They say nothing good comes from keeping secrets and leaving other people in the dark about certain things they need to be aware of.
June 6 th 2022
Hello me lovelies It's the start of another GH week and I'm already feeling agitated .
The only bright spots for me were Leo and Marshall with their families as far as I'm concerned.
As a loyal GH fan I am 100 % behind my fave characters most of the time, however Carly lying to everyone around her about who Willow's real mom is not her secret to keep.
We've been down this road before with Carly once with Michael and once with Spencer .
But Willow is a grown assed woman who deserves the full truth such as it is.
She's under the misconception that her real mom was a complete waste of space and discarded her like an old shoe.
We know that's not the case at all.
Meanwhile at the Q's stables Leo has received his birthday present a horse.
So lovely , and Valentin shows up with riding gear for Leo , but also wants to talk ELQ with Ned.
TJ talks to Terry about work and how he thought the hospital needed his help. He says that they found his granddad.
Speaking of Marshall arrives home with Curtis and Stella and greeted by Portia.
At Shadybrook Elizabeth gets a visit from Laura and Finn who by the way Elizabeth told to stay away from him to keep him safe.
Awe Portia is happy to see Marshall. Marshall is being gruff and an ass and does not want a lot of fuss.
He says he promised Curtis answers. Curtis says it can wait.
Finn brought flowers for Elizabeth. She's confused as to why he's there when she asked him to stay away.
Valentin says that it's Charlotte's old riding gear and he thought Leo could make use of it. He also tells Ned he wants to talk ELQ.
I love Millow they are so sweet. Carly is worried about Willow.
Willow says she doesn't want to know who her real mother is.
Curtis says that he regrets what he did to Marshall. Portia tells him he has a right to be frustrated with his dad.
TJ says he needs a distraction from family drama.
Finn says he just wanted to see Elizabeth.
Oh dear Willow says she doesn't think her birth mother cared about her well being leaving her with Harmony.
ELQ chatter ugh stop .... enough sort it out behind the scenes .
Finn decides to leave and blames himself for what happened to Elizabeth.
Shut up Valentin! Stop trying to convince Ned to help you. Drew and Michael are not against him.
Michael says Ned is throwing a tantrum.
Drew tells Michael to let things go! Michael says no and refuses to see sense.
Curtis shows Portia the pill bottle! Lmfao Stella walks into the room bitching about Marshall.
She apologizes to Portia for how she treated her before.
Willow says she shouldn't go looking for someone who is indifferent to her needs like Nina is with Wiley.
Michael changes the topic of Sonny to ELQ again !!! Boring !!!
Leo is so sweet and thanks Valetin for the riding gear. When Valentin leaves Olivia says you have to watch Valentin he's a good man, but you never know what is behind it.
Laura tells Finn he has to respect Elizabeth's request for space.
Stella tries to pressure Curtis to propose to Portia. She tells him not to waste time.
Valentin approaches Michael and Drew about ElQ. They tell him they don't have time to talk to him.
Marshall says he pressured Irene to lie to the kids about why he actually left .
Marshall says he had issues after being in the armed forces.
Terry asks Finn about Elizabeth. He says he's worried about her. Elizabeth is worried she'll be arrested for hurting Chase.
She and Finn are beside themselves with worry. Finn thinks its time to contact Jeff and Caroline.
Ned says he feels like he's on the outside looking in just like his mom and AJ were.
Michael thinks Valentin is planning something.
Drew is worried about Willow , Carly says she wants to help with ELQ.
TJ talks to Portia at GH and Marshall tells Curtis that he's schizophrenic .
Phew that's a lot of info to consume on a Monday.
Until next time guys , this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day everyone.
JUNE 7th 2022
Oh good lord today's GH was filled to the brim with good ole family drama at it's absolute finest.
First of all poor Britt was subjected to an intervention via her mutter Liesl and bestie Brad.
Then we had Carly scheming and plotting to be a piece of the action in ELQ.
Poor Drew could not hold her at arms length .
Curtis sat and listened to his dad pour his heart out about his schizophrenic diagnosis.
Michael brought a gift for Leo for his horses stall.
Ned just saw through him even though the gift was more than thoughtful.
Sonny and Brando spoke about Sasha and then the conversation turned to Michael.
Can I just say , I don't think that it was right or fair that Liesl and Brad deemed it necessary to humilate Britt.
Britt was absolutely mortified that she was filmed drunk by Brad and was knocked into a pool by Cody the himbo.
Carly would not give up trying to convince Drew to let her invest in the family business.
Sonny heard from Dex that there was an issue with employees.
He is worried someone is messing with his business . He's also angry with Michael.
The next thing we saw was Ned was saying he wants to be on equal footing with Michael and Drew with ELQ.
Oh god Brad thinks he was doing the right thing filming Britt. Britt was clearly upset and Liesl tells Brad to leave.
Britt says she doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone . She thinks new people would be freaked out by her huntington's diagnosis.
Marshall says he regrets leaving his family. As a family they bond and hug.
It really did my heart good to see this bonding time with the Ashfords.
Carly says she knows Drew isn't Jason , but that she likes having him as her friend .
Carly says lol that she never listened to Jason lol . And Jason always said I told you so. Lmfao!!!
Ned gets upset with Michael and as soon as Michael leaves he calls someone !
I'm assuming it may be Valentin.
Brando offers to get himself and Dante to talk to Michael on his behalf.
Dex has come to see Michael! Oh No this can not be good!!!
That's it for now , until next time me darlings this is mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off ! Have a great evening everyone!
