Good Afternoon me darlings I'm sorry to say this again , but the episode for March 28th 2022 was a yawn fest
Having said that this recap will be sort and sweet , like me lol. Sorry I had to say it.
Esme whinge , MOAN , manipulate lol . ๐ that's all .
Harmony spilled coffee and knew where the carpet cleaner was startling news ain't it .
Curtis talked to his father about Sonny and Harmony went to Charlie's to speak to Phyllis who asks for help from her for Nina.
Nina met with Scott under Liesl's request .She figured it was a set up.
Esme found out Nikolas is placing her at the room in Kelly's. Only sad pathetic poor people do that.
Trina was gaslighted by Esme and it pissed not only her parents off , but Curtis and Joss as well.
She was arrested for the sex video taken on Joss and Cam.
That's it for now , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off .
Tuesday March 29th 2022
Tap ! Tap! Tap! Ahem is this thing on ? The name on everybody's lips on today's show is Esme.
Oh my dear sweet lord , this whole gaslighting Trina storyline is turning into lol a bad episode of snapped.
Today's show started with Spencer out of sorts and Laura wonders what could be bothering him.
Esme talks to Nikolas about staying at Kelly's .
Trina is at the PCPD and talking to Jordan. I want Jordan to see sense and stop accusing Trina.
Alexis wonders how Harmony could possibly know where she keeps her cleaning products . Sam shows up and sees Harmony.
I love Carly and Ava banding together for Avery and being completely agreeable with each other.
Sonny shows up and he sees the ladies together and tells then that Trina has been arrested for the sex video. Carly and Ava agree that Esme set our dear sweet Trina up .
Sonny is concerned about Joss and Trina and what Esme is doing to our girls.
Sam wonders what Harmony is doing at her mother's so early in the morning.
Laura is concerned about Spencer . Laura says she could fill an encyclopedia with all the mistakes she's made after Spencer says he made some huge errors in judgement .
The doorbell rings , Laura wonders if its Esme and she is displeased to see Victor at the other side of the door. I would be too the man is super annoying and such a troublemaker to the max.
Esme the gold digger bitches about not being able to access her trust fund till she's 25. Yeah ok sweet pea you just want a crack at the Cassadine fortune like every other chick who drops her knickers for a Cassadine male.
Trina says she didn't film Cam and Joss. And as if she wished it her guardian angel in the shape of Ava appears to come to her rescue.
Alexis tells Sam to relax that Harmony isn't staying permanently. She's only staying until she gets her own place.
Victor acts like a low class idiot, for someone who prides himself on being a class act lol he sure isn't one when he takes a bite of a cookie and throws it on the table.
Nikolas is questioned by Esme as to why he's helping her. She clocks it that he and Ava are only doing it to keep a watchful eye on her because they don't trust her at all.
Ava sits with Trina under police supervision , I seriously do not like this at all, the girl is innocent for crying out loud.
Victor says he's sorry that Spencer missed his own party . Spencer tells Victor that he does not trust Esme anymore. Victor tells him that separation is hard after Spencer was a month away in prison.
He tells Spencer about trust vs loyalty and how you have to look at who you can really trust and whose most loyal to you. I hope to god he's not told him to stick with Wednesday Addams. Trina is a way better choice in my opinion.
Sonny is pissed about what happened to Joss , he says when someone pulls out a knife ..... Carly finishes his sentence and says you go after them. Hell Yes My Carson my reason for watching this show.
Alexis says that Kristina is fine with Harmony staying with her , but its clear she's unsettled with Harmony's familiarity of the layout of her house and how she knows where things are in her house.
Victor gives Spencer good sage advice and food for thought, and tells Spencer about Trina being arrested.
Nikolas wants Esme to prove herself to him and to Ava so they can try and trust her. She claims she's not a gold digger.
Trina and Ava figure out that Esme set Trina up and planted the phone in her bag.
Laura finds out about the video made of Joss and Cam and Jordan says it involves Spencers girlfriend. We come to find out that Jordan really doesn't believe Trina did this to Cam and Joss at all lol.
Sonny says he's going to stop Esme!!!! Hell Yeah Baby!!!!
Sam sees Sonny angry and says she recognizes that look in his eyes ummm yep so do we lol!!!! That's the noone fucks with my family look and Esme is one dead little bitch .
Spencer is remembering everything Esme said to him . Nikolas tells Esme not to worry about Sonny to worry about Spencer. Lmfao are you serious Nikolas you know what Sonny is capable of you twit.
Sam tells Carly that no one will stop Sonny from doing what he does best lol, get rid of the pesky rat whose terrorizing his family.
