Good Morning me lovelies and welcome to another edition of our daily live chat. I know I've been awol for a day and I have some recaps to catch up on.
I'm about to bring you a double whammy of GH in one blog lol, yes I sure as hell am , since they all tie in to each other.
First of all Those Spencer Women Bobbie and Carly are the most amazingly funny, conniving bitches on the planet.
Yes that's not a good quality to admire however I love those women to death , if you want to argue with me about their flaws bring it on lol.
I've been a Bobbie and Carly fan forever lol , I know all this and I frankly could give two shits what anyone has to say on that matter.
Yes they push the envelope, Yes they open mouth insert foot a lot but one things quite clear Jackie Zeman and Laura Wright always bring in their A game when they are in scenes together.
Bobbie asks Carly if she wants her to help bury Nelle's body then says I'm kidding and says its up to Michael what he wants to do.
Kim tells Oscar that she wants to speak to him about his dad and asks him what he wants to know.
Michael tells Dante about Nelle being pregnant and he asks Michael if their dad knows yet lol.
Meanwhile we had a front row seat for Cassandra trying to worm her way into getting Finn to do her bidding. LOL to which Anna responded by giving him a house key to her place.
Nina ran into Nelle while she was with Charlotte and Charlotte told her that she was going to see Santa with her mommy and Nina and asked her if she wanted to come.
Nelle politely said no, as she has evil plans to hatch lol, no she didn't say that to Charlotte but it was being said inside my own head lol.
If she had really said that I would have pissed myself laughing
Lulu found out that Charlotte found a voting slip at Wyndemere , Sonny was left peod at the news that Nelle was pregnant.
Carly was left annoyed by it all, and you know what guys lol I really am loving our show lately lol.
On the show for the 13th LOL Nelle tried her best to get the best of the Corinthos family to no avail. This bitch will wind up in the pine barrens mark my words.
Oscar was worried whether the Q's and Drew would like him and Kim told him not to worry about any of that because he's a sweet boy which he is.
Ned said he could hear his mother cackling from across the ocean at Monica's insistence that Drew and Jason would finally get along lol.
Yea like that's going to happen any time soon lol or is it.
Britt and Nathan had a brother and sister reunion which I loved even as short lived as it was. I want to see them all together with their mother.
We also so Jason and Drew discussing things and Sam and Monica talking about both boys and what Sam's true feelings were.
Nelle met up with Ava at Kelly's it appears they might work together against the Corinthos Clan since they have something in common now a common enemy in Carson.
Sam had a lot to think about and met up with Jason on the pier he told her he wanted her to talk to him and Kim was asked to meet up with someone but we don't know who.
Love, Love Love it, but where is Obrecht we need to see more of her and her children lol.
We need a Britt and Lisel reunion lol Until next time guys have a great day.
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