
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Sunday, 24 July 2022

GHCanadaUPRISING GH Recap July 18 - July 22nd 2022

Brace yourselves me darlings ,the  younger generation of  GH stars are  in da house.

There's no mistaking it they're gonna  show us how us how it's done .

The opening scene was Brando  talking to TJ about Sasha in the  Sauna.

He's worried about her and says he  loves her .

Carly  , Joss  and  Diane  discussed  the  case and  Trina. Trina  showed  up  to  court  with  her  parents.

Spencer and  Esme  at  Wyndemere he  tells  her  that  he  has  a surprise  for  her . He  tells  her  he  found  her  mother.

Sonny  and Dante were sparring at  the  gym and they talk about  Carly  and  Nina .

Then conversation turned to Sonny's  transition  returning  home.

Nina is visiting Nathan's grave and  gets a call from  Olivia. She's not best  pleased and runs into her aunt Liesl.

Liesl  is  shocked when  she  hears  that  Nina bought Carly's half  of  the metrocourt.

At the courthouse Trina's trial begins and she's feeling all sorts of nervous  .

Michael shows up at the  gym to  talk to Sonny and  Dante.  Sonny makes a move  to  leave  but  Michael asks  him to stay.

Awe Willow is at Jonah's grave  and talks  to  her  son and  tells  him  she's  pregnant.  This  is overheard  by Liesl and Nina.

Go Spencer he has Esme where  he  wants her going full on Cassadine on her.

Nina needs to stop interfering in  Michael and Willow's lives and their business . It's  disgusting !  

Willow  gets a call from TJ to  come to  GH  to  see  him  .

Michael gets all brave and tells  Sonny  to  stay  away from  him and  his kids.

The ADA acts like a real witch to both  Cam and  Joss. She treats Joss like  a  hostile witness.

Well  , yeah  she  is  lol, she  is  Carly's  daughter after all. She handed the  ADA her  ass verbally  speaking.

Ava and Carly are  proud of our Joss.

Spencer  kills  me  lol,  he  really  has  Esme where  she  wants her.

Brando gets into  an argument with Dex nearly  smacking him one . But  Dante and Michael put  a  stop  to it.

WILLOW arrives at  GH and finds out  the  test  results  are in ! She  has a high white  blood cell count.

What  the  hell is wrong with her?

Michael tells Dante he's gonna be an uncle  again.

Joss continues to  be  questioned on  the  stand by  the  nasty ADA.

Great  show , until next time  this is Mama Ashley, Judy ,Cindy and Deana  signing off have a great  day  everyone.


GOOD morning me beauties so let  me first start this recap by saying that 
 " Nicholas Chavez  just  proved again why  he  deserved that  Emmy!"

At  the beginning  of  the  show  we  see Willow getting her  test  resulrs .

She  has an elevated white cell  blood count.

 Michael was Sparring  with  Dante  and they  talk about  Willow and Cody shows up.

Brad  and  Britt  kill  me  they  talk  about  the  date  she's  about  to go

Spencer tackles Esme like  a  true  Cassadine would .  And you  ask  how I'm  guessing !  

By putting the little psycho in  her  place . He tells her that she's not  getting info on her mother until she fesses up about framing Trina.

She starts  trying  to  say  he  was  a loser and had no friends at boarding school until she  came along.

Yeah  right  i bet it was  lthe  other  way around.  Esme is an unlikeable  person.  She's  not  even redeemable.

At  the courthouse Joss is  giving the female ADA everything she deserves.

 She's making a villain out of Trina the innocent young girl who did not  record her friends having sex.

Rory testifies on  Trina's behalf  as  does Jordan.

The ADA actually found out  that Joss and Trina were at the biker bar where the bartender works and sold Esme the phone.

Curtis nods his  head  at  Jordan and  its  clear  they  got  evidence  against Esme.

Omfg  lol  Dante with  Michael and Cody was hilarious.  Talking  about Leo and Willow.

Michael says he  has to go meet  Willow for the baby scan. At GH Willow  does not  tell  him  she's  sick and they go  for  the  baby  scan

Brad  finds out that Britt has a date  with Cody. He  was  like the  ca  that  got  the  cream.

