Ryan , Ryan, Ryan , you think you got Lulu where you want her, well think again bro because Spencers do not play possum and they will never allow anyone to make them a victim , or anyone else for that matter.
Come to think if it neither do the Corinthos family , and since the families have intertwined with each other you're pretty much signing you're own death warrant.
So thinking you're playing it smart , you think you got the upper hand , well you're sniffing around the wrong door , because there's one thing for sure never underestimate the Spencer women.
They fight their own battles, but you see man you forgot one little piece of the puzzle , lol Lulu is married to a cop, and her father in law is Sonny Corinthos , all he has to do is make one phone call to Jason Morgan , and you're gonna be laying dead on the ground about ready to be buried in the Pine Barrens.
Obviously Ryan hasn't thought things through , cause it would never dawn on him that he's made a fatal error in judgement.
The PCPD are getting close to figuring things out , but most of all they have Lulu's help to trap you and get you done for once and for all.
Master manipulators , usually don't misjudge situations or people , but this time the cunning serial killer will be the hunted and not the huntee.
And what about the other piece of the puzzle , Carly still feels the need to find out who the guy in the next room beside her at FernCliff was.
There is no way in hell , my girl is gonna let that one go, she never has been one to go " Yes sir, no sir, I'll do as you say and drop it sir"
Carly is like a dog with a bone , when she feels like there's something weird going on, I have a feeling that she'll be the one to find out Kevin is at Fern Cliff and she will say " I told you something strange was going on and none of you listened to me."
I am one of the few who sit there and realize that people think Carly is crazy lol , but clearly the chick is onto something and its about time someone actually stopped and listened to her for once in their freaking lives.
She's not one to make shit up as she goes along, and yet people roll their eyes at her and say " Here she goes again" Those people will eat their words when the truth comes out, because like I have said before Spencers don't let things go , when they know something isn't right they're the first ones to tell you so.
And if you think you're gonna placate her or Lulu you got another thing coming because SPENCERS DO NOT PLAY POSSUM and frankly I like them this way, and let me tell you something else its likely never to change either.
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