2 0'clock during our live chat time is a fun place to be, we laugh we joke around , we talk about what's going on on screen , but something happens sometimes that does my head in.
As with anything in my day , some times NON gh fans ask a million questions , like who is that chick, why is she so bossy , or that one is an airhead when referring to Nina and Maxie. Or why do they hate so and so so much?
I totally understand when people who don't watch gh have questions , but last night someone tried to school me on GH and I was like WTF?
You have got to be kidding me , this person is not part of our ghc family , she never participates in groups period , she is apart of my off line life and she is aware that I run a group. I find it laughable that someone so braizen and thoughtless would try and tell me things she should be aware I already know .
In fact , when I was referring to Steve Burton in a conversation about Jason, she said whose Steve Burton ? I sat there going huh? What ? Are you kidding me right now ?
She goes , " Oh is that his name I never knew that " I politely told her to read the credits , so that She knows who is who!!! I totally understand she didn't know , but it gets tiresome to explain to someone who watches the show which character I'm referring to when I say their real names .
She then goes on a ramble about the Ryan storyline , telling me he's pure evil , did you know Kevin is locked up in Ferncliff? Again I sat there going wtf seriously?
She went on to say Lulu is the only person who knows Ryan is Ryan, but no one else has clued in. I politely said " Yes I know!" As if i don't pay attention lol. My admins and other friends you guys know I'm like a one woman 411 when it comes to GH.
You can't sit there and state the obvious , to someone who is one of the biggest gh fans going, someone who pays attention to every detail . I told her yes i know about that doesnt everyone.
Oh but that's not all , she then tried to school me on Carly Corinthos History , you have got to be bloody kidding me! Anyone who knows me in group knows I am the biggest Carly fan going and when it comes to her , she keeps me on the edge of my seat shouting , " That's my girl !" when she kicks someone's ass. Same goes with Sam, Elizabeth, Maxie and Lulu and their mom's.
I don't need telling Carly started off as a nasty bitch , umm she still is when the mood strikes her to do so !!! And yes I know Michael was kidnapped and Carly had a breakdown , and yes I know she has been played by 4 actresses.
My girl is a ticking time bomb , please for the love of the soap gods , I don't need to be schooled , because I'm the one who could school you lol.
She then said she felt sorry for Ava because of what happened to Kiki, stating she didn't blame her for yelling in Lulu's face! Are you for real I was thinking , she had no business doing that grieving is one thing harassing a girl who almost lost her life , is just so wrong on so many levels . It reminded me of when Alexis tried to brow beat Sam about the stem cells. Only crazy people would think Ava was well within her right to do what she did.
For me , its just crazy talk and non sensible thinking i dont notice things .
Let me tell you something , this girl doesn't miss a thing, like Lucy Coe I'm eavesdropping on every moment playing out and don't forget these walls have eyes .
I know older fans , think they know more than us younger ones , but sometimes it's better for them to sit back and listen to what we have to say or ask us what knowledge we have acquired over the years . Everyone has a wealth of knowledge in them that they like to share , in fact I love hearing other people's perception of storylines .
As fans we can learn from each other instead of bullying , acting more superior , or more knowledgeable than others.
I pride myself on being respectful towards everyone, especially fellow fans and the cast themselves .
I bite my tongue so often , that I think it might fall off, but sometimes, you just want to tell someone to shut the hell up .
People give others the wrong information, and I'm like , umm how about you check your facts before spouting off.
How about people educate themselves on the show , know the history , and stop acting like the other fan is technically a GH virgin of sorts .
I find it annoying, disrespectful and frustrating that someone tried to school me on something they themseves know I'm passionate about . Normally things like that don't bother me, but come on when you know I'm a gh super fan , don't try and talk to me like I've been living under a rock .
Having said that I think it's time , people stopped blurring the lines between who is a true gh fan and who is a non gh fan. Before talking down to someone think before you speak, familiarity breeds contempt when people down play what you know and what you don't know .
I never laugh at nor am I rude to newer gh fans , I give them the info I myself have committed to memory , and if another fan has forgotten something I never treat them like dirt.
My job as an admin is to share my knowledge , my passion , my loveable spirit with those who are part of my ghc circle and those who don't do social media .
All I have to say is for the love of the soap gods , please learn to respect me , and my feelings, like I do yours. Don't down play what I know , and just assume I don't have my finger on the pulse of GH. I might just surprise you with my fountain of knowledge.
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