
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 25 July 2022

GHCanada UpRising GH Recaps July 25 - July 29 2022

Good  evening me  lovelies ,  this  episode  for  July  25th  2022 was  giving me  oh  snap vibes.

Today's show starts with  Sonny and Dex roughing up Felty for harassing  Sasha.

Anna isn't  impressed  with Valentin.

Spencer wants  a word  with his  dad  and Ava. Curtis breaks  into  OZ's.

Drew  finds out  Willow is  pregnant and says  its qbout  damn time  this family had  good  news. 

Molly meets  with  TJ at  the  hospital.

 Felty  takes  a  trip down  the  stairs.

As  Dex  and  Sonny  are  beating Felty senseless ,  Joss catches  them  on  camera.

Flashback of  Esme having  sex with Nikolas.

Curtis questions  OZ and  Valentin admits  he  held  some  things  back  from them.

Oh  dear  ....   Molly  got  recused  from  Trina's case.

Joss  tells  Sonny she's glad she  caught  Sonny  and  Dex beating  

Drew and  Michael want  to  help Carly  get  back  everything she  

Anna  is  not  proud  of  checking in  on  Valentin  and  what  the  hell he's been up too.

He  says  he  had  a staff infection  on  his  back .

Ava  tells  Spencer  Trina's   court  date  did  not  go well.  Curtis  is  being questioned  by  the  police.

Carly  is  super excited for  Michael  and Willow.  Joss is really pissed with  Sonny  for  what  he was doing.

TJ  works  on  Oz as  Curtis talks  Molly  about  him.

Spencer  , Ava and  Nikolas discuss  Trina  and her  innocence.

Valentin says  he's worried about  Charlotte  and  her safety.

Carly  is  so  excited about becoming  a grandmother.

Sonny  and  Joss continue to  face  off  about what  she  saw  Sonny do.

Dex  wants  to  explain things.

Anna  says  she  could  have  helped  him if  he  had  come  to  her  for  help.

Ava  talks to Spencer about what happened at the trial. Esme wants to  come  clean.

Curtis talks  to  TJ  and  Molly  about  Oz.  Oz begins  coding.

Dex says  he  did not  want  to  kill Felty just  scare  him.

Carly  and Drew toast to the  new  baby.

Carly is  in  good spirits and greatful for  everything  she  has  in  her life.

Awe Drew is so good for Carly.

Sonny  bursts  in  to  his house and  says  she  has  to  get  Joss under control.  Lmfao.

Esme manipulates Nikolas to  help  her  get  back  into  SpringRidge.

Ava  tells  Spencer all  that  happened in court.  Anna  says  she  and  Valentin never  walk  a  straight line.

He  says  2  step forward  and  2  steps back  with  them.

Michael  and  Willow  are  so  sweet  together.

Dex tells Joss that  Felty  was pushing  drugs on Sasha  and they  dealt with  it .

Sonny  tells  Carly what happened with  Joss and Carly says what does he want  her  to  do about  it.

Curtis tells TJ and Molly why he  was  there  at  OZ's . Esme  calls  the  hospital and finds out  Oz is in a  coma.

She  smiles evily.

The  Cassadines  duscuss  Trina's  case.

Anna  and  Valentin kiss. Willow wants Michael to drop the  vendetta against  Sonny.

Willow still  hasn't told  Michael she's  sick.

Dex  wants Joss to reconsider showing  the  video  to  the  police.

She deletes it.  Carly  refuses to  tell  her 18  year old  daughter what to  do.

Lmfao  Carly lol  would  like to  see Sonny's ass  in  Pentonville. She  says  she'll  talk  to  Joss . 

Great  show an Ass Kicking, and Joss  reaching into her  inner  Spencer lol.

That's it  for  now, until next  time  this is  mama Ashley, Judy  , Cindy and Deana signing  off  have  a  great evening everyone.

Tuesday July  26th 2022

Hey  me  lovelies today's GH for  Tuesday July 26 th promises to be  another corker of an episode .

At  the  beginning of today's show,  we  see  Joss  bringing  coffee to  her  mom.

Nina pushes the  bartenders buttons  and  he  calls  her  on  the  carpet for  her  past  mistakes. Sonny  over hears him  and  tells  him  off .

Poor Trina  is  worried about  court and Taggert  and  Rory support  her.

Portia and  Curtis talk  about Oz
Jordan shows up .

Esme calls  the  hospital and  quickly  hangs up  when Spencer comes in  the  room.

He  says  times  up  Esme

Nikolas and Ava get  their  divorce  papers. And talk  about  the  trial.

Esme  rambles and says  she  won't  take his  deal.

Love  Rory  being  there  for  Trina  and  saying  he's  upset  with himself.

Jordan  says  she  knows  Curtis  holding back  on  something.

Joss tells  her  mom  she  saw Sonny  having  Felty being beat up  by  Dex.

Joss won't back down about  her  view on Sonny. Sonny tells  the  bartender to  be  more  respectful to Nina.

Curtis  thanks Jordan for  being so  supportive of Trina. Jordan says Trina is  a  strong  young lady.

Curtis is  going to tell Jordan about  Esme.

Rory  is  trouble with  the  ADA for  fraternizing with Trina.  Nikolas says  they  don't  need  the  divorce. 

GO Spencer he  told the  witch off lol. He  says  find  a way  to  exonerate Trina.

Aaron the bartender apoligizes to Nina. She accepts  his apology.

Sonny  is  not happy with Nina. Joss is totally pissed at Sonny  and what he put  them through.

