
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 3 January 2022

GHCanada GH Weekly Recap January 3rd - January 7th 2022

Goood  Evening  me  darlings and  welcome to  our first  weekly   GH recap for  2022.

And  what  an episode  it  was I honestly was  expecting  Sonny  to throw  a glass  of  booze  at   Nina  and  throw  her  ass out  of  his  old  penthouse. 

On today's GH Alexis shows up at Charlie's  my  first  thought was she's not gonna fall off the wagon is she?

Laura and Kevin meet up with Mac and Felicia . Maxie apologizes to Anna for being so hard on her.

Victor shows up to see Peter lol and Britt tells him he's not going in to see Peter.

Omfg Austin  is  in  Peter's  hospital  room and Peter is waking up.

Carly says that she was hoping Drew was Jason.  Drew   gives   her  a weak smile and says  that   he  came   there  himself  after  seeing   Scout .

Sonny drinking and clearly having a bipolar episode at  his  old  penthouse. 

Alexis staring at her glass of champagne lol.Harmony shows up and doesn't look impressed.

Felicia says that Maxie should let her and Anna use their skills to find the baby.

Mac asks If its true that Cyrus found God. Lmfao  Laura  says it  true   and  she  and   Kevin  don't  believe it either.

Victor is  being a jerk  and  Britt  tells  him about  himself  lol. He  doesn't  like smart  mouthed  kids .  He startsc antagonizing  her  about  Jason.

I love Drew talking to Carly about how he ended up at the bridge.He  says  I'm  guessing  you're  here  cause  you  miss  your  best  friend.

Sonny is confiding in Nina but Is super pissed at her. Nina is trying to apologize profusely to Sonny about  Willow and  Carly.

She says you need to stop drinking!

Lmfao Alexis of all the gin joints in the world you had to walk into mine

Maxie hoping her mum and Anna are friends again. Maxie  walks  away  and  Anna  asks  are  we  friends  again?

Victor is a complete and utter slimeball.Austin says that Peter is awake and wants to see Victor.

Im  assuming  that  you  aren't   happy  that   I  came  back  didn't   Drew says.

Nina questions a drunken Sonny and asks him what he wants from her.

Never ask a drunk person a question you might not like the answer lol.The  real   feelings  come  out.

I love Harmony now lol,  she  needs   to  give   Alexis  a  kick  up the ass.

She really lol is awesome telling Alexis she needs to help herself instead of other people.

Felicia says to  Anna  that  they never stopped being friends I just wanted to help my daughter find my grandchild !

Felicia  says  " And  you thought  you  could   save Peter  from himself !"

Laura says she's going to ask Valentin out for a coffee next week lol. Kevin  looks  at  her   like  "  Are you serious?" She  tells him that they just   need to  get along  for  Charlotte.

Lmfao Britt says Victor has cold feet about talking to Peter.He says no I don't !

Peter looks like crap!Victor says well look at you back in the land of the living lol.

Victor says well look at you back in the land of the living lol.

Drew telling Carly about how he and Jason talked in Greece.I love Drew lol
He  says me  and  Jason   became  a  team and stopped  Peter  together  .

Drew  says   He   saw   Jason  laugh  and  smile  .Drew asks if Carly blames herself for Jason's death.

Nina please go home,Leave him be!Let him do some thinking.

Lmfao Harmony lol, Id like to see them and Diane do coffee they'd   be   a  riot  together  .

Laura thinks that Valentin will help her stop Victor.Kevin wants a private new years.

Mac  got a   call  from  Britt  saying  Peter  Is awake. Maxie   is  starting  to   freak  out  uh  oh .

Victor tells Peter someone obviously wants him dead and he can help him if he does something for him in return

I am loving Drew being Carlys sounding board.

Nina says if there's any thing I can do to help you ?Sonny yells at her and she cries.

Sonny says what Carly can't  get passed is what I kept from her.

Loving Alexis and Harmony they're  really  cracking  me   up .

