And you wanna know why because it over worked my brain putting the missing piece of the crazy puzzle together.
Nina told Harmony all the reasons they should fight for visitation and there it is .
Nina uses people to get what she wants .
She doesn't care or recognize her own faults and the wrong actions she takes that hurts other people .
So apparently Phyllis worked with Harmony then known as Lorraine Miller at the exact same hospital that Nina was a patient in .
Are you kidding me ? Look for a blog on this later.
In the meantime we had Willow passing out from not eating and Piffy not being treated with respect by one of the doctors .
Michael sat in the interrogation room , hot under the collar about what the reporter told him about Joss.
Smoltz is trying to get Alexis to run the story about Joss and Cam's sex tape .
In the meantime Sonny runs into Molly, TJ and Shawn at the metrocourt .
They invite him for dinner , but he has somewhere he needs to be right now.
Carly shows up at the PCPD after Diane calls her . She is super pissed about what smoltz said to him about Joss.
Back at the Metrocourt Sonny talks to Shawn about his big move to California .
Jordan shows up and Sonny shows up at the PCPD, where he gets more than an earful from Michael.
He tells him he feels like Sonny doesn't care about his family anymore with his support to Nina .
Harmony tells Nina that she'll think about what she offered her , but she has to go.
Smoltz continues to try to get Alexis to runs the store. Carly overhears this and she tells him off.
Clearly this guy , has no back bone cause he runs like a coward when she confronts him .
Epiphany encouraged by Epiphany decides to sign up to take the Mcat exams .
Harmony is really worried about Willow .
Carly is told by Alexis that the story could benefit other people .
She also said they'll leave Joss and Cam's names out of it .
Sonny angrily says to Michael that he does care about his family and Michael says that he's not the dad he knew yikes.
It was more than a little food for thought , I want our Sonny back.
That's it for now , until next time guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day everyone.
Tuesday March 22nd 2022
What's the all buzz tell us what's happening Mama Ashley? I can hear you asking me .
Well , nothing at all spectacular I can assure you ! Is it just me or do Tuesday's episodes seem like there are crickets making noises lately !
Maybe it's just me , but I prefer it when GH has a bomb blast , or a mob war making Port Charles the hub bub of activity .
Between Curtis , and Portia and Marshall and Piffy being very chummy to Dante paying his dad a visit at the penthouse.
Elizabeth and Finn lol, that's whom I'm investing in these days . But I have to say Britt and Brad are another bright spot for me .
They make me laugh so much .
I can't get behind Brooklynn, Maxie and Lucy gossiping about Sasha and Brando .
Seriously, ladies mind your own damn business and concentrate on working and your own love lives or lack there of.
Can I just say Selena needs to get a hobby! She needs to stop controlling Brad .
Marshall needs to be honest with Curtis and Epiphany and tell them about his past.
And then there's Sonny omfg the cracks behind the Mike facade is starting to erupt like a volcano.
As I've said before I want our Sonny back ! The one who cared about his kids and did anything to protect them.
Dante was right he needs to see what damage Nina has caused and what his supporting her has done to anger his family.
I think Elizabeth should talk to her parents , and meet on neutral territory and hash out what she needs to say .
Selena wants to have lunch with Britt and Brad to get to know her oh boy !!!!
The ladies at Deception have decided to plan a party for Sasha and Brando.
Chase walked in as they spoke about finding a male singer to join in the duet Brooklynn has written.
Miss Wu visits Sonny and they have a meeting . She and Sonny has some plans to carry out .
Portia offers to help Piffy to study for her Mcats and even offers to be her mentor.
Curtis gets a call from Drew who says there are discrepancies in Marshall's stories uh oh !!!
This doesn't sound good at all!
That's it for now until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
Wednesday March 23 rd 2022
Ah Wednesday , this episode I like to call whiny witch Wednesday
It's the time for family bonding this is what I love about our GH.
First up Sonny and Ava joined forces to support Avery who had sprained her arm.
Carly and Elizabeth banned together along with their kids to have their story be told on their terms and in their own way.
Marshall had a spaz attack because TJ is friendly with Molly's uncle . Is this dude for real ?
Esme whined about not belonging anywhere . She manipulated Laura how disgusting .
Spencer was asked by Harmony to Speak to Ryan . I'm literally jumping out of my skin because Ryan makes my skin crawl .
Laura tells Nikolas they have to be careful who they let into their inner circle ie Victor and Esme.
Drew and Curtis talked about Marshall and they wonder what's up with him.
