
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 28 December 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap Dec 27th -31st 2021

Good morning me beauties  and  welcome   to  our  Daily  recap for  the  week of  December 27- December 31st 2021

To  say   GH  was   a  nail biter   and  nerve racking  during  Nina's hearing  is an understatement .

Before  we  get  too  knee  deep  in the  shit show of  that  hearing  ,let's   say  a  few  Hail Mary's like  Sonny  and  Olivia that  Carly WILL  completely   and  utterly  lose  her  shit on Nina.

Oooooh Brooklynn having sex dreams about Chase, hot and steamy lol . Can't say I blame her one bit lol.

Chase, Drew and Curtis taking  yoga class and might I just say things are getting hot in here lol. My goodness  !

Eww gross Marshall is hitting on Epiphany I do not like this guy , and I certainly do not like what his agenda may be.

Maxie runs into Chase and Curtis lol , awkward moment with  Maxie and Chase and Lucy lol. Lucy  needs to cool down.

I'm so sick of Esme and her skulking around like some entitled little brat who thinks she can manipulate everyone she comes across ! Its time for her to go home already .

Valentin is literally making me laugh every time we see him on screen especially when he tries to pry into other people's business.

He says he can't forgive Brooklynn for her secret, and yet he thinks everyone should absolve him of all of his past indiscretions.

Victor sees  Valentin talking to Marty , however Anna heads him off at the pass .

Laura shows up at Kelly's  to see Spencer and it looks like Esme ain't to pleased about it. She really needs to stop this possessiveness with Spencer it is a really unhealthy way for her to behave.

The boy is entitled to talk to his grandmother without her interference.

Willow is testifying she says she never witnessed any bribes or improprieties taking place.

The two lawyers are  arguing and Scott says he has 2 questions for Willow.

Lmfao Drew and Curtis are so awesome I love me some eye candy. Drew says  he has to figure out what he's gonna do career wise. Curtis asks him if he'd work at Aurora again he says no .

Curtis says what about ELQ lol  Drew says  he would need a therapist to work with his family lol.

Marshall asks Epiphany to join his band as their lead singer , she says she can't because of her busy schedule at the hospital.

Ned is beginning to grate on my nerved crucifying his own kid talking down to her as if she's stupid I'm sorry , but no parent should talk that disrespectfully to their child especially a grown one.

He's  a hypocrite whose made his fair share of mistakes so he should really get off his soap box.

He lamb bastes her for  what she did to Valentin, but Chase rides in for the rescue and over hears everything that Ned so unkindly said to his daughter.

Scott is badgering Willow and won't shut up . Maxie is just chattering away and not noticing that Lucy is off in la la land lol. 

Thinking about  Marty and she starts moaning in ecstasy. Which is totally inappropriate in public I might add lol.

Maxie stops talking and says what was that moan Lucy lol.

Victor admits he's noticed that Anna has been tailing him and she doesn't  lie about it either. She says yes she's been shadowing him all over town waiting for him to make one stupid move.

Esme calls Laura Grandmother  and notices that  lol Laura is not liking her addressing her as such. Esme quickly calls her madam mayor to which Laura says "Its Laura!"

Scott is acting like a pompous arrogant jerk who keeps badgering Willow! She starts setting him straight on everything she knows.  Scott asks her if the charges against Nina should be thrown out of court.

He also askis if Sonny saw himself as a victim?  Victor is criticizing Anna about the way she handled the whole Peter situation.

Marshall is driving me nuts he's such a smooth talker.

Drew says that they should stop looking for Marshall and Curtis says and start looking for  the man he's pretending to be.

Scott asks  if   Sonny   is  omitting  truths about  Nina.

Willow  looks   pissed, Seriously tho lol 😆 fur is about to fly.Mama Carly will extract her claws ,possibly  be  in  contempt   of  court  lol and  attack  Nina.

Laura tells Spencer that she could never hate him.Esme admits  her  part  in it and  Laura wonders what's  up  with  Spencer talking to  Victor.

Marty asks Valentin about Anna and him.Lmfao Maxie and Lucy are killing me lol.

Ned  says  Valentin  is  already  angry  about  the   lie  about  him  being  Bailey's daddy.

Nina asks Scott to stop badgering Willow. He  ignores her completely .

Sonny and Carly get up and leave, but  Carly  says  she  wants  to  stay  and  hear what  Willow says .

Willow is saying there was another reason Sonny didn't go after Nina oh snap.

Nina looks scared lol,  and  Scott  won't   stop  badgering  Willow. 

Oh my goodness it's getting good! I can't  look!🙈🙈 or  stop laughing .

Sonny wanted to get Carly out of there he wanted her to hear it from him.

Willow promised sonny she wouldn't say anything he won't be happy.Carly will turn against her.

Drew offers to do the digging on Marshall and get him a job so  its  easier  to   research  him.

Chase says get a lawyer and says we have to set up boundaries.Just let me know how much space you need.

Maxie and Lucy snuck out of yoga class to  get  latte after  the  instructor tells  them to  hush up.

Valentin lol says that Marty can't be his lawyer and sleep with Lucy lol.

I love Laura saying Spencer should make amends.Oh my gosh Esme lol.

She  is  really  sucking  up to  Laura   and  it's  not  going   unnoticed .

The prosecutor is not happy with what Scott is doing, they   start  arguing   and  they're  asked  to  approach  the  bench by the  judge. 

Sonny and Carly are listening oh crap.

Willow admits she over heard Sonny say what ever happened between us in Nixon Falls has to come from me.

Scott asks what happened she says love.Carly is going to kill Nina.

December 28th  2021

Today's GH  is brought to you by the   phrase  "Exsqueeze me !What did   you just say?"

Today's  show picks   up   where yesterday's  show left  off  with  Willow  telling the  court  that  Sonny  and  Nina  fell  in  love  in Nixon  Falls.

Brooklynn and  Chase  are  adorable  they  just  need to admit  their  feelings .

Olivia  and  Ned  leave   Brooklynn and  Chase  in charge   of  Leo. Olivia  says  it's nice  that  Chase  is  around .

Brooklynn  says yeah  a little  too  nice  . 

Awe   Liesl and  Britta are so  cute  talking  about   Liesl  and   Scott fused at the  hip.

TJ visiting  his  dad  At  Aurora. Shawn wants   to  know  what   TJ is  holding  back  from  him.

Stella asks  Curtis  what he's  so  eager  to  ask her  about   Marshall.

It's  tense  in  the  court  room  lol,  Nina and  Carly aren't very  happy  .

Ned  and  Olivia waiting  to  talk to  the doctor  about   Leo .TJ  tells  Shawn  that Tommy and  Curtis' dad  is  alive  .

Curtis  says   he  and  Tommy  didn't  want   to   give   their  mom  or  Stella  grief  about   asking  about  their father. 

Curtis  wants  to   know   about   his  dad. 

Willow  is  being  questioned about  what  she  heard   Nina  and  Sonny  were  discussing  in  the  hospital chapel.

The  prosecutor asks   Willow  if  she ever  asked  Sonny  about  what   she hear.

Scott  reacts   badly  and  the   judge  says  you  opened the  door  and  tells  DA Sheridan to   continue .

Carly is in the  state  of  shock  about  what  she  just  heard.

Brooklynn  and  Chase  asking   Leo  what he  wants   to  do  today  .He   still   hasn't   responded   to  her .

Chase  asks  Brooklynn  if  he's around  too  much  . She  has  a fantasy about  Chase.

Lmfao  Liesl  signed  Britt  up  for  a dating  site. 

Sheridan  asks  if  it  was  true   that  Sonny as Mike  was   single  In Nixon   

Willow  runs  out  of  the  courtroom Michael follows  her  and  asks  her  why she  didn't  tell him.

Shawn   tells  TJ  to  be careful  around  Marshall  because  Curtis  doesn't  trust   him. Marshall shows  up  and  is   rude  to  Shawn  and  accuses  him  of   killing  Thomas.

