
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

To Live and Die in Port Charles

Some pretty scary heinous shit happens in the world of Port Charles and our fave legacy characters and their offspring take centre stage when things happen that are beyond their control.

Since the 80's GH writers have killed off more than a handful of young,  energetic girls with bright futures and it frankly sickens me.

It started with BJ Jones from a school bus accident  , we fans got over that but , we will never forget that Maxie is here today because she received her heart.

In 2006, 2007 and 2018, we fans were left heart broken when Courtney,  Georgie , Emily and now Kiki were all killed off for the sake of a storyline .

I could barley recover from Kiki's death before earlier this week Ryan Chamberlain stabbed Lulu Spencer.

For once can the writers not think of stepping back and think , " Umm maybe we shouldn't go there it's like kicking a hornets nest!"

I love the drama that unfold on our show , but sometimes being happy , and seeing it on screen makes our hearts happy and our libido swoon with sexy love scenes.

GH has been lacking that for the past couple of months , yes people suffer great losses , but not within one circle of friends and family.

It's bad enough Ryan and Shiloh are creeping me out , I know I'd like it to end sooner than later .

Sam has had her fair share of psychos after her and if it wasn't for
her tenacity, she would be another casualty if the writers saw fit .

In fact come to think of it , most of this shit that's gone down has affected Maxie Jones , losing her sister , two of her ex boyfriends  beung kindnsppec along with Lulu and almost being killed. It was only last year her husband  died st thevhands of of his own father and itmakes me so hopping mad it's beyond words.

Now her best friend lies in a hospital bed because some nutcase doesn't want her telling the world he's not who he says he is.

Yep Ryan Chamberlain is alive and well , and he's got his brother locked up in FernCliff.

Taking his place pretending to be someone he's definitely not , and preying on those who he deems untrustworthy or too nosey.

One one town can't be this crazy can it ? I mean seriously , I'd zap myself I and change things if I could , but I'm just a fan who knows one thing for sure.

If this is what life is like to live and Die in Port Charles,  I'd pack my shit and go.

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