Carly  does not  want  Joss  going  after  Sonny.

Awe Ava and Nikolas are ditching  the  divorce .  Nikolas is going  to  destroy  the  papers.

Spencer wants to  know  why  his  dad is  helping Esme when he finds out Nikolas  helped Esme be  reinstated at  SpringRidge.

Its  as I suspected Rory is in trouble and  Curtis tells  Jordan what he  knows.

Joss is  really  angry and upset with Sonny.  Carly says she wants to  co exist with Sonny. Joss says she's  angry  at  the  ADA.

Sonny and Nina arguing over her  buying the metrocourt. He says they won't work out if she  keeps upsetting his  family.

Jordan is impressed with Joss and Trina showing some sleuth skills.

Esme  calls  the  hospital again. Spencer says things are complicated between him  and Esme.

Joss is really angry at herself about how  the ADA twisted  her  words around. Carly is  proud  of  Joss.

Trina is worried  about  Rory and Ava shows  up  to  support our  girl Trina.

Taggert is not happy with Rory , but  he's pleased that  he's supporting  Trina. TAGGERT tells Trina  Diane  is  caught  in  traffic.

Nina and Sonny have a fight and  she  walks away from him  ! 

Curtis tells Jordan that Esme is  trying to kill Oz from being  a  witness for  Trina.

Nikolas and  Spencer  work  things  out and Nikolas says  he loves him and he's a flawed man. Spencer says he  is too.

Nikolas is annoyed with Esme. She has no idea what  hell is coming her way.

Carly and Joss show up at  the  courthouse and talk to Trina and 
Ava. Ava says she wants to arrange a visit with  Avery  and  Carly.

Nina tries to say  that Carly is like  a  dark  cloud hovering over them. LOL she will be if you don't stop messing in her life you dumb bitch.

Sonny says they need to make peace with the past and  move  on. He leaves.

Donna has fallen on the playground Carly says and she leaves.

Portia calls Taggert and says she can't go to the courthouse because of patient.

Jordan goes to  see  Nikolas  and  Esme  calls SpringRidge and asks to see Ryan.

Whoo baby  its  about  to  blow  up  now. What  a great episode!!! Until next  time  guys ,  this  is  mama Ashley  , Judy , Cindy and  Deana signing  off  have  a  great evening  guys.


Hello me lovelies  , so  today's  should  be  really ,  really  good.

A surprise witness takes the stand in support of  our beloved sweet Trina according  to  the  plot description.

Today's  show  starts with  Jordan  talking  to Nikolas about  OZ and  Esme.

Esme at Springridge visiting  Ryan.  Spencer shows  up at  court  to  help our  Trina.

Maxie  and  Britt  at  the metrocourt  lol.  Britt  wants mocktails. Cody sees  her  and  says  " what  a  pleasant  surprise!"

She  says  " Pleasant is  in  the  eye  of  the  beholder!"

Spencer tells Trina that he's  there  to  support her. Jordan asks why Oz was visitìng  Wyndemere.

Ryan  is  saying for a smart girl Esme  is  short sighted when  it  comes to the  things  she does.

 She  tells  him  Felicia was  the  one  who  stopped  their  visits.

Maxie  and  Britt  lol  make me  laugh with Cody. They  give  him such  a  hard  time  and  he  just  takes it  in 
Stride lol.

Lmfao  Britt  bitching  about  the  straw and the  hay. Cody  brings  Maxie and  Britt some drinks.

At  the  courthouse , Joss and  Trina wonder what  Spencer is  doing at  the courthouse.

Esme gets  a text  from  Ada Arden she says  get  to  the courthouse now or no deal.

Nikolas  tells  Jordan  that  he's  not  Esme's jailer.  Jordan  tells  Nikolas that  Oz  is  in  a  coma  and can't  testify  at  Trina's trial.

Jordan says she needs to speak to  Esme right away and leaves. Nikolas starts putting the pieces of the  puzzle together about  Esme  .

Cody won't  give  up  on  Britt she  says not if you  were the  last cowpoke in  the country.

Spencer testifies  in  court for  Trina.

Nikolas is on edge about Esme. Victor is  disappointed in Nikolas for even sleepìng with Esme.

Ryan finds out  that Esme submitted to  a dna test to  find out  who  her mother is.  He's not  happy about  it .

Mainly because Spencer is  using it  as a bargaining  chip. 

Esme says if  you  dont want  Spencer  telling  me  who my  mother is  then  you  tell me.

Lmfao Cody is seeking advice about how  to  whoo  Britt.

Spencer testifies that Esme also  left  the room at  the  cabin.

Jordan  and  Britt  talk  about  Oz Hagerty.

Victor  is  starting  to  be  my  favourite character . He says maybe it  was  time  to  evict Esme from Wyndemere.

Ryan  won't  tell  Esme who  her  mother is.  He  says  if  you  don't  obey me  you will  be  orphaned again.

She says if you  don't help me i  have  information on you to  make  a  deal.

Maxie lol and Cody continue to talk about convincing Britt that Cody is  right for her.

Britt  is concerned about an opiode outbreak.  

At the courthouse ADA Arden tries  to  catch Spencer  off  guard.

Nikolas says he wants to face up to  his  failings for  Laura. 

Ryan continues to threaten Esme whose clearly afraid of him.

Cody and  Maxie continue  to  talk  about Britt. 

Britt remembers what  Spencer  told  her  about the drugs and Esme.

Trina is  pissed at Spencer  for  testifying  against  her  in  court.