Wednesday June 8th 2022
Hey everyone I'm sorry about the delay for the recap I had a headache.
Anyways GH was filled with anxiety for me. When I'm not feeling up to par people shouting on screen does my head in.
Sonny was talking to Selena Wu. Brando raised some concerns about Dex to Dante. Brando clearly does not trust him.
Dex shows up at the Quartermaine stables. Michael asks him what he wants.
Brooklynn is clearly not impressed with Brad and what he did to Britt.
And tells him as much. Meamwhile Cody is watching the gif of Britt and is laughing at her.
Britt is pissed off about the gif and can't get a hold of her mom or even Terry.
Sasha is being watched by a hawk by Gladys who won't quit hovering over her.
Poor Britt is mortified she's not getting a hold of her mum and feels guilty.
Sonny tells Serena he still has things under control and for her not to worry about it.
Dex won't stop harrassing Michael.
Dante and Brando show up to help Michael get rid of Dex.
Cody meets up with Brad and Britt and she let's him know what she thinks of him.
Lmfao Sasha to Gladys " That's all cute and charming , but i don't need a babysitter !"
Oh no!!! Sasha gets a package for the baby. She breaks down in tears. The poor love.
Britt is annoyed with Brad and asks him why he hates her. Brad is being a giant asshole.
Poor Sasha is so upset and Gladys won't quit watching her.
Brooklynn shows up and sees Sasha so upset.
Michael tells Dex to leave. Brando goes with Dex back to Sonny's.
Michael tells Dante to not pull the big brother act on him. Sonny tells Selena to leave things alone.
Britt is upset with Brad and he apologizes to her. He says she's impossdible to deal with sometimes.
Brooklynn is worried about Sasha,but wants to talk Deception business with her.
Sasha is freaking out and shaking about being on television. Brooklynn is really worried about her.
Dante is worried about Michael and how he's reacting to things that are about their dad.
Brando tells Sonny that Dex was harrassing Michael. Sonny says " Don't you dare harrass my kids or I will kill you!"
Cody won't quit annoying Britt and annoying me in the process . I really wanted to punch him.
Poor Brooklynn tells Gladys she knows how it feels to lose a child even though the child is with her biological mother.
Gladys is clearly concerned Sasha is using again, but won't tell Brooklynn who's worried about her.
Poor Michael, is really upset with Sonny.
Dante sees that Michael won't back down. Dante tells him some home truths.
Sonny is really pissed at Dex for approaching Michael.
After Dex leaves Brando makes his feelings about him clear to Sonny.
Britt lets Cody have it about the way he's talking to her. He's so disrespectful.
Sasha says that she was splashing water on her face and is ready to go on the show.
Dex tells Sonny he hopes he hasn't blown his chance to get a job from Sonny.
Britt has 11 missed messages from the hospital board.
Selena wants Brad to prove himself to her.Britt calls Terry and apologizes to her.
Britt wants to sue Dex!
Gladys sees Sasha taking pills that look like they are from an Aleve bottle.
Gladys thinks its drugs and tries to take it from her. Brando witnesses this.
Sonny is pissed off at Dex and finally we see Dex is working for Michael to take Sonny down.
Holy crap man !!!! That's it for now until next time guys this is mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day everyone.
Oh For God Sake there was way too much noseyness going on in Port Charles.
The recap is gonna be short and sweet.
I'm frankly fed up of Gladys and her over protectiveness of Sasha.
She told Brando she's concerned that Sasha will relapse again.
Cody is a creep and should leave Britt alone.
Ava was trying to make Esme see things from her perspective. Esme is a vile little bitch.
Carly and Sam are concerned about Spinelli . They think is acting weirder than usual.
and Joss talks to Trina about Cam, Esme and Spencer .
Britt is approached by the lady who owns the agency for the dates.
We see Esme sucking up to Nikolas again when will this creepy bitch fuck off for good.
Spin is shown talking to some guy and acting all odd. Sam and Carly speak to him.
We later see him giving the lady from the agency a wad of cash.
Uh oh what the hell !!! Is he up too!!
That's it for now , until next time this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing have a good evening everyone .
So friday's episode was filled with family togetherness.
Violet is going camping with her family .
Piffy is studying for her mcats with Portia.
Cam isn't joining them and said that he needs to work.
Ava wants to know what game Spencer is playing . Esme is totally obsessed with Nikolas.
Felicia and Mac happily talk about their grand kids and are caught off guard by Ryan.
Mac approaches him and Ryan yells in his face and attacks him.
Cam misses his mom and Laura tries to get him to behave like thinga are normal.
Marshall and Stella show up at GH and talks to Portia and Epiphany . He says he's proud of Curtis.
Curtis tells Portia that what he learned about his dad affects het too.
Trina got bad news about school and has received a letter from the dean.
Ava doesn't believe anything Spencer is saying . You tell the little trust fund brat honey.
She wants to know what he's up too.
Nikolas says he loves Ava and wants to forget what happened between him and Esme. Esme says she does too.
It turns out Ryan attacked Mac in his sick twisted mind.
Mac asks if Felicia has a silver bullet.
Curtis tells Portia his dad is schizophrenic and he's worried he may have it too.
Poor Trina is worried about facing the deam.
Rory overhears her and Joss talking and he wants to help clear her name.
Nikolas is an idiot and asks Ava for a divorce. Esme shows up at Gh.
She goes to see Ryan she tells him what she did with Nikolas .
Just as Ryan gets handsy with his kid Felicia approaches the room.
Its time they both get caught.
That's it for now until tomorrow guys , this is mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great Sunday everyone
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