Poor Kevin lol,he wanted alone time with  his  wife  and someone rings their doorbell.Laura is shocked when  she  sees  whomever it  is.

Anna is asked if she wants to come see Peter she says no that  she   has  paperwork to  do.

Austin asks if Britt is waiting for Victor and Peter to kill each other.

Victor says Peter needs to start talking and tell him what he can get from Drew.

Drew asks Carly to let him help her!Sonny says Carly said he was lying to himself and her about his feelings for Nina.

Nina wants to run off now!After saying our relationship turned  into the ashes like the tano lol.

I love This show so much Anna calls Valentin and tells him she wants to talk to him.

Mac made Victor leav the room like a naughty  child  being  punished  .

Drew says if you need me I'm here for you.Nina did the decent thing and left.

Maxie needs rid of him I'm glad Austin is there for her.

At  Laura's  it's  been  revealed  that   it  was  Tracey at  Laura's door   oh  my ! Tracey  tells her Luke is dead.

January  4th  2022

Hey all  today's gh was  pretty   cut  and  dry  .  Tracey   arrived in Port  Charles  yesterday and   told  Laura  that   Luke  had  died  .

But  the  show  started  with  Curtis  and  Portia  waking  up  together. 

Drew  came  home  and  talked  to  Monica  who  said   that  Ned  and  Olivia  had  new to  tell about  Leo.

At  Laura's Tracey  was  having  a  nightmare  and  Laura  told  her  she  didn't  want  to  wake  her  .

Tracey  says  she   had  a  bad  dream  about  Luke  .  Yeah no  kidding.  Poor  Tracey said  she  caused  Luke's  death .Somehow  I  highly  doubt  that!

At  GH  Bobbie  stops  Valentin  from  going  to see Peter  and  says   that  no one  is  allowed  to  do  so.

Alexis  shows up  and  says   be  a good  boy and  listen  to  Bobbie.

Bobbie  gets  a call  from   Laura  who  asks  her  to  come  see  her right  away .

I  had  to  laugh  when  Alexis promises to  make  Valentin  behave  himself  .

She also  tells  him  she nearly  fell  off  the  wagon. He  is   glad  that  she  had  some  self  control  and  help.

Nikolas and  Ava   meet  up  with  Victor  who  over hears  that  Nikolas  is  annoyed with  Shawn  and  what  he  wrote in the  invader.

They tell him that  they  don't  need their  help . 

At  the  Quartermaine's Monica  asks Drew if   he  and  Sam are  headed for  a  reunion .

Drew says no  and  that he  needs  to  go  out  and  deal with  some  business. 

Monica  asks  him  what   business he  says  he   wants  to  go  to  see Peter  August now  that   he's awake

Monica  says I really  wish   you  wouldn't! He  says  you  won't   talk  me  out  of it  ! Monica says  I  could  never  talk   Jason  out  of  anything  either  !

Stubborn Quartermaine Gene's  lol.

Olivia  and  Ned  talk  to  their  kids and  Leo  talks  about  how  octipi have  several  brains  and  have  blue  blood.

 Leo  gets  excited about  showing  Brooklynn a  book  he  has  about  octopi. She  hands  the  baby  to Olivia and  they  leave  the  sitting room.

Ned  and  Olivia  talk  about  having  a  vow  renewal  as  Tracey shows  up  and  of course  they're happy to  see her.

At  Laura ' s  Bobbie  arrives  and  Laura   prepares  to  deliver  the  news  about  Luke  .

Bobbie  refuses  to   believe   the  news  that  her  brother  is  dead. She  says  she  thinks  someone killed him. I do  too  and  I  think it  was  Victor. 

She calls  him  and  Laura  says  that   she  didn't  want  to believe  it  either. 

Curtis and  Portia   declare  their  love  for each other  . I  still  wonder  if  Portia  is going  to  reveal  that  Curtis not  Taggert  is  Trina's dad.

 In the  mean time  Drew shows up at  GH  to  see  Peter.Valentin asks  him  why he  would  want  to  see  Peter after  what  he  did  to  him  and  Jason.