Sonny calls Brick and says he needs him and Spin to compare notes about the origin of the video that was made of Cam and Joss.
Ava shows up and asks for a drink. She says Trina didn't do it , it was Esme lol, shit is about to get real people lol.
Ava asks Sonny what he intends to do about Esme lol !!! We then see Victor telling Spencer he saw Esme being driven away in a strange car. LMFAO
We saw Harmony admitting she'd been at Alexis' before and has a flashback of when she broke into her house and killed Neil. Holy Hell , burn this witch at the stake already along with Esme Pronto.
The last scene we saw was Esme in Sonny's office being told to sit down !!!!!
Sonny's back and he ain't playing ...... Esme say your prayers little girl cause this mobster father is as dangerous as your daddy !!!! In fact even more so because he can make you disappear never to be seen again .
Phew I feel like I've been in turbo mode guys , that's it for now until tomorrow guys, this is mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off. Sweet Dreams my darlings.
Wednesday March 30th 2022
Today's show promised to be mind blowing now that Sonny and Spencer are in the search of answers for the truth from Esme and Trina.
Unfortunately Esme wouldn't know what the truth was even if it bit her on her ass.
She's not even aware Sonny can find things out without breaking a sweat.
His people have magical cyber skills that can expose a lie like an open wound .
Now let's get the show on the road.
Today's show began with Dante asking Chase questions about whether his suspension is now over and conversation soon turned to Brooklynn.
Brando and Sasha are back from their honeymoon and they're obviously all loved up. Brando asks her if there's anything she's anxious about she can talk to him. Awe the dude is such a sweetheart I love him.
The crew over at Deception were excited about their upcoming party and talk soon turns to Brando and Sasha.
The girls think its romantic what they did , I do too and Lucy soon turns the conversation to be about Chase and whether Brooklynn had a chance to talk to Chase about his singing at their event.
Portia is hopping mad about what's going on with Trina and she wants answers. She meets with Scott who agrees to be Trina's lawyer on the grounds that she's his grandson's friend and he believes she's innocent himself.
In the interrogation room at the PCPD Trina is talking to Spencer and its not going well at all . He just won't see sense or recognize that Esme is a freaking nutjob de jour.
Someone needs to sit his ass down and deal with him like they should be doing with a lot of tough love. Let Aunt Carly do it .
LOL My Carly babes would tell him like she told Patrick Drake in 2005 " Don't fall for the wounded little girl act ! " She would also add that " Esme is a complete and utter snake "
At Charlie's Nikolas wonders where Esme go to and he and Victor soon surmise that Esme has just disappeared.
Esme is shown in Sonny's office where he's being really fatherly and wants her to be open and honest with him about what she did to Joss, Cam and to Trina.
You see Sonny has clocked it that Esme has alienated him from his friends . She claims she's innocent and that it was Trina who did it .
I was about 10 seconds away from wanting to reach through the television and beat this chick senseless.
She feigns tears and fear , like nobody's business. The one thing you don't do is mess with a Corinthos kid and that includes Sonny's step children and nieces and nephew.
You gotta be a complete and utter idiot to try and pull the wool over Sonny's eyes , cause the man ain't about to fall for the crocodile tears and warped childish games that girl is playing.
Now to be clear , I also don't think Gladys should be questioning Brando and Sasha and making her feel about 2 feet tall. Either you're happy for them or you are not and this crazy bitch isn't at all.
Spencer is all confused about what is the real truth and what fucked up version Esme is trying to sell him. I mean honestly as soon as he removes his balls from her handbag Spencer will regain clarity and realize that Esme isn't the delicate flower she makes herself out to be.
I'm sorry but why is he saying that he drove Esme to hurt Ava, no just no is he for real? Buddy you aren't to blame she is. She goes rogue does shit to hurt other people and you just sit there like " Is she innocent or is she not?"
Come on now please spare me !!!!! Then he has the audacity to say that he might drive Trina to behave the same way. Yeah buddy no uh huh. You are blinded by what you think is love the bitch is using him and he doesn't see it.
Meanwhile When he comes out of the interrogation room Portia pitches a fit and tells him to stay away from her daughter. They've come to take Trina to her arraignment.
The girls at Deception are talking about their IPO and Gladys shows up Lucy quickly ushers Gladys out of the office and tells her to get their lunch from the restaurant.
Brooklynn admits to Maxie that she has feelings for Chase and that he doesn't feel the same way about her. She tells her that she does feel something for him awe.
Chase shows up and asks Maxie what's up lol, Maxie and Lucy leave to let Brooklynn talk to Chase and he tells her that Lucy scares him. LOL because she ogled him at the nurses ball.
