
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Sunday, 7 August 2022

GHCànada Weekly GH Recaps Week Of August 1- August 5 th 2022

Good Afternoon me lovelies and welcome to our Monday August 1st 2022 Edition of our Weekly GH Recaps.

I am so excited to see GH this week.

According to the  preview  lol  its the battle royale  on the  rise between  Esme and Ava.

Today's GH started with  two  young girls crushing on Mac who descends out  of  the  pool.  

They call him a silver fox and Felicia lol overhears them and says" Sorry girls I'm mrs silver fox!"  And walks up to Mac and kisses him  lol.

Sam eavesdrops  on  a  conversation  Michael is  having on  the  phone. He  sounds  all  kinds  of  annoyed  at  Dex possibly.

TJ  is  upset with Willow for  not telling Michael she is very  ill.

Finn is worried about Elizabeth and wonders  if  she's  ready  to  be  back at work. She  says  she  was  cleared.

Trina talks about  taking  the stand  while her surrogate mama Ava  faces off with the succubus  that is  Esme  Prince.

Esme really is barking fucking mad !  She thinks hurling nasty comments at  our Warrior Queen Ava is  gonna make her  the victorious one in  this  story!   I think frigging  not !

Felicia makes me  laugh  , with  her  teasing Mac. Trina wants to know why  Diane wants to put Spencer back on the stand.

Spencer tells his dad that he had found òut that Esme was the one who had filmed Cam and Joss . Nikolas is  pissed and , but  not  with Spencer.

Ava calls  Esme sick and demented. Esme taunts Ava about Kiki and  Ava bitch slaps the  little  psychopath right  across  the  chops . Hell Yeah!! 

Felicia continues to  tease Mac.

Sam is putting her  super sleuth skills  a work out  and questions Michael.

Awe TJ  is  really  concerned for  Willow . He  leaves the exam room and asks for a consult from an oncologist doctor.

Portia  is worried  about Trina

Trina  is  ready  to  take  the  stand.

Ava fights with Esme and she winds up lol  knocking her on the floor with the fireplace screen landing ontop of her.

Finn admits he loves Elizabeth. Later on on the  stairwell at  GH she has a set back and she  has flashbacks of Peter being  injured.

Sam is excited when she  hears  Michael and Willow are expecting  a baby.

The oncologist doctor confirms TJ's suspucions. Oh  No!!!

Diane  tells Trina that her parents raised a very strong young woman.

Trina  takes the  stand.

Ava and Esme are really fighting  tooth  and nail,  Ava clearly is  the stronger of  the  two.

Nikolas gets a call and hears that some commotion has  kicked  off at Wyndemere.

Trina says  that  she saw Spencer at the time at  the graveyard  at the time that  the  video recording of Cam and Joss was  sent  to her classmates at PCU.

Diane pin points that what  Trina did  for Spencer was out of love not friendship and Vise versa.

Mac  talks  about  his  future  at  the  PCPD.  He  says  he  wants Dante to  replace  him  when  he  retires.

He  tells her  he's not ready to  retire  yet,  and he tells Felicia she should do more  work for Sam.

Oh  no Willow knows she's  got  something wrong . TJ tells  her  that she  has lukemia.

Ava and Esme fight  for  the  envelope Ava got it  lol. 

They shout at each other  and in the  struggle  the turret claims another victim .

That's  right Guys Esme took  a tumble  from  the  turret.

That's for now  , until next time  this  is  mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing  off have a  great  evening everyone.


Hey  all Tuesday's show was all a blur for me !

I was over tired and wasn't  focusing too much going on.

Ava  fought with Esme who  fell  off  the parapet.

Ava was petrified that someone  would find out what  she did  and Nikolas promised to protect her.

All  Nikolas found was a shoe.  Ava pointed out that if she can survive  a  fall like that so could Esme.

Willow spoke  to  both Terry and Britt about having a test done to see if she  had lukemia.

Elizabeth had a melt down and  Finn was worried about her.

Trina was cross examined on the stand and  things  were  not  looking  good ADA Arden  is  a  total  bitch.

Curtis  and  Jordan were putting  the pieces together about  Esme and her part in  the  drugging  of  Boz .

Willow  had the  test  done, and Michael was none  the wiser  .

TJ did not tell  him what  was  going on  because he promised Willow  he  wouldn't

Spencer was  arrested for escaping Springridge.

That's it  for  now,  this  is  mama Ashley , Judy and Cindy signing  off have  a great day everyone.


Good morning me lovelies , so let's get something straight Wednesday's show was  anything , but exciting.

Nina was  talking to  Sasha and was acting all cocky about owning half of  the hotel. 

Sasha was meeting Sienna . Brando  was in panic mode because he clearly couldn't find Sasha.

Joss filled Cam in on what happened at  the  courthouse. She tells him that Spencer got arrested for after giving  Trina  an alibi.

Joss says that he told the court  that he  escaped SpringRidge to visit his mother's  grave  at  the  time the video was sent at PCU.

Cam  tells Joss that  Spencer always knew Trina was innocent.

Trina is  confused about Spencer risking his freedom  to  help  her.

Jordan questions Spencer without  a lawyer present.

Ava and Nikolas talk about their cover story. She  tells  him that she's better off on her  own.

Brando  gets good advice from Sonny where Sasha is concerned.  He asks Sonny  to  lend out  a bodyguard for Sasha.

Cam tells  a  shocked Joss that Spencer  was playing Esme. Joss says Spencer is  either  very  brave or  stupid.

She is angry with Cam for not  telling  her what  Spencer is  up  to !  Cam told her that he  did not  want alot  of people  knowing .