Victor lol  says  Nikolas needs  to  stop falling  on his  sword. He offers to  drive him  to  the  courthouse.

ADA Arden  calls  Esme and  tells  her  to  get  to  court.

Ryan tells  Esme if  she  does not  do what Spencer asks he  will help het  find  her  mother when  he gets out of prison.

Joss , Trina and  Rory  talk about Spencer. When  Trina walks away Joss  tells  Rory that he  needs to  read  the  room  better everyone  knows he  likes  Trina.

Ava  asks Spencer whose side  he's  really  on  after  he  wouldn't give Esme an alibi.

Whoo  great  show , until  next  time  guys this is mama Ashley, Judy  , Cindy and Deana  signing off  have a great day everyone.


Hey  me darlings ,  soo Trina's  trial  continues. A new witness is said  to  come forward according to episode  description.

Welp  there  was interesting  news  in  the  Chuckles in  Thursday's  episode for  July  28th 2022.

Mac told  Dante he  should start thinking about his career in the future.

Sasha told Brando  she  needs to  go  to therapy  on her own.  She  knows he  loves her and  supoorts her.

Felty is awake ! TJ is in the room and tells him the police want to  talk to him.

Diane is confident that the ADA and Spencer gave  them an opening  to  use Esme's  disappearance at  the cabin to  save Trina.

Spencer checks his phone and  wonders where Esme  is. Ava confronts Esme when  she arrives at the  courthouse.

Esme threatens to destroy Ava's world. Ava says " Try me!" Lmfao !!

Esme  tells  Ava  she's tired of her acting superior to  her . She begins tp tell her , but  Nikolas  shows up and stops her . He  says  " I'm stopping this right here  right now!"

Trina and  Rory  talk  and  they're  so sweet.

Mac wants Dante to  replace  him as chief of  detectives  when  Mac retires.

Sam  shows  up  and  tells  Mac he  needs to  check his messages. He and Felicia are needed for baby sitting duty.

Mac leaves and Dante wants to  talk about their future as a couple and their kids.

Dante bends down   , it  looks  like  he  might  propose.

Sonny  tells  Dex you can't  go  around picking fights with people.

Sasha wants Brando to keep himself  busy . They run into Michael and Willow. She says she knows Willow is pregnant and she's  happy for them.

Ava doesn't like the possibility Nikolas is  hiding something  from her.

Spencer tells Esme he  wants her to  tell the  truth about who really filmed Cam and Joss having sex.

Sasha wants to celebrate with her friends. Sasha talks to  Michael about

TJ asks if  Willow has come for  more  tests and  he's  really  concerned about her.

Awe  Sam thought  Dante was  going  to propose, but  he  was  only  picking up his phone.

Esme tells  Spencer no deal about  telling the  truth and about finding her mother.  

Ava is clearly pissed Nikolas has a secret  he's not  told  her about.

Nikolas tells  Ava he  slept with Esme.

Dante talks about he  and Sam  taking  the next step in their relationship.

Brando has come  to see  Sonny . He says he's really worried  about Sasha.

Esme lies on the  stand sbout  Trina.

Diane assures Trina they  will  deal with  Esme.

Awe Sasha and Willow  are  so  sweet, supporting each other and making plans. Smoltz harrasses them.

Ava tells Nikolas to  stop  talking , and asks when did you  slither your way into Esme's room.

He  tells her  it  only  happened once.

Ava is  really  angry  and upset with him. She  says that  he's  touched her  for  the last time.

Diane questions Esme on the  stand. Diane  asks  her about  her  friendship with Spencer's  friends .

She also asks her about  the trip  to  the cabin and Esme says she was met with animosity and hostility by  cam, Joss and  Trina.

Michael meets with  Dex  on  the  stairs of  the  hospital.  He  says  he has Sonny  where Michael wants him.

Willow tells Smoltz to  get  lost and  leave  them alone . She threatens to sic Michael on him again.

Willow goes to get  security. Sasha tells  him off  and  Willow returns with Security.

Court  goes to  recess, Diane wants to put Trina on  the stand.  Taggert does not like  the  idea  ! But  Trina wants to do it.

Dante visits Felty and questions  him.

Dex  tells Michael that  Joss  saw  him beating up  Felty  and that she  was recording it.

Brando says  he  feels  so bad for  Sasha and that he  loves  her.

Ava tells Nikolas he  disgusts her and calls him  a rat she also says  he's  not  a  man  he's  a  spineless  weakling.

Smoltz visits Felty and they  plan on going after Sasha oh no!Scumbags !!!

Ava catches Esme getting  ready to leave Wyndemere.

That's it  for now , until next time  this  is Mama Ashley, Judy  ,Cindy and Deana signing off  have a great Friday everyone.


Oh  me , oh my Friday's show was  explosive and it's not a even a huge  surprise.

Sasha and  Willow were  united together and  stronger  than ever.

Willow had more  tests done  and  it  left  Michael  confused as  to  why  TJ not  Britt was  doing  tests.

Brick returned to Sonny's fold  and he  couldn't  believe what  he  was told.

Joss recorded Dex beating up Felty and it left Brick shocked and  very perplexed.

Sasha  had  a  meltdown and shouted " You're  smothering me   , you  and your mother!"

Ava confronted Esme, who was making a run for it. But Ava squared up on her and she didn't give a  shit .

Spencer he took the stand at the courthouse and he made it clear that Emse not Trina filmed Joss and Cam and said it without any fear.

He  risked his  freedom , to  clear  her  name, everyone was shocked can you blame them.

He admitted he slipped out of  prison risking his freedom that very day and 
Trina  saw him  that very day.