DA Sheridan   wants   Sonny  back  on the  stand  Uh Oh.

Willow  says   she  wishes  to  God  she  had  never  heard  anything  and  that  Nina  asked  her  not  to  say  anything. 

Sonny   says  that  Willow   did  not  purger  herself  and  that  he  and  Nina  fell in  love. 

TJ asks  Marshall  to  stop  ! Marshall is  furious  and Shawn  tells  him what  happened  between Tommy  and  me  was  self  defense.

Stella   talks  about   how   Marshall  was  a very  private   person.

Brooklynn says this  whole   situation  is  overwhelming and  it's  frustrating to  deal with.  She   is scared  that  she  won't  want  to  give  Bailey back.

Love   the   super  hero  anology about   Peter .

The  doctor  says  that  Leo is  autistic officially   now. He  says   they   need  to  take  time   to   take  it  all  in and  process it.

Liesl  is  telling  Britt about  how  Nina fell  in love  with  Sonny   in  Nixon  Falls.

Sonny is  asked  if  he   considers  himself  a  victim of  Nina's crime . He  says  no and  Carly  is  pissed judging  by  her  facial expression. 

Sonny  and   Carly  are  super   pissed off  ! Scott  says   no  victim so  there   is  no  crime  

DA  Sheridan  says it  doesn't  matter   what   Sonny   says   Nina   committed  a  criminal and  civil  infraction  . He  calls  what   she  did to  him  and  his  family a  depravity.

Michael  says  Willow played  into  Nina's  hands  and  she   got  what  she  wanted and  that  is  to  hurt  his  mother. 

Marshall  asks  what   Shawn  was  implying.   Shawn  says that  Tommy  had  paid and that  Shawn had  to  protect  himself .

Marshall blames  himself   for   what  happened  to  Tommy.  

Chase  says Brooklynn made  a  huge  sacrifice  and  they  talk  about  seeing  Chase  naked  by  spelling  it  out. 

Leo  says   I can  spell you  know  .  Olivia   is   worried  about  how  to  cope  with  Leo . Ned  asks  if  Leo  can  live  independently as  an  adult .

Poor  Olivia  is  upset  hearing  the  news . TJ asks  why he   blames  himself  ? Marshall says  I  could  have  stopped  him .

Curtis  is  asking  way  too many   questions to  Stella  who  tells  him to  ask Marshall  these  questions. 

He  says   that's   just   it   he  won't  talk  to  me. Stella  says   stop  interrogating him and   just   talk  to  the  man.

Michael  says   Nina  manipulated Willow.

All  hell  is   breaking  loose ,  Nina  says   I  didn't  want  this  ! Michael  says  what  the  hell  dad?

Sonny  storms  off

Brooklynn says  she  doesn't   want  boundaries  . I  see a  Brace  coupling  happening  .

TJ apologizes  for  the  way  that Marshall  treated   him . Tj wants   to  get  to  know  Marshall.

Curtis  shows  up to  see Marshall who  seems  to  be   taking  orders from someone  .

Brooklynn and  Chase  are  so  cute  . Olivia says  the   doctor  seems  nice  and  Ned says Leo  will be  fine. 

I  feel  so  bad  for  them.

Britt asks  if   Her  mom  had  heard from  Scott .   Omfg  lol   Willow asks   Nina  if  she  used her?

Sonny  catches  up  to a pissed off Carly .  She  asks him  if  she's  talking   to  Sonny , Mike  or  someone  else . 


Ahem  tap  microphone  🎤 is  this  thing on .... Today's  GH   brings  Nina's   hearing to  a  startling   conclusion  .

I don't   know   exactly   how   it's  going  to  play  out   ,  but   I  know   for  damn sure Carly  is all  angry and  confused by  Sonny  not being  open  and  completely honest   with  his own wife  .

Onto  the  show   ..... Joss runs into Spencer at PCU they are   attending  the  same   Seminar .

Portia meets up with Stella and Curtis arrives to see his dad.Marshall says hes looking to live In Port Charles.

Alexis lol shows up for the same class as Joss and Spencer.

Michael and Willow are confronting Nina on what they found out about  her  and  Sonny. 

Sonny tries to talk to Carly and she's devastated about what she learned.

Sonny says listen  to  me  Carly  ! She  says who  do  I  listen  to   you,  Mike  or  someone  else! You fell  in love  with  someone  else  where  does that  leave  me?

Curtis says so you think you can just come and put down roots in Port Charles?

Marshall says he's ashamed of all of the time he lost.

Love Alexis ❤ Joss and Spencer lol together.Spencer is lol acting all nervous

Spencer is lol acting all nervous when  he  sees  the  professor   walks  in. Joss tells  him to  sit  down.

Go  Willow  you  tell this   selfish   🙄 narcissistic bitch   about    herself  lol.Go Michael yelling at Scott lol for defending Nina.

Michael punched Scott for saying don't blame me for your l0Dada not wanting to come home.

Go Carly  you  tell  him  he's  lying  to  her  and  to  himself  that  Nixon Falls  is  over. 

The seminar begins and  the professor  is  being rudely  interrupted  by Alexis whose  challenging her.

Portia and Stella are wondering what Marshall's motives are.Curtis wants to know why he left but Marshall is being evasive.

Scott says Michael that is assault lol Michael storms off.  Nina is a spiteful blaming everyone else except owning her actions.

Carly is listening to Sonny'sexplanation he says that Nina was there and he didn't know who he was. She   says  and  you  fell in love  with  her.

Sonny  says  , but I didn't remember you! Carly says   maybe you didn't want to?

Nina  knock  off  the   blame   game  on  Willow . You  set  all of  this  in  motion  because  you  wouldn't stop  trying  to   get  one  over  on  Carly .

You  went  and blabbering  to  Maxie who  told  Carly  who  told  her  kids. You   are  milking  playing  the  victim.

Nasty, vile  piece  of  trash!!!!

Sonny says I had dreams of a woman she was mine and I was hers.I love you Carly she goes I'm not so sure after what I heard in that court room.

Lmfao Michael called Diane lol and they're gonna get Scott for harassment and provocation.

Joss liked the debate Alexis had in class lol.Professor doesn't want Alexis in her class.

Carly doesn't think Sonny was ever going to tell her about Nina.She's pissed because he hasn't admitted he fell for Nina.

The professor thinks that Alexis should be a law professor.

Ugh Nina goes free! Oh  gosh   Sonny   please  do  everyone a  favor   and    admit Nina  was   doing  this  to hurt  Carly.

It was selfish and conniving.Carly  says   she   needs  time   to  think!

Joss says that She's not heard from her family about Nina's trial.She doesn't like Nina Spencer says i wish you would hate Ava that way!

She says I do but I can co exist with Ava because of  Avery and Trina.

Stella talks to Marshall and he reveals that Stella knew he was alive.

Portia is happy that Curtis doesn't want to talk about Marshall anymore. They  kiss.

Michael says he won't let Nina get away with crimes against his family.

Sonny doesn't know what Carly wants him to say.She tells him do not come home tonight.

December  30th  2021 

Thursdays GH  was  filled  with   new  hope  for  most  of  our   favourite Port Charles  residents   .

Sadly  though Carly  spent  their   new years  apart  .  Sonny  sat drinking  hid  sorrows  away  while Carly was   still
In shock over   what  she  heard  about Sonny  and  Nina .

Sam , Drew and  Scout  prepared  for  New Years  while   Dante  listened  to  his   father's woeful  tale  of   being  thrown  out  of  his   own  house

Dante  took  Sonny's  keys   , while   everyone   else  gathered  at  the  Savoy  for  celebrations.

Elizabeth  and Finn got  together   with  the  kids  and  Elizabeth lost  her  wedding  ring.

Nina  found  out that  Liesl was  the  one  who told  Scott about her and  Sonny.

