To say GH was a nail biter and nerve racking during Nina's hearing is an understatement .
Before we get too knee deep in the shit show of that hearing ,let's say a few Hail Mary's like Sonny and Olivia that Carly WILL completely and utterly lose her shit on Nina.
Oooooh Brooklynn having sex dreams about Chase, hot and steamy lol . Can't say I blame her one bit lol.
Chase, Drew and Curtis taking yoga class and might I just say things are getting hot in here lol. My goodness !
Eww gross Marshall is hitting on Epiphany I do not like this guy , and I certainly do not like what his agenda may be.
Maxie runs into Chase and Curtis lol , awkward moment with Maxie and Chase and Lucy lol. Lucy needs to cool down.
I'm so sick of Esme and her skulking around like some entitled little brat who thinks she can manipulate everyone she comes across ! Its time for her to go home already .
Valentin is literally making me laugh every time we see him on screen especially when he tries to pry into other people's business.
He says he can't forgive Brooklynn for her secret, and yet he thinks everyone should absolve him of all of his past indiscretions.
Victor sees Valentin talking to Marty , however Anna heads him off at the pass .
Laura shows up at Kelly's to see Spencer and it looks like Esme ain't to pleased about it. She really needs to stop this possessiveness with Spencer it is a really unhealthy way for her to behave.
The boy is entitled to talk to his grandmother without her interference.
Willow is testifying she says she never witnessed any bribes or improprieties taking place.
The two lawyers are arguing and Scott says he has 2 questions for Willow.
Lmfao Drew and Curtis are so awesome I love me some eye candy. Drew says he has to figure out what he's gonna do career wise. Curtis asks him if he'd work at Aurora again he says no .
Curtis says what about ELQ lol Drew says he would need a therapist to work with his family lol.
Marshall asks Epiphany to join his band as their lead singer , she says she can't because of her busy schedule at the hospital.
Ned is beginning to grate on my nerved crucifying his own kid talking down to her as if she's stupid I'm sorry , but no parent should talk that disrespectfully to their child especially a grown one.
He's a hypocrite whose made his fair share of mistakes so he should really get off his soap box.
He lamb bastes her for what she did to Valentin, but Chase rides in for the rescue and over hears everything that Ned so unkindly said to his daughter.
Scott is badgering Willow and won't shut up . Maxie is just chattering away and not noticing that Lucy is off in la la land lol.
Thinking about Marty and she starts moaning in ecstasy. Which is totally inappropriate in public I might add lol.
Maxie stops talking and says what was that moan Lucy lol.
Victor admits he's noticed that Anna has been tailing him and she doesn't lie about it either. She says yes she's been shadowing him all over town waiting for him to make one stupid move.
Esme calls Laura Grandmother and notices that lol Laura is not liking her addressing her as such. Esme quickly calls her madam mayor to which Laura says "Its Laura!"
Scott is acting like a pompous arrogant jerk who keeps badgering Willow! She starts setting him straight on everything she knows. Scott asks her if the charges against Nina should be thrown out of court.
He also askis if Sonny saw himself as a victim? Victor is criticizing Anna about the way she handled the whole Peter situation.
Marshall is driving me nuts he's such a smooth talker.
Drew says that they should stop looking for Marshall and Curtis says and start looking for the man he's pretending to be.
Scott asks if Sonny is omitting truths about Nina.
Willow looks pissed, Seriously tho lol 😆 fur is about to fly.Mama Carly will extract her claws ,possibly be in contempt of court lol and attack Nina.
Laura tells Spencer that she could never hate him.Esme admits her part in it and Laura wonders what's up with Spencer talking to Victor.
Marty asks Valentin about Anna and him.Lmfao Maxie and Lucy are killing me lol.
Ned says Valentin is already angry about the lie about him being Bailey's daddy.
Nina asks Scott to stop badgering Willow. He ignores her completely .
Sonny and Carly get up and leave, but Carly says she wants to stay and hear what Willow says .
Willow is saying there was another reason Sonny didn't go after Nina oh snap.
Nina looks scared lol, and Scott won't stop badgering Willow.
Oh my goodness it's getting good! I can't look!🙈🙈 or stop laughing .
Sonny wanted to get Carly out of there he wanted her to hear it from him.
Willow promised sonny she wouldn't say anything he won't be happy.Carly will turn against her.
Drew offers to do the digging on Marshall and get him a job so its easier to research him.
Chase says get a lawyer and says we have to set up boundaries.Just let me know how much space you need.
Maxie and Lucy snuck out of yoga class to get latte after the instructor tells them to hush up.