It  was  at  the  exact  time  the  video was dropped and  so thickens this plot.

Michael pretended to be fighting with Dex , all  for Brando's  benefit and he  bought  the  whole  act.

Sonny  told  Brick  he  wants Dex  to  be  the  new  Jason. Brick wasn't  so  sure.

Sasha gets  a  text  from  her  friend and  it looks like  she's  gonna  do  drugs  again .


Ava  has Esme where  she  wants her.
She  tells  her to  exonerate  Trina  and  confess or else.

Phew my  head  is  spinning  recalling it all. That's it  for  now, until next time  guys, this is  mama Ashley, Judy , Cindy and  Deana signing off  have  a great  Sunday everyone.

Sunday, 24 July 2022

GHCanadaUPRISING GH Recap July 18 - July 22nd 2022

Brace yourselves me darlings ,the  younger generation of  GH stars are  in da house.

There's no mistaking it they're gonna  show us how us how it's done .

The opening scene was Brando  talking to TJ about Sasha in the  Sauna.

He's worried about her and says he  loves her .

Carly  , Joss  and  Diane  discussed  the  case and  Trina. Trina  showed  up  to  court  with  her  parents.

Spencer and  Esme  at  Wyndemere he  tells  her  that  he  has  a surprise  for  her . He  tells  her  he  found  her  mother.

Sonny  and Dante were sparring at  the  gym and they talk about  Carly  and  Nina .

Then conversation turned to Sonny's  transition  returning  home.

Nina is visiting Nathan's grave and  gets a call from  Olivia. She's not best  pleased and runs into her aunt Liesl.

Liesl  is  shocked when  she  hears  that  Nina bought Carly's half  of  the metrocourt.

At the courthouse Trina's trial begins and she's feeling all sorts of nervous  .

Michael shows up at the  gym to  talk to Sonny and  Dante.  Sonny makes a move  to  leave  but  Michael asks  him to stay.

Awe Willow is at Jonah's grave  and talks  to  her  son and  tells  him  she's  pregnant.  This  is overheard  by Liesl and Nina.

Go Spencer he has Esme where  he  wants her going full on Cassadine on her.

Nina needs to stop interfering in  Michael and Willow's lives and their business . It's  disgusting !  

Willow  gets a call from TJ to  come to  GH  to  see  him  .

Michael gets all brave and tells  Sonny  to  stay  away from  him and  his kids.

The ADA acts like a real witch to both  Cam and  Joss. She treats Joss like  a  hostile witness.

Well  , yeah  she  is  lol, she  is  Carly's  daughter after all. She handed the  ADA her  ass verbally  speaking.

Ava and Carly are  proud of our Joss.

Spencer  kills  me  lol,  he  really  has  Esme where  she  wants her.

Brando gets into  an argument with Dex nearly  smacking him one . But  Dante and Michael put  a  stop  to it.

WILLOW arrives at  GH and finds out  the  test  results  are in ! She  has a high white  blood cell count.

What  the  hell is wrong with her?

Michael tells Dante he's gonna be an uncle  again.

Joss continues to  be  questioned on  the  stand by  the  nasty ADA.

Great  show , until next time  this is Mama Ashley, Judy ,Cindy and Deana  signing off have a great  day  everyone.


GOOD morning me beauties so let  me first start this recap by saying that 
 " Nicholas Chavez  just  proved again why  he  deserved that  Emmy!"

At  the beginning  of  the  show  we  see Willow getting her  test  resulrs .

She  has an elevated white cell  blood count.

 Michael was Sparring  with  Dante  and they  talk about  Willow and Cody shows up.

Brad  and  Britt  kill  me  they  talk  about  the  date  she's  about  to go

Spencer tackles Esme like  a  true  Cassadine would .  And you  ask  how I'm  guessing !  

By putting the little psycho in  her  place . He tells her that she's not  getting info on her mother until she fesses up about framing Trina.

She starts  trying  to  say  he  was  a loser and had no friends at boarding school until she  came along.

Yeah  right  i bet it was  lthe  other  way around.  Esme is an unlikeable  person.  She's  not  even redeemable.

At  the courthouse Joss is  giving the female ADA everything she deserves.

 She's making a villain out of Trina the innocent young girl who did not  record her friends having sex.

Rory testifies on  Trina's behalf  as  does Jordan.

The ADA actually found out  that Joss and Trina were at the biker bar where the bartender works and sold Esme the phone.

Curtis nods his  head  at  Jordan and  its  clear  they  got  evidence  against Esme.

Omfg  lol  Dante with  Michael and Cody was hilarious.  Talking  about Leo and Willow.

Michael says he  has to go meet  Willow for the baby scan. At GH Willow  does not  tell  him  she's  sick and they go  for  the  baby  scan

Brad  finds out that Britt has a date  with Cody. He  was  like the  ca  that  got  the  cream.

Back at the courthouse things  are  not  looking  up  for our  girl Trina.

At Wyndemere Spencer lets Esme  know what he really thinks of her and  tells her  to  confess or  she won't  find  out  who  her  real mom is.

Esme  walks  out angry.

And that's  the  news from  Tuesday's  GH. Until Next time guys , this  is  mama Ashley, Judy,  Cindy and Deana signing  off  have  a great day  everyone. 

Wednesday July  20th  2022

Good Morning me lovelies , this  will  be a short blog this morning as I'm not feeling up to scratch.

Wednesday's show surrounded the  open mike night at the Haunted Star.

Brooklynn calls Chase  , but  can't  get  a hold of  him.

