MONDAY JUNE 13th 2022
Oh good gravy Monday's episode was painful to watch. Someone needs to send out the troops and Find Jason Morgan Asap.
First of all I'm loving Carly wanting to help with Aurora and ELQ.
Lmfao Valentin won't be happy our girl is a pistol and will get him with both barrels .
Esme is hurt by Ryan again and he tells her not to mess up the revenge plot.
Felicia caught Esme talking to Ryan and questioned her as to why she's there .
Sonny got some good parenting advice from Jordan, but he's still angry at Michael
Jordan told Marty that the threat against him and Laura is over. I wouldn't get to comfortable .
LOL we all know that everything is a smoke screen with their brother until he makes his next move .
Spencer spoke to grandma Laura about his dad and Ava.
Lmfao Felicia is questioned by Esme. Felicia informs her that she is one of Ryan's many victims like Ava was .
An object of obsession who was hurt by Ryan. She mentions Kiki and Esme looks a little scared.
Spencer figures out away to get at Esme. Oh boy this is getting good while talking to Laura.
Nikolas is being absolutely freaking nuts. Yet again he says he wants to divorce and start from scratch.
I gotta say Drew and Michael talking to Lucy was cracking me up ! Lynne Herring is hilarious and so classy at the same time.
Carly and Sonny meet up and they talk about their kids .
Esme is left alone with Ryan and she tells Ryan the Cassadines won't know what hit them.
Laura arrives at Wyndemere and finds out Nikolas and Ava have decided to get remarried.
Back at GH Ryan is leaving to go back to Springridge the bastard smirks at Felicia.
Oooh The creature and her master will be rumbled soon . Bring it on!!!
That's it for now until next time guys this is mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day everyone.
Today's show was marred with a lot of family drama in Port Charles and don't we know it.
Cam was camping with Finn , his brothers , Gregory and Violet, but his mind and heart were back at home .
Maxie was camping too with Austin who was talking to Wyatt.
Meanwhile back in Port Charles Nina and Britt met up . It cracked me up when Britt said that they meaning the westbourne Women which includes Nina and Maxie are a motley Crue of women.
Lmfao Britt was unnerved by what Brad did to her so Nina said " Let's make him suffer!" My sentiments exactly! When his texts were deliberately ignored.
Cody spots Britt and says " Oh god there's that Britt woman!" to Dante and Sam.
Spin met with Joss and Trina trying to figure out where the Esme got the burner phone.
Carly and Sonny were having a talk about their kids and Sonny kept placing blame on Carly and Michael.
Finn asked Gregory to talk to Cam about what was bothering him . He tells Gregory that he's worried about his mom and Trina .
Gregory offers to help explain things about school proticol since he was a professor.
Cody was pissed off at Zelda because she had deducted money from his paycheck. She asked Dante to arrest him for trying to embezzle money from her.
Dante and Sam dragged him away from her , but not before she asked how Dante could be friends with him.
Maxie proves she's got the know how setting up a tent , but is useless finding appropriate sticks for toasting marshmellows.
Joss and Trina are told by Spinelli not to go looking for trouble lol. Joss says I am my mother's daughtet.
He says " Yes exactly my point !" Carly and Sonny were arguing and Carly says " I don't know you anymore .
Cody spies on Zelda and sees her going into Spinelli's hotel room.
Joss calls Carly and tells her that she's going out with friends and will be late.
She hangs up and walks into the bar where rough looking men are hanging out.
Someone is spying on Austin and Maxie.
Whoever could it be ? That's it for now until next time guys this is mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
Omfg today's episode made me smile!
Between Chase and Brooklynn's hotness, the campers seeing Aidan having a meltdown broke my heart.
He's upset about everyone leaving him to the point he refused to let Cam teach him how to play the guitar.
Joss and Trina were treading into unsafe waters when they arrived at the bar to find the guy Esme bought the phone from. He recognized her picture lol and said she was really rude.
Well, I was spoiled for choice as to what my fave scenes were today .
Of course I do have to mention the ridiculousness of Sonny acting like a teenage boy ! Yuck will the real Sonny please get a wake up call?
Its not fun watching Sonny fawn all over a woman that he once deemed mentally unstable .
It's equally not fun watching Linc treat Brooklynn like his cash cow. He's a deplorable disgusting human being.
Maxie and Austin got the fright of their life , when Violet and Gregory came out of the woods.
TJ and Curtis were talking at the club when Selena Wu showed up and she met TJ.
Brooklynn and Chase told Linc off and Brooklynn managed to find out Linc was going to a poker game at the Savoy.
Cody managed to threaten Zelda then she told him Cody was making threats.
The campers had a sing song , meawhile Austin told some unknown person to leave Maxie and her family alone.
Brooklynn snuck away from Chase to follow Linc to see what he's up too.
Trina and Joss got caught in the middle of a bar fight that they did not start.
This was right after some thug recognized our girls. Then the cop car sirens could be heard as the fight was underway.
Oh boy lol our girls are due for a teliing off from they're mama's.
That's it for now , me darlings until tomorrow guys this is mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great weekend everyone .
Friday's episode was good in some ways , but not so much in others.
I'm here for the drama between Cody getting his ass beat by Selena WU's thug and Joss and Trina being where they shouldn't lol.
Good scenes , I loved Valentin and Anna on a movie date at the drive in.
Hell Carly and Drew and Sonny and Nina were even cute.
Brad actually did not like what Selena did to Cody and apologized to him.
Brad is not a bad guy deep down , but he's human and makes mistakes like the rest of us do.
I loved Britt acting responsibly and helping Cody and Rory letting Joss and Trina off with a warning.
But one thing I really can't stand is slimeballs who hit on women.
Oh hell no .... ugh please GH do us a solid and end the Sonny Bono rip off Linc.
It's time this guy was put in a tiny cell with a brick shit house of a man who can knock his ass out in one punch permanently.
The guy gets far too much air time.
He's got a cocky attitude objectifies women and frankly he lacks class and social graces in public settings
He proked Chase into hitting him all the while playing the injured party.
When he's so clearly not! Ugh please release him in the outer reaches of hell.
That's it for now until Next time this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great weekend everyone.
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