
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

General Hospital, Lucy Coe & Me

As many of you know , I'm not one to hold back my thoughts and my feelings on things when it concerns General Hospital.

I laugh and joke around , and the show seems to hone in on the stuff I say on a montly basis, so when I created our fan site for General Hospital I went for it and I gave my thoughts and feelings on the places , the people of Port Charles that people should really avoid lol.

And then it happened ... the show went for it and they decided to have one of my favourite characters create a travel guide for Port Charles that emulated everything that we had said on our website.

Our site details many of Lucy's ramblings,  and we did our site long before the show did this storyline .  We made off a whose who of port Charles and what places,  to visit and which ones people should avoid all together . Lucy even stated as much herself.

Here is our website 

General Hospital Canada Website

What amuses me the most , is that something that we created was turned into somewhat of a gossipy piece of information that angered many of the residents in Port Charles because Lucy Coe  got pure pleasure out of exposing people's private business.

I jokingly have said in the past that I see some of myself in Lucy , but this took it to a whole other level of what the f#@%  you gotta kidding ,for me and made me think am I really as bad as her ?
I guess its a form of flattery when you do something that well that the show thought Oh I know who could be the perfect candidate to do this , it has to be Lucy Coe to be the one to do it, because she's got her finger on the pulse of everything, knows everyone in town and knows all the gossip.

It has become a talking point amongst the fans in General Hospital Canada, because we honed into the fact this is the sort of thing we ourselves had come up with it and are pleased the show would do it as well.  

Lucy is an awesome character so its an honor for it to be her to represent us  because she is such a breathe of fresh air , and yea sometimes she does tend to annoy us , but when it comes to everything we know and love and respect about the residents , and places in Port Charles New Yorks. 

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