Then we saw  him  with Finn and  he's  unsure  about  going  to open mike  night .

Finn convinces  him  to go.

Britt  goes on  her  date  with  Cody lol!  They  are  perfect  for each other.  Two hot heads together.

At  GH Sasha  was preparing to leave  the  hospital  and  gets  a  visit  from  Nina. 

Nina told  her she should consider  going to Shadybrook to get the help  she  needs.

Brooklynn found out that Willow is  pregnant . She  was  super  happy for  them.

Spinelli  got  a  call  from  Cody lol ,  complaining  that  he  wanted  another  match .

Maxie and Austin were on their date  when Spinelli approached them  . He  was his ever so stumble bum self.

Sonny  and  Brando  plan to  ho  after  the  photographer whose  been  supplying  Sasha  with  drugs.

Chase finally  arrived  at the  Haunted Star and  sang  his  heart  out  as  did  Epiphany.

Britt and Cody's date was not going  well and that was  par for the course.

Brooklynn said operation get Linc was underway lol.  He had been watching  Chase sing .

As  Brooklynn walked  away Linc approached  Chase about  his  performance.

Austin met up  with  a  strange  man and  asked  what  he  was  doing  there.

That's  it  for  now  until  next  time  this  is  mama Ashley , Judy  ,  Cindy and Deana signing  off  have  a  great  day everyone.

Thursday July 21 st - Friday July 22nd 2022

We  interupt  your daily  dose  of  GH bring you  more effing  news .

And no  it  wasn't  the  angel  Gabriel bringing  you  tidings  of  great  Joy either ,which means this  recap will be  short once  again.

So  first off we  saw  Linc talking to  Chase who told Linc no  about working with him. 

 It  was clear Chase and Brooklynn's plan was  working , he  bought into their  fake argument.

Britt was on her date  with  Cody lol , it  was  not  going  well. He  lacks class and has no  social graces.

Curtis was on  a  missìon  to  find  the  bartender  and clear  our beautiful Trina's  name .

But  not  before asking Marshall to  keep  an eye  on our  Portia.

He  met  with  Miss Wu who  gave  him  the  information he  needed.

Maxie found out  that  Spinelli owns  Society Set Ups and  tells him to  tell everyone.

He  tells Maxie he  thinks Austin isnt who  he  says he  is  and to be  careful.

Meanwhile Austin talked  to  the  strange  Bald dude  whose  Boss is  upset  with Austin.

The  mystery  person's name begins with M.  My mind is reeling it  could  be  anyone .

Monica, Marty  or  shocker Madeline whose not  really  dead or Morgan.
Or  for  all we  know it  could  be  Jason.

Esme drugged the bartender after  going  to  his place .  

It  seems little miss psycho bitch face  doesn't  take  kindly to being called out for being the snake  that she is.

Anywho  Britt  threw  a drink at Cody , left her  date and had  enough  time  to change dresses.

She confided in Austin , who  I think  is  a  better match  for her  than he is for Maxie.

Portia  was  pacing  the  floor  worried about Curtis , who  had shown up  to  see the bartender.

Esme was  caught like a rat in a trap  ,  I can't  wait till  Curtis busts her  psycho ass lol.

That's it  for now until next time  guys , this is Mama Ashley, Judy, Cindy and Deana signing off  have  a  great  Sunday everyone.

Sunday, 17 July 2022


Hey all the episode for July  11th 2022 was  not short  of  drama  and  family  news that  warmed  Carly's  heart .

It was the fourth of July  and some of our fave Port Charles residents went to see fireworks while others made some of  their  own.

Dante and Sam were  shown  at  pool side  . Dante was catching some Z's  while  Sam was  sunbathing.

Spinelli was there as was Britt and  Cody.  Britt needs to unwind her  knicker elastic and start cracking  a  smile.

He's trying his hardest to  be  charming  and  lovely  to her , but  she  just wasn't  having  any  of  it.

Joss and Trina met  up  , while  Carly was in  her  office .  

Britt wasnt  happy  being  around  Maxie all loved up . Lol.

Also we saw Sonny and Michael  talking to Olivia about how stubborn Carly was for not accepting  their  help.

Michael  and  Willow talk to  Sonny  the  comversation was  civil for  a change.

Nina found out what Valentin had done to Carly  and  she  didn't  seem very pleased about  it  at  all .

Trina met with Rory to watch the  fireworks . He baked  brownies.

Sonny  runs into Spencer and Esme, Esme  acts all scared of  Sonny and  Spencer and  he  decide  to  talk  alone.

Michael , and Willow find out  that Carly lost her  half of the metrocourt  and  Michael is  upset  his  mum  didn't  come  to  him.

Willow tells  Carly  and  Joss  that she's  pregnant and  they're  so excited for them.

Meanwhile Spencer tells Sonny  to  have faith and trust in him  that  he's doing the right thing.

Dante and Sam go to watch  the  fireworks from  her  bedroom window.

Spencer comes across Trina and Rory  all  loved  up . While Carly gets a  visit from Nina.

I  wonder what  she  wants?

That's it  for now until next time guys , this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day everyone .


Good  morning  guys  , so its  like  this  Wednesday's GH  started  off  with our lovely  Brando visiting  Sasha.

She's in complete denial that  she  needs to go to rehap at all. 

Carly gets  a visit  from  Nina  who  tells  her she bought  her half  of  the  metrocourt ! 

She  said of  it  was a  way  of  an  apology for  how  she  hurt her  and the  family .