I  don't  blame Nina  being  angry  at  her  cause   that   info  was   used to  hurt  Carly  .

Speaking  of  which  Carly  questioned Willow about  whether  Nina  tried  to   make  her  lie  and  she  wound  up  telling  her   she doesn't  blame  her  because  of  what  Nina  dud  .

Joss had  originally  was  going to  stay  home  but  she  decided  to   go see  Cam. While  her  mum said  she  needed  to  go  for  a  drive .

Lucy  and  Martin met  up  but  then  snuck  out  as  they  didn't   want  him. Losing  his  job  as  Valentin's lawyer  so  they  snuck out  undetected. 

The  end  montage   was  Curtis  and  Portia ,  Sam and  Dante , Anna  and  Valentin too , Cam and  Joss all  kissing  .

Then  we  saw  Sonny   seeing   Nina   and  Carly on the  bridge  and   Drew approaches  her.

Happy  New Year  everyone   !!!









Monday, 20 December 2021

GHCanada GH Recap December 20 th -December 24th 2021

Oh my  dear  sweet  lord this  week's start  to  the  week so  far was  filled  with a  ridiculous announcement being  made  and  Scott  hell bent  on  exposing  the  Sina affair.

Good Afternoon me darlings what ever is going to happen in the Port Charles World today ?

Chase and Brooklynn are so super sweet.he said I think we should talk about it lol ( the steam room).

Brooklynn says why because I saw you naked lol.

Michael and Willow come in and they tell them about Sasha and the baby.

Sonny at Charlie's talking to Phyllis.They talk about how Phyllis is starting to like Port Charles. They  are  interrupted by  Nina's  arrival. 

Liesl shows  up at  the  metrocourt  and  I  have  to  say  I love her being so sweet to Carly about Jason .

Two  of  my faves  in scenes  together   I  absolutely adore  this  comraderie.

She tells  Carly she  liked   and  respected  Jason and  that  he  was  a  good man. She  also  tells  her  that  he  saved  her  and  Britt  and she's  grateful  to  him  for  that .

Spencer is surprised to see Victor at Kelly's . Victor says are you calling me a snob?

Laura tells  someone  on the  phone  that  she wants to go home and surprise her family and  has  gone  to  see  Cyrus. 

He says Sister I've prayed this day would come lol.Yeah and you better believe she's got something to say you lol Judging by  the  look  on her  face.  

You better brace yourself Cyrus she won't hold back. Lmfao  

Brooklynn apologizes to Willow about forgetting Willow lost a child. Willow  says  she  needs  some  air.

Cyrus sucks up to Laura lol she tells him she knows what he's up to he's done lol.

Cyrus says I'm sorry Laura did not Try to kill you.

Spencer and Victor talking about Valentin and Nikolas and his stalking Ava lol.

Carly hugs Michael and she's emotional about Sasha and Liam and Jason.

Michael is such a good son and cousin.He talks about how he's sad for Brando and Sasha but grateful for Wiley.

Scott says he missed his schnitzel last night and trying to work out what to do about Nina's case.

Lmfao lol 😆 liesl says she thinks Nina and Sonny fell in love.Scott spits out his drink.

Nina and Sonny talking to Phyllis who gets a call they talk about Brando and Sasha.

Oh God Cyrus you're so phony lol Laura says she's not buying the innocent act.

Oh lord lol Cyrus says he's  found God lol Laura bursts out laughing 😃

I love Chase talking to Willow she  says  she  needed the  cold  air  to  wake  her up and  calm her.

Liesl remembering the conversation with Nina.Scott asks if Sonny cheated on Carly.

Carly compares Nina and Brad being the same. Both hurt  her  family just  like  Nelle  did  .

Sonny  tells   Nina   Peter is  in a coma and  he  won't  hurt anymore  people.He says he has to go meet  Carly  and  Michael for  breakfast.

Nina says she needs to grab a coffee and she's worried about Sasha and Brando.

Phyllis  just  had  to  ask  about  Sonny  ugh. Giving wrong advice because she has no clue about Carson history.

Willow  says  she  doesn't   want  to   make   Sasha  and  Brandos  Loss about   her.

She says the hopes and dreams that you had for that baby dies with them too.

Phyllis stop encouraging her for crying out.She asks if Nina is still in love with Sonny.

Omfg Scott lol , he's  enjoying  this  way  too much lol.Lmfao Scott might blow the secret out if the water in court.

Victor says he's proud of Spencer and  gonna help Spencer even  though  he  wants  to do  things  on his  own.

Lmfao Laura lol,  she  can't   believe  this  bs coming  out  of  Cyrus's damn mouth .

Scott says Sonny needs to be knocked Down a peg or two.Liesl tries to stop him says leave the family alone lol.

When Scott approaches Sonny , Sonny  is  non too  pleased  and  sees Scott is dying   to  say something to him.

Sonny is  annoyed  abd   says  " Scotty  just spit it  out whatever   you're  going  to  say!"

Oh God Please Cyrus please stop he  says  " The road to redemption Is Long, but  is  paved  with  temptation !" and  he chose  the  light .

Scott says that Michael filed trumped up charges against Nina. After  Scott walks  away  Michael and Carly tell Sonny that Brad was with Selena Woo and he thinks it's a power move.

Lmfao lol Cyrus lol tells Laura to be aware of the serpent in the garden.

Spencer is cracking me up hanging out with Victor.

Chase was subtle and deliberate about  leaving  the  room when  Willow says  she  wants  to  speak to Brooklynn. 

Willow and Brooklynn apologize to each other for what they said.

Nina is trying to ignore what happened in Nixon Falls.Phyllis says that things hidden in the dark tend to fester.

Yup  then  they   explode  and  not   fir   a  good  reason either. 

Scott tells Liesl that he's not going to tell Carly yet because it will blow up on its own .

Liesl asks are you going to force Nina to testify under oath that she and Sonny fell in love.

Liesl doesn't like Scott's plan!

Sonny is pissed that Michael went near Selena and  that Michael knows  how  he  feels  about  Michael bring  near the  business.

Scott thinks that Sonny may have bought Nina's silence.

Shut  it  Phyllis Nina wants to back off of  Sonny  and  that she  knows  he's  happy with Carly.

Brooklynn says Willow is being gracious. She  calls  him  a boy scout  ,but  that's  why she  likes  him.

Cyrus is genuinely concerned about Laura. Some how  I  believe  Cyrus  for  once  maybe  it's  Victor  after  Laura.

Last  scene  we  see is   Victor  talking  yo  the  same  woman Laura  was  talking  to  on the  phone. I  knew  it it is  Victor  .

December  21st  2021

Tuesday's  show   starts   off  with  Violet  playing   with   a   snow globe  that   Chase  gave  her.

Anna shows up to see her so  ,  so   sweet  .

Elizabeth is at  Kelly's happy to see Drew and  gives   him a  big  hug.

Awe Brooklynn talks to baby Bailey about next year she sees Valentin and Charlotte.

Cam Spencer and Esme at the hospital dressed as Elves,  yup  Grandpa Kevin  roped  them  into  that  I'm  sure  lol.

Kevin is playing Santa,Laura says "Hey Santa do you have anything in that bag for me!"

I love Violet lol she loves High tea like I do lol Victor meets with Ava and  they   have   a  dirty  martini  each . Ava  is  not  happy  to  see  him at all.

Lucy shaddup, she's  clearly  jealous that   Laura is  back.  She  says  thst   was  quite  the  entrance  Laura .

Lol Lynn Herring  kills  me  as  it's  been  ages  since   we  last  saw  Genie.

Finally Elizabeth talks about Jake being upset about Jason.Elizabeth says that Jason died a hero.

She  says   first   Jake  lost   Franco and  then his  dad.Drew says that's a lot of loss it makes kids grow up fast

Drew says  he   understands how Jake feels.That  he  and  Jason  weren't close , but   that   he   appreciates him  rescuing  him.

