Her past is not out in the open , we know zilch about her . She's been totally and utterly evasive about her adoptive family and who they are !
Sound familiar ? It should to me she's nothing more than Nelle 2.0.
Like Nelle she has no empathy , or understanding towards other people.
The thing is she only pulls the tears when she knows people see through her annoying fake sincerity and fake apologies to try win people over.
A trait Nelle Benson also had and became more and more angry and hateful towards people because they didn't fall for her charms .
Esme like Nelle before her doesn't like people like Joss or Trina because they're not gulliable bitches who trust people they don't know that quickly or that easily .
There is gonna have to be a point in time Esme or Nelle or whomever she may be ,will finally get what's coming to her in spades.
Especially for all the stunts she has pulled.ie blowing up Ava's car why wasn't she arrested and charged with arson . And making Spencer take the wrap for what she did.
Come to think of it she walks around Port Charles as if she belongs there .
Where the flaming hell are her parents and why aren't they worried or about where she is ? Let alone looking for her . Or at the very least worried what she could be getting up to with God knows who?
With this trip to the cabin, Esme better not harm a hair on Joss or Trina's heads. because if she does she'll be facing an angry lynch mob .
Please Soap God's do us a favor end this Esme crap once and for all.
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