
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 10 January 2019


While I was watching GH yesterday , when Margaux told Lulu not to investigate the murders , that Ryan committed years ago because it would endanger the other citizens I said out loud " Umm Hello!!! She's a Spencer!!!"

The Apple doesn't fall from The tree,  Lulu and Carly like their father and mother respectfully , will solve this case before the pcpd do. And that is no joke.

I think in all seriousness though Margaux would benefit from the assistance of Carly and Lulu as well as the PCPD. These Spencer girls have the brains, the beauty and the help of our friendly neighborhood cyber genius who could help them figure what's what and that The man they think is Kevin is actually Ryan.

Telling them not to do something , is like trying to take a bone from a dog. Once they get an idea in their heads , they're like a dog with a bone and they will bull doze their way until they get to the bottom of the truth.

Like attack dogs those girls keep going, keep digging and once they do have the proof they're looking for they face the enemy head on and god help the pcpd because they will tell you " See I told you something wasn't right!"

This is where people like Jordan and Margaux groan with annoyance because these Spencer cousins aren't about to sit down and shut up.

They buck authority , aren't the type to behave themselves , do as their told and that is why I love these girls and Sam and Maxie.

You always gotta expect the unexpected where they are concerned,  if they suspect someone isn't on the up and up they will tell you point blank, you better watch that one I don't trust them.

Fans often bitch, that Lulu and Carly never mind their own business lol, but if  it were not for their gut instincts the police department would never solve a case without their help ,or the help of their friends  Spinelli , Sam , Jason, Drew, Sonny or Curtis.

For god sake , how many times do I see fans say shut up Lulu , or shut up Carly , I have to say  " Umm Hello she's a Spencer !!!" A Spencer woman does what she has to do , without thinking first and they help get the job done in the long run.

So the next time you see them doing or saying something , instead of saying oh Lord hear we go again why not remind yourselves " Umm Hello She's a Spencer!!!" And not likely to change her ways.

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