They  say  no  good deed  ever goes unpunished . I  thought  yep  she's  being  punished  cause  Carly  does not  trust her  .

Sonny  and  olivia talked about  Carly  and Nina ! They  found out  that  Carly  would  not accept  his  help  either.

Trina was at  the fireworks display with  Rory and  they  were  kissing.

Meanwhile Marshall and  Curtis  got  a  lead on that  bartender from the biker  bar Trina and Joss went too.

Back to Brando and Sasha he wants  her  to listen  to  Kevin  and  accept  his  help.Brando  leaves to  get  a  break!  Gladys comes  in to  see  her.

Carly refuses Nina's offer and later  on Nina says" She called me  self serving!"

 Sonny says  , " Do you blame her?"

Brando goes to take a break .He  runs  into Sonny  and Dex.  Dex  who  offers  to  get  him a  coffee.

Olivia talks to Drew  about  the  Q's and  says  they mean well  ,  but  they  do  things  their way .

Carly  tells  Olivia that  something surreal happened that  Nina  bought her  half  of the  hotel.

Trina says  the  kiss between her and  Rory can't  happen again.

Marshall says that he considers Trina  and Portia family.  They  discuss  going after  their  lead to  help Trina.

Brando goes back  to see  Sasha and  he  tells  her  Sonny wants to see  her.

She  says no  and  freaks  out  and  wont  calm  down.

That's it  for  now , until next  time  guys  this is  Mama Ashley, Judy  ,and  Cindy signing  off have  a  great day  everyone.

Thursday July 14th  2022

Oh  me oh my Trina's  trial  is  upon  us guys!  And there are some urgent matters to attend  to  before  hand.

First up we  had Trina being  surrounded by those that love  and  care  for  her. 

Laura  showed up  with  her  witness  statement as mayoress.

While Curtis and  Marshall were  on  the hunt for the bartender from the biker bar.

And yes they did find him! Meanwhile Portia says that Taggert  is also on the hunt for  a way to help  his daughter.

Meanwhile Ava  told  Nikolas  to  keep Esme  away  from  Trina  and  the  trial.

Spencer has flashbacks  while  talking  to  Esme . He  is  not  a happy !!! He lies and says  he  has  a  surprise  for  her and  he needs  to  do  it  alone.

Later  on  she  tells Nikolas that  Spencer wouldn't  go  away  with her.

Back at Trina' s Laura said she had  a  meeting  at  the metrocourt , but  not  before finding out Diane was  replacing Scott as Trina's Lawyer .

It  seems Serena  got into  legal trouble in Denmark and needed  daddy to step  in and represent her.

Anyways Marshall and Curtis  found the  bartender and he was acting  rather sketchy and nervous  around them.

He asked them to leave  after  they  questioned  him , and he made a phone call to someone.

They  decided to  follow  him.

Spencer  runs into  Rory and  they  have a confrontation.

Victor's plan was  under way to  get at  Laura after he showed disappointment in Valentin.

Valentin had run  into  Laura again and he  discovered his father had put  a hit on her and he put a stop to  it.

Ava had arrived in support  of  Trina and it was clear that  Trina was hiding something from  everyone.

Diane was going  over  the details  and  left  leaving  Joss  and  Trina  talkìng to  Ava.

Trina used an excuse to talk to Joss alone and sent Ava to Wyndemere to  get  her necklace for her.

Trina told Joss  that  she  has  an  alibi for  the  day  that  the  Sex tape was posted.

Joss was of  course shocked  lol,  but  she  definitely did make it  clear what she actually  thought  of  Spencer.

Portia over hears  there's  been  a  development .

Curtis and Marshall followed  the  bartender to  the  Wyndemere launch.

Marshall asked if  the  dude was  leaving  town .  Curtis said no , but  they can't  just  show up  there  are bodyguards everywhere .

He then says  they  need someone  who  lives there lol to escort  them in. Enter Ava to  be  their  escort.

Esme  is going  down like  the  titanic lol! I  love  it !!!

Thats it  for now, until next  time  guys ! This is  Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great  day  everyone.


GOOD Sunday Morning everyone , the  names on everbody's lips in Port Charles on Friday's show were Esme  and Trina and for a very good reason.

So here's the scoop the show starts off with Carly  packing  up  her  office.

Olivia  came  in  with  flowers  for  her  and both women were  crying. Both  of  them are incredibly strong  , resiliant and beautiful .

Marshall and Curtis talk to Ava on  the pier. She says that she'll try to  catch them out .

Nikolas and Spencer met  up at GH.

Lmfao Olivia she tells  Nina  what  she  thinks of  her  in  a  very  huge  way.

Oh Joss she teases Trina about  Rory lol. And she tells Portia that they  have a lead to help clear Trina's name. 

The Bartender tries to blackmail Esme and  she  ain't  having  it .

Ava arrives home and hears voices. Esme hears her voice and ushers  the Ronnie Defeo look alike out of  the mansion .

But not before he tries relentlessly  to blackmail her.

Laura and  Kevin both tell Nikolas and  Spencer there was a fire at Leslie's and she's going to go see her.

Laura tells them both to  try to behave  themselves lol and she tells Kevin she wants  him to stay  in  Port Charles.

The boys promise her that they will behave themselves when Laura  tells  them too!  Yeah  lets  see  how  long  that  lasts.

I  think sometimes  Laura forgets  who  she's  speaking to . LMFAO.

Ava  misses out  on  catching Esme talking to  the skeezy  guy.  Lmfao and catches Esme painting her  toenails on  the  couch .