They played Chess and Ryan tried to win Spencer around thank God Nikolas arrived in time .
Joss and Cam met with the reporter and Carly and Elizabeth were amazing .
They put their past behind them to support their kids.
Avery was adorable with TJ and Sonny got confronted by Marshall in an unprovoked attack .
What a creep like seriously Man.
Joss and Cam were ready to make their statements to the police please let this be the end of Esme.
Harmony told Ryan she would no longer help him antagonize other people .
Avery accidently ran into Marshall who still was copping an attitude .
And finally Spencer comes back to Laura's and sees Esme.
That's it for now , until next time this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great night everyone .
Thursday March 24th 2022
The cracks are starting to show Esme knows she's losing her grip on Spencer .
Laura , told Nikolas that she forgot she had a meeting to go too. She , and Anna arrive at Sam's.
We became privy to the fact Luke's death was no accident . No really you don't say ?
Meanwhile Michael finds out that Willow fainted at work and that Harmony came to support her.
Victor tells his right hand man that Laura and her friends are getting too close to the truth .
Nina shows up at Charlie's and she and Sonny have what seems to be their last hurrah .
She knows poking the bear that is Michael is not a good idea.
Even Harmony said she's not going to help Nina because she doesn't want to risk upsetting Willow amd Michael .
Alexis invites her to move in .
Michael is released from PCPD lock up and Jordan tells him not to miss his court date .
Anna and Laura find out that Carly burst into their investigation lol and blew it up by being a wrecking ball.
Curtis tries to ask Jordan to unseal his fathers arrest records . She flatly says no.
Ava spoke to Victor about the family and soon Nikolas joined them.
Meanwhile Spencer stood his ground with Esme . The disturbing part of all of this is Laura is starting to warm to her.
Spencer is beginning to recognize that Esme is up to something .
He recognized that his grandmother of all people is being snowed by her False remorse.
It's not like Laura to trust people too easily and Spencer knows this .
Esme needs to learn to finesse your game you have to be less needy. Being a needy bitch doesn't do you any favors .
Infact it makes people break the hold you have on them.
It's like Joss said Esme has no sincereness in her whole body.
If she would stop acting so possessive of Spencer and be more genuine people would like her more .
Curtis comes to talk to Sonny about his father .l think if anyone can break into Marshall's records it's Spinelli .
That's it for now , until next time me darlings , this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great Friday everyone.
Friday March 25th 2022
Hi everyone ☺ Fridays episode was like a whirl wind for me .
After the previous day I was exhausted and I have to admit my memory is a bit sketchy.
So on with the the recap!
Sonny was shown talking to Curtis about Marshall. He really doesn't want to get involved.
We saw Portia and Taggert talking about what happened with Joss and Cam.
She told him about Esme and he was not impressed or amused by the mess.
Trina showed up and they talked about her being at school. She says she can't stop for breakfast cause she has class in a half hour.
Joss and Cam were shown at school talking about their situation .
So Esme was holding a pregnancy test and tried to tell Spencer she's pregnant.
Poor kid was scared witless his eyes were popping outta his head .
He was like a dear caught in the headlights . Not scared just annoyed that she could be playing a head game with him.
In the mean time we saw Nikolas and Ava talking at the metrocourt .
They talked about Spencer , Trina and the whole Esme situation
Nikolas , Portia and Taggert in separate scenes both said it wasn't a good idea for Spencer and Trina to be forced together.
I have to agree with them! Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't .
Meanwhile Trina shows up to class and runs into Cam and Joss.
They began to talk and repair their friendship. They hugged and it was so sweet.
Victor is bitching that Carly lol was nightmare . I laughed my head off I was thinking " what the fuck do you expect ? She's Luke Spencer's niece she is just like him !"
He thinks she's dangerous , bro you ain't seen nothing yet ! Screw with her or her family you're just asking for trouble and that includes Spencer.
Sonny and Nina talked about music and 45's that were on the bar .
You see Phyllis was going to get a jukebox , but it was too big and wouldn't fit where she wanted to place it.
It would have blocked customers walking path . And from what I understand that's a health and safety issue.
It probably goes against the fire Marshall's law as well.
They danced and it looked like it's their last hurrah . Thank goodness.
Anyways Esme continued being a bitch to Spencer. I'm so glad Cam showed up to stop the fight .
He told Esme what he thought of her and then it happened just as Joss and Trina were reunited Jordan showed up at PCU.
That's it for now , until next time this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great Sunday everyone .
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