He tells  him  that  no  one  is  allowed  to  see  Peter  and  they  talk  about  ELQ.

Tracey  tells  Ned,  Olivia Monica  and  Brooklynn that  Luke  is  dead.

I really am sad that  Lulu  isn't  awake  to  hear  this  news 😢  she  will be  devastated  when  she   does  wake  up.

Brooklyn   tells  Tracey  that Luke  would  want  a party with  all of  his  friends and  family  in  attendance   . 

Tracey   gets   Brooklynn alone  and  asks  her  why she's  still  pretending  that  Maxie's daughter  is  hers.

Kevin  tells   Nikolas  and  Ava  about  Luke. Nikolas  offers  to  help  locate  Ethan. Lucky  at  least  has  been told  about  his  dad.

Victor  acts  like  he  cares  about  Luke.Yeah  right  !  And  just   like  that my  suspicions about Victor   killing  Luke  has  come  to  light  .

Victor talks  to  someone on the  phone  from a  blocked  unknown number and  says  Luke  has  been  neutralized.

Man ,  if  anyone   needs   to  be  neutralized it's  Victor  Cassadine  he's a  sick  twisted  human  being  .

That's it  for  now    , this  is  Mama Ashley, Judy and  Cindy signing off  have   a  great  evening  everyone. 

January  5th 2022

Good  evening  me  darlings  !  Today's GH  was full  of  family   drama  . The  one  thing  I've said  was we  need  to  see  more  family  scenes  and   we   got  it  big  time  .

Our first  trip to  the  Chuckles  was at  the  Quartermaine's, where  Willow told Wiley to  keep  the crayons   on the  table  and  not  make  a  mess.

Willow asks Michael If he's heard from his parents he says only his mum and she's not good! He said   that   he'd  not  heard  from his  dad  .

For  me  that's  never  a  good  sign  when   they   don't   hear  from Sonny at  all.

Willow  apologizes  to  Michael about not  telling  him  about  Sonny   and  Nina . She  says   she  hopes  he  doesn't  blame  her  for  it.   

Michael tells her  that  doesn't blame Willow for what happened! The  only  one  to  blame  is   Nina.

In  the  Quartermaine's livingroom Tracey  tells   Brooklynn she  knows  she  was never   pregnant and  what's   to   know  where  she  got  the  baby  from.

At Charlie's Anna and Felicia are worried about Maxie and want  to  do something  to  help  her .

At GH Britt  doesn't   want   Maxie  to  see  Peter  and  asks  what  she's  doing  there.

Maxie tells  Britt  that  she doesn't want him to escape this time and  not  pay  for  what   he  did  to  everyone .

At  the  metrocourt  Victor  questions  Valentin  about  losing   the  baby and  what   he can  do  to   help  him.

Martin shows up to see Peter at  GH.He  wants  to  hire  Martin  to  be  his lawyer to prove he did not kill Franco.That's cause Austin is Franco lol I'm sure of it.

Alexis doesn't wanna work with Shawn lol.Sam just showed up and Alexis says Shawn wants me to be second in command.

Michael says we need to as parents give each other grace when it comes to Wiley.

Maxie doesn't think Marty would work for Peter. Maxie  isn't  happy   about  that   possibility  .

Marty doesn't want to cause there is too much work, but Peter convinces him otherwise.

Felicia thinks Maxie is in denial, about   the  baby   and  they  need  to  start  looking  for  Louise.

Victor talks about the kids Valentin says he won't let him near Charlotte.Victor just uttered a  threat to  hurt   Brooklynn.

Back  at  the  Quartermaine's Brooklynn says I found a mother with a baby and I offered to help!  Tracey actually   thinks Brooklynn stole the baby!

Maxie shows  up at  Charlie's to  meet her  mum  and  Anna. She  tells them that Martin took Peter's case.

Felicia and Anna tell Maxue  that  they want to help with the search for Louise! Robert shows  up  and  tells  them  he   has  bad  news  for  them and tells them that Luke has  died.