Trina doesn't want to talk to Nikolas.She says she doesn't have time to  talk  to  him. 

He wants her to help choose a gift for Ava.

Laura says she's glad to see Spencer.Lucy has to ruin the family reunion. Laura got Kevin a fill in

Lmfao Marty filling in for Kevin lol.

Violet is so stinking cute she wants to see the gingerbread house.It's even bigger than last years.

Finn tells  her  not   to  touch  it  or  eat  any. Anna and Finn feel like home to me.

Love Elizabeth saying that Drew was such a good friend to Franco.She's glad he's back he says he won't be a prisoner of the past.

Charlotte is so good with Bailey.Awe Valentin and Brooklynn so good together.

They  talk about  Chase  and   how  he's  a  safer  choice  for  Bailey  as  a dad.

It  looked  like   Brooklynn might   blow  Maxie's secret  .

Nikolas  show  Trina  an emerald  necklace  and  a ruby  necklace.Trina says don't break up the set. 

She  said  red  and  green   go  together. 

Victor is such a creep!He  says   he  wants   Ava   to  look  past   Spencer's  transgressions.

She's   not  so  sure  about   that  .Ava asks like you did for Hayden and her mother?

Lucy has no idea lol its Marty playing Santa Clause.

Laura says the safe house wasn't so safe.Laura says Cyrus says he had nothing to do with the attack on her and Marty.

She tells  him that   Cyrus   says   he's  found  God  lol and  Kevin  laughs  and  doesn't  believe  it .

Lol Violet isn't interested in her dessert because  of the  gingerbread house.

Anna asks Finn about him and Elizabeth and their love life.He says he's not ready to discuss his love life with her.

Awe Elizabeth and Drew are so cute.Drew says whoever it is she's interested in doesn't know what he's missing.

Valentin wants to know the truth. Brooklynn is hemming  and  having she  needs  to  be  honest   with  him  for  once  .

Go Trina she tells Nikolas to give Spencer a second chance.Spencer shows up says what are you doing here.

Victor is driving me nuts lol.He isn't innocent at all lol.

Lmfao Marty lol, Lucy thinks  he's   Kevin  and   got  a  rude  awakening  .

Laura doesn't trust Victor for a good reason.Lucy is disappointed it's not Kevin.

Kevin wants them to sit this one out and not face Victor.That woman is eavesdropping.

Valentin will learn the truth soon I  hope  , he  most  definitely will protect Maxie  and  her baby.

Lmfao Finn asking about Valentin and how Anna sat at his bed side lol.

Cam is happy to see Drew.Oh  for   crying  out  loud  Cam tells   Drew  to  go out the  back  way  to  avoid the  Spencer  and  Nikolas drama. 

Oh God Spencer says no one is happy to see Nikolas.Victor's plan is in motion 🤮.

Brooklynn is so rude drinking Monica's champagne. Manners  cost  nothing! 

Drew   tasted  it   and  he   said  let  me  see  the   bottle   it's  non alcoholic. 

Brooklynn says   I  guess Uri really  does  know  Monica.

Lmfao Violet likes her aunt Elizabeth for her dad more than Anna.

At the  tree light  ceremony  Spencer  is  told  by  Victor that   he  will be  doing  community service,  he  has to  apologize  to  Ava  and  will  go to  prison for  one  month. 

Laura  tells   Spencer  to not  get too  excited  there  might   be  a  catch .

Lucy introduces Laura for the tree lighting. Such  a  nice  calm  sweet  ending   I  loved  it  so  much .

DECEMBER  22nd  2021 

It  was  Christmas in Port  Charles , and  all  of  our  favourite  residents  gathered  with  their   families. 

First  up  we   had  our Piffy   meeting  Marshall Ashford,  I  still  do  not  truth  that man   .

No  amount  of   smooth  talk  from him  is  gonna   win me  over  . He calls  her  Dr  Johnson, but  she  doesn't   correct  him.

Love Portia and Curtis talking about Drew helping him investigating Marshall.

Awe Monica really misses Jason, but  she's   grateful  to have  Drew  back .

Awe Christmas eve with  the  Davis  girls  lol . Oh  my   god   lol Scout  got  a tambourine  and  an 🪗 from her Auntie's Molly  and Kristina  .

Danny got bongos from  Alexis   poor   Sam lol. I  have   a  feeling   lol  they  may  regret  that  decision  .

They  might   get  an early   morning  visit  with  all of  that  Raquet going  on.

Awe Liesl got a Christmas present for Louise, but is  angry  Nina  is  not  allowed  to see  Wiley.

The  Corinthos   family  is  gathered  for  Christmas and Rocco  tells   them  he  was  out  riding  his  bike  by  the  gate  when   a  guard   gave  him a  present   for  Wiley from Nina.

Awe Dante and Sonny are so sweet talking  about  Sonny  being  back 

Brooklynn likes lol Chase, she clearly  has  feelings  for  him. 

Awe Sasha she  has  to  sign  thev release  form papers  . Brando asks her to go home with them.

Lmfao these presents are annoying lol the  kids   are  playing  the  instruments .

Oh my goodness! Stop it Kristina she  is  making  comments  about  Dante being  jealous  over  Drew   being   back.

Dante is glad that his dad is home and  says  he  has  to  go  to the  Q's.

So  does  Sam  awe  love  it  !!@

Gladys sees the car seat in the car and puts it in the trunk.

I feel for her people forget the baby was her grandson and still call her a bitch.

So sad for Sasha and Brando, she  tells  them  they  have  somewhere  to  be  before  they   go home  .

I Don't like Marshall , he  creeps  me  out  he's  such  a  slimeball. 

Awe Curtis finds out Marshall approached Portia at the metrocourt.

Portia says Trina forgave her dad maybe  Curtis should  do  the  same .

Oh my goodness Maxie butt out stop  trying  to  help  Nina  with  Sonny. She  tells  Nina  the  best  Christmas gift  she'd receive  is  Peter dead. 

Sonny finds out Nina dropped off a present for Wiley.

At  the  Q's Drew  offers   to  take  Danny  to  baseball games  .  Rocco  says he's  going  with  me  and  my dad.

At  the  Corinthos compound  everyone  greets  Sasha and   Brando  with   open  loving  arms  . 

At Maxle's  Liesl  tells   Scott  Willow  knows  about   Nina  and  Sonny   .

At  GH  the  caroling  begins  and  back  at   the  Corinthos  compound  Brando is  struggling  to  cope  .

Willow  is  told  by Joss  she   thinks   of  her  as  her  sister   now  awe .

Sasha  notices  Brando  has  gone  outside   and  they  declare  their   love   for  each  other.   

December 23rd  2021

It's  Nina's hearing  day  lol  ......oh  dear   what  ever  shall she  do   scream  ,  cry  she   sure  as  hell can't  feign  innocence lol

Martin slept with Lucy! He  woke  up  to find  her feet  facing toward the head  board  . Lmfao

Alexis is going back to college and  looking  at   course material.

Joss and Cam are so cute together!Lmfao   Esme  is   petrified especially seeing Joss at Cam's.

It's  easier , for  her  to  manipulate Cam when  Joss isn't  in his  orbit I  suppose!

Awe Laura and Kevin are all loved up! Nikolas wants a word  with  his  mother. 

Carly at  the  court  house  says she's  fine  but, wants Nina gone for good.

Willow Is feeling guilty about not telling Michael about  what  she knows about  his  dad  and  About   Nina.

Dante shows  up to  see Shawn  at  Alexis'.   Laura is concerned about Spencer and Nikolas.

Laura apologizes to Nikolas for  not  believing him about what  Spencer did.

Victor is being nosey about who Trina is lol.Spencer is annoyed he's going to Springridge. He  wanted  to  go  free.