Yeah that's our Lucy cougar to the max and frigging hell we love her for it. Chase says he doesn't think he can sing at the nurses ball.
They go to the restaurant and they run into Sasha and Brando and they're all excited to see her and they want to chat about the honeymoon and the IPO. Sasha is shown calling her dealer for more drugs.
Back at Charlie's Nikolas finds Esme's phone and he starts having flashbacks of what Esme said to him about Sonny . He tells Victor that Sonny must have her.
Chase is convinced by Brooklynn to just do this favor for them , and they'd all be grateful to him .
Esme is freaking out talking to Sonny and she is clearly pretending to be scared out of her little girl wits. When she hears Nikolas shouting her name and she screams Mr Corinthos you're hurting me.
Victor attempts to threaten Sonny about his threatening Esme and tells him to stay away from his family. Sonny reminds his that Spencer is his family too and that he's gone up against stronger men than Victor and that he Sonny is still standing .
Hell Yeah , Buckle up Bitches ....... Sonny Corinthos is back in the saddle baby and there's nothing anyone can do about it lol.
That's it for now until next time me darlings , this Mama Ashley , Judy , and Cindy signing off have a great rest of what's left of your evening guys and dolls.
March 31st 2022
Yesterday's show proved one thing lol. The boohoo bandit strikes again.
Esme is one of those chick's who knows how to manipulate men into thinking that she's a victim when she's not.
Lies and manipulation are her poison. And she ain't got a damn clue that sooner or later that her cocky bravado and victim act ain't gonna fly with the folks of Port Charles.
Today's show starts with Carly and Sam arriving at Yoga and they run into Nina.
Esme plays victim after Sonny had her brought to his office.
Scott talks to Trina about her case.
Alexis is pleased how well the interview went with the kids.
Michael and Willow talking to Diane about Nina.
Maxie suggests they leave when they sew Nina .
Carly says she sees Nina everywhere she goes , it's like playing whack a mole and that she won't let that bitch run her out of there
Alexis talking to Harmony about her recovery. Diane talks about how Nina could use the two assaults against Michael to get visitation .
Diane says she has a plan to make it all go away.
Carly says relaxing isn't working . Sam says she's impressed with how Joss and Cam are handling the situation.
Cam and Joss talking about how everyone asking them questions.
Cam says that she met a girl who says she respects him and Joss for speaking out .
Joss says let's focus on the positive rather than the negative and that they took control back.
Cam says we won't let it define us.
Michael apologizes to Willow for jeopardizing their court case with Nina.
Harmony says she's agreeing to help Nina get visitation rights with Wiley.
Harmony says she is pleased Alexis has her life back on track.
Esme feigns being sick and leaves Nikolas Says that Spencer should be easier on Esme .
Scott tells Trina to tell the DA to take their deal and shove it.
Trina says if she takes the plea deal she won't have to go to jail at all.
I love Scott he's so good to Trina. Curtis is so supportive of her.
Joss says she could kill Esme for what she did to Trina .
Awe Willow is so cute and promises to eat . Harmony shows up for lunch.
Sam is worried about Scout growing up and she wants her to be smart with her choices.
Maxie doesn't like the idea of Nina involving Harmony in the visitation case .
Oh boy Carly sees her!!!
Nikolas and Spencer talking about Esme. He doesn't know if Esme is actually pregnant.
Diane goes to see Alexis about Michael. Trina wants some fresh air on her own. Portia and Curtis are worried about her .
She runs into Cam and Joss in the courthouse hallway.
Willow and Michael talk to Harmony about Wiley and Nina. She says that they could let Nina have supervised visits with Wiley.
Nina tells Carly she heard about what happened to Joss if anyone can through it she can.
Nina decides to talk to Carly about Wiley against Maxie's hesitation about it
Maxie says " abort , abort!" Nina doesn't listen . She tells Carly she wants to talk to her about Wiley.
Trina tells Cam and Joss about the plea deal. They tell her they're willing to testify on her behalf and she's got this.
Esme is being a total bitch to Spencer. He plays into her devious hands and asks Nikolas is they can stay at Wyndemere.
Diane wants to trap Smoltz into a false sense of security . Alexis says that she can't do that because smoltz already hates him.
Harmony tells Willow that Nina tried to get her to campaign for Her.
Nina tries to get Carly on her side so she can see Wiley without going to court .
Carly tells her no, because Nina thinks Carly and Michael are the problem.
Carly says that Nina really hurt Wiley and his family and that Nina is the problem not them. She's responsible for her own actions .
Trina is asked how she pleads. Nikolas says yes about them staying at Wyndemere.
Esme says only if Spencer is OK with it.