Harmony brings a gift for Wiley!

Lmfao Austin and  Britt  are killing  me  ! Why Britt  Why  do  you   want  to see your  brother? Stop creeping around Britt lol you're so   weird  !

Austin thinks Britt is gonna kill Peter lol lol he  can't  hurt   her  he's  handcuffed  !

When  Britt walks  into  the  room Peter  says  " Hey  there  Sis  whats  up  Peter?"Raising his handcuffed arms.

Brooklyn wants to table the conversation.Lmfao Tracey lol asking hard hitting questions.

Tracey questions  Brooklyn  about  Valentin and  Chase.  She  notices Brooklyn  reacting  a  certain  way  and  says   knows Brooklynn likes Chase. 

Awe  Wiley opens   his   Christmas  gift   and   he  hugs Harmony after giving her a picture he  drew  for  her.

Robert  and the girls are all upset about Luke! Felicia says  that  Luke  was  larger  than  life  ! Yup  that   he   was  !

Maxie and Felicia leave to go  see  Tracey   to  check  in  on her  to  see  how  she is  .

Shawn says he wants someone with a conscience to help run the paper.

Back  at the  hospital Peter  says  the  cave in  was  not  his  fault  neither  is  Jason's death. 

Britt lays into Peter about what he did to Jason and Maxie.Britt ain't holding back she says she despises her brother.

Britt says if she had poisoned him she would have gotten the dosage right.

She says she is  glad  they   didn't  grow up together ! She  tells  him she  wants to see him rotting in a prison cell and die like their father did.

I love Harmony she  hears  that  they  are  glad  she  is  there  to  see  Wiley! Nina  is  mentioned  and  Harmony says to  Michael  I urge you to trust Willow's Instints!

He  says  how  is  this  any  of  your  business?

Marty says he's representing Peter to Valentin and Victor.Austin asks Britt   if Peter is still alive? Lmfao.

Shawn asks Alexis to think about the offer before he leaves.Felicia and Maxie show up to see Tracey.

Brooklynn makes an excuse to get the baby and Maxie out of the room.

She tells her that her grandmother knows the baby isn't hers.Tracey has clued in that the baby is Maxie's.

Austin gives Britt coffee she says this better not be Decaf.

Alexis is nervous about working at the paper.She doesn't think she can do it.

Oh lord Maxie is freaking out that Tracey may expose them if she knows anything.

Lmfao Robert and Anna talking fondly about Luke and  hoe  charismatic  he  was . Anna is in tears 😢. 

Valentin is angry that Marty took Peter's case.Oh stop it Victor ! Leave Brooklynn alone! Stop  making   threats  towards   innocent  people  !

He can't go throwing a common enemy crap around!Brooklynn did nothing to Victor!

Oh goodness Victor knock it off let Valentin deal with Brooklynn in his own way! Ugh  Valentin  you  idiot  ! He's gone and  accepted  his  help.

Tracey is watching Maxie as Felicia talks to the baby.Harmony says she just wants a relationship with her family.

Britt  tells   Austin  her  mother  got  her  a  dating   profile for  Christmas !

Lmfao Austin  offers  to   be   Britt's wingman when  she  goes  looking  for  men.

And  finally Tracey tells  Brooklynn that  she  knows Bailey  is  actually  Maxie's  baby  Louise  .

Oooh I'm almost  certain Tracey will  tell Felicia  about  the  baby  . 

That's  it  for  now  , until tomorrow guys  this  is  Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing  off  have  a great  evening  everyone. 

January  6th  2022 

Good evening everyone , today's  show was  pretty cut and  dry .

In fact  it  left  me feeling  like  2022 came in  with  a  wimper  and  not  a  roar.

I  know  most  of  us   love   the  explosions  and  the mob wars and  I  appreciate  that  some  of  you  don't  .

However today's  episode kinda  lay  flat  with the  whole Nina  and  Carly pining  over  Sonny thing  .

The whole  Maxie   and  Brooklynn situation come on now let something  drastic  happen  that   makes  me  say  holy  shyte!