Valentin lol says that Marty can't be his lawyer and sleep with Lucy lol.
I love Laura saying Spencer should make amends.Oh my gosh Esme lol.
She is really sucking up to Laura and it's not going unnoticed .
The prosecutor is not happy with what Scott is doing, they start arguing and they're asked to approach the bench by the judge.
Sonny and Carly are listening oh crap.
Willow admits she over heard Sonny say what ever happened between us in Nixon Falls has to come from me.
Scott asks what happened she says love.Carly is going to kill Nina.
December 28th 2021
Today's GH is brought to you by the phrase "Exsqueeze me !What did you just say?"
Today's show picks up where yesterday's show left off with Willow telling the court that Sonny and Nina fell in love in Nixon Falls.
Brooklynn and Chase are adorable they just need to admit their feelings .
Olivia and Ned leave Brooklynn and Chase in charge of Leo. Olivia says it's nice that Chase is around .
Brooklynn says yeah a little too nice .
Awe Liesl and Britta are so cute talking about Liesl and Scott fused at the hip.
TJ visiting his dad At Aurora. Shawn wants to know what TJ is holding back from him.
Stella asks Curtis what he's so eager to ask her about Marshall.
It's tense in the court room lol, Nina and Carly aren't very happy .
Ned and Olivia waiting to talk to the doctor about Leo .TJ tells Shawn that Tommy and Curtis' dad is alive .
Curtis says he and Tommy didn't want to give their mom or Stella grief about asking about their father.
Curtis wants to know about his dad.
Willow is being questioned about what she heard Nina and Sonny were discussing in the hospital chapel.
The prosecutor asks Willow if she ever asked Sonny about what she hear.
Scott reacts badly and the judge says you opened the door and tells DA Sheridan to continue .
Carly is in the state of shock about what she just heard.
Brooklynn and Chase asking Leo what he wants to do today .He still hasn't responded to her .
Chase asks Brooklynn if he's around too much . She has a fantasy about Chase.
Lmfao Liesl signed Britt up for a dating site.
Sheridan asks if it was true that Sonny as Mike was single In Nixon
Willow runs out of the courtroom Michael follows her and asks her why she didn't tell him.
Shawn tells TJ to be careful around Marshall because Curtis doesn't trust him. Marshall shows up and is rude to Shawn and accuses him of killing Thomas.
DA Sheridan wants Sonny back on the stand Uh Oh.
Willow says she wishes to God she had never heard anything and that Nina asked her not to say anything.
Sonny says that Willow did not purger herself and that he and Nina fell in love.
TJ asks Marshall to stop ! Marshall is furious and Shawn tells him what happened between Tommy and me was self defense.
Stella talks about how Marshall was a very private person.
Brooklynn says this whole situation is overwhelming and it's frustrating to deal with. She is scared that she won't want to give Bailey back.
Love the super hero anology about Peter .
The doctor says that Leo is autistic officially now. He says they need to take time to take it all in and process it.
Liesl is telling Britt about how Nina fell in love with Sonny in Nixon Falls.
Sonny is asked if he considers himself a victim of Nina's crime . He says no and Carly is pissed judging by her facial expression.
Sonny and Carly are super pissed off ! Scott says no victim so there is no crime
DA Sheridan says it doesn't matter what Sonny says Nina committed a criminal and civil infraction . He calls what she did to him and his family a depravity.
Michael says Willow played into Nina's hands and she got what she wanted and that is to hurt his mother.
Marshall asks what Shawn was implying. Shawn says that Tommy had paid and that Shawn had to protect himself .
Marshall blames himself for what happened to Tommy.
Chase says Brooklynn made a huge sacrifice and they talk about seeing Chase naked by spelling it out.
Leo says I can spell you know . Olivia is worried about how to cope with Leo . Ned asks if Leo can live independently as an adult .
Poor Olivia is upset hearing the news . TJ asks why he blames himself ? Marshall says I could have stopped him .
Curtis is asking way too many questions to Stella who tells him to ask Marshall these questions.
He says that's just it he won't talk to me. Stella says stop interrogating him and just talk to the man.
Michael says Nina manipulated Willow.
All hell is breaking loose , Nina says I didn't want this ! Michael says what the hell dad?
Sonny storms off
Brooklynn says she doesn't want boundaries . I see a Brace coupling happening .
TJ apologizes for the way that Marshall treated him . Tj wants to get to know Marshall.
Curtis shows up to see Marshall who seems to be taking orders from someone .
Brooklynn and Chase are so cute . Olivia says the doctor seems nice and Ned says Leo will be fine.
I feel so bad for them.
