection  from  Brooklynn.Linc is  such  a  creep.Chase threatens Linc. 

Sonny  needs  to   stop talking  to  Nina   it's  so  crazy.Nina  is  liking  it when he's so  kind  to her.

Lmfao Ava, I'm  laughing  so  much  Scott  is a lunatic  lol.  Ava  is   so pissed  at Scott for   faking  being  drunk.

By  any  means  necessary I  guess.

Joss has  changed  her  mind  about  having sex  with  Cam. Oh  Joss  just  be  u stop  worrying  about  the likes  of Esme she's a  screwball.

The  band  fido  is  performing   and   everyone  seems to  be  enjoying  their  music.

AWE Curtis, he  speaks  to  Chase  about Brooklynn. He  introduces  himself to  her  . He  tells  her   that  if  Linc  bothers her  again   to  let  him know   and   he  will take  care  of him. 

Finn is  being so  good  to  Liz , she's  having  so  much  fun  with  him.

Scott  meets  up with  Nina  , Omfg  Nina  says  don't go  after Liesl. Let  things  happen the  was  Anna  wants  to  deal with  it.

Carson are so  cute, Carly  wants to  hang out at  Charlie's  now   that  Julian is  gone.

Nina  refuses to  go against Michael, when it  comes  to  the  custody  situation  with Michael  and  Wiley after  Scott suggests  she  fight  for  custody .

I  cant   believe  Austin, he's  such  a frigging  creep  he's   going  to  tell Valentin about  Brooklynn. 


Today's  show starts  off  with Sonny visiting  Spencer  at  Kelly's. He's  so  proud of  him  for   making   his  own  money  .

Awe  Maxie really likes  Austin.

Chase wants to talk to both Maxie and Austin about  the  night   her   baby was  born.

Valentin is remembering what Austin told him about Brooklynn and Gladys.

Curtis isn't too happy about who helped them with the artist at the Savoy

Trina talks to Ned about the photography ark exhibit.

Lol Robert likes Livvy, he  said  that  kiss wasn't  meaningless it  meant  something. 

Robert knows lol, she  did  it   to  make Ned  jealous. 

Chase won't drop the case,he talks about what Peter said about how he would not hurt his own kid.

Oooh!  Maxie knows Chase has an axe to grind against Austin cause of Brooklynn, and threatens to report him to Mac.

Valentin wants to know where all the bodies are buried.Brooklynn talking to her dad about Valentin. She  tells  her  dad that she  has  everything  handled.

Ned tells Brooklynn he punched Robert because  he saw  them  kissing. He  says he  wants to get  their  marriage   back on track. 

Robert. says Livvy uses him to make Ned angry.

Curtis  says  he  thinks  the  mob wants  a foothold  in  the  Savoy like Dante suggested.

Oh boy I love how Sonny and Spencer talking about why he went against his father.

Esme  shows  up to speak to Trina. Ewwe Esme's make up is too dark and she is very rude she's threatened by Trina cause Spencer likes her.

Spencer tells  Sonny   that  he  thought about  going  back  to  his  dad and doesn't like  how  hard working   is.

Esme needs to stop threatening and confronting Trina.

Chase thanks Austin for his full cooperation.

I can't believe Gladys,  she   goes   to  see Valentin again and he is not  happy to  see her.

Livvy is told she won't find happiness with Robert by  Robert.

Liv says she can't rely on Ned anymore Robert says Livvy sees him as a hero and likes the adventure

Liv says she  can't rely  on  Ned anymore Robert  says  Livvy sees  him as a  hero  and  likes  the  adventure

Portia says," I know that you like Sonny and Jason , but this place will still be recognized as a mob connection because you associate with them!"

Curtis says not going to happen this place is mine

I love Brooklynn giving her dad some advice about Olivia.Brooklynn is right Ned needs to zip it and listen to What Olivia has to say.

Robert just hit the nail on the head,Olivia is scared Ned is right about  Leo.

Sonny tells Spencer that he grew up with privileges and that he has to work hard.

Umm.. Valentin just went to his dark side with Gladys says he can be generous with people but also he can be very nasty when people cross him.

Portia wonders if the mystery man is in the mob!She tells him to be careful.

Curtis gets a phone call from Linc. Sonny tells Spencer to  apologize to  Ava .

Lmfao Gladys if I didn't know any better id say you're threatening me! She says to Valentin.

She  says   , " Don't trust  Brooklynn!"

Chase asks how well Valentin knows Austin.

Gladys   sees  Maxie   and  says  
" Lighten  up  Maxie  or  you're  going  to  needs  a  ton of  Deceptions wrinkle cream!"

Robert tells Olivia to be the hero in her own story and  that  she  needs  to  fight  for  her   kid  and  her  marriage.

Gladys is eavesdropping on Brooklynn and Sonny.What's she goofy smiling about that freak lol.

Chase tells Valentin that about how Brooklynn was all freaked out about Linc. Chase is putting the pieces together.

Robert excuses himself when Ned walks through the door.

Curtis is trapping linc lol.Esme is  being  really  rude  and  inappropriate with Trina.Yay lol Trina says I have to agree to disagree with  you !When a friend comes to me for advice and needs my help I help him!

Curtis wants to know who Linc is working for.Curtis wants to know if Linc is working with the mob.

He shows him the sketch, and he sees that linc recognizes the man.

Curtis demands to know who the man is.

Curtis finally sees the man face to face.

Ned wants to know what Livvy and Robert were talking about.Ned asks her to come to the charity exhibit.

Omfg lol Gladys, " Oh my God Sonny I've been feeling like you've been avoiding me!"

Sonny says she betrayed his family!

Lmfao Austin wants to know why Maxie is friends with Brooklynn ! Valentin wants Brooklynn tailed by Uri and wants to know her every move . oh Chase knows the truth

That's  it for  this  week , until tomorrow   this  is  Mama  Ashley, Judy and  Cindy signing  off  have   a great  Sunday everyone.