I  did  however  love Alexis    going  toe  to  toe  with   Tracey .

Poor  Brando  and  Sasha    💔   my  heart  . They   are   still trying   to  recover  from baby  Liam  dying. 

Thank God for  Gladys   being  there  for  them both and   supporting  them through it.

She  says Liam was  her  grandson  and  she   is  mourning   him  too  so  she  will be  there for  him and  Sasha. 

Tracey  told   Brooklynn that   Felicia  is  concerned  about  Maxie  becoming to  attached to  Bailey.

Carly  and  Avery  talk  about  Sonny   and  how Avery  saved  her daddy  some  cookies .

That's  when   Olivia  came  in  and  Carly  sent  Avery to  see  the nanny. 

Olivia  discuss  the   whole Sonny situation .Olivia   tells  Carly  that   Leo   has   been  diagnosed with  Autism.

At  Sonny's  old  penthouse  he and  Dante  discuss his  feelings   about  both  Carly  and  about  Nina.🥱

Please   stop  this   madness  I'm  so  bored  with  the  slow  snail  paced Carson  storyline. 

Someone put  a  fork  in  it   already  it's dragging on  and   on  with  no  real resolution  in  sight for  them at  all.

At   the   Deception   meeting Brooklynn told   Maxie   that   her  grand mother  knows  that   Bailey   is  Louise  .

Maxie asks how Tracey knows ? Brooklynn says she smiled her crocodile smile like I know that you know that I know .

Maxie says can we trust her ? Tracey is a liar , and a schemer and would exploit us in a way to benefit her own agenda.

Nina  and  Ava discuss  Carly   and  Sonny and  Ava is  gleefully  egging  Nina  on . 

Sam is not  amused to  see Tracey  nor  is  Ned impressed that  his  mother is  at  the  metrocourt. 

Tracey  tells Ned that  they need  to  have  a  discussion  about  Brooklynn and  Bailey.

Sasha  comes  into work  and   the ladies  are  surprised to  see  her  .
She  goes  to  freshen   up  and  urges  herself  to   toughen  up .

The lady from  the  daycare  comes  looking for Bailey's  soother  and  Sasha  sees  her . She  tells the  ladies  she's  fine  .

Back  at  the  metrocourt  restaurant  Sam calls  Dante  to  make  an  arrest.

Just  when  Tracey is  about  to  tell  Ned  the  truth  about  Bailey  Dante  shows  up  to  arrest  Tracey. 

And  the  last  scene  we  see   is  Carly  being  told to try  to   patch  things  up with  Sonny   .

That's  when  Sonny  walked  in   at  the  end  and  I  was  thinking good  lord  get  on with  it  already ugh. 

This  Carson situation  is  doing  in this  Carson fans  head  in already  .

That's  it  for  now  this  is  Mama Ashley, Judy and  Cindy signing off until  tomorrow  have  a  great  evening  everyone. 

Today's   show  starts   off  with  Brooklynn telling Chase  that  Tracey   is  back  in  town  and  she   knows.

Ava meets with Trina and tells her she hired Spencer.

Joss is super pissed at Sonny, she  doesn't   like  the   fact  that   he  and  Nina  have  upset  her  mom.

Cam thinks that Carly and Sonny will get back together.  Joss  doesn't  think  so  .

Esme please stop being selfish, I'm sorry to hear that does that mean we can't use the cabin.

Nina gets a visit from Phyllis, Sonny  shows  up  to  see  Carly .And Carly asks what Sonny's doing there.

He  says   I   live   here   lol, well  like  Monica  it  is   his  house  lol .I love Olvia being Team Carly! She   tells  Carly   that if  she  needs   her   call  her .

Sonny is pouring his heart out to Carly.He says I should have told you but i didn't.I don't want to spend one more minute without you.

Awe Elizabeth and Finn are so cute together. They  clearly  should   just   give  in  to  how  they  feel already. 

Oh my goodness Esme apologizes for being selfish.Joss says the last thing she wants to do is asks Sonny for anything.

