
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 8 August 2022

Happy 45th Anniversary Kin Shriner

45 years ago Kin Shriner took over the role of Scott Baldwin and we are glad  he  did .

Kin and Scott have been paired with  the most talented ladies in daytime which include Genie Francis, Robin Mattson, Lynn Herring, Jackie Zeman, Shell Danielson and Kathleen Gati.

Scott beneath his tough guy , grouchy exterior  is  a  lovely  man especially to  those he  loves .

Sometimes Scott makes me  laugh , and shake my head  , other times he  makes me  so  mad I want  to  reach  through the tv and slap  him.

Scott's dislike for Sonny  permiates through our screens  , but  in real  life he and Maurice Benard are best of friends and have a mutual respect for  each other.

Recently Scott and Sonny teamed up to attack Victor Cassadine , and  this is due to the fact Victor caused their private plane to  crash and Victor kidnapped Liesl.

In Scott's life he's loved and lost  way too many times , Susan Moore was murdered in 1983 and he lost Dominique to  cancer in  the  90's and 3 of his five  children.

The  only  times  I actually  disliked  Scott was  when it  was revealed it  was he  not  Laura who killed  Rick  Webber . 

Not to mention when he  harrassed  Lulu in  Shadybrook  after  Lulu  had  killed  Logan.

Oh  and  lets not forget  his petitioning for  conservatorship over Laura .

Plus  his  dislike for Jason  after conviently  forgetting  he  almost adopted him as  a  baby  before  Susan was killed.

His  romance with  Liesl I'm  so  here for  it ,  i  love  the  chemisry  between Kin and Kathleen Gati.

He's  a  shark in the courtroom ,  and a fighter  to  the  core  and that's why I love him.

Happy  45th Anniversary Kin Shriner,  and  here's  to  many years to  come.

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