Sasha tells Nina she  needs  a break  from Brando and that  no they aren't  splitting up.

Sasha tells Nina she's meeting  Sienna for dinner. Sienna is setting up  Sasha for Smoltz ugh. You  don't  betray your  friends like  that.

Trina  talks to  Rory about Spencer and how confused she is about what  he  did.

Ava is disgusted with Nikolas  for sleeping with Esme.

Spencer calls Nikolas and tells  him that he's been arrested. Nikolas tells Ava that Spencer gave Trina an  alibi for the  day that the  sex tape was posted.

Joss argued with Cam about Spencer and how stupid she thinks he was  for  going  rogue. She  wants  to  go  after Esme herself.

Nikolas tells  Ava to  calm down and let him help her. Spencer talks to Jordan.

I  love  Trina, but  i think she  should remain positive.

Sienna stupidly talks to Smoltz!Sonny tells Brando to  think  about it more clearly  before  tackling Sasha.

Sienna shows up  to  see  Sasha.

Nikolas arrives  at  the  PCPD to see Spencer. Uncle Marty shows up  to  help Spencer.

Ava shows up to see Sonny and asks him for help with Esme.

Jordan tells  Marty  they  need  to  contact the judge. Spencer  tells  Nikolas that  he  only  has anger and contempt for Esme.

Trina  rambles about her and Rory  just  being  friends. He  says he  doesn't want to be just friends.

Sasha wants to eat before  she  has cocktails.

I  love Ava asking Sonny for help.

Oh  dear  Nikolas told  Spencer  Esme is gone. Ava and  Nina meet up .

Nina tells  Brando Sasha is  definitely  not Ok.

Sasha catches Sienna  with Smoltz.

Oh  snap lol  the  shit  is  about  to  hit  the fan. Until  next  time  guys, this is  Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great day everyone.


Hey  Everyone  ,  Thursday's  GH  for August 4th got me absolutely riled and  not  in  a  good way.

In fact I have to say before I get started that Sasha and Portia were  the  biggest  draw for me  and held my  attention.

Forgive me for saying this  ,  but  normally I love  Carly , Joss and Sonny, but  its  just  strange seeing them  in  filler scenes  and not  front and centre .

Sonny talked to Brick about Dex and  his position within the organization.

He then asked  Dex to speak to one of the jurors in Trina's trial.

However Sofia and Brooke wow wow wow excellent scenes.

Sasha was shown vandalising Smoltz car after he had used Sienna to set Sasha up  to  get  a  story.

I  was thinking  holy shyte our girl is really getting  riled which got me feeling a myriad of  emotions.

I  was crying , in shock  and  angry at Smoltz for provoking  her  like  that.

You should never intentionally set out to hurt someone. Smoltz will  get  his comeuppence. 

 Karma will work  it's magic I'm sure.

In the mean time Brando was shown speaking to Sonny about Sasha .

Joss met with her mama complaining  about Cam keeping things from her  and of  course about  Sonny .

Carly told  Joss to  stop being angry  with Sonny and  move on  from it  like  she's  doing.

Portia , Curtis and  TJ, discussed bringing Oz out of his coma.

Portia said absolutely not she would  not  have TJ  risk  his  career doing  something  against  his  hypocratic oath.

Sasha continued to smash up scuzzy Smoltz's windshield and Brando tried to stop her.

Dante discussed his future at the  pcpd with Jordan .

Joss walked outside Kelly's and ran into Dex outside speaking to the juror and the guy looked scared.

He ran off after he said he could not  be  seen talking to witnesses.

Joss went back into Kelly's  and  told  her mom what  she  saw.

Jordan  gets a call that there was a disturbance.

Portia  tells  Curtis  she's  going  to  bring Oz out  of  his coma to  help Trina.

Dex talked to Michael on the phone and says  he  needs  to  discuss  his  job with him.

That's where Dante came into the  picture and saw the state Sasha was in .

Instead of Smoltz being  arrested  for  harassment our Sasha  was arrested for criminal damage.

I  was left in floods of tears when Sasha was inconsollable and being  led  into lock up despite  Brando  trying  to  stop  it  from  happening.

Oh gosh what a great show ,loved it !!! Until next time guys  this  is  Mama Ashley,  Judy and Cindy  signing off  have  a  great  day everyone.


Good morning happy Sunday my  darlings, so what  did we learn from  Friday's  show.

Well we learned that Chase may not  get  his  job  back.

We also learned that the Deception  ladies have to do damage control  after Sasha's  arrest.

At the PCPD Brando worried about Sasha who was non communicative.

She would not speak to Jordan.

Alexis and Gregory butted heads  about his article.

Sam met with Spinelli who was still acting sketchy and Sam wanted to  get down to the bottom of it .

And it became even more clear when  Spinelli saw Cody with Britt.

There has to be more to it than just  Society set ups.  

Linc showed up annoying  the hell  out of  Chase.   

Marty showed up to represent Sasha , he  thinks that the  best course of  action is  to have an insantity plea.

Lucy thinks they should get  another  face of Deception .  She says Sasha is still their friend and business partner, but she  needs  to get help.

He said Sasha needs help. Gladys showed up to see Sasha. I love Gladys and the way she is with Sasha.

Cody gave Britt the stamp book and  surprisingly she did not  hate it at all.

Alexis and Gregory are becoming  my new favourite pairing. Their banter cracks me  up .

Maxie shows up to meet Britt and apologizes for being  late.  Britt feels horrible about Sasha and hopes she's ok.

Linc tells Chase he has big plans for  him , but then tells him he knows he  and Brooklyn are up to something.

What  a  great  show, until next time, this is Mama Ashley , Judy and Cindy signing off  have a great Sunday everyone.

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