Esme needs to stop running to Cam it's like  she's   more  interested  in him than she  is  Spencer. 

Scott thinks hes got his ace in the hole lol with Willow testifying  .Nina  is  going  down like  the Titanic.

Lol Lucy and Martin are so cute, They  really  like  each other. They  talk about  doing  the walk  of  shame  .

Go Joss,she doesn't trust Esme come  to  think of  it  I don't  trust  the   little  conniving bitch  either. She's trying to push the cabin idea

I love Kevin lol being Team Spencer!Laura is worried about who could be influencing Spencer.

Give it up Victor, Liesl can't stand your ass! And  for  the  record  she  can't be  easily  manipulated either. 

Hearing has started,  lol I'm waiting on a bombshell to  drop lol. 

Esme is so rude and pushy and  I  definitely don't  think  she  is  who  she claims  herself  to  be.

Awe Trina and Spencer are cute and they trust each other. Dante has news for Shawn and Alexis.

Sonny was just called to the Stand!

Lmfao Lucy and Marty, they're  so  freaking  funny  entering  the   metrocourt restaurant doing  the  walk of shame

Laura is asking Nikolas questions about Victor.He says Victor nursed him Back to health.

Lucy,  you idiot !You're introducing Marty to his own family lol. This chick  is  a  totally crazy .

Esme is super jealous over Trina and Spencer.

Sonny being  questioned  by  the  lawyer! Who  asks  him if  Nina knew  who he was in Nixon Falls.Sonny says Nina deliberately concealed his identity.

Scott asks why Sonny did not press charges against Nina.

Esme is a fatal attraction woman, she  can't  handle  Spencer  being  friends  neither  Joss nor  Trina.

The  chick is  possessive and  needs  to  be  taught  a lesson she'll not  likely  forget .

Laura talking to Nikolas and Kevin  about Cyrus lol and how  he   professes to   have  changed  his  ways. 

Kevin asks lol what's up with Lucy and  Marty. Lol  it's called   🤣 after  sex  glow  dear lol.

Victor is crazy he is  clearly obsessed with our  Liesl! It's  bordering  on creepy .

Nina is starting to freak out, Carly is  in shock and shaking  her  head about  what  Scott said  about  Michael  and  Willow.

Scott  says   that  Michael and  Willow  bribed  an elected  official.

 As  for  Sonny  his  goose, will be  well  and  truly  cooked once  Carly  finds  out  the  truth. 

Oh  shyte Nikolas sent  Shawn the  money  for  his non profit  charity. 

Lmfao Joss, she  is making  it  clear to  Esme she  doesn't  like or  trust  her  at all. 

Lmfao shut up Lucy, she  is  saying  Laura  has a nasty  streak  and  always  suspicious. 

Well Lucy, if ya  didn't  deliberately make  sure  you're  around  Kevin  whose  her  husband all the  time  maybe  she'd  trust  you 

Marty doesn't want his time with Lucy to end. She  doesn't  either. 

Lmfao Liesl,  she  threatens  Victor  lol and  the  loon  loves it  lol . Victor is  insane he  doesn't   take  a hint.

Scott you weasel,  because   of  his antics  council has  been  told  to  approach the  bench.

The  prosecutor  calls  Willow to  the  Stand. 

Drew and Scout:The sweetest reunion ever

Happy  Monday  guys , so  when  I first  heard  that  Cameron Mathison was  taking over the  role of  Drew  Cain I  didn't   know  how   I  would  feel  about  it  at first . 

But then I saw him with  Ella Ramiceri who  we  all know as  Drew' s little  girl Scout  and  it  made perfect sense to  me  .

They are without  a  doubt  the  cutest  dad  and  daughter  team since  Robert  and  Robin Scorpio  first graced our screens as  a duo  .

Scout was  nervous  and  shy  around  Drew  , but   I  suspect   it  was   also  how  Ella   must   have  felt   at  first   .

My  heart melted when  Drew  gave  Scout  her  crystal  ornament and   I  felt so happy for her  . 

Sam  pointed out  when  Drew  was  anxious about reconnecting  with  his  daughter  who  was   clearly  shy  around  him  it  will take  time , Just  be  patient  .

 And  then  it  happened  as  Drew   tried to encourage her  to  help decorate  the   miniature  tree  on  the mantle  Scout   said   she  couldn't  reach .

Drew picked  her  up  so  she  could  place  a  star ornament  on the   tree.

I can not  wait  to  see   more  of  the   bonding  between  this  father  daughter  duo

Sunday, 19 December 2021

Fact VS Fiction : Distorted GH Fans Views

Hey  all this blog is directed  towards  all the  haters and bull shitters who distort the  actual facts  of  the  storylines on  GH ... 

So in other words  we at  GHCANADA have something  to  say.....Please  Shut  the  hell up  and  sit your  asses down and  take  your rose coloured glasses  off.

First  of  all People  twisting  shit  and  saying  Austin and  Spinelli are on the  spectrum of being  autistic  are  you  for  real? 

What  kind  of   person  turns  a storyline  about  a  10 year old  possibly being autistic  to  labeling  two  grown  quirky  assed  men as  Autistic. 

Second  of  all  Carly did  not  push  Nelle  off the  cliff so  stop saying  she killed  her ,  she  tried  to help her  but  she   couldn't  get  a firm grip on  her  hand and  she   slipped  and  fell.

Much  like  Nina  your distorted  view  of  things is  quite  disturbing  .

As for Nelle  she  wasn't  an innocent victim people  need to stop saying  Carly  did  this  and that  just  stop it.

Carly was  preyed upon  and  gaslighted by  Nelle  and  you  all think  Carly was the  problem. 

And  yet  again   people   still  think  Nina  did  no  wrong  for   keeping  the  fact  that  Sonny  was  alive  from  his  family  .

On  what   planet  is  it  the  least  bit  acceptable  for  Nina  to  approach  a grieving  family  to  cause  drama  and  upset .

And  once  Nina found  out  Sonny  was alive  regardless of the  fact  Carly  snapped at  her  should  have   just  told  the  truth   about   Sonny  being  alive to  Dante or  Michael.

But  oh  no   instead  she  keept quiet  and  making  the  moves  on Carly's man.

Sonny  is  so  taken  in  by  this  sociopath ,who  is  just  like  her  mother  . She  doesn't  give  a  crap about  who  she  hurts  as long  as  she wins  the  prize  in the  end  .

As for  Morgan's accident  , yes AVA  switched  his  meds  for  a  placebo, but  she  was  not  the  one  responsible for  him stealing  Julian's car  or  causing  the  car explosion  that  was all Olivia  Jerome Ava and Julian's sister. 

There  was  a confrontation between  Carly and  Olivia Jerome and  Olivia  admitted  to  killing  Morgan sighting  him an innocent  victim.

And  by  the  way   when  a  GH fan  who  knows  their  GH  history shares  their  knowledge stop  arguing  the  same  points  over  and  over when  they  provide  the  right  info.

Also do  me  a favor and check your  facts  before  spewing  a  vile  diatribe  at  that  person  . 

Stop  jumping  on  people  and   saying  well  Carly  did this  and  she  did  that  to  support   Nina  and  Nelle  is  beyond  stupid . 

Just  because  one  character  exhibited  bad  behaviors in  the  past  doesn't   justify  others  doing  the  same  crap  to  her.

It's  doing  my  head  in  Stop  just   stop   the insanity already !

 End  of  rant  .

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

GHCanada Weekly GH Recaps December 13th - 17th 2021

Good Morning  me  darlings  ,  I'm sorry  for  the  tardiness of  this  recap! But  here  it is   for  your  enjoyment. 

For  a  Monday this  episode  was  anything  but  boring  in fact   it  started  on a  very  high  note.

You  see we  saw  Dr TJ Ashford  in action being  very  doting  with  one  of  his  patients.

And  he  was  being  watched  by  his  aunt  Stella  who   had  her  chest  puffed  out  with pride  seeing  him at  work .