No one  has taught  that  little  girl  any manners and how  to  respect other  people . 

 It's high time  they did because she thinks she's slicker than snot on  a  door  knob thinking  she'll get  away  with  hurting  Joss  and  Cam and  framing  Trina.

Portia  expressed  her  worries to  Stella  about  her  being  at  the  trial.

Stella the  tough  cookie  said  i  need  to  be  there  Trina is  family now.

Portia told her that she feels Trina was targeted because  of  the  colour of  her  skin as  well  as  it  being  about  jealousy .

Back at the metrocourt Sonny  is  pissed when he sees what is going  down with Olivia and  Nina.

Nina  tries to play victim and  tries  to  justify her actions , but Sonny says "  You  did  it  to yourself ! What did  you think was gonna  happen !"

Drew helps Carly pack some things  up and they head to the lobby where  Sonny  asks  her  if  she's  ok.

She  says  she's ok , but  Oh no  not  Nina  the  hateful  spiteful  bitch.  

Carly has flashbacks of Harmony  telling her that Willow is  Nina's  daughter. She leaves  the  hotel .

Sonny confronts Nina  who  says that  Carly was right there are 3 in this relationship.

Me thinks the  honeymoon  period  for  Sina is over  !  I also think  Nina was using  Sonny  to  hurt  Carly.  Well  she suceeded.

Home girl needs to gtfu and  start  acting like a mature  adult  if  she's  even capable of  that  ?

Ava  offered  Esme  money  to  leave  Port Charles for good. BUT the  little  bitch said no because she finally  has  a  family.

Maybe it's because she's a Cassadine and she definitely aware of this fact.

I think Victor knows  who  her parents are  and  he's  afraid they'll find  out !

Nikolas and  Spencer arrive home  to  find  out  that  Ava  is  trying to  pay her off to  leave  Port Charles for  good and escape proscution all  together.

Roll on Monday  .....until  Next  Time , this is  Mama Ashley, Judy , Cindy and Deana signing off have  a great Sunday  guys.

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

GHCanada GH Recaps July 5th - July 8th 2022


Good morning me darlings the show
 for  Tuesday July 5th 2022, left  me  wondering a  few  things .

First of all ,  was Sasha being used to  plug  someone else's products  on  Heart and Home? 

Will  Brando finally  realize  sasha  needs help?

How far  is Spencer  willing  to  go  to  catch Esme out  and make  her  confess all.

I  burst  out  laughing at the pool  when Spencer ,  Joss  and Esme  wound up  in  the  metrocourt.

Spencer was  laying it on a little  thick calling  Joss the  porn queen. 

I  guess he had to  make it  look  bad  to  distract  Carly.

But not before Cam got a DNA Sample from Carly  to  help  trap  Eme.

Carly  threw  Esme  and Spencer out of  the hotel.

Olivia finally met Cody lol  hes such  a  smarmy git.

I have  to  say Spin and  Britt make  me laugh . Lol he's  so  quirky  and  she's so  not.

Britt got  a  call  from Zelda.

Cody is getting on  my  damn nerves  with  his cocky  attitude.  When it  comes to  Britt he  needs to  sh!t or  get  off the  pot  .

Women like her wait for no man's  attention.  And what the hell is  up  with his  blackmailing Spin and  his interest in Sonny?

Sonny saw the way that  Cody  was  speaking to Spin and  that Spinelli wqs  getting extremely agitated.

Sonny  walked  over  to  see  what the hell  was  going  on ! LET ME tell you he did not like it one  bit. He  was  worried  that Spin was in trouble.

I  love Brooklynn wanting to manage  Chase's music career.  He's not so  sure about it.

Sasha almost faltered at the  last hurdle , thank god Gladys pretended to be a customer and helped her  out.

Olivia told  Nina for now on  Nina will deal  with  her and not Carly  to pay the  rent  for  crimson.

Drew approached Nina on her buying Crimson out right .

Will he  be  Carly's  secret  benefactor and buy  the  hotel  for her.

I  sure  hope  so  ,  that would  help  her  out immensely.

That's it  for now until next  time  guys  this is Mama Ashley  Judy and Cindy signing off  have  a  great  day guys.


Good Morning Guys I'm  sad to  say  this but Wednesday's episode broke  my heart for everyone  who  loves Sasha .

I  was super  excited  to  see  Morgan Fairchild as  Haven De Haviland, but  it  was  quickly  turned  to  anger with  the  way  the  situation with Sasha was  poorly handled.

Poor  Sasha tried  her  best  to  do  her  job. However  these  people  never did  research on  her  before  putting  a  baby  swaddler on her.

Bit  by  bit she  started to  lose it  on  air. Maxie tried to  stop  it  from  happening, hell even Lucy tried.

But to  no avail!  The  rest  of  the  show  was  a  blur to  me  as  i was  way  more focused on  my  girl Sasha .

Even Nina  was  beside  herself  crying  because  of  what  had  happened with our Sasha. 

Miss Wu  arrived  and  gave  Haven what for , for  the  way  she  treated  Sasha and  the  deception crew.

She  also gave  Lucy  an earful.

Thank goodness for Brando who  saw  fit  to take  Sasha to  GH to  be  admmited  for  observation with  Kevin.

That's  it  for now, until  next  time me  lovelies this  is  Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off  have a great day every one.


Stop the world  Ma  I want  to get  off immediately. GH has left me a total mess again.

The first scene we saw was Chase  coming out  of the metrocourt pool looking  pretty  sexy .

Ya  know  what  i  mean  slippery  when wet. LOL!!! SORRY i  cant help  it !!!

