
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 15 December 2017

General Hospital Canada GH Recap December 14th 2017

Ahem is this thing on me lovelies , lots of high drama on the December 14th 2017 episode of GH.

Finn was shown trying to get another room at the metrocourt after  Anna forced her hand and made him come stay with her under her protection.

As if this guy needs protection from Cassandra, he's a grown frigging man he doesn't need to be treated like a delicate flower.

Lulu was at WYndmere under the guise of  looking for Charlotte's Xmas list but she was really looking for the ballot slips. She's like a blood hound in search of a story

I love her but sometimes she does my freaking head in.

Oh good lord give me strength , then we had Lulu acting like a complete nut trying to suggest that Valentin rigged Felicia's election he wasn't even in Port Charles when it happened.

Use that beautiful brain of yours Lulu and realize your brother Nikolas was.

Kim went to see Monica who wants to get to know Oscar and bring him into the family fold.

Yes I think that would be awesome so he gets to know his family.

Meanwhile  Drew was at Kim and Oscars getting to know his son , I have to admit that Oscar is a little closed off , mainly cause this is all new to him and he's scared.

Nina was peod at Lulu for  even suggesting that it was Valentin and Valentin was shown talking to Cassandra.

Who he told to stay away from his family , this crazy assed bitch wants to partake of Christmas at Wyndemere when hell freezes over bitch seriously .

She needs to learn that skulking around and forcing yourself on other people does not win you brownie points nor does it endear you to them either.

Monica and  Kim had a nice chat where they discussed Oscar and Jason and Drew , but Kim told her that she and Oscar do not want the quartermaine millions.

Yes finally someone takes a stand lol 

Meanwhile  When Valentin got home he got into serious shit lol from Nina after she told him that Lulu thought he was involved in the Ballot scandal of course.

Then when she embraced him she smelled Cassandra's enchantment perfume on him and she was not best pleased. LOL Oh she was pissed off lol

Oscar was mighty pissed off at his mother and refused to talk to her and he said he had homework to do. 

She told him its up to him if he wants to get to know his father and his grandmother and extended family.

Duh no shit sherlock of course its up to him , he's a 15 year old kid with a mind of his own let him think for himself, give him space woman and stop harassing him.

Lulu was shown at the metrocourt with her mother and Kevin talking about the wedding which they want to take place Christmas day.

Lulu tells them as long as it doesn't happen before 8 am it should be fine and the kids will be excited about it.

Anna and  Finn just make me laugh my fool head off , his saying she had ice in her veins and would probably end up being a crazy cat lady lol. 

They wound up kissing and  we saw Jason and Sam  at the end of the show and they talked , oh gosh I love these two I want a Jasam reunion tout freaking suite

And that's it for now until next time guys have a great day

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