Curtis is having flashbacks of his dad and Drew shows up. Best  friends  reunited  at  last.

I love Trina and Portia,talking about how well she did with the exhibit.

Lmfao Anna calls lol Sonny disingenious. 

Lmfao  good  ole  Sonny   he   holds all  his  cards  to  his chest  and  he  won't   tell her  anything. 

Carly sees Sonny talking to Anna, and  ever  the  suspicious bitch  wants  to  know what's going on .

Finn and Elizabeth are acting strange about Peter  being   in the   hospital.

 Awe Maxie she's  so upset about   Sasha  and  Brando's baby. Here  she  is  with  a  healthy  baby and  she   puts  her  in   hiding  cause  the  baby daddy  is  a psychopath. 

To   be  honest  I  think   Maxie's guilt  is  about  to  eat  her alive. 

Britt and  the  other  come  to  talk  to  Brando and  Sasha  about  baby Liam.

They  tell her  that baby  Liam has  Braun damage and  that   their  was  no  cognitive  functioning  in his  brain.

Anna and Carson talking about Peter she gets a call.

Trina is bitching about Esme to her mother. She  says   she   feels  like  such  a  loser  because   she  doesn't  have a  boyfriend to  take  on the  trip.

That  Esme makes her  feel  like  she  is one  despite  what  her  mother  tells her.

Awe Curtis and Drew care so awesome, it felt  like  home  to  me , but  truthfully  it  was  bitter sweet  since  Jason didn't   come  with them.

Elizabeth says poor Jake is grieving 2 Dads because  of  Peter. She's not  wrong  there  .

In my  opinion Peter   could  care  less who's collateral damage  along  the way . 

Maxie asks Epiphany  about the baby and how he is. Piffy says  you  know  I can't break hippa laws and  tell you  anything.

Oh no the baby is dying, Britt says  there  is  nothing  they  can do  for  Liam.  Sasha  and   Brando ask if  they  can  keep doing  the  treatments.

Britt says  no  they  can't  , but they  may  have  to  try  something  else.

I feel so bad for Britt having to deliver the news to Brando and Sasha.

Epiphany is telling Maxie to go home and let Brando and Sasha to process any news they get.

Anna tells Sonny and Carly Peter is on his way to GH from the prison because  he  was  poisoned  by  Brad .

Awe   Stella  and   TJ are  so damn  cute,They talk about Molly and Curtis.She is  proud  of  Molly  and  calls  her  cute ! However  she  refuses to talk to Curtis because he's keeping  things  from her.

Finn and Elizabeth find Peter unconscious in a cublicle.

Maxie runs into Anna and she tells her about Peter .Elizabeth and Finn can't figure out what happened to Peter.

He  had  no  puncture  wounds  , or  anything  of  that   nature  they  decide  to  do  a tox screen on him.

Carly is interrogating Sonny like she's Anna.Sonny tells her he put a hit out on Peter. Her  face said it  all like  " What???"

Love Trina asking her mom questions and Portia is back peddling.

I love Drew talking to Curtis about Sam and how she came looking for him.

Drew isn't sure how to live his life like he always did.

Lmfao Stella says Curtis is dodging her questions. 

Sasha wants to try anything to save her son.But Britt and the other doctor say no they can't and be realistic.

Two other  specialists  are  getting  involved and a counselor. Sasha  says  she  doesn't  need one. 

Epiphany shakes her head while Brasha walk by.

Elizabeth  and  Finn figure out that  Peter was given a toxin like Chase was!  That's Karma baby!!!

Carly says Peter needs to suffer a slow and painful death.

Marshall  approached Portia  and  she starts telling Marshall off.  Lmfao Trina  is  like Wtaf is  going  on here?

Lol Trina and Portia are like what when they hear he's Curtis 's dad.

Curtis tells Drew his father is alive and he's not happy about it.

Love Maxie and Elizabeth talking about what happened to Peter and what he did to Franco and Jason.

Maxie asks does Part of you want Peter to die? 

Anna approaches them lol Maxie says 😂 whoever killed Peter should get the medal of freedom.

Marshall is a complete jerk,and  Trina  is   being  standoffosh and  rude  to  Marshall its  not  like  the  guy  doesn't  deserve  it. 

Portia says my Daughter is very opinionated and  says  she  gets  that  from me.

Marshall  leaves  and  Trina says  
"I  know  why Curtis  is  upset  about  his  father being  back  Why  are  you?" Says  Trina .

Drew offers to research Marshall.

Tj tells  Stella  that  whatever  Curtis  is going  through  he's  afraid   Stella  might  get  ill  again.And it's not his story to tell.

Britt is devastated about having to tell Brasha about their baby.

She Says to Epiphany that's why they call me the Britch.Epiphany says"  Not anymore, you've  changed  anyone  can see that!"

Brando wants to say something and she says what he says never mind.

Love Curtis and Drew talking about Scout.

Portia says Marshall makes her uncomfortable with all of the sneaking around that he did.

Trina feels for Curtis and  what  hes  going  through  .

Awe Piffy being  Team Britt is  awesome   I  can't believe  she's  praising  her .

Sasha and Brando watch their baby.Sonny says Jason will be avenged.

Elizabeth goes to look in on Peter. She  has a syringe.Maxie says the best thing to happen is Peter dying.For Franco and Jason let him die.

Stella shows up to see Curtis and says no more secrets you hear me and sees Marshall!

DECEMBER 14th 2021

In  the  famous  words of   Pat  Benetar GH " You're  a Heartbreaker, dream maker  love  taker  don't  you  mess around with  Me  !" 

Judging  by  today's  episode  I  felt  like  a  tidal wave  had  descend  upon  me  .

First  of  all poor  Stella   was  in  freaking shock seeing   Marshall.

Britt and Austin make  me  spit  my  drink  out !  Austin says " Dr  Westbourne I have  news  of  your  brother!"  

She replied  "  Is  it  his  obituary ?" Lol kudos  to  our  girl  Kelly  Thibaud, she  never  disappoints me  with   the  way  she   delivers  her  lines .

Austin  tells her  Peter is  better off dead than alive  . Well thanks  for  that  captain  obvious we  all think the  same  thing   .

Lmfao  Maxie  she asks how a hired assassin got into the prison to  kill Peter  . She  then asks  what  they  used  strycnine or arsenic  and  why  they  didn't finish  him off.

I  just  about died when   she  said   " Tell me what  exactly  are the top three poisons in a prison!"

Elizabeth having flashbacks of  everything that   she's  been through  and   she's  still holding  the  scalpel.

Carly says she has too much work to do at  the  office  .Sonny  tells   her  that  she  can  take  a  break  and  surprises her  with  the  living  room being  decorated  for Christmas .

Awe Brando and Sasha she  says  she  feels trapped  and  that  Liam must  feel that  way  too .

Willow asks Michael if he's nervous about the hearing and  if  he's sure  of  what he's  doing .

He says he's never been so sure of something his whole life and Brad walks in.

Maxie is too much she  is  in turbo  chatterbox mode  . More  animated  and  anxious  as ever .

Sasha is so hopeful, She's stronger than what she's given credit for.

Finn tries to  stop   Elizabeth  from doing what he  almost  did and  that's  killing  Peter.

Austin finds out that Britt has alot more going on than her scumbag brother.

She  tells  him  about   Brando  and  Sasha and  how  she   had  to  deliver  bad  news  to  them .

Miss Wu tells Michael that she will make sure Brad never bothers his family again.

Stella  looks  like  she's  about  to  faint and  Marshall Is  being  an absolute jerk.

He  doesn't  care   that  he's upsetting  her  or  Curtis . Curtis  tells  her  to  sit  down  and   she  asks  him  for   a  drink  of water.

Donna and Avery are so  stinking  cute they  come  in to  see  Carly  and   Sonny. They've been  doing  Christmas  baking with their  nanny . 