Lmfao Trina and Spencer lol, Trina  is  not  a  happy bunny  seeing  Spencer.  

Ava says Spencer is going to pay for the damage to the gallery lol and  pay for  lunch .

Lmfao Olivia shows  up  to  see  Broooklynn .Olivia tells Brooklyn if you don't stop me I'll rearrange Nina's lying face.

Nina needs to shut the heck up and stop going after Sonny.Phyllis says she's upset Kristina and  Phyllis saysx doesn't  blame  her for  being  pissed at  Nina.

Olivia asks Brooklyn about Chase and  if  there's something going on  between them.

Lmfao Spencer is being hired to work for Trina not Ava.Oooooh Esme may help Joss with Nina.

She  says there's a special place in hell for people who split up families.

Carly  asks  Sonny   if  he   has  feelings  for  Nina  . 

He  starts   dancing  around  the  subject. Come on Sonny answer her ugh he just said yes he has feelings for Nina

Trina is so confused lol, Trina got up and left lol and  she   makes  a  call.

Joss tells  Cam and Esme she  needs  to  take  this  call. I'll  be  right  back.

Esme  talks  about  being  adopted and  blames  her  family  for  her  actions. And Cam tells Esme that it was anger that made them attack Ava.

Sonny is being an ass, Carly  is  seriously  pissed.Nina needs to stop obsessing over Sonny.

Phyllis told Nina to not act on her feelings for Sonny and  to  leave  Carly  and  Sonny  alone  .

Lmfao Joss lol,  is  sounding  off  about  Esme  lol and  Spencer  to  Trina .

Ava wants Spencer to make restitution to Trina for what he did to her  . Love Ava playing good step mum to Spencer.

Joss comes  back  and  tells   them  that   that   was  Trina  on the  phone and  that  she  was  having  lunch  with  Ava  and  Spencer. Esme is so jealous of Trina.

Cam  and  Joss are  sure  that   Trina  didn't   know  about  Spencer  being  there .

Poor Louise is like what's with the dude is the mustache lol. Michael  Easton  is  so  good  with  kids , but  this  baby is  enamored of him.

Love Olivia talking to Brooklynn about Carly and her uncle Sonny.Phyllis asks if Nina is ready to get real?

Go Carly Sonny's gotta see things from her view point. It's getting on my nerves how he keeps saying are you saying you won't forgive me.

How else is she supposed to react when he's protecting that woman.

Louise  keeps staring   at   Finn while  he  and  Chase  talk  about  Brooklynn and  Elizabeth  lol.

Love Trina saying that Ava ambushed her and Spencer.

Omfg Joss lol 😆 says to  Cam Ava Esme sounded almost sincere lol.

Go Phyllis saying what Nina did was a violation of trust and to leave Sonny and Carly alone.Carly wants to know if Sonny slept with Nina.

Sonny  won't  answer  her   ,  so  Carly  just  walks  out  .

Ava asks if Trina doesn't approve of Spencer being at the Gallery.Trina asks if she's being punished Ava says no you're being rewarded.

She  Also  says  it  will give   you  good practices  when   she  has  her  own  art gallery  in  the  future  

I  love  Olivia  and  Brooklynn and  their  friendship  it  was  a  long  time  coming  and  they   both  agree   about   Nina   and  Sonny.

Fin says hes glad he got to meet Bailey finally. Elizabeth  says  she  looks  like  her  parents  .

Elizabeth  leaves  and  goes  to  her  locker . She opens  it   , but  i have  a Why is Elizabeth's ring I her locker?

Sonny is remembering the conversation with Nina he throws a glass.

Nina  is  on the  phone   and   she  says   she'll be right  there   for  the  meeting. 

Carly  shows up   and  says   I  have  a  feeling   you   won't   make   that   meeting  .

Oh  snap roll on Monday   lol. I  can't  wait   lol to  see  what's   going   to  happen  next  .

That's  it   for   now   ,  this  is  Mama  Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing   off have  a  great  weekend everyone. 


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