Britt asks if Her mom had heard from Scott . Omfg lol Willow asks Nina if she used her?
Sonny catches up to a pissed off Carly . She asks him if she's talking to Sonny , Mike or someone else .
Ahem tap microphone 🎤 is this thing on .... Today's GH brings Nina's hearing to a startling conclusion .
I don't know exactly how it's going to play out , but I know for damn sure Carly is all angry and confused by Sonny not being open and completely honest with his own wife .
Onto the show ..... Joss runs into Spencer at PCU they are attending the same Seminar .
Portia meets up with Stella and Curtis arrives to see his dad.Marshall says hes looking to live In Port Charles.
Alexis lol shows up for the same class as Joss and Spencer.
Michael and Willow are confronting Nina on what they found out about her and Sonny.
Sonny tries to talk to Carly and she's devastated about what she learned.
Sonny says listen to me Carly ! She says who do I listen to you, Mike or someone else! You fell in love with someone else where does that leave me?
Curtis says so you think you can just come and put down roots in Port Charles?
Marshall says he's ashamed of all of the time he lost.
Love Alexis ❤ Joss and Spencer lol together.Spencer is lol acting all nervous
Spencer is lol acting all nervous when he sees the professor walks in. Joss tells him to sit down.
Go Willow you tell this selfish 🙄 narcissistic bitch about herself lol.Go Michael yelling at Scott lol for defending Nina.
Michael punched Scott for saying don't blame me for your l0Dada not wanting to come home.
Go Carly you tell him he's lying to her and to himself that Nixon Falls is over.
The seminar begins and the professor is being rudely interrupted by Alexis whose challenging her.
Portia and Stella are wondering what Marshall's motives are.Curtis wants to know why he left but Marshall is being evasive.
Scott says Michael that is assault lol Michael storms off. Nina is a spiteful blaming everyone else except owning her actions.
Carly is listening to Sonny'sexplanation he says that Nina was there and he didn't know who he was. She says and you fell in love with her.
Sonny says , but I didn't remember you! Carly says maybe you didn't want to?
Nina knock off the blame game on Willow . You set all of this in motion because you wouldn't stop trying to get one over on Carly .
You went and blabbering to Maxie who told Carly who told her kids. You are milking playing the victim.
Nasty, vile piece of trash!!!!
Sonny says I had dreams of a woman she was mine and I was hers.I love you Carly she goes I'm not so sure after what I heard in that court room.
Lmfao Michael called Diane lol and they're gonna get Scott for harassment and provocation.
Joss liked the debate Alexis had in class lol.Professor doesn't want Alexis in her class.
Carly doesn't think Sonny was ever going to tell her about Nina.She's pissed because he hasn't admitted he fell for Nina.
The professor thinks that Alexis should be a law professor.
Ugh Nina goes free! Oh gosh Sonny please do everyone a favor and admit Nina was doing this to hurt Carly.
It was selfish and conniving.Carly says she needs time to think!
Joss says that She's not heard from her family about Nina's trial.She doesn't like Nina Spencer says i wish you would hate Ava that way!
She says I do but I can co exist with Ava because of Avery and Trina.
Stella talks to Marshall and he reveals that Stella knew he was alive.
Portia is happy that Curtis doesn't want to talk about Marshall anymore. They kiss.
Michael says he won't let Nina get away with crimes against his family.
Sonny doesn't know what Carly wants him to say.She tells him do not come home tonight.
December 30th 2021
Thursdays GH was filled with new hope for most of our favourite Port Charles residents .
Sadly though Carly spent their new years apart . Sonny sat drinking hid sorrows away while Carly was still
In shock over what she heard about Sonny and Nina .
Sam , Drew and Scout prepared for New Years while Dante listened to his father's woeful tale of being thrown out of his own house
Dante took Sonny's keys , while everyone else gathered at the Savoy for celebrations.
Elizabeth and Finn got together with the kids and Elizabeth lost her wedding ring.
Nina found out that Liesl was the one who told Scott about her and Sonny.
I don't blame Nina being angry at her cause that info was used to hurt Carly .
Speaking of which Carly questioned Willow about whether Nina tried to make her lie and she wound up telling her she doesn't blame her because of what Nina dud .
Joss had originally was going to stay home but she decided to go see Cam. While her mum said she needed to go for a drive .
Lucy and Martin met up but then snuck out as they didn't want him. Losing his job as Valentin's lawyer so they snuck out undetected.
The end montage was Curtis and Portia , Sam and Dante , Anna and Valentin too , Cam and Joss all kissing .
Then we saw Sonny seeing Nina and Carly on the bridge and Drew approaches her.
Happy New Year everyone !!!