I'm beginning to get fed up  of  all  of the ELQ , and Victor Cassadine being deported nonsense.

Ok so Elizabeth's plight has made me sit up and take notice.  I'm a Rebecca Herbst fan  from  way  back.

Poor  Jake  was  worried about  his mama and came  to  see her.

After  he  left  she  freaked  out  and threw the puzzle pieces on the  floor  after  Jake  said that  Jeff and  Caroline should  be  called  to  help out.

She finally said that  she  never  got  over her abandoment issues with her parents.

Truth is they  just  dumped her  with  her grandparents 25 years ago.  

They  weren't  there  when  she  was  raped, or when graduated from high school or even nursing school.

They  never  attended  the  births of  her  kids or  went  to  her  weddings.

They  didn't  even  show  up  to even support her at  Franco's funeral.

James  Patrick Stuart as Valentin   , yes please i  want  to  see  him  help  get  rid  of  dear  ole  dad.

Brooklynn is  doing  my  head  in  she  needs  to  tell  Chase how  she  feels about  him.  Before another  woman wins his heart.

He  needs  to  admit  his  feelings for  her.

Hell  Anna as much  as  i  adore her  wants  to  see  the  good in Valentin.

He's  a double crossing lol  ,  smarmy  charming son  of  a bitch. But ya  know strangely enough I  am  team Valentin.

He needs to save Charlotte from Victor the man is a disgusting human being who should not be near kids.

That's  it  for  now, until next time  guys  this is  mama Ashley , Judy and Cindy signing off  have  a  great  day  everyone.


Hello everyone happy  Sunday , Friday's show was filled with people  being  at odds with  each other.

Chase  and  Brooklyn  having  a  heart  to  heart. Alexis  and  Gregory  at  logger heads.

Finn  found out  that  Elizabeth signed herself out of ShadyBrook.

Britt and l Terry talking about  Society set ups. They also talked about the hospital needing more  cover  as  far  as nurses go.

Enter  Elizabeth in her nurses uniform wanting to work.

Cody and  Olivia talk about  Leo and Dante. She says horses are  alot  smarter than  the  men  in her  life  .
Ned over heard this  lol .

Valentin approaches  Laura and  asked  to  join her.  They talked  about  Charlotte.

Victor eavesdrops on Anna talking  to  the WSB and confronts her about  her  investigating Valentin.

Anna asks him  if  he's  stalking  or  lurking.  Lol  its  both and  she  bloody well knows it.


Chase tells Brooklynn that their friendship such as  it is unhealthy for the both of them.

Gregory is a flaming nuisance.  How  dare he be so arrogant towards our  Alexis.

Alexis tells Gregory lol that he's  being  ridiculous.

Finn asks Kevin if Elizabeth  discharged herself prematurely.

Elizabeth stop  being  so rude to Britt ugh.  The Britch is back and britchier than ever  Elizabeth says.

Victor  asks Anna what the nature  of  her  relationship is with Valentin.

Valentin orders a bloody mary and Laura an ice tea. They talk about  the  ridiculous campaign against her.

I  love  Brooklynn and  Chase .

Olivia and Ned talk to Cody about  Leo and his job at the Quartermaine's

Terry tells Elizabeth she's  siding  with  Britt about her coming back.

Anna let's Victor  know  what  she  thinks of him. Valentin drugs Laura's drink when  she  gets  up  to  take  a phone call.

Laura tells Valentin she sent Charlotte care packages and  that  Anna is  very fond of him.

Victor tells  Anna  she's  just  a distraction for Valentin!  Rude.

Lmfao Alexis  lets Gregory  have  it.

Chase says his dad and brother think  he  should  take Brooklynn's offer.

She gets excited and  he  says  pump the  breaks Quartermaine.

Elizabeth challenges  Terry  on  her  being back  to  work.

Finn walks off  the  elevator  and  sees her.

Brooklynn thinks Chase should  take her offer.

Gregory  acts  like  he's  so  much  smarter than Alexis.

Cody reassures Olivia  and  Ned he's sticking around.

When alone  Ned  admits he  should  have  spoken  to  her  first before  siding with Valentin.

Britt  thanks Terry  for  the  back up.

Elizabeth says  she  needs  to get back  to  her  life.

Go Anna you tell Victor all about  himself.  She says she trusts Valentin not  the  people around him.

Valentin knocks Laura's drink out of  her hand when she supports  him  being  with  Anna.

I'm so fed up of Gregory  and  his  arrogance and rudeness towards  Alexis.

Anna gets info about when Valentin left the clinic.

Valentin apoligizes to Laura and  Kevin  about  knocking her  drink 
out  of  her  hand.

After Valentin leaves Laura is told by  Kevin Elizabeth discharged herself.

Britt  doesn't believe that  Elizabeth is at  all  better.   

Elizabeth says she learned  alot  about herself. Broolynn shows  Chase  the  hits on  his  video.

Ned  offers  to  sell  Carly  her  half  of  the  hotel  back  to  her.

Elizabeth says she still wants  to  be  with Finn.

Cody gets  a  hit  on  a  match for him.

Britt  finds  out  Cody is  her  match.

Gregory continues to be rude to  Alexis.  She  makes a bet  with Gregory.

Chase  decides  to  take  Brooklynn's  offer.

Anna runs  into  Laura and  Kevin she's looking for Valentin she's worried about him .

Valentin tells  Victor  he  failed the  mission.

Phew  good  show ,until  next time  guys this is  mama  Ashley   , Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great  Sunday guys.