Nina always places the blame on everyone else and that Nina has no regard for Wiley as a human being with feelings .
I love Harmony agreeing with Michael and Willow . She won't do it again.
Alexis gets a visit from Neil's brother .
That's it for now, until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
Friday April 1st 2022
Happy Saturday guys and dolls ,
Sneaky opportunistic bastards reigned Supreme on the episode for Friday April 1st 2022.
Luckily Sonny, Brick , Alexis Brendan and Ava are on the case and about to take out the trash .
In the the beginning of the show Sonny met with Brick .
Nina asks Harmony how it went with Michael and Willow.
Esme was happy to be at Wyndemere, in my opinion she shouldn't get too comfortable.
Trina pleaded not guilty. As she should because she's not .
Brick and Sonny are talking about Jason being declared dead and about his upcoming memorial.
Sonny tells Brick about Selena Woo and how age keeps wanting to make deals with him . Lmfao this is Carly's doing ! Come on reach into our Sonny and bring him out.
Sonny asks Brich to come work
Brendan Byrne is such an asshole !He doesn't have a right to harrass our Alexis .
Harmony tells Nina that Michael and Willow have said no about Nina getting to see Wiley at all.
Nina is angry and annoyed that none of them will hear her out about making a deal to see Wiley.
I mean .... come on how delusional is she really after what she's done to their family what the hell does she expect.
Esme is obsessed with Trina Spencer says , not only that honey she's obsessed with you on behalf of her mentally unstable dad.
Scott says Trina should be released without bond . Trina is free until the trial.
Brendan apologizes to Alexis for all for his rude and abrasive behavior towards her.
Harmony tells Nina to give Willow and Michael time to think about her suggestion.
Nina starts shouting about how Willow is weak .
Harmony says , no shes not and Nina says that Michael controls her.
Lmfao is this bitch for real?Michael isn't like that at all far from it. She talks really nasty about Willow which is grossly unfair.
Sonny is angry and wants to know who recorded the private moment between Joss and Cam.
He tells Brick he put Esme on notice lol.
I don't like the assistant DA working with Molly . She's really nasty and bitchy.
Scott shouts the odds , Molly is only doing her job ease up Scott.
Ava shows Trina, Portia and Curtis the back way to get out of the courthouse.
Smoltz just showed up to talk to Trina , but he's too late she left already.
Smoltz says he wants to help them and Trina expose the person that's framing her for videoing them.
Uh oh lol, Ava has come back for Joss and Cam and she's not happy Smoltz is talking to them.
Trina tells Portia and Curtis that she's ready to prove her innocence.
After Ava sees Smoltz off she tells them she's on their side not Esme's. She tells Joss your Avery's sister she would not be happy if I didn't support you .
Brick and Sonny want to find proof that Esme is guilty as hell.
Scott meets up with Nina , he's impatient and says hurry up tell Mr what you want !
Brendan is being really disgusting , he says that Alexis owes him and tried to extort money out of her.
Harmony shows up and sees Brendan he recognizes her oh shit !
Harmony shakes his hand and when he leaves Harmony asks what was that about ?
Alexis says I don't know but it was very disturbing .
Brick is shocked that Sonny and Carly are split and that Nina is around.
Sonny joked that Brick still has the hots for Carly lol.
Portia and Curtis support Trina and try to reassure her everything will be OK.
Portia is so worried about what could happen next .
Go Ava, lol she tells Cam and Joss that she will deal with Esme.
Lmfao At Wyndemere Esme is whining and talks about Trina .
Spencer says let's hope Trina can prove her innocence . This pisses Esme off.
Ava tells the kids to lose sleep over Esme that she's not worth worrying about.
Esme tries to convince Spencer that she's innocent . Nikolas tells Spencer not to be too hard on her.
Esme bitched about Sonny and Spencer gets angry he's my uncle shut up.
Sonny talks about Nina and Nixon Falls . Brick says the future we can work on, Love we can't you have to work it out on your own.
Nina tells Scott that she's more than convinced she's going to have it all Sonny and Wiley.
Scott tells her he doesn't think so Nina. Scott knows Sonny and Carly lol. Nina is delusional she says there's always a first.
I love Brick and Sonny drinking sparkling water and not booze.
Nina needs to stop trying to see Wiley it's bordering on obsession .
Harmony tells Alexis she's going to make something soothing for dinner.
Brendan goes through Neil's papers. It appears Harmony may have been one of Neil's patients.
Trina says she needs to relax and have a hot bath.
Joss wants to prove Esme can be in two places at once .
Ava is shocked to see Esme at Wyndemere and with a what to expect when you're expecting book.