Back at the courthouse things  are  not  looking  up  for our  girl Trina.

At Wyndemere Spencer lets Esme  know what he really thinks of her and  tells her  to  confess or  she won't  find  out  who  her  real mom is.

Esme  walks  out angry.

And that's  the  news from  Tuesday's  GH. Until Next time guys , this  is  mama Ashley, Judy,  Cindy and Deana signing  off  have  a great day  everyone. 

Wednesday July  20th  2022

Good Morning me lovelies , this  will  be a short blog this morning as I'm not feeling up to scratch.

Wednesday's show surrounded the  open mike night at the Haunted Star.

Brooklynn calls Chase  , but  can't  get  a hold of  him.

Then we saw  him  with Finn and  he's  unsure  about  going  to open mike  night .

Finn convinces  him  to go.

Britt  goes on  her  date  with  Cody lol!  They  are  perfect  for each other.  Two hot heads together.

At  GH Sasha  was preparing to leave  the  hospital  and  gets  a  visit  from  Nina. 

Nina told  her she should consider  going to Shadybrook to get the help  she  needs.

Brooklynn found out that Willow is  pregnant . She  was  super  happy for  them.

Spinelli  got  a  call  from  Cody lol ,  complaining  that  he  wanted  another  match .

Maxie and Austin were on their date  when Spinelli approached them  . He  was his ever so stumble bum self.

Sonny  and  Brando  plan to  ho  after  the  photographer whose  been  supplying  Sasha  with  drugs.

Chase finally  arrived  at the  Haunted Star and  sang  his  heart  out  as  did  Epiphany.

Britt and Cody's date was not going  well and that was  par for the course.

Brooklynn said operation get Linc was underway lol.  He had been watching  Chase sing .

As  Brooklynn walked  away Linc approached  Chase about  his  performance.

Austin met up  with  a  strange  man and  asked  what  he  was  doing  there.

That's  it  for  now  until  next  time  this  is  mama Ashley , Judy  ,  Cindy and Deana signing  off  have  a  great  day everyone.

Thursday July 21 st - Friday July 22nd 2022

We  interupt  your daily  dose  of  GH bring you  more effing  news .

And no  it  wasn't  the  angel  Gabriel bringing  you  tidings  of  great  Joy either ,which means this  recap will be  short once  again.

So  first off we  saw  Linc talking to  Chase who told Linc no  about working with him. 

 It  was clear Chase and Brooklynn's plan was  working , he  bought into their  fake argument.

Britt was on her date  with  Cody lol , it  was  not  going  well. He  lacks class and has no  social graces.

Curtis was on  a  missìon  to  find  the  bartender  and clear  our beautiful Trina's  name .

But  not  before asking Marshall to  keep  an eye  on our  Portia.

He  met  with  Miss Wu who  gave  him  the  information he  needed.

Maxie found out  that  Spinelli owns  Society Set Ups and  tells him to  tell everyone.

He  tells Maxie he  thinks Austin isnt who  he  says he  is  and to be  careful.

Meanwhile Austin talked  to  the  strange  Bald dude  whose  Boss is  upset  with Austin.

The  mystery  person's name begins with M.  My mind is reeling it  could  be  anyone .

Monica, Marty  or  shocker Madeline whose not  really  dead or Morgan.
Or  for  all we  know it  could  be  Jason.

Esme drugged the bartender after  going  to  his place .  

It  seems little miss psycho bitch face  doesn't  take  kindly to being called out for being the snake  that she is.

Anywho  Britt  threw  a drink at Cody , left her  date and had  enough  time  to change dresses.

She confided in Austin , who  I think  is  a  better match  for her  than he is for Maxie.

Portia  was  pacing  the  floor  worried about Curtis , who  had shown up  to  see the bartender.

Esme was  caught like a rat in a trap  ,  I can't  wait till  Curtis busts her  psycho ass lol.

That's it  for now until next time  guys , this is Mama Ashley, Judy, Cindy and Deana signing off  have  a  great  Sunday everyone.

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