You meet all sorts of people from all walks of life , but sometimes you have to go through hell at the hands of the devil to prove you're stronger and smarter than they underestimate you to be.
The element of surprise is what I get a kick out of when my faves are backed up against a wall and fight for survival and for those they love.
What i've learned from watching GH is you have to be one step ahead of your enemies and gotta beat them at their own game otherwise, you might find yourself in the same situation as Mary Pat and Kiki when they were killed by Ryan.
I dunno how in good conscious Ryan can impersonate the one person everyone in Port Charles loves and trusts! Who am I kidding ? This is Ryan Chamberlain we are talking about after all.
It irks me to the core how people like Ryan, and Shiloh can manipulate and twist things to their advantage and not thinking for one moment to do their research.
Jason , Drew , Sam, Alexis and Sonny will make that a-hole wish he never played Russian roulette in a mind f#$@ kind of way.
Preying on Oscar and Kristina will make Shiloh find himself deader than Jacob Marleys ghost in a Christmas Carol.
Yeah maybe Sam shouldn't have conned those men , it's something she did to survive, but in Shiloh or Hanks deluded mind he believes stalking Kristina's big sister is wise .
Both he and Ryan get sick gratification, of twisting and manipulating situations to their own advantage making the unsuspecting people trust them until bit by bit they leave them helpless and needing psychiatric help.
Julian is another manipulative asshole. I'm sorry but he is , the way he has manipulated Willow, and carried on Brad's lie just sickens me.
Oh and let's not Forget Nelle Benson the shadiest bitch of them all, Liesel Obrecht better work her magic and expose her and Michael gets his son back.
Shady, dispicable , and so wrong on so many levels , I can not wait for the major players like Ava, Alexis , Jasam , Sonny and Drew to take down those who have messed with their loved ones. I can see Shiloh crying like a little bitch when that happens. The truly intriguing part for me lol , would be if Franco joined the lynch mob and helped deliver some divine well deserved justice .
Yo scumbags prison is calling you, oh wait Nelle is already there, Julian , Brad , and Hank as well as Ryan need to join her.
Maybe Kevin can do a therapy session once he's free from FernCliff cause those nuts need their heads examined.
Yeah, yeah I can hear people saying , but they bring the drama so your faves have a storyline, yeah I get it , but come on you want what you want, but clearly its from my finger tips to the writers eye shot.
The question is will they listen or make these storylines escalate to turbo nuts in 60 seconds, but as they say the ball is in their court and I am but a loyal viewer who hopes and prays her faves get justice.
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