Sonny  says  he's grateful  to  be  home  .

At  the  parole  hearing  Michael's  words  are  so  heartfelt  and  so emotional talking  about  Wiley  and  how  he  grieved for  a child  that  was  not  his  .

That  he  was   shocked  and  angry  when  he  found  out  his  son was  kept  from him.

He  also  says  that   the  pain  Brad  and  Nelle  caused  his  family  and  Willow  was  excruciating.

That was  because  Willow  only  found  out  her  baby was  dead after  the  truth  came  out  about  Wiley and what  happened  to  her  baby  boy.

Sasha is a warrior,  no  one  can  knock her  down  she  is   a strong assed woman .

Austin is praising Britt for being   a  good  doctor and  a  very  good  friend to  Maxie. He  also  says that   Maxie  thinks  alot  of  her  and  it's  clear  Britt  feels the  same  way  about Maxie.

Im so glad Finn talked Elizabeth out of killing Peter she would go to jail.

Brando approaches Britt about talking about options.

Stella says she needs time to process Marshall's return.

Austin comes across Finn stopping Elizabeth talking .

He finds the scalpel and  says   "  Hello ! How  did   you  get  in there  ?"

Stella says she's sure Marshall will tell his truth when he's ready.Curtis is in shock at Stella's attitude.

Go  Michael he's  telling  his  truth  . He says Brad  would  only open  the  wound again if  he was  granted  parole.

Brad tells  the  court that  he's  sorry  for  what   he  did  and  he wants to redeem  himself and prove  that  he  is more than his mistakes.

Lmfao Sonny comes  out  of  the  kitchen  and  he's  clearly   been  decorating cookies  with  the  kids.

Carly  wipes icing  off his  cheek.

Awe Sonny wants Carly to know it's OK for her to share her feelings about Jason.

Elizabeth  asks why Finn stopped  her. Finn says he spared her the regret of killing Peter like he almost did.

Maxie wants to know if her nightmare is about to end.

Carly tells Sonny about telling Jason about who she really was and  that  she  was  Bobbie's  daughter  .The hearing for Brad continues .

Marshall is about to leave .... Stella tells him not to leave.She tells Curtis stop and listen to him.

Marshall says" If  I had stayed what kind of father would that have made me ? "

Britt tells Brasha the harsh truth about their baby.Sasha refuses to give up on her son.

Damn Curtis chill out and hear your dad out.Marshall says he left because he had to not because he wanted to.

Marshall says if you want to talk to me I'll be at the harbor view inn.

Michael and  Willow  bring  Wiley Awe Wiley is so cute. Carly asks him if he wants cookies with Avery and Donna he Says yes I do.

Willow says that Carly's instincts about people are spot on. Yeah  no  shit  she  also  has  a  built  in  bs detector  .

Elizabeth says Franco earned her boys love and respect. And she wanted to kill Peter for hurting her and  her boys.

Finn says he saved her from making a mistake.

Britt says Brasha should be aware that Liam's quality of life would not be good.

Brando says there's only one option  and  that  is ? Britt says is to take your son off of life support.

Elizabeth and Finn kissed.

Curtis says I hope him showing up hasn't rattled you.She changes the subject and wants a tour of the club.

She makes a promise that she won't let anyone hurt the family.

Sonny gets a call from Miss Wu  !  They  agree they  lived  up  to their  deal and  Brad  is  being  released.


Good Evening my dears , my main  thought for the day where our beloved GH characters is concerned is  " How very dare you  ?"

Today's  show  starts  off  with a  bit   of  eye  candy  .. Umm lol Chase  and    Finn in  towels lol need I say more  ?

Finn is distracted thinking about the kind with Elizabeth. He  can't  get  his  mind  off that  kiss.

Yoga class for Liz, Portia and Terry is canceled and the  girls  decide   to have  the  class  lol amongst  the  three  of them.

Elizabeth is distracted lol thinking about the kiss 💋. Michael and Willow are shocked that Brad was freed.

Michael hopes Brad doesn't come anywhere near Wiley.  He is  damn  angry  I  don't  blame   him one  bit.

Selena and Brad out for lunch.Brad  is  scared  that  he  might run into  Carly.

Brad  says  he  doesn't  know  what  to  call her. She  says  " Just call me Aunt Serena!"

Brad  sees Britt  she  runs  to  him and  they  hug.Selena  doesn't like Britt seeing Brad.

Selena had plans for Brad he and Britt have other ideas when they see each other.

Love ❤ the Davis girls Kristina  and  Molly  find  out  that   Alexis   and Sam are  going  to  join forces  and  work together. 

Kristina thinks its a bad idea Alexis works with Sam a disaster waiting to happen.

I missed Brad and Britt lol.Willow is meeting Olivia to go shopping she brings Brooklynn to join them.

Oh brother  lol speaking  of   disasters  waiting   to  happen  lol. Olivia  means  well ,  but   she  can't  play   mother  courage  to  Brooklynn  and   Willow . 

They  have  their  own  crazy  mothers  to  contend  with  they  don't   need  her  input .

Awe Britt and Brad are so cute together,  they talk excitedly  about the menu  and  do  some catching  up.

Selena does not like Britt, snotty , bitchy Auntie and  very controlling. 

Can I just say Josh and Michael  shirtless is very distracting lol.

Sam  tells  her  mom  and  sisters  about  a  missing   persons   case.  The  daughter  is  missing , but  Alexis  seems  to  think  Sam should   not  touch  that one.

 What if Esme is the daughter that's missing?

😂😂🤣🤣Kristina  says  well that  lasted  5  minutes.

Terry is a good Yoga teacher!Elizabeth thinking about holding the scalpel and  what  she almost did  to Peter.

Elizabeth tells lol Terry and Portia she kissed Finn.

Lmfao Britt Vs Selena and Brad!  Britt tells Brad to let it go about Lucas and  about  the guilt and  the shame  of  what he  did  and  look to the future  .

Oh shit Michael is about to attack Brad. At  least  I  think he  is !!!

Olivia senses the tension between Brooklynn and Willow.Brooklynn pushed Willow too far this  time  .

Willow   gives  Brooklynn a verbal smacks down  for   lying  to   Valentin and  Chase.

Brooklynn put it back on Willow about  Willow  cheating on Chase   with Michael.

Ya wanna dish it out you better learn how to take it honey. #Team Brooklynn!!!

Oh God stop rambling Alexis! She  is  clearly   nervous  about  being  back  home. 

Oh God  Michael keep  your cool !  Brad asks Michael if  they  cann   talk privately.

Selena is  angry  Britt  won't  back off! She hurts Britt Liesl and Scott will retaliate.

She hurts Britt Liesl and Scott will retaliate.

Lmfao Chase brings up Finn and Elizabeth being a thing.He tells Chase Liz kissed him.

Elizabeth says she   ran  off  after  Portia  notices  that  Elizabeth is  still wearing  her  wedding  rings.

Brooklynn says you're in no position to throw stones after you cheated on Chase with Michael .

Olivia is right the girls need to chill out!Willow  tells  Olivia  she's  gonna take a minute when Olivia  leaves  .  She  sits down to calm herself and runs into her mum at Ryce plaza.

Elizabeth talks about how sad she was when Franco died.She asks if it's fair to get involved with Finn, to Franco, for Finn or to herself?

Portia says take it slow Terry says and not slow like an iceberg. Lmfao Terry  kills  me.

Finn is going through the same emotions as Elizabeth.Poor guy they're both so confused.

Willow  welcomes  Harmony   to  be  around  Wiley  now  that   Nina  isn't  around.

Molly  asks   hey   mom  to  help  her  with   a case.

Selena  and   Britt  have  a  heart  to heart.Michael wants to know what's going on with Brad being at his mother's restaurant.

I don't care what deal your aunt and my father made you get no second chances with me.

Love  Harmony   and  Willow  catching  up  this   is  so  sweet.She says she's backed off as she wishes but would like a relationship with wiley and Willow.

Portia says she ran off after kissing Curtis.

Oh  Alexis shut  up , its  ok to  give   pointers , but it's crystal clear  
 Molly  is   annoyed  while  her  mom  tells  her  what  she's done  wrong  . and  it  doesn't  go  unnoticed by  Alexis   who   gets  up  and   decides   to  leave  .

This  leaves  Sam pretty cheesed off 
because of  how the girls  handled  the  situation.

Chase cracks  me   up  and  says  "
Dude  you're  in love  with  her  lol!"

Oh my God lol Brooklynn she charges into the men's  steam room! She  tells   Finn his  towel is  slipping  .

Finn leaves and Brooklynn says  " That's  the  problem ! You  need to  defend me!"

Oh my God Michael stop he is gonna get his ass in trouble with Sonny.

Olivia wants to know if Willow is OK!Willow says yes and she finds out her mom is on her own for Christmas!

Sam says they need to help their mom get back to normal and start  being understanding. 

I love Alexis and Harmony they  are  good  friends. Harmony  can  help  our   girl  out  with  the  transition. 

Since  the  girls   are  batting  0 in  that  department. 

Brooklynn is pissed that  everyone  is  at  her  criticizing her  and  giving  her  grief.

Brooklynn went  to  open  the steam room  door Lol, but  they're locked in.

DECEMBER  16th  2021 

Today's GH  was  pretty  cut  and  dry. 

We  learned  that Brooklynn is  totally  into  Chase  , and that Nina  lingers around  like   a  bad  smell that  you  just   can't  get  rid  of  .

Today's show starts off with Brooklynn and Chase stuck In the steam room.

His towel falls lol when he  tries  to  open  the  door .

Finn wants to discuss the kiss work Elizabeth. Portia runs into Stella and  asks  her  how she's  doing .

Curtis and TJ at the gym they  talk  and  Marshall shows  up.

Alexis asks Harmony why she wants to be friends with her.

Love Carly and Olivia catching up and discussing Nina going down for what she did to Sonny.

Sasha and Brando are heart broken.

I  burst  out  laughing  when Brooklyn  saw  Chase  naked. " Good Morning to you too detective Chase!" She liked what she saw.

Finn and Elizabeth are so cute working  through their feelings. He asks her what she wants.

Carly tells Olivia she has dreams of beating Nina up over and over.

Nina  shows  up   and  starts  asking  about  Brando  and  Sasha.Gladys   says  you  have  no  right   to   ask  about  our  family after  what  you  did to  Sonny. 

Brando is trying to talk sense into Sasha , but she won't listen.He says we have to think what's best for our son.

Marshall please stop harassing Curtis and TJ.Curtis asks what he wants from him and where he's been the last 40 yearz.

Lol Chase and Brooklyn fighting ! 
Oh  stop  arguing  and  kiss!"

I love Alexis, but  she  is unsure about things.

I love Stella so much she  says  she's working on getting healthy   for  herself. 

Marshall and Curtis finally agree the past can't be made right bur the future can.

Poor Brando is so worried about Sasha. He  looks  on the  verge  of  tears  when he approaches  his  mom who  grabs  him and  hugs  him.

He's so upset I'm glad his mom was there for him.

Oh Nina please get lost!You have no business being at the hospital this family is not yours!

Brando says   he's  looking  for  Sasha  , Sonny  says  he'll go find
her. Sasha  isn't  coping Sonny  comes  in to  sit with  her.

She tearfully asks " Are you here to tell me to let my son die?"

Sonny says " No  , but I'll understand if you tell me to get lost!"

Sonny is so good with Sasha fatherly  with  her and  it's so  sweet.

Awe he talks about his dad's alzheimers  and  how  hard  it  was  to  watch   him  disappear  bit  by  bit !
He  also talks  about   his  passing .

Nina  hangs  around and She's  already  been  told  to  leave  them alone .

Olivia   lol,She  says  it's    not  like   you  to  be  quiet.Carly has a   flashback of  herself  with  Jason.

Awe Brookie, she  should  stop  worrying  what  other  people  think .

Elizabeth says dating Finn wouldn't be casual.That he is close with her boys.

Finn talks about Violet being confused.Elizabeth says She's not the only one confused.

TJ is pissed at Curtis for not accepting Marshall.Stella tells Portia that Marshall showed up again.

I like Stella Being so nice to Portia.Awe I love Alexis and Harmony being friends.

Gladys shows up to talk to Sasha and tells her  that Dr Fleming is looking for her and Brando.

Sasha is tears  Sonny says whatever you and Brando decide we got you.Gladys wants privacy.

Olivia still finds it odd Carly hasnt flip out. Carly  says  she  has to  to keep  the  peace. She  says  she  wants  to  be  there for  Sasha  and  Brando.

Despite  Nina  annoying  me  hanging  around  Sonny  I love Nina being good to Brando saying I want you to scream and I want you to cry.And I want you to make the decision together.

Poor Elizabeth she doesn't know what to do.Awe Finn tells her his world is better having her in it and she says me too.

Chase calls Brooklynn brave,he says   believes in her and sees her.Oh good they got out the  maintenance man let them out.

Finn is such a sweetheart he won't rush Elizabeth.

I understand why Alexis said what she did about not inviting Harmony over  because  of Kristina .

Awe Curtis he says nothing Marshall says will change his mind.

Stella meets with Marshall she  says  now  that it's  just  you  and  me I  can say  what i want  now.

Awe Brando and Sasha they're  breaking  my  heart .

Carly sees Sonny with Nina oh no this can't be good Lol.


Hello   me  beauties  Happy  Sunday  ! So Friday's   episode   for  December  17th  2021  was   a  mixed   bag   of  everything  .

The   episode on the  whole  was  filled with   sadness surrounding    Sasha  and  Brando's  baby   with   the  machines  being  turned  off.

But  first   lol  we   saw   our   Liv  quietly   asking  Nina  to   come  to  her  for  a  chat  lol. Or  as we  Brits , Italians and Irish  call  it  a   right   telling  off  .

Because  that's what  we  do  lol, truth  be  told   Nina  deserved being  told  to  back  off.

 I  know  some  of  you   guys  think  Nina  is  just  being  a  friend  , but  she's  not  .

Deliberately   being   around   Sonny  at every interval is  not   kosher behavior.  No  respect  for   Sonny at  all.

Ontop  of that   we  saw   Sasha  and  Brando   saying   goodbye  to  their  son  .

It  was  a  heartbreaking   storyline  that  needed  to  be  told. Sofia Mattsson and Johnny Wactor were  fantastic  as  Sasha   and  Brando.

Over at  the  Quartermaine's we  saw Scout  having some quality  time  with   Drew  . 

Scout  and  Leo  were  sharing  cookies and   it  was  really cute  , Ned then  told  him they had  to  meet  his  mom.

Olivia  and   Ned met  for  Leo's  Dr's appointment was  sweet .

Sonny  did  a  few  hail  Mary's   and  I  dunno  why  guys  , but   I  don't  think  Nina  doing  the  hail Mary's was sensible  .

Back  at  the  Q's Drew  sent  Scout  to  ask  grandma  Monica for  help  finding  an ornament to  put   on the  tree . She  left  , but  soon  came  back  with a star.

Scout was  still nervous  around  her  daddy  until she couldn't reach the  tree  to  put the   star on and  said  I  can't  reach  so  her  dad  lifted her  up to  so.

Watching  Sasha  and  Brando  holding  their  boy  for  the   last   time  was  so sad. Britt  and  Dr Fleming were  visibly  upset themselves  .

Britt  could  not  fight   back  the  tears  and  finally   we  saw   Mike's  ghost  coming   to   spirit the  baby away .

He  said  come  on